Gaming Grand Theft Auto V | 2022: GTA+ (monthly GTA Online subscription) announced exclusively for PS5/Xbox Series

Ok I'm going to try that now. It really sucks you can't purchase one or park it and save it, or can you?

If you park it in Trevor's hanger or if you bought the Airport hanger, it will save. I did it a different way to Kraftwerker, I went in on a Sanchez bike, the entrance on the very west of the map. drive in then straight away turn right into a little walled ditch. You probably won't get a wanted level but if you do, the big walls means you'll lose it pretty quick anyway. Follow that ditch thing the whole way around the base, past two big water tankers to a gated entrance. (You might want to save here) Then drive through the gates and there's jets in a couple of different places, think I headed noth-east for a few seconds and came to one. Get in, take off and stay low otherwise they'll take you out with missiles.

Has anybody stolen a tank yet? I've gotten in one but the controls seem ridiculously hard I drive into walls trying to get out and get blown up.
Feeling disappointed by the main story and missions. I've entered the final stretch (6 or so). Hope it ends well.
Some of you are so precious about this game.

Breaking bad is criticised in its thread every now and then yet criticism of gta, which is obviously not as well put together gets all its fanbois up in arms.
Forget GOTY. This probably GGOAT. Ocarina can had over the title after 15 years of keeping it dust free.
Bought this from shopto and it arrived today, never played any of the GTA series and so far it seems like The Sopranos and The Wire rolled in to one... :lol:
Feeling disappointed by the main story and missions. I've entered the final stretch (6 or so). Hope it ends well.

I'm really enjoying the main story and even though I'm taking this one leisurely and slowly, I really like the three protagonists. There is one that has really bugged me though regarding the length.

I knew it was short, but the heist setup for the FBI heist counts as 4 individual missions, and two of them literally involved buying one thing. Since it's fairly short compared to IV, that kind of disappoints me a little bit. I was fine with the game length providing the content of the missions themselves was stretched out, but that's four of them which were so short and simple.
I've finally managed to find some time to play this more after initially putting 6-7 hours into it and then not playing it for over 2 weeks, God what a game this is. I'm 21 missions in and have just recently discovered Trevor, I'm blown away by basically everything - the design and complexity of the in-game world, story, characters, it's incredible experience and I've decided to take it slow so that I don't finish it in a week or so. I'm doing most of the side missions when I feel like it, I'm exploring the world, I do crazy stuff.

I love it.
To be fair, I agree with this to a degree.

Some of them that count as 'missions' are seriously dull and devoid of any challenge. Not all, but a lot.
Okay so I just finished the game.

This is my overall take. Very good but not special.

Before I go on, I'd like to say that the reason why it isn't just one post of criticism for me but many more is because I've grown up loving this series (well the fag end of growing up years I guess), and hence it is important to me.

Ultimately it's just left me a bit confused.

The world is clearly fantastic and there's a great deal of content and effort put into it which deserves plaudits. The technical aspects of it are huge jump from the previous editions as are things like character animation. I love how every character has a different animation style, it makes it so much more real to take control of different ones. Flying a plane feels awesome. The underwater stuff is a nice addition and generally everything is a nice big upgrade from the previous GTA. Also, I agree that this one brings the fun back. The humour is better and less held back than GTA4 which tried to be more gritty and sometimes forgot its sense of humor.

However, there's two things that, for me, keep me from really loving this game.

Firstly, the story is a bit drab really. After what I thought was a poorly done first mission, they do a nice job of introducing the characters to you and there's a nice freshness to the game. The multiple characters system works pretty much flaulessly. But once your characters know each other and their story "together" truly begins, it sort of meanders out into directions that are, for me, completely uninteresting. The FIB stuff was bullshit for me. I was just dying to get it done with, and sadly, it WAS the main story arc of the game. Devin Weston and Merryweather too were a nothing entity. Boring, generic bad guys who were hard to give a shit about. Compare that to San Andreas storyline of betrayal by friends, and revenge on a bully. Sure, you had one sortof "emotional" side with the whole Brad shit that happened ages ago, but does the gamer actually care about this whole bad blood between Trevor and Michael? I mean they spent most of the game bickering about it like a bunch of children and there was nothing to connect to really. Who gives a shit about fecking Brad?!?! Also the ending had to be the most obvious thing on this planet. Franklin was in the end so often stuck in between the two bickering women, and his role was completely reduced to a "just stop it, dawg" puppet, they were always going to give him the choice over everyones fate, since he was the "neutral" one.

Secondly, the missions themselves could have been so much better. All of them seemed to focus on what youre doing rather than how you do it. There was no difficulty to them at all and no nuances to them apart from one or two where you could go stealthy if you wanted to. It was all just a simple point A to point B thing where the only thing that mattered is how things develop once you do it rather than how you get from A to B. The fact that the mechanics arent particularly brilliant doesnt help either but when a game is of this scale, it's okay for the mechanics to be a bit simple.

Overall, I just have mixed feelings about it. It's good fun like all GTAs, it's huge, it's full of content, but the two things above just hold it back from being something I can say is truly brilliant. The worst part is, I want to rate it, because I've always loved this series. So much so that I feel I should give it another go. But yeah overall as of now, I'd give it an 8.5/10 to 9/10 or something like that.
Technically the game is incredibly well done. They don't do the best game mechanics, by any stretch of the imagination, but they know how to pay attention to detail and get creative.

Trevor is worth the price alone :lol:
It's all the little parodies I love
Just crashed into someone that hard that it wiped one of their wheels straight off the axle.
Stopping a load of cars on the freeway then throwing a sticky bomb is one of life's simple pleasures.
Ha! Uninstalled the update and got everyone to a nice base of 1 million or better over the weekend. Take that, Rockstar!
Stopping a load of cars on the freeway then throwing a sticky bomb is one of life's simple pleasures.

I prefer throwing one out of a moving car, preferably to an oil tanker, then following it around until I see the perfect carnage spot.

Or even better, I just pull up to people at the lights and give them the finger and plenty of honking. When they drive off, chase after them doing the same and eventually they'll cause an accident or get mad enough to want to fight. Then I call the cops and watch, sometimes it ends up in a multi-car shootout.

I have issues :lol:

The sticky bomb thing works well for robbing armoured cars, too. I just follow them until they stop at some traffic lights and toss the bomb on the back doors, you just need to leave a bit of space when you do decide to set it off.

The sticky bomb thing works well for robbing armoured cars, too. I just follow them until they stop at some traffic lights and toss the bomb on the back doors, you just need to leave a bit of space when you do decide to set it off.

I've spent ages before now trying to throw grenades in the back of pick-ups. It's hugely rewarding when one lands perfectly :lol:

I also drive around near Sandy Shores waiting for people pulling speedboats so I can drive them straight off a jetty into the lake and rob the boat. I have no idea why, it just amuses me!
I don't even think I've done half the missions yet. They are boring. I aim to get there, but inevitably something catches my eye or some bitch pulls out on me, and it's on!

I'm wasting my life :lol:

:lol: the number of times I've been heading to a waypoint to start a mission and ended up with a massive wanted level because I've followed and killed someone who cut me up.
:lol: the number of times I've been heading to a waypoint to start a mission and ended up with a massive wanted level because I've followed and killed someone who cut me up.

Every fecking GTA there's shit drivers right? Pull out on an angry man armed to the teeth and think that's acceptable behaviour?

It's like when you pull someone out of their car and they have the cheek to get up and want some. How the feck can you not get back out and and hand it to them? If they particularly piss me off, I then do a burnout on their head. You know, to make my imaginary point :lol:
I didn't realise that destroying cars owned by online players puts you into the "bad sport" category. Some chump put a bullet in my head because I rammed into his Viper. I re-spawned close by him, sprayed him with my Uzi as he pinged around the corner, killing him at the wheel. I collected his cash and then sped off in his Viper before driving it off a pier, rolling out at the last second. He chased me the whole way in a stolen car. He gets out of the car, hellbent on revenge. The time it takes him to get out of the car, I manage to empty a shotgun into his face, then wheel off in his stolen car. He re spawned at the beginning of the pier, where I manage to drive through him as I was speeding off, killing him for a 3rd time.

I don't think I've ever had more fun.
Just finished the game. Chose Deathwish as the final option but will redo the mission to see how the others go.
This game is fecking brilliant, and I haven't even played it yet to confirm.

Poor Chop! :lol:

:lol: Yeah it can be a lot of fun!

Vice City was by far the better game, and I think San Andreas was a better package, but this is a very good game in it's own right. If they actually bothered with the mechanics more, it'd be absolutely immense!

I type this as I chase down some bird in a car who looks like one of my exes. fecking bitch DIE!
Has anyone done the last triathlon? I legit had to pause it numerous time because my thumb was hurting so much.
I'm starting over again. I'm not happy that I've not loved this game.