Gaming Grand Theft Auto V | 2022: GTA+ (monthly GTA Online subscription) announced exclusively for PS5/Xbox Series

I don't really get it though. Isn't the bawsaq based on actions from online? so how can it be affected by the single player event?

It appears you're right.

Basically, if people are heavily investing in Ammu Nation, then their stock will rise. That would be a good time to take my money out.

If we had any nous we could leak rumours into the world about our stocks. Or we could convince GM to invest his billions into the Bawsaq, then we all take our money out. We could cause the depression but we'd all be rich!
Just did the yoga mission where Michael starts seeing chimps and aliens. Weird but brilliant.:lol:
Just heard I get $1m free on GTA online for participating in the beta :drool: Surprised they've done it as it takes an age to earn 1/10th of that online. Luxory hotel and super car for me :)
Just did the yoga mission where Michael starts seeing chimps and aliens. Weird but brilliant.:lol:

I did that, when he was flying through the sky? I didn't know what to do or how to end it so I just nosedived him into the sea and swam out and it was fine. :lol:
I did that, when he was flying through the sky? I didn't know what to do or how to end it so I just nosedived him into the sea and swam out and it was fine. :lol:

I just nosedived him into one of the taller buildings but then he just woke up.
It's a great game and environment but it hasn't sucked me into the story like Vice City and San Andreas did. Think a replay of San Andreas is in order.
I think I have to do a Lester mission before it will let me do an FBI FIB mission. Is that right, did anyone else discover that?

I set up the FIB mission,
got the masks, the boiler suits etc
and then got a phone call from Fanklin saying he had to do a Lester mission before he could to the FIB

I think I have to do a Lester mission before it will let me do an FBI FIB mission. Is that right, did anyone else discover that?

I set up the FIB mission,
got the masks, the boiler suits etc
, and then got a phone call from Fanklin saying he had to do a Lester mission before he could to the FIB


I think you have to do the first assassination one to continue the story. It's annoying that I can't access bawsaq to trade those shares.
I think you have to do the first assassination one to continue the story. It's annoying that I can't access bawsaq to trade those shares.

Damned. All those people/sites saying to leave them to the end.

I started doing it but then quit the mission so I could buy shares with the other lot.
Damned. All those people/sites saying to leave them to the end.

I started doing it but then quit the mission so I could buy shares with the other lot.

Yep the first assassination you need to do to allow the story to progress. The rest you can leave till the end.

I just finished the 3rd assassination mission and am at about $320m per character.
So the chick was playing this and went to the toilet. She left Trevor in my capable hands.

By the time she came back, she was stuck on a peak, had 4 stars, and I'd deliberately shot all the tyres out of her escape ride. Considering how seriously she takes it and panics at escaping from the cops, it was funny as feck :lol:
Okay, so, don't break into Fort Zarcudo. I went in, got 4*, and got hit by a rocket from point blank range by a tank. Seemed excessive.
If you're quick you can steal a jet. Stay low when you fly it out though as they'll shoot you with missiles. I've been trying to steal a tank but haven't quite done it yet
I have to say I have found myself dreaming of what they are going to add in future dlcs. It's not that the game is small (it might be a bit too small) or boring or incomplete, but there is a feck tonne more they could add to improve the game.

1) Better cops. In previous games I grew to loath the cops, the bastards they were. I killed tonnes of them on fun rampages that ended in one of two ways: My death or getting to a safe house. Payandsprays or getting busted were lesser possibilities. Now it seems that it's either too easy to avoid the police or too annoying. A lot of people are talking about how it falls down, but it just needs a bit of tweaking in my opinion.

2) Vigilante, Ambulance, Fireman, Taxi, Zombies? This definitely needs to be reintroduced. Trying to beat your mates on this was always great and you could play it as much as you want. The tried and tested modes probably needs updating, so Zombie, Virus, Alien, modes, etc. Just games that use the actual GTA open world (rather than Golf and Tennis).

3) More dynamic open world. The people coming up to you are great but it's all very short and sweet. Why not multi part stuff? And more of it. Also, when police are chasing someone, I try to help and then get a wanted level. Why?

4) More Heists. Dynamic Heists.

5) More enterable buildings.

6) Better dynamic stocks. In GTA 1+2 you could join a number of gangs, and slowly build up rep. With these stocks, why not similar? Buy stocks in one taxi company, then blow up taxis from another company. Or do missions for one taxi company, then when the other taxi company is worthless, buy it and do missions for them...

7) Gangs. See above. Gta 1 style gangs mixed with SA gang wars would be great.
I mean how much fun would that be? If there were around 5 taxi companies, and you can get a share in one, then do missions for it taking down the others. Then when you have nearly obliterated that company, sell your shares in the one you were currently working for and buy another outright, then slowly build it back up buy blowing up other taxis, assassinating the rival clients, etc. This could be at any time outside the main storylines. Obviously rival gangs would be protecting the rival taxi companies which would add to the fun and mayhem,

Eventually you'd own all the taxis around with your own colours and emblem.

It would run the risk of different company types being repetitive (taxi, construction, whatever), but much of the game could be dynamic and unscripted. Gangs destroying each others taxis, having to kill random taxis or clients.
feck me, I've just heard Michael ripping on Trevor for being a hipster, laughed so much I had to pull over and listen
I love the random things that happen, my car set fire, so I called fire brigade, they turn up and put it out, then one of them gets run over, so he pulls the guy out of his car and gets knocked out so an ambulance turns up

Managed to catch a great photo of the fight
I love the random things that happen, my car set fire, so I called fire brigade, they turn up and put it out, then one of them gets run over, so he pulls the guy out of his car and knocks him out

You called the fire brigade!? Never thought of doing that,
Anyone tried the hanger/Arms Trafficking missions? Ridiculously same-ey. Getting Bored of them. Do they ever end? I wanted to recoup my investment before the 1st assassin mission.
Anyone tried the hanger/Arms Trafficking missions? Ridiculously same-ey. Getting Bored of them. Do they ever end? I wanted to recoup my investment before the 1st assassin mission.

I don't know if they end, but I did a load around the time I did the bounty hunter missions. There should have been a lot more of those instead!
For some reason I've got a bug where I am re-doing a mission I have already done. So I go to finish it, dump the plane and get out, and have found I have "failed" for getting out the plane :S
I think my game isnt saving :(

Edit: Nope thats not it. feck knows, Weird shit is happening with trevor
Right, I'm trying to stock trick on the first mission from this guide:
I'm sorry if a max cash guide has already been posted, but upon following a few of the other guides and taking tips from commenters on those guides I saw I could make more than the post title advertised.
Things you should know
  • New trading days begin every day at 8AM, except on weekends - so check your phone each day at 8AM when advancing time.
  • Franklin's bed advances time by 8 hours.
  • You don't have to save to advance time, just go into the save screen at a bed then back out.
  • Rebounds usually occur to the companies which stocks you damage. The trick is, after you sell off your stocks which have skyrocketed in price you buy up all of the damaged companies shares and sell them once they come back up to price. This is how you make the big bucks, and that is what I mean when I say rebound.
Terminology used in this guide
  • INVEST BEFORE MISSION - Buy up as many shares as you can on each character before you start the mission.
  • SELL AFTER MISSION - Sell all of the shares you bought before the mission when you complete the mission AND the stock has peaked at the amount specified in the step.
  • BUY AFTER MISSION - Buy shares in this company across all characters after the mission, as their shares have been damaged and they will rebound.
  • SELL AFTER REBOUND - Sell shares in this company after they rebound. The peak rebound is mentioned in the description of the step.
  • Rebound - When a company whose share you have damaged raise back up to their old price, allowing you to make a lot of money.
If you are just starting over, then it is recommended that you follow this guide:
If you have already done some of the heists... Don't worry! You can still make quite a lot of money. Also, most heists don't really matter as they pay such a small amount of cash compared to the Union Depository. I highly recommend following the above guide for at least the final heist, as I made about $40M off of it which allowed me to make this much money.
STEP I - Starting
Begin the story. Keep going through all of the missions, don't worry when you do the LifeInvader assassination as you can't affect stocks at that point.
Step II - The Hotel Assassination
Before you can move past the story at a certain point, you'll have to do The Hotel Assassination. In this you are damaging the shares of Bilkington in order to raise the shares of Betta Pharmaceuticals. Betta Pharmaceuticals peaks at around 80%, and I am unsure about Bilkington (please comment if you find out!)
SELL AFTER MISSION: [BET] BettaPharmaceuticals (BAWSAQ)
The last two steps aren't very important and and to be honest this assassination will hardly change the outcome at all as you have very little to invest, but you may as well if you want the extra cash.
Step III - Complete the story
Finish off the main storyline. If you did the last heist right, you should have around $40M to spend on each character. Now it is time to make some real money.
Step IV - The Multi Target Assassination
In this assassination you are damaging the shares of Redwood in order to raise the shares of Debonaire. The Debonaire stocks will peak at around 80% return, with Redwoods peaking at around 300%.
You may have to wait a few days for Redwood to rebound, so just keep sleeping until it peaks.
STEP VI - The Vice Assassination
In this assassination you are damaging the shares of Facade in order to raise the shares of Fruit. The guides that I have seen have often missed a crucial step in this assassination: invest in Facade as it rebounds. The Fruit shares will peak at around 50%, with Facades peaking at around 30%.
This step is the difference between making around $1.5B and $2.1B, so make sure you don't forget it. Once again Facade may take some time to rebound so just keep sleeping until it hits the peak.
STEP VI - The Bus Assassination
This assassination is slightly different as it focuses entirely on the Vapid stock rebounding after you damage it. The Vapid stock rebound will peak at exactly 100%.
You'll have to wait a few days for the stock to rebound, so keep advancing time and checking the stocks at any time after 8am.
STEP VII - The Construction Assassination
This assassination has no rebound and focuses on getting GoldCoasts business back from another construction firm (not on any of the stock exchanges). The GoldCoast stocks will peak at around 80%.
And that's it... You've finished the assassination missions and probably made a tidy bit of money. If you followed the heist guide, you probably easily made max cash on all characters. If not, you likely came close (as I did, I didn't see the heist guide until I was well into the game)

We'll see about this Basdaq vs LCN thing.
I've had that loads.

Just manually load the latest save, should be right. Also I make sure I quick save after everything too, that seems to cure it.
Yeah its weird. I did a mission, quick saved, loaded, and was a hundred miles away. I think it did save though, just didnt know where to place me.
First part of that guide, confirmed. BettaPharmaceuticals up 32% on BAWSAQ

Now 38%, waiting. 47%, waiting. 60% waiting. 80% (despite it being past 20:00), waiting. I think it has peaked at 81.49%.

Sold at 81.49%. It might have gone a bit higher, not sure. Looks like Bilkington has started rising.

Hmm, nope, has kept falling.... Losing money
Those stock guides work perfectly fine - ended up with about $1.2b for each character (although have invested a $1billion from each character into the bawsaq stock market, but will prob sell that stock tomorrow before online launches).

I wouldn't be surprised to see some weird fluctuations on the stock market over the next couple of weeks. Ammu-Nation dropped recently - but would have thought that stock is only going to increase as people continue to buy more and more weapons and ammo from the Ammu-Nation stores online. Particularly since there isn't a competitor that you can buy guns and ammo from (which is strange come to think about it).
I don't know if they end, but I did a load around the time I did the bounty hunter missions. There should have been a lot more of those instead!

I dunno what happened with the Bounty Hunter missions for me. Some woman told me he was by a quarry but I've no idea where that is.
I dunno what happened with the Bounty Hunter missions for me. Some woman told me he was by a quarry but I've no idea where that is.

Near Sandy shores, to the right on the map. The guy's at the bottom of the quarry
Ah ok. There's still blank parts of the map I just haven't been to yet.
Those stock guides work perfectly fine - ended up with about $1.2b for each character (although have invested a $1billion from each character into the bawsaq stock market, but will prob sell that stock tomorrow before online launches).

I wouldn't be surprised to see some weird fluctuations on the stock market over the next couple of weeks. Ammu-Nation dropped recently - but would have thought that stock is only going to increase as people continue to buy more and more weapons and ammo from the Ammu-Nation stores online. Particularly since there isn't a competitor that you can buy guns and ammo from (which is strange come to think about it).

There is. Don't know the name of it, but there is a competitor. Unless you're referring to in-game, when Ammu Nation is the only store to buy from.

In any case, the Bawsaq is affected by online stuff, in the real world. GM buying $3bn worth of Ammunation would see the price spike.
Has anybody witnessed a person get up after being knocked out yet? I've yet to see it, they might as well be dead.

Also, calling an ambulance for someone in my game is pointless. They do feck all to revive a person that's only been puched in the face, never mind shot.
What's the best way of collecting them alive? Started again to see the other side of the missions and work the stock market better. Only did one last time which was the quarry guy and I slaughtered him by 'accident'.