Gaming Grand Theft Auto V | 2022: GTA+ (monthly GTA Online subscription) announced exclusively for PS5/Xbox Series

80%? I've been having too much fun to get anywhere near

I've had immense fun doing everything to get to that level of completion. I love the side quests and different activities to do so I'm not bored at all.

Oh, talking about the car thing. I modded out a car and then put it in my garage and the next time I looked it wasn't there or in the impound so I have no idea where it's gone.
Has this lived up to expectations then? Gunna be getting it on Tuesday and will be mainly doing the single player stuff.
What does "becomes yours" mean though? I modded the shit out of the one that disappeared.

There should be a way to keep it as your default car. Trevor still travels around with that red truck of his despite having a Bugati. And there's no point in driving it to missions if it's going to be impounded every time.
Not certain about offline as there doesn't seem to be the same options for me at the minute but online you can add a tracker etc and "own" a car which is always available or in the impoud lot. You have to pick one in the tutorial which then is always available but that's just a standard car/bike but buying one with cash once you progress lets you use that and it's always with you.
Has this lived up to expectations then? Gunna be getting it on Tuesday and will be mainly doing the single player stuff.
So far for me:
storyline 10/10
Triple character dynamic 10/10; it would be nice to be able to switch between them on friend dates though.
Shooting and fighting dynamic 9/10; excellent for a 3 red person duck and cover
Driving 9/10; a bit too easy but much better than 4
Police 8/10; too easy. The duck and hide is much more fun than the old carnage until pay and spray model, but it's too easy. Twice as many police at 3 stars would be good.
Outside the missions: 7/10. I'm running out of things to do.
Do you count
So far for me:
storyline 10/10
Triple character dynamic 10/10; it would be nice to be able to switch between them on friend dates though.
Shooting and fighting dynamic 9/10; excellent for a 3 red person duck and cover
Driving 9/10; a bit too easy but much better than 4
Police 8/10; too easy. The duck and hide is much more fun than the old carnage until pay and spray model, but it's too easy. Twice as many police at 3 stars would be good.
Outside the missions: 7/10. I'm running out of things to do.
Do you count things like "finding" things as outside the missions or as side missions? As there is a lot of finding to be done. There are the stunt jumps, the under the bridge challenges aswell as having to find things for the strangers/freaks.
Has this lived up to expectations then? Gunna be getting it on Tuesday and will be mainly doing the single player stuff.
So far I'd say it has. Or maybe it depends on the expectations. It's by no means a 10 out of 10 game or anything like that (no game is actually) but it's better in most ways (so far) than gta4 and that makes for a very good game.

But I don't think it's revolutionary or anything. Ign said the " next gen starts when rock star says so" but I don't feel this is next gen. It's not a leap. It's an improvement and tweaking of a tired and testing game that is proven over the years.
Do you count things like "finding" things as outside the missions or as side missions? As there is a lot of finding to be done. There are the stunt jumps, the under the bridge challenges aswell as having to find things for the strangers/freaks.
I don't count them at all really which is part of the problem I guess... But. I will do them at some point but I don't think they are as fun as vigilante missions or police chases. Also I think nearly everyone would struggle to do then without a guide making them not really part of the normal game. IMO.

Harsh but as much as I like unique stunts, they aren't a staple.
So far I'd say it has. Or maybe it depends on the expectations. It's by no means a 10 out of 10 game or anything like that (no game is actually) but it's better in most ways (so far) than gta4 and that makes for a very good game.

But I don't think it's revolutionary or anything. Ign said the " next gen starts when rock star says so" but I don't feel this is next gen. It's not a leap. It's an improvement and tweaking of a tired and testing game that is proven over the years.

That's about right. As I said before GTA4 was launched, that went backwards in favour of the new gfx engine and said this would return to San Andreas levels. Which it has.

It's a very good game, but again it's individual parts could be a hell of a lot better. Driving especially.
That's about right. As I said before GTA4 was launched, that went backwards in favour of the new gfx engine and said this would return to San Andreas levels. Which it has.

It's a very good game, but again it's individual parts could be a hell of a lot better. Driving especially.
I quite like driving in this one. It's a bit too easy to manoeuvre but gta is about getting across to places quickly I guess.

My biggest issue with it is how simple the actual missions are. For example, a heist instead of being some complicated task which is intense and challenging, ends up being a really simple set of tasks which are quite dated in their mechanics. First aim and shoot at characters that pop up on your screen ( sniper), maybe some shooting at very dumb baddies, and then drive from point a to b. There's very little depth in these core mechanics that are used in these missions and hence they end up as very very easy.

It's still a quality game because it packs so much in it and hopefully due to the story ( let's see).
What's wrong with the driving?
Slightly too easy, or not lifelike enough, or not enough depth or progression to it.

For me, its a very minor criticism. I've died a few times because of my reckless driving and it's a good amount of fun. I can see the criticism though, but its match better than GTA4. IMO
In the faster cars when going around the city it's actually quite tricky at times if you're not using Franklin and his ability. I think it is lifelike enough for a GTA game actually.
I wish there was better RPG mechanics. It's too easy to level them up, take michaels flying for instance, got gold on first 5 flying school lessons and he's 100%
Yeah, flying school in planes is easy. Managed to get all golds with that, it's just the helicopter ones i'm finding hard to get gold on.
Yeah, flying school in planes is easy. Managed to get all golds with that, it's just the helicopter ones i'm finding hard to get gold on.
Yea I did gold in all plane ones on first try apart from 1 and that was only because I did first loop before it told me too
What's wrong with the driving?

It's like plastic cars on sheet ice, and they (especially the bikes) are barely even connected to the road.

Don't get me wrong, it's not terrible by any stretch of the imagination, is much better than 4 and I'm not expecting forza levels of realism, but it should at least be up to something like Driver 1 standards and be fun. It's a bit like the Tennis/golf and shooting mechanics, all functional and do their job, but not really fun or very deep for too long.
The only thing I properly dislike is the Wanted system. It's shit. You basically can't do a proper chase with cops, you just find a little off-road or alley and wait there and hope.
It's like plastic cars on sheet ice, and they (especially the bikes) are barely even connected to the road.

Don't get me wrong, it's not terrible by any stretch of the imagination, is much better than 4 and I'm not expecting forza levels of realism, but it should at least be up to something like Driver 1 standards and be fun. It's a bit like the Tennis/golf and shooting mechanics, all functional and do their job, but not really fun or very deep for too long.

I love the driving. Exactly how I expected it. Shooting is great too. Have you turned auto-aim off?
The only thing I properly dislike is the Wanted system. It's shit. You basically can't do a proper chase with cops, you just find a little off-road or alley and wait there and hope.

Yeah, it is weird what they've done with it. Coupled with the fact with normal weapons it rakes ages to blow up cars and that now, you can't even have a proper shoot out.
It would be fine if there was twice as many cops. Or something
Driving in the hills and drifting like a rally car is an absolute joy. I'm at my girlfriend's so can't play but it's one of the few things I could think of to help me get over the shite I've just witnessed.
Driving in the hills and drifting like a rally car is an absolute joy. I'm at my girlfriend's so can't play but it's one of the few things I could think of to help me get over the shite I've just witnessed.

I'm stuck visiting my folks and I just wanna play as Trevor and go on several rampages.
Done the first heist which I enjoyed. Hopefully they'll get even better and more challenging as the game goes on. Out of interest, in the first one does your team have any bearing? I picked the average gunman since I was going in quiet and smart and Michael commented on that afterwards, but would anything have changed with the better one?

Now done Trevor's first mission too which was fun. Playing as a proper psychopath will be quite a change. Surprised at the brutal and quick killing of such a badass protagonist in GTA IV though.
The only thing I properly dislike is the Wanted system. It's shit. You basically can't do a proper chase with cops, you just find a little off-road or alley and wait there and hope.
I just snipered 8 people while outside a hospital, waiting a couple of minutes, no cops in sight, as soon as one showed on radar I walked ten yards round corner, sat in a parked car, police then turned up and drove past
Some of those are brilliant. Escaping from the cops just got even easier though. Mind you, the wind trailer thing and the gasoline/car thing sound like must do's next time I'm playing the game.
Finished this now, and it was great fun, but GOTY is still The Last of Us as far as I'm concerned.
That was brilliant. I stumbled upon the bushes thing myself.
I never go to the strip club without my submarine.

Due to travelling I've basically not played it since Thursday, just played a little bit today and am still amazed at how wonderfully executed this game is. Can't wait until I actually have any time to play it properly.
Not sure if anyone else finds this annoying but sometimes I've stood beside someone and they have called the cops. For standing.