Gaming Grand Theft Auto V | 2022: GTA+ (monthly GTA Online subscription) announced exclusively for PS5/Xbox Series

Funny part about gta is that people are playing as Michael and co feeling great about themselves whereas the game mocks them with their mirror image, jimmy.
motorbiking down chilliad - brilliantly fun even if I do die within 10-20 secs!
Personally I think I should be promoted as I was the one who brought crews to everyone's attention
Installing my Special Edition :drool:

Talk to you guys in a few weeks. No multiplayer for me until I 100% the Single Player. Love you all!
I love these random encounters so much. Just had one where a guy stole some cash from someone at a gas station, and drove off in a car. I chased him to the motorway, and used Franklin's special ability to get next to him, so I could slam him into the wall. His car flipped, and he climbed out and ran off back the other way, so I had to get out of my car because there was no way I could get through oncoming traffic to him. As he's running away, a huge truck smashes into him and sends him flying backwards to me. He only had $500 on him though, which is shit reward for all that effort.

Also just knocked into someone's car, so they got out to fight me. I'm holding L2 and Square, ready to dodge his first attack, when he gets flattened by another car. Ruined my fun :(.
Damn flying a plane is fun on this!

So went to the international hanger and stole a plane while the cops were shooting at me. I fly over Los santos with them having given up, feeling all good about myself and the planes engine dies. I was noticing black smoke coming out of the plane before it happened. Anyways I just steered it to the most appropriate place to for the crash which is of course the middle of the road.
I came across a traffic jam with an oil tanker in the middle. Kind of guess what i did next...
How do you get the parachute for when you jump out of a plane? I completed Flying School with Michael last night so not sure if that helps.
How do you get the parachute for when you jump out of a plane? I completed Flying School with Michael last night so not sure if that helps.

Buy one from ammu-nation but they won't unlock until you do a certain side-mission. You can find one at the top of the cable car though.
it's impossible to travel anywhere with trevor without shooting someone in the head and starting a massive shoot-out.
How do you get the parachute for when you jump out of a plane? I completed Flying School with Michael last night so not sure if that helps.

How long does flying school take to complete? I only bothered entering the code last night to get my special edition shit activated.
How long does flying school take to complete? I only bothered entering the code last night to get my special edition shit activated.
I think it took me about 20 mins last night - although that was with Trevor, who was already a good pilot.

Some of the lessons are harder than others - did the speed runs for both helicopter and plain on first attempt - which surprised me!!
My mate just texted me this. Apparently he took chop down the beach for a play with his ball and wasn't aware that he couldn't swim.


I find myself spending time roaming around, beating people up and doing random things like stealing cars and then crashing them. I have so far played 3 missions after spending almost 4 hours on the game. Love this so far.
Yeah I haven't done that many missions. I get distracted way too easily :lol:
I just looked out at the car park at work and was deciding which one to steal before realising I'm not allowed to do that.
Yeah, I'm spending far too much time dicking about too.

I've nearly got Franklin's Stamina bar up to the maximum level... he's a beast at Triathalons.
I was thinking of starting up a new thread so these didn't get lost and it'd be nice to compare without flicking through pages of talk, but I see there's already 2 threads for this game so wasn't sure if it'd be worth it? Anybody??

Anyway, stats time!!!

Time Played: 0d 7h 53m 49s
Missions passed: 18
Total Kills: 487
Total Headshots: 170
Total Deaths: 20 (explosion 8, falling 1, traffic 1)
Cops Killed: 35
Noose Killed: 14
Times Wanted: 20
Times Busted: 0
Wanted Stars Attained: 47
Wanted Stars Evaded: 32
Longest Wanted Level Duration: 3m 11s
Vehicle Kills: 31
Cars Stolen: 25
Motorcycles Stolen: 4
Time/Distance Cars: 2hrs 5m - 94miles
Times/Distance Planes: 8m - 14miles
Times/Distance Helicopters: 5m - 7miles
Cash Earned: $160,380
Cash Spent: $62,056
Accuracy: 29.9%


Time Played: 0d 7h 39m 54s
Missions passed: 25
Total Kills: 95
Total Headshots: 61
Total Deaths: 8 (explosion 2, falling 1, traffic 1)
Cops Killed: 9
Noose Killed: 3
Times Wanted: 12
Times Busted: 0
Wanted Stars Attained: 25
Wanted Stars Evaded: 24
Longest Wanted Level Duration: 3m 19s
Vehicle Kills: 11
Cars Stolen: 35
Motorcycles Stolen: 2
Time/Distance Cars: 1hr 50m - 94miles
Times/Distance Planes: 29m - 73miles
Times/Distance Helicopters: 9m - 10miles
Cash Earned: $741,805
Cash Spent: $521,349
Accuracy: 13.17%


Time Played: 0d 7h 57m 45s
Missions passed: 20
Total Kills: 143
Total Headshots: 60
Total Deaths: 9 (explosion 1, falling 1, traffic 2)
Cops Killed: 22
Noose Killed: 4
Times Wanted: 25
Times Busted: 0
Wanted Stars Attained: 57
Wanted Stars Evaded: 42
Longest Wanted Level Duration: 4m 7s
Vehicle Kills: 12
Cars Stolen: 45
Motorcycles Stolen: 4
Time/Distance Cars: 2hrs 23m - 109.5miles
Times/Distance Planes: 0m - 0miles (White men fly, Black men jump..)
Times/Distance Helicopters: 0m - 0miles
Cash Earned: $455,005
Cash Spent: $314,061
Accuracy: 60.3%

Total(approx. cuz, cba)

Time Played: 0d 23hr 30m
Missions passed: 63 (not just Story missions!!)
Completion: 42%
Total Kills: 725
Total Deaths: 37 (explosion 11, falling 3, traffic 4)
Cops Killed: 66
Noose Killed: 21
Times Wanted: 20
Times Busted: 0
Wanted Stars Attained: 129
Wanted Stars Evaded: 94
Vehicle Kills: 54
Cars Stolen: 95
Motorcycles Stolen: 10
Time/Distance Cars: 5hrs 20m - 294miles
Cash Earned: $1,355,000
Cash Spent: $900,000

For me, the most interesting and yet not at all surprising is that I've played a similar time with all 3 characters but have 487 kills as Trevor, yet 238 with the other two combined! I doubt that's to do with missions, maybe a little, but mostly because with Trevor I just don't give a fecking shit.

I expect to see better completion rates for time played. I expect to see less deaths, a better evaded to attained status than me. And interested to see
I expect people will have earnt far more money on stocks, I lost a lot at the start by guessing before listening to radios/Lester - plus, I don't feel the need half the time, since you never seem to be low on money anyway and I don't really need to buy shit (somehow spent 900k, feck knows what on!)

Ofcourse, add/ignore stats that you want! This is going to be interesting!

Come on.. nobody wants to share their stats? :(

Shameless bump!
feck me. I was getting bored of being the good guy and giving people their wallets/bikes back when they got stolen in random events. I was pissing about with Trevor and a kid got his bike taken so I mowed the guy down. But I couldn't be arsed to give it back for no reward so just told him to do one and rode off. My mate just told me he had the same thing happen and the kid sent a text and gave him 100 grand the next day. Confirmed online and I'm pretty sure it was the same guy. feck me.
feck me. I was getting bored of being the good guy and giving people their wallets/bikes back when they got stolen in random events. I was pissing about with Trevor and a kid got his bike taken so I mowed the guy down. But I couldn't be arsed to give it back for no reward so just told him to do one and rode off. My mate just told me he had the same thing happen and the kid sent a text and gave him 100 grand the next day. Confirmed online and I'm pretty sure it was the same guy. feck me.

Kharma. Gta style!
Does anyone know what's supposed to happen in the random event when a bunch of pipes fall on truck and there's a guy stuck inside?

I panicked and shot him in the head. Did anyone else approach it differently?