Gaming Grand Theft Auto V | 2022: GTA+ (monthly GTA Online subscription) announced exclusively for PS5/Xbox Series

Had pre booked the game weeks ago, decided to get it tonight at midnight. GameStop advised to go in at 10pm and pay and come back later, took 40 mins in a queue to pay, but then reckoned the actually collecting of the game would be easy.

Went back and the entire car park was full and the queue was actually at the door of the shopping centre that GameStop is in. Wasnt arsed

What a waste of an evening
My day tomorrow:

Wait for the delivery. Quickly go out and buy a new controller and grab a subway. Hopefully all done by 12. Back home and get on gta until 7:45pm, have a nice two hour break watching Ashley Young and Antonio Valencia better the 'Bebe crossing show', then back on gta for as long as my eyes stay open.

Repeat procedure next day minus buying controllers, subways and watching Ashley Young imitate Tom Daley.

My day is something like "Get GTA at midnight, go to sleep for a few hours then wake up at 7am, go to uni where I have no stop classes until 2:30, drive home just in time for United to start at 2:45 and then finally at around 4:30 I will be able to play the game. Even then it will only be for a few hours as I have work to catch up :mad: This weekend cannot come quick enough.
I got the first raffle ticket at my local Asda at about 9pm, went home, walked back in at about 11:58 and was directed right to the front of the queue, that was fun. Installing now. I've got work at half 8, doesn't bare thinking about.
It's funny how many of you feckers have already paid for this on pre order but want to go and just buy it now.
This game is seriously good!

I customized my car via the iFruit app, and there it was waiting for me in game after the first mission - complete with my custom SWOOSH licence plates!!
It is amazing. Picked it up till midnight and called it a night at 5. Really is brilliant. Just need to find a tattoo shop. :lol:
Mine should arrive today so I'll get, at most, an hour on it before setting off to United. On the plus side I've been accepted into the closed friends and family online beta :D
Mine just arrived from Amazon via Royal Mail 'Signed For'. Thank God my girlfriend was up because I would have missed the delivery. I never even heard the bell! I would've been so pissed off.
I'm back to Uni on the 25th so I have nothing to do apart from play it. The joys of student life. :)
Lucky buggers. Although I can't complain. I probably have a month free before I start work again.

I'm not sure whether I'm more excited about this or pes.
I'll basically have this rented for almost 4 months. I think that's about enough to get the most out of it.
I hate you all that has the game and has a day off, i was hoping to leave work at 4 today but I've got so much work to do I'll be lucky if I get home before 6.30
I hate you all that has the game and has a day off, i was hoping to leave work at 4 today but I've got so much work to do I'll be lucky if I get home before 6.30
Getting home at 630 is late and considered a day when you've got so much work?

You're luckier than you think.
I would have booked the day off but I have barely any holiday left and I don't believe in pulling sickies
Too bad this isn't out on PC. Anyone knows if it will be available for PC anytime soon? Maybe around the time the PS4, XboX One version come out?
Next year. Go out and buy a PS3, it's cheap.