Gaming Grand Theft Auto V | 2022: GTA+ (monthly GTA Online subscription) announced exclusively for PS5/Xbox Series

Ok so this may have been asked before but I've not been following the thread, so I apologise if so. Does anyone know how long after the PS4 launch this will be released? Don't want to spend money on it for the PS3 only to buy a PS4 and have it come out straight away!
Ok so this may have been asked before but I've not been following the thread, so I apologise if so. Does anyone know how long after the PS4 launch this will be released? Don't want to spend money on it for the PS3 only to buy a PS4 and have it come out straight away!
It probably won't come out on ps4, not for a few years anyway
I got this already, it was ordered for me as a birthday present. My only problem is the dvd drive on my xbox is busted and I haven't got around to getting a new one. I haven't played the xbox in ages because of the drive being broken and I've been very busy with work lately. So I have this game sitting here but no way of playing it. I'll try and get time next Saturday to see if I can find somewhere that sells drives or are able to fix mine. By that time everyone will have probably completed the game
They'll be porting it to PCs at some point next year and that's when the next-gen version should come out as well.
Almost nailed on it will come out on PS4/Xbone.
So for the people that have it, has it lived up to expectations so far?

It is good so far, I've not played it loads but the mini games are good fun, the cars are excellent as is the soundtrack. The mission where you get the dog is funny as feck too.

I think you will need to get solidly into it before it gets breathtaking though.
My boss just asked if I could do overtime on Tuesday. Told her I can't because GTA was out. Don't think she was impressed. However my male boss said he understood and he wished he had the day off himself.
My boss just asked if I could do overtime on Tuesday. Told her I can't because GTA was out. Don't think she was impressed. However my male boss said he understood and he wished he had the day off himself.
There's no way that can possibly have happened in a professional environment.
anyone make any purchases from Game? trying to make payment on their website but it won't process for me using either my card or paypal
There's no way that can possibly have happened in a professional environment.

I don't work in a professional environment, I'm stuck in a warehouse which is like a school playground. In my defence I said it without thinking for a second about it, I didn't say it to her intentionally and by then it was too late. As for the male manager well he is well known for not giving two fecks about the job. He hates the place so tends to say whatever he wants.
I don't work in a professional environment, I'm stuck in a warehouse which is like a school playground. In my defence I said it without thinking for a second about it, I didn't say it to her intentionally and by then it was too late. As for the male manager well he is well known for not giving two fecks about the job. He hates the place so tends to say whatever he wants.

:lol: I just can't imagine going to my manager "no, sorry there love, I got's me some hardcore gaming to do, find someone else teh cater fer yer needs".
:lol: I just can't imagine going to my manager "no, sorry there love, I got's me some hardcore gaming to do, find someone else teh cater fer yer needs".

The second I said it I thought to myself, 'oh shit!!'

The bitch caught me off guard you see. I was doing something when she asked me and the lads had been talking about GTA just 5 minutes before then so naturally it was on my mind at the time.
I've been playing GTA4 this weekend to get into mood, it's still a brilliant game. Liberty City will never be as good as San Andreas or Los Santos for me but it's still one of the best games of the generation. I also bought Max Payne 3 (again, I finished it already when it came out) and am looking for Red Dead Redemption and LA Noire to fully celebrate Rockstar's awesomeness.
GTAIV was far too serious in its tone and execution, the expansions were far better games.

Not to mention the city was boring and the graphics were too blurry/murky.
There's no way that can possibly have happened in a professional environment.

To be honest, what can the bosses say? It's not exactly on sparkys rota or his shift or whatever. I used to always say stupid things when asked to work overtime "nah having a BBQ" "goin the casino" "going out so will be hungover" I'd sometimes get moaned at, but other times they'd just say "oh alright".

Bosses try to spring extra shifts/overtime on you at shortest notice possible the wankers. My old job knew about needed extra workers for weekends but ALWAYS waited till Friday 6pm as lads were walking out the gate to ask them.

I remember one time, was sat in the van ready for work and someone else shown up... Too many for the van, I jumped out and said he could go as I had better things to do. Fair enough, walked off round the corner and heard my name shouted, so ran like a cnut. Ahhh gran turismo 4 release day :)
To be honest, what can the bosses say? It's not exactly on sparkys rota or his shift or whatever. I used to always say stupid things when asked to work overtime "nah having a BBQ" "goin the casino" "going out so will be hungover" I'd sometimes get moaned at, but other times they'd just say "oh alright".

Bosses try to spring extra shifts/overtime on you at shortest notice possible the wankers. My old job knew about needed extra workers for weekends but ALWAYS waited till Friday 6pm as lads were walking out the gate to ask them.

I remember one time, was sat in the van ready for work and someone else shown up... Too many for the van, I jumped out and said he could go as I had better things to do. Fair enough, walked off round the corner and heard my name shouted, so ran like a cnut. Ahhh gran turismo 4 release day :)

Make a decent bloody excuse, I'm on a pretty hefty project at work right now that's involved a few Saturday's, if I want to get out of it when they ask me I just say I've a wedding to go to or parents anniversary or some shit. Can't argue with that. I'm not going to go "nah feck that, wanna get pissed and then laze around the house playing games lads."
GTAIV was far too serious in its tone and execution, the expansions were far better games.
I'm actually playing Ballad of Gay Tony right now because I figured I wouldn't be able to complete the full game before Tuesday.

I'm taking my PS3 to Italy.
Just completed my first mission where you choose what to do. fecking brilliant and an excellent feature.
Make a decent bloody excuse, I'm on a pretty hefty project at work right now that's involved a few Saturday's, if I want to get out of it when they ask me I just say I've a wedding to go to or parents anniversary or some shit. Can't argue with that. I'm not going to go "nah feck that, wanna get pissed and then laze around the house playing games lads."

It was a mistake on the spur of the moment :(
Are the car crashes realistic on this?

All I want is for them to get car crashes right so I can go around causing pile ups
Eh kind of, there isn't enough damage I don't think.

The city is strange, it doesn't have anything overly impressive that I have found so far, but when you get into the country. Wow. Just wow.
Yes but I want a game where I can go around causing massive horrible car crashes.

Is that too much to ask?
How do you link your ps3 to your rock star account?

Not that it matters for 2 more days
I remember Burnout.

You couldn't drive freely around though, and it was over the top.

I want REALISTIC horrible crashes. Now.