Gaming Grand Theft Auto V | 2022: GTA+ (monthly GTA Online subscription) announced exclusively for PS5/Xbox Series

I never really got into GTA 4. Was just a little too realistic for my tastes, much preferred SA which to me was the pinnacle (although I never played a great deal of GTA3 or VC). Think I would prefer to play a new RDR before GTA 5 although I'm sure I will still buy it
Interesting to hear that GTA4 is nobody's favourites despite it being the newest release. You would think that they would get better? Is GTA5 expected to be the best one yet or will it be similar to GTA4?
Different parts of different GTAs were better. GTA 4 was expected a more well rounded game than SA with a better main character. And I preferred its realism. On the other hand I thought its music was the weakest of the series. Also SA's plot twists were better than 4's.
Nah I thought GTA IV's plot twists were much better to be honest.

When you looked back on it Dimitri's betrayal made sense in a way. He made you trust him but he was sly and you could appreciate the move from a storyline point of view. He seemed like a mundane character at first but then transformed into this brilliant villain. SA just had a bunch of friends betraying a dull, generic main character for the sake of it to make the plot more exciting and explosive.

I still liked SA and thought it was a great game, especially for it's time, but IV's storyline exceeds it in just about every way possible in my opinion.
Rockstar Games has revealed the first official piece of Grand Theft Auto 5 artwork today.

The concept art shows two figures wearing jumpsuits and gas masks getting out of the back of a van, and - as it is Grand Theft Auto - both figures are of course also carrying assault rifles.


Rockstar did not provide any context for the artwork, which may be depicting a mission from the upcoming game.

The studio also teased that there will be "lots of info coming next month" about Grand Theft Auto 5.

Announced last year, Grand Theft Auto 5 is thought to follow the exploits of lead character Albert De Silva, played by Ned Luke.

It was originally rumoured to have a release scheduled for this year, though more recent retailer listings have suggested it could arrive in March 2013.

Up until now Rockstar Games has remained tight-lipped, not confirming a release date or platforms for Grand Theft Auto 5. Presumably that will change next month when the studio reveals new details.
I had the exact same thing copied and ready to paste from the newbies.
It would be cool if they had a mission where you have to drive out to the desert to take out two meths cooks. GTA has always had little odes to popular culture.
Yea, that would be good.

I'm really looking forward to this, GTA games always steal large portions of my life.
It does look promising. They tried to make it too real and gritty in GTA IV. Probably my least favourite of the modern series.
I enjoyed IV for the most part, but I agree it didn't capture me in the same way as Vice City.
It does look promising. They tried to make it too real and gritty in GTA IV. Probably my least favourite of the modern series.

Yeah, there was just something about it that I wasn't blown away by. I enjoyed it, but ya know....meh. I will be buying myself a PS3 soon and will get this get along with a few others
SA had it perfect (not a perfect game but the essence of how GTA should be) in my opinion because of the whole gang thing. Having loads of random boyos on your side and being able to just go and shoot some of the rival gangs up. Specially with the areas that you could take over to earn more money. It added depth that being a lone ranger with no real enemies/friendlies doesn't give you. A nice balance of the realism from GTA 4 and the daftness/characters of SA would be great.
Errrrmm, how is she taking pictures of herself like that on the beach?
You can take an image using a front camera on iPhone too.

I'm guessing they've changed it to iFruit or something.
Looks like Kate Upton. feck I hardly play video games outside of Fifa but I'm really excited for this.
Multiply playable characters. Not sure how that will feel in a GTA game. At least it provides an easy way to slot multiplayer in if they want to again.
Might be weird, but if the younger guy is a gangster type like in SA then I'd welcome it with open arms. Could be interesting to have a regular criminal/mob character (like III and VC) and a gangster one (like SA) to mess around with.
Whilst im looking forward to this, I really could not get into GTA IV. I honestly preferred Prototype and Crackdown in terms of a city sandbox game. I think the moment i disliked GTA IV was when they introduced the "must be hilarious because he's overly camp" character.
I mentioned before, I never finished GTA IV before because my PS3 bricked while I was playing it and I couldnt be bothered to start again. However, this thread put me in the mood and enough time had elapsed so now I am playing it again, and I must say I am enjoying it a lot more this time around - I am quite a bit further in than I got last time as well. The real downside is the music which is weak, but the missions and the gameplay is great. Definitely getting me right in the mood for a new offering.
Weird, I absolutely loved GTA IV. I've loved every one since 3 but this was by far my favourite, I loved the storyline, characters and that extra bit of realism too.

Another screenshot
I can see Im definately in the minority here....I absolutely loved GTA 4, I liked the whole Nico/Roman dynamic, empathised with the main charecter etc. As opposed to San Andreas which is the one Ive enjoyed least out of all gta games. It felt tedious, unwealdy, compleatly unlikable characters.....just left me totally cold.
Freeeeaaaak. Maybe you should have turned the heating on.
Not against it being with 3 protagonists. I've always enjoyed it with one, but if there's a company I trust to introduce such a change and do it right it's these guys. Might open the doors for a lot of fun and different perspectives.

That said, I think it will be only one as usual.