Gaming Gran Turismo 5

it's ok because we'll sell them downloadable packs to finish it! (All under the guise of legitamate expansions like other games).

To be fair to them, they haven't pulled that trick yet, and have constantly been updating/patching the game, we'll see when they add more premium cars and more tracks whether they will give them out for free or not, they should do, especially for those of us that bought Prologue and have supported them over these years. In terms of tracks, it's known what tracks they have been working on, because the names of them exist on a cracked BD of Prologue, and it includes the like of Valencia, Spa, the list goes on and on.
Well we know exactly why that happened, they wanted a showcase of one of their big first party ip's, but someone somewhere screwed up the timings and Sony finally put their foot down about 4 1/2 years into development. What bothers me more is not the game itself, because it's pretty much exactly what I said it would be (remember our discussions earlier in this very thread, when I was apparantly getting called a wanker by idiot newbs :lol:), because it's still a pretty good game. It's the precedent that seems to be getting set even more nowadays that a game can be half finished, but it's ok because we'll sell them downloadable packs to finish it! (All under the guise of legitamate expansions like other games).

I hope I'm wrong, but somehow knowing the state of the industry right now I doubt I am.

For me they shouldn't have had the standard cars at all. They're great bonus but make the game look half finished. They did weather well I thought and the premium cars are up to such a standard so that they never have to do them again until somebody can make it photo realistic.
For me they shouldn't have had the standard cars at all. They're great bonus but make the game look half finished. They did weather well I thought and the premium cars are up to such a standard so that they never have to do them again until somebody can make it photo realistic.

I suppose it comes down to what you are happy with. I'm personally not happy to pay good money for unfinished products, no matter what they do to hide it. In this case there's absolutely no excuse other than the people at the top obviously screwed up the plan. Coming on top of charging good money for a glorified demo, it just doesn't sit well with me.

Much like the f1 games, yeah it will probably improve for the second one because most of the hard work is done, but it feels (and pretty much is) like being ripped off.
I suppose it comes down to what you are happy with. I'm personally not happy to pay good money for unfinished products, no matter what they do to hide it. In this case there's absolutely no excuse other than the people at the top obviously screwed up the plan. Coming on top of charging good money for a glorified demo, it just doesn't sit well with me.

Much like the f1 games, yeah it will probably improve for the second one because most of the hard work is done, but it feels (and pretty much is) like being ripped off.

Kind of how I feel, really. I can fully appreciate the amazing graphics (and I play them on a 50" HDTV when I'm at my parents house, so I know just how good they are!) but it's just underneath it all that it disappoints me. I love all the detail into tuning, all the different makes and models etc - but it's like you were discussing earlier, when you have 15m credits, and can buy a set of tyres for 36k that mean you can win a race very very easily... it just feels very unfinished.
I suppose it comes down to what you are happy with. I'm personally not happy to pay good money for unfinished products, no matter what they do to hide it. In this case there's absolutely no excuse other than the people at the top obviously screwed up the plan. Coming on top of charging good money for a glorified demo, it just doesn't sit well with me.

Much like the f1 games, yeah it will probably improve for the second one because most of the hard work is done, but it feels (and pretty much is) like being ripped off.

Thing is though, I don't feel ripped off. It still is a massive game and you can see the progress. Its like the whole diamond in the rough thing. Something you never see with Codemasters regardless of what they do.
Kind of how I feel, really. I can fully appreciate the amazing graphics (and I play them on a 50" HDTV when I'm at my parents house, so I know just how good they are!) but it's just underneath it all that it disappoints me. I love all the detail into tuning, all the different makes and models etc - but it's like you were discussing earlier, when you have 15m credits, and can buy a set of tyres for 36k that mean you can win a race very very easily... it just feels very unfinished.

..... Champion thats always been GT. You choose do that if you want.
Thing is though, I don't feel ripped off. It still is a massive game and you can see the progress. Its like the whole diamond in the rough thing. Something you never see with Codemasters regardless of what they do.

There's two parts to my response to this. The first is that it's completely cool if you don't feel ripped off, I'm not trying to say I look down on you or anyone for liking something unfinished. It's more the point of it becoming the norm and much like those who accept F1's flaws and say "well I enjoy it" sooner or later a game is going to make you feel ripped off for being half done. It's a precedent. This of course isn't the first game it has happened to, but it is one of the highest profile ones and the way they brush it all off, especially with the bollocks premium cars thing. I mean in the next uncharted will you accept some enemy types being lower res?

Secondly, you can't differentiate Sony and Codemasters here because they've done exactly the same thing. Both have released unfinished games knowingly. It's irrelevant what happens in the future, unless you are expecting a discount for paying for this iteration.
There's two parts to my response to this. The first is that it's completely cool if you don't feel ripped off, I'm not trying to say I look down on you or anyone for liking something unfinished. It's more the point of it becoming the norm and much like those who accept F1's flaws and say "well I enjoy it" sooner or later a game is going to make you feel ripped off for being half done. It's a precedent. This of course isn't the first game it has happened to, but it is one of the highest profile ones and the way they brush it all off, especially with the bollocks premium cars thing. I mean in the next uncharted will you accept some enemy types being lower res?

Secondly, you can't differentiate Sony and Codemasters here because they've done exactly the same thing. Both have released unfinished games knowingly. It's irrelevant what happens in the future, unless you are expecting a discount for paying for this iteration.

F1's flaws go well beyond just the face and you know that. Yes GT is not finished but I feel they're fully aware of that. Going by what i've read about Kazanori, he wouldn't be happy with the finished product. Sony themselves have alot to blame for the way the game finished. 3D support for one shouldn't have been integrated but it was. Then they wanted GT psp which was a massive game in itself. It's all well and good saying they have an unlimited budget, but if you don't have the numbers, then you're going to struggle. Most probably the reason that Polyphony are expanding in Japan.
Kaz never brushed off issues. The fact they've patched the game as much as they can shows otherwise. Guys like EA and Codeys brush them off. If there is an issue, they may patch it, or just leave it and wait for next years version. The only thing now that actually looks unfinished is the standard cars and the fact it's missing a few tracks. Even still there is 30 odd tracks to start with which is a fair number.

For me you can differentiate codemasters and Sony. Codemasters have used existing code and slightly modified it. I can tell you that the same problems from F1 2010 will continue into F1 2011. They refuse to rebuild an engine that is severely outdated and just continue to tart the same thing up without fixing the decay in the heart of it.
F1's flaws go well beyond just the face and you know that. Yes GT is not finished but I feel they're fully aware of that. Going by what i've read about Kazanori, he wouldn't be happy with the finished product. Sony themselves have alot to blame for the way the game finished. 3D support for one shouldn't have been integrated but it was. Then they wanted GT psp which was a massive game in itself. It's all well and good saying they have an unlimited budget, but if you don't have the numbers, then you're going to struggle. Most probably the reason that Polyphony are expanding in Japan.
Kaz never brushed off issues. The fact they've patched the game as much as they can shows otherwise. Guys like EA and Codeys brush them off. If there is an issue, they may patch it, or just leave it and wait for next years version. The only thing now that actually looks unfinished is the standard cars and the fact it's missing a few tracks. Even still there is 30 odd tracks to start with which is a fair number.

None of that changes the fact what is, is. I'm not comparing F1 2010 to GT5 as a game, but as a project. In fact what makes GT5 worse IS the unlimited budget.

I'm not sure if you realise this, but a team as huge as the one that worked on GT5 shouldn't take 6 years to build an engine from scratch. Add a possible, I dunno 3?, more years and that'll be 9 to get a complete game. Sound like a fair amount of time with such a huge team and budget to you? Yes there were extra pressures and no I don't think they are as shite as Codelosers, but what I do know is they reached for the stars and fell short. What resulted was good, but rushed and not finished. Much like F1 2010.

The Premium cars thing only came along when they started to realise it was never ending, so yes that's one cover up right there. Trying to make it seem like you are getting a bonus, when in it's the opposite. Of course I would also make that call if I worked for them, most would. Doesn't change my point though does it. Oh and don't think they'll definitely stay the same for all future GT's either. It's a nice idea, but this sort of boast isn't unheard of, in fact I wasted a large chunk of my professional career listening to producers claim scaleable assets ;) (although I'm obviously aware this isn't quite the same thing, but more polygons being pushed will always demand higher polygon counts in assets).

For me you can differentiate codemasters and Sony. Codemasters have used existing code and slightly modified it. I can tell you that the same problems from F1 2010 will continue into F1 2011. They refuse to rebuild an engine that is severely outdated and just continue to tart the same thing up without fixing the decay in the heart of it.

You are letting your heart rule your head on this one. For example you are trying to compare what's underneath, and there can be no comparison there. We know GT5 is superior, there can be no doubt. However it's the shame shit from two different companies and it's a trend that will continue if we keep buying into it and accepting half finished products. Do you not agree?

I do like Gt5. I've played it enough to know I enjoy it, but I won't buy it because it's not worth shelling out for that and a wheel, it's just not good enough for me to bother with. Which is a shame, but I did say all along after hearing some inside things that it wasn't going to be quite the game people were proclaiming and fanboys were shouting about. Let's hope the next one is.
I'm going to start giving away some cars that I tune.

This week its a Mustang '05' thats been tuned to 650bhp. Been lightened to just over 1400kg and has new rims and paint job. The clutch has been improved however the gearbox and suspension remain unchanged ala Shelby.

I call this , The Boss
just bought the f2007 and I must say, it feels completely different to prologue. Alot less floaty and much more how you'd expect it to feel. Weaste, i've only done 7 laps of Monza and my best is a 24.7 on hard tyres. Might go and tune it a bit and see if I can get low 24's
I'll give it a go later but I don't expect to be any good, I've been trying to get to grips with the rally special events having never bothered with them before so I'll have to get used to the F1 which should be funny.
just bought the f2007 and I must say, it feels completely different to prologue. Alot less floaty and much more how you'd expect it to feel. Weaste, i've only done 7 laps of Monza and my best is a 24.7 on hard tyres. Might go and tune it a bit and see if I can get low 24's

Oh, that's my best mate, on soft tyres, I average probably mid to high 26s.
They completly fecked up the Force Feedback too, honestly its borderline silly how strong it is even on the lowest setting. But then there is no official settings for the Logitech G25/27 in the options.
I did a few laps of Monza in the F2007 last night, can't remember the exact time but it was low 1:24, I just couldn't get into the 23's.
Message from Weaste to R_Nick

I think there is an adapter out there but its about £50. Honestly though they should patch proper support for it because it ruins the experience of driving the faster cars, it feels alright in a road car but plain silly with the F1 cars & LMP's. You can map buttons by using another wheel profile but I want to fine tune it, not wrestle it.
just got this game. 608mb (at the very least) of updates though........ good thing I'm hungry and it's dinner time....
I got this today. Been ploughing though my licences (done international B, too low level to do international A).

I remember in the older games, a Skyline was one of the best cars to buy early on (they could be souped up something rotten). Are they still the best way to go for someone wanting to plough though the levels?
They give you the car for the licence tests. A-spec you need appropriate cars for appropriate events. If you want to rack up some money and you can get hold of the cars, the special events are also a good way to do that.

Someone sent me the F2007 for that part of the special events, I think it was Leg-End, if he tells me how he did that without losing the car, I'll happily send you one, or the F2008 (bought that myself) if you want. When you can gold those Ferrari F1 events you can build money really really fast.
They give you the car for the licence tests. A-spec you need appropriate cars for appropriate events. If you want to rack up some money and you can get hold of the cars, the special events are also a good way to do that.

Someone sent me the F2007 for that part of the special events, I think it was Leg-End, if he tells me how he did that without losing the car, I'll happily send you one, or the F2008 (bought that myself) if you want. When you can gold those Ferrari F1 events you can build money really really fast.

Cool, I've done a few of the special events (the Karting and the NASCAR ones) and have about 100K to spend, kinda want to do it myself rather than get a free car thats gonna blow everything out of the water.
I don't know if they have patched it since, probably best to check that. But all you do is backup your game save, go in game and send the car then quit and restore the save.

But yeah I'd try and play it as you go first, you get plently of cars as prizes.
Cool, I've done a few of the special events (the Karting and the NASCAR ones) and have about 100K to spend, kinda want to do it myself rather than get a free car thats gonna blow everything out of the water.

Sorry, I meant seasonal events, the Ferrari F1 is in there.

What do you prefer, the 2008 or 2007? You can't use these cars outside of that seasonal event and arcade mode.
I don't know if they have patched it since, probably best to check that. But all you do is backup your game save, go in game and send the car then quit and restore the save.

But yeah I'd try and play it as you go first, you get plently of cars as prizes.

Thanks, I'll give it a check. If it doesn't work, he can always send it back to me I suppose, I have the other one to mess with anyway.