Gaming Gran Turismo 5

Right, this has sat on my shelf for too long. I'm going to start playing it. Does anybody know if you can get a Fiat 500 Abarth, or do you have to upgrade?
The reason I ask is because I've just passed my B licence and I can only buy little cars at the moment.
Right, I need some advice. There is a seasonal event for Honda Civics, and I've a slight problem with one of them, Clubman Stage Route 5. I'm using a Civic Type R 08, but however I try I can't get more than within 2 seconds of the leader (race is over 5 laps). The car is vanilla on comfort softs, so what's the best option to upgrade the car to make up this little difference? Racing softs? Max PP is 450.
Right, I need some advice. There is a seasonal event for Honda Civics, and I've a slight problem with one of them, Clubman Stage Route 5. I'm using a Civic Type R 08, but however I try I can't get more than within 2 seconds of the leader (race is over 3 laps). The car is vanilla on comfort softs, so what's the best option to upgrade the car to make up this little difference? Racing softs? Max PP is 450.

Why don't you cut corners? or add nitros to your Civic?
Can't really cut any corners, it's a city track. I don't think that I can really modify the engine as it could take the PP over 450. Money isn't the issue, I have around 15m credits, but I don't want to spend more than necessary on a Honda Civic, just enough to make up 2 seconds over 5 laps. Yes, I'm a Scrooge.
Tyres are unrestricted on the seasonal events or atleast some of them anyway, stick some racing softs on it and you will win by quite some margin.
I should have listened to Marchi. I went with the racing softs, 36,000 credits, total overkill, won the race by over 25 seconds.

If I can change the tires to softs I will on every race. They make such a difference.
In future weaste, if you're in a similar position. Do 3 things.

1. Put either Sport Hard 'depending on cars' or Sport soft on
2. Use the first weight reduction kit
3. ECU upgrade and add a racing filter.

About 12,000 credits but worth it. I wouldn't do the weight reduction with a super expensive car, but if its something like the honda go for it. Takes between 5-15% out of the cars overall weight. Better steering, better acceleration
God this game annoys me, effectively I have beaten it with gold in everything bar the two 24 hour races yet im level 36 and even with the seasonal events the levelling up is so slow I can't be bothered anymore.
I borrowed this today. There is a 608MB update for it. It has failed to download on 4 occasions now. Annoying.
Apologies if what I've said has been mentioned earlier on in the thread.

I was SO disappointed with this game. After waiting for so long for it to come out, I was expecting something spectacular. Instead, it was shit! The handling was terrible, collision detection non-existent, abysmally long loading times and boring gameplay.

Seriously, the game play. You can dominate races with one car. You end up driving around a 10-minute course with no challenge whatsoever. And the endurance races? Who wants to race the same track for 5+ hours, without even the risk of being overtaken! What's the point? And then there's the races where you need a Japanese pre-1979 car to be eligible. Where the feck do you find such a car? They sure aren't for sale in any of the dealers. So how do you get one? Oh that's right, you have have to wait for one to randomly appear in the 2nd hand car store.

What a let down. I speak honestly when I say that I've never been so let down with a game in a long, long time.
I don't agree that it was a disappointment, it was exactly as I expected (and said numerous times in this thread before it came out). A good game, but nothing more.

However, Weaste is literally going to kill you. I hope you use a proxy!
After all the delays, hype etc I atleast expected a game with AI intelligent enough to give you a challenge when you race, or in-game progression good enough to mean you can't just tune your car and dominate all the races. And that's just the beginning of my gripes with it.

Graphically, it was spectacular. But what's the point in all that work on the graphics if there's nothing behind it?

I'll waste Weaste :smirk:
The problem is your argument about handling and the simulation of the cars is totally unfounded. The game has issues, yes, but that is the least of them.

If you are up for it, I'll race you round Suzuka now in the F12007 if you like, and we'll see who wastes who!
The problem is your argument about handling and the simulation of the cars is totally unfounded. The game has issues, yes, but that is the least of them.

If you are up for it, I'll race you round Suzuka now in the F12007 if you like, and we'll see who wastes who!

So you're telling me that for races like the Top Gear Challenges (yes, I understand that they're supposed to be challenging) the handling is fine? Sometimes it feels like you're driving on ice. And all the other gripes I have with the game still stand. Particularly the one about the boring races. I could bear the poor handling if you were actually at risk of being overtaken at any point during a race.

I'll pass thanks, WasteDevil, I'm in no doubt that you'll destroy me :lol:
I'd love to Weaste (seriously) but remember back in the newbs when my PS3 YLOD'd? I've got a new one now but not played GT5 on it yet, it would need all the downloads etc and I just can't be fecked to do that tonight. I'll give you a shout when I chuck it back in though, GT can be a fun game to play at times. It's mainly the races which cause me to feel let down by it.
People who whinge about challenge, are those quite content to use a car that's superior to those around them or can't comprehend, that you dont have to tune a car just because you can. I'm not going to disagree the AI could be better and the gameplay changed a little 'i'd like to see far more 2 hour enduros like the old days' but the physics of the game is its strongest point. It shits all over every other console game from a considerable height.

There is a lot good about this game. The graphics, the physics, the tyre modelling up to the Sports soft 'kaz has admitted they need to work on their racing tyre model' the time change 'amazing if you've raced the nurburg at dusk' the weather, the photo mode.

But as Weaste argues and something I should have realized long before it was out, this is a development game. It's a completely new game started from scratch. They haven't just taken physics code and revamped it like they did with GT4. I expect GT6 to be the real star of the show but it will be a couple of years away. They've laid the platform for another incredible sequal. This game is GT3 to the newer generation. Less cars, less tracks, but massive changes internally that will take time to come to the fore.
People who whinge about challenge, are those quite content to use a car that's superior to those around them or can't comprehend, that you dont have to tune a car just because you can. I'm not going to disagree the AI could be better and the gameplay changed a little 'i'd like to see far more 2 hour enduros like the old days' but the physics of the game is its strongest point. It shits all over every other console game from a considerable height.

That Fiat 500 thing on Trial Mountain on the seasonal challenges is interesting. I've not got a clue how to get higher than 4th. It's supposed to be a Fiat 500 challenge but there are Audis and all sorts, no tuning above 65BHP. I obviously need to change the car to a car that is not the FIAT 500 in the FIAT 500 challenge. You're a minute behind after half of a lap, and it's a 5 lap race. This Urbanned bloke is complaining as to how easy it is to tune a car and blast it, well, someone help me, it's not the case.
That Fiat 500 thing on Trial Mountain on the seasonal challenges is interesting. I've not got a clue how to get higher than 4th. It's supposed to be a Fiat 500 challenge but there are Audis and all sorts, no tuning above 65BHP. I obviously need to change the car to a car that is not the FIAT 500 in the FIAT 500 challenge. You're a minute behind after half of a lap, and it's a 5 lap race. This Urbanned bloke is complaining as to how easy it is to tune a car and blast it, well, someone help me, it's not the case.

I wasn't saying every race, but a lot of the ones I played were just me racing with an empty track. I just didn't find it very enjoyable - and these were races I was meant to be completing to be getting to the races you're in now... the ones where it's actually extremely difficult.

In the end it made me put down GT5 and pick up Race Driver: Grid again.
I wasn't saying every race, but a lot of the ones I played were just me racing with an empty track. I just didn't find it very enjoyable - and these were races I was meant to be completing to be getting to the races you're in now... the ones where it's actually extremely difficult.

In the end it made me put down GT5 and pick up Race Driver: Grid again.


I'm sorry but that makes your opinion obsolete if you think that that game other then arcade shit.

I bought it, played it for a weekend, never touched it again. Glorified crap. There is nothing fantastic about the AI in that game either. It uses a massive rubber band effect.
But as Weaste argues and something I should have realized long before it was out, this is a development game. It's a completely new game started from scratch. They haven't just taken physics code and revamped it like they did with GT4. I expect GT6 to be the real star of the show but it will be a couple of years away. They've laid the platform for another incredible sequal. This game is GT3 to the newer generation. Less cars, less tracks, but massive changes internally that will take time to come to the fore

Well I suppose that's one way to try and positively spin it :D
I think that you have to look at it as a GT3 type of game, not GT4. The major thing they have to solve is getting it to all connect together in a more sensible and logical way, because at the minute it's all rather disjointed like a collection of different games using the same car database. An example of this is why when I try to go into an event and don't have the correct car, I have to back up all the way to then try to find it, and by the time I'm there can't remember what the hell I was looking for in the first place. If I have a list of cars that can take part in an event, I should be able to buy one there and then.
But is that a good thing in your opinion? Or perhaps the better question should be do you think it's warranted that it's almost gone backwards in some areas? Because lets face it after 6 years and an unlimited budget (virtually), you'd have thought they'd at least finish the thing.

However since they were told enough is enough and to get it out, it's no surprise that the final things to be done weren't, menu layout being one of them (the tweaking stage).
Well we know exactly why that happened, they wanted a showcase of one of their big first party ip's, but someone somewhere screwed up the timings and Sony finally put their foot down about 4 1/2 years into development. What bothers me more is not the game itself, because it's pretty much exactly what I said it would be (remember our discussions earlier in this very thread, when I was apparantly getting called a wanker by idiot newbs :lol:), because it's still a pretty good game. It's the precedent that seems to be getting set even more nowadays that a game can be half finished, but it's ok because we'll sell them downloadable packs to finish it! (All under the guise of legitamate expansions like other games).

I hope I'm wrong, but somehow knowing the state of the industry right now I doubt I am.