Gaming Gran Turismo 5

I turned the racing line off in the regulations lol. If he is losing he turns around and drives the length of the track to try and smash into you when you meet again head on. :lol:

You can forget all that bollox, if people can't race properly then I'll just feck em off, there's millions of dickheads online if that's what you want.
? Not sure what that quote is about. I said Elvis was doing it not me, and we were hardly racing seriously.

Wasn't alimed at you thought that would have been fairly obvious really, just a general comment, you had it all the time on Prologue online, dickheads ramming you, cutting corners, cheating in general, it's fecking pointless is all I was saying and don't want to see it when we do our online stuff on here.
Wasn't alimed at you thought that would have been fairly obvious really, just a general comment, you had it all the time on Prologue online, dickheads ramming you, cutting corners, cheating in general, it's fecking pointless is all I was saying and don't want to see it when we do our online stuff on here.

Fair enough, looked like it was aimed at me, yeah when I'm racing properly it pisses me off, was sick to death of it in F1 2010, slow down into turn one and WHAM some dickhead T-birds you so he can enter the corner first.

In the proper races maybe Marchi should adopt a video replay thing, if someone cheats/corner cuts just watch the replay back and if they did then deduct points in the championship after the race.
Wasn't alimed at you thought that would have been fairly obvious really, just a general comment, you had it all the time on Prologue online, dickheads ramming you, cutting corners, cheating in general, it's fecking pointless is all I was saying and don't want to see it when we do our online stuff on here.

I've not tried it, but from what I've read, going the wrong way ghosts you so you can't hit anything, cutting corners etc. gives serious time penalties. How the game decides who is at fault for a valid and unintentional coming together I have no clue as of yet.
I've not tried it, but from what I've read, going the wrong way ghosts you so you can't hit anything, cutting corners etc. gives serious time penalties. How the game decides who is at fault for a valid and unintentional coming together I have no clue as of yet.

That's the main one, many times in GTP I've been rear ended/side swiped etc by some tosser and I've been the one who gets a penalty for it, hopefully that has been addressed in this one.
In the proper races maybe Marchi should adopt a video replay thing, if someone cheats/corner cuts just watch the replay back and if they did then deduct points in the championship after the race.

You have to be careful here, because real racing does involve cars coming together - how you judge how it's an accident or someone doing it on purpose I suppose would be best dealt with by observing how often it happens with that particular player. You have to remember that not everyone is as skilled with these games as others, so people will make massive feckups that are not on purpose. Some people cut corners because they lose control, but the game should deal with that.

Anyone going around the wrong way should be banned from the lobby.
You have to be careful here, because real racing does involve cars coming together - how you judge how it's an accident or someone doing it on purpose I suppose would be best dealt with by observing how often it happens with that particular player. You have to remember that not everyone is as skilled with these games as others, so people will make massive feckups that are not on purpose. Some people cut corners because they lose control, but the game should deal with that.

Anyone going around the wrong way should be banned from the lobby.

I meant the corner cutting mainly, coming together is fair enough. I meant for the most obvious things, not slowing into a corner and smashing someone else deliberately using them as a buffer to slow you and to send them off and exit the corner alone. From what I've seen so far online corner cutting doesn't give any penalty at all, it didn't to us when we were karting at least.
You have to be careful here, because real racing does involve cars coming together - how you judge how it's an accident or someone doing it on purpose I suppose would be best dealt with by observing how often it happens with that particular player. You have to remember that not everyone is as skilled with these games as others, so people will make massive feckups that are not on purpose. Some people cut corners because they lose control, but the game should deal with that.

Anyone going around the wrong way should be banned from the lobby.

That's it, if people are taking the piss it will be easy enough to spot and deal with.
I've not tried it, but from what I've read, going the wrong way ghosts you so you can't hit anything, cutting corners etc. gives serious time penalties. How the game decides who is at fault for a valid and unintentional coming together I have no clue as of yet.

I don't know if it did ghost Elvis or not, but there didn't seem to be any penalties for cutting corners when we played....maybe it was turned off
I meant the corner cutting mainly, coming together is fair enough. I meant for the most obvious things, not slowing into a corner and smashing someone else deliberately using them as a buffer to slow you and to send them off and exit the corner alone. From what I've seen so far online corner cutting doesn't give any penalty at all, it didn't to us when we were karting at least.

Is there an option for how harsh the penalty system is implemented in the lobby screen at game setup?
I'd say you simply have a panel. If someone has a complaint, they goto the panel (formed of 3-4 players each weekend) and they'll look at the complaint and take action.

So if someone does a Michael Schumacher and knocks you off the track, he'll get punished.
Corner cutting penalties must be in, they are in Prologue, at least in single player. Take turn 2 and 4 at Fuji for example, it's actually quite brutal in terms of a penalty if you misjudge that corner. Try Daytona and whack the wall, same thing.
Is there an option for how harsh the penalty system is implemented in the lobby screen at game setup?

Aha, yes you do... I didn't notice that, it's in Event Settings.

"Define how severely penalties for collisions, leaving the track etc will be judged, Penalised cars are temporarily unable to touch other cars, and will have their engine power limited. Penalised cars will appear semi-transparant to other cars."

Set to None by default but can be changed to Weak and Strong.

What is highly annoying is that anyone can start the race, me Elvis and Ed were chatting in a room, track was set to Trial Mountain, some dickhead joins, types 'I am the best!' Chooses a Zonda and starts the race. Just kicked him in the end and we all came back to lobby.
I would be very surprised if the game is efficient at giving penalties for such things like using other cars to slow us down in curve. This game is rushed in a way, and so is the online component. No time trial leaderboards yet? Lots of things to be added, I just hope that creating a competitive yet fair racing environment online is one of their priorities, as that alone will increase the value of the game massively despite of other shortcomings.

I quit PES and got converted to FIFA for the single reason that it was impossible to play PES online with the amount of disconnecting cheats, something I never saw at FIFA, let alone at a magnitude of once every 2 games.
What is highly annoying is that anyone can start the race, me Elvis and Ed were chatting in a room, track was set to Trial Mountain, some dickhead joins, types 'I am the best!' Chooses a Zonda and starts the race. Just kicked him in the end and we all came back to lobby.

That's ridiculous :confused:
It doesn't help that he posted the room code in this thread in the open!

There is no option I could see to make the room private. The room code seems to purely be a fast way of us getting straight to a room without having to browse hundreds of lobbies to find each other. Just so we can tell the game 'I want to go here' however the lobbies are still viewable by anyone who is scrolling through them all.

Just had to spend 40k on a pickup to do the challenge as there was only one in the used dealer. :wenger:
It doesn't help that he posted the room code in this thread in the open!

Allowing anyone to start a game is ridiculous, that should be the room creator's prerogative, in any circumstance. You know the more people you give power to, the chance that one of them is a dick and will annoy everyone else increases exponentially. They clearly know this if they opted to ghost reversing cars, this is just something that they overlooked and hopefully will be patched up soon, you don't need to try and defend them so blindly. Do you really think someone was browsing redcafe went through the bother of joining that game just to annoy them? :lol:
I would be very surprised if the game is efficient at giving penalties for such things like using other cars to slow us down in curve. This game is rushed in a way, and so is the online component. No time trial leaderboards yet? Lots of things to be added, I just hope that creating a competitive yet fair racing environment online is one of their priorities, as that alone will increase the value of the game massively despite of other shortcomings.

I quit PES and got converted to FIFA for the single reason that it was impossible to play PES online with the amount of disconnecting cheats, something I never saw at FIFA, let alone at a magnitude of once every 2 games.

TBH we could even turn the penalties off if we find they aren't up to scratch and just use a self policing method instead, with a panel of judges as Redsky suggested.
TBH we could even turn the penalties off if we find they aren't up to scratch and just use a self policing method instead, with a panel of judges as Redsky suggested.

Just takes a quick testing session with 2 people in a race hitting each other and cutting corners testing out what works and what doesn't, but yeah a panel will be helpful anyway.
I really need to start practising with this wheel then, as I'm finding it tough at the moment to get the power down properly out of corners
So, have we a definitive answer on whether we can create a private room or not? I'll be well fecked off if this isn't the case, I'll have a look myself in a bit.
I really need to start practising with this wheel then, as I'm finding it tough at the moment to get the power down properly out of corners

Just takes practice mate and a light touch, the less aggressive you are on the peddles, braking and accelerating, the better you will find it.
So, have we a definitive answer on whether we can create a private room or not? I'll be well fecked off if this isn't the case, I'll have a look myself in a bit.

I'm positive that you can create a private lobby.

Racing Online

Open Lobby

Open Lobby
Anyone can join an open lobby, a custom race lounge to hang out, face new challengers, and make new friends. Since anyone can join, you never know who you'll meet. If you find someone you get along with and register each other on your Friend list, you can meet up in the private My Lounge racing lobby as well.

GT Life - Gran Turismo 5 - Products -
Just takes practice mate and a light touch, the less aggressive you are on the peddles, braking and accelerating, the better you will find it.

Yeh, exactly, just got to find the hours to put in getting there, as it's more or less like starting playing GT from scratch as I'm so used to controller.
It appears you can, you have to go to Community, across to your own ID, then down to Lounge the little cup of coffee at the bottom, rather than going to Open Lounge and making one in there. There are still no options for inviting friends but others should be able to join yours through the same method. There is no longer a room code, I'm guessing people just go to community and find the person whose lounge they want to join.
Motherfecking delivery guy, what has he been doing all morning? I'd call the company, but I'd look like a geek. It will be my lest resort at 4pm.
Yeh, exactly, just got to find the hours to put in getting there, as it's more or less like starting playing GT from scratch as I'm so used to controller.

It is, I used to be shit hot on a controller, but the early days of my wheel I couldn't even get close to my best times with it, soon clicks though and when it does you'll be smashing your best controller times.
It appears you can, you have to go to Community, across to your own ID, then down to Lounge the little cup of coffee at the bottom, rather than going to Open Lounge and making one in there. There are still no options for inviting friends but others should be able to join yours through the same method. There is no longer a room code, I'm guessing people just go to community and find the person whose lounge they want to join.

Sweet, so it's all about your PSN friends list then I'd say. We all need to make sure we add each other from the other thread then.
Sweet, so it's all about your PSN friends list then I'd say. We all need to make sure we add each other from the other thread then.

Possibly, however you don't appear in my list for example... that may be because you haven't been on GT5 since you added me, it might need you to sign into GT Life to update. I have everyone else on there.
Possibly, however you don't appear in my list for example... that may be because you haven't been on GT5 since you added me, it might need you to sign into GT Life to update. I have everyone else on there.

I'll be on in a little bit and we'll check.

If there is anyone I haven't added and wants adding let me know in here or the other thread.
I updated my post. If there are more than 16 of us that do this on a regular basis, we'll probably have to create more than one lobby and give it a league type structure, and then another lobby for fecking about in.