Gaming Gran Turismo 5

Does pressing triangle for the menu when your in your garage take fecking ages for anyone else?
Ironing boards are good.

good call. I have to say as my first proper GT and as someone that knows very little about cars, it's probably the best racing game i've played in a long time and I reckon it helps. I was reading the forums earlier and so many people were moaning because they know too much. It's going to be awesome online down the line. I take it you got it now? How far you got in it?
This will hopefully arrive before I start work tomorrow..

My connections is shite at the moment, so I'm wondering how big the download is and wether I can just set it to download and install while I go to work or do I need to be there supervising it and clicking "next" ect?

Nah you can download it without supervision.
good call. I have to say as my first proper GT and as someone that knows very little about cars, it's probably the best racing game i've played in a long time and I reckon it helps. I was reading the forums earlier and so many people were moaning because they know too much. It's going to be awesome online down the line. I take it you got it now? How far you got in it?

I'm doing my licence tests first.
And I'm pointing out that the car licenses are limited. They only have cars where the licensee allows them to do that. You can't do that with the range of cars that GT5 has, because some will say yes and some will say no, so then the discrepancy gets worse where you can have a race with some cars totalled and others in pristine condition. There is enough moaning about premiums and standards without adding extra shit into the mix.

Well, that makes sense. However, it seems odd that EA can convince BMW, Alfa, Chevy, McClaren, Lamborghini, Buggatti, Zonda, Audi, Porsche, etc, etc.

Also, the damage in games such as Hot Pursuit and Burnout Paradise is canned.

I don't know what that means.
I have learned something tonight, Weaste.

Look what Forza 3 does - it simply changes textures.


Yes, it looks dramatic, but then a lot of game effects is smoke and mirrors.
I can clearly see what is happening in that gif, but I would never have picked up on that kind of thing in a million years. I was under the impression that car damage = car damage, in these games.

Live and learn.
That's ideal because I'm a contact lense wearer.

I can see it now. ' my contact lens has fallen out..that's why i'm last...guys.....i'm blindedeeeee' :) Ofcourse if i ever lose, i'll say my steering wheel fell off the stand. I think that will work hehe. Get it in early, that's the selling pont

I can clearly see what is happening in that gif, but I would never have picked up on that kind of thing in a million years. I was under the impression that car damage = car damage, in these games.

Live and learn.

In GT5 the Premium models of cars can deform in a dynamic way, such that it changes the 3D mesh. Also there is mechanical damage in that crashing has consequences. I posted a video a few pages back where the car after damage couldn't go higher than 3rd gear. As I said though, it's not perfect, but it is a start.

Don't install it then, and wait longer for each race you get into. Over time, it will waste more of your time. :wenger:

And for a MGS4 lover, your comment takes the piss. :lol:

It's been installing for 50 minutes now and for the last 20 it's been saying 13 minutes remaining, and the bar hasn't moved. MGS4 never took this long.
I'm falling in love with this game, a few exciting races on a wheel and it's so much different. Hopefully I will buy a sports car in the next hour.
Haha, I just tried to do the NASCAR circuit with the supercars, was doing well but every time we left the curved track onto a straight a Veyron just went flying past me until I caught it on the corner and then back to the straight it flew past me again. Fast feckers.
Well thats the A license all golded, I'll start the International ones tomorrow :D
And so you should. See all of that getting all upset over nothing? Enjoy it for what it is, because it's fecking fantastic.

What online fun we are all going to have with this.

I guess it's because I bought it with wrong things on my mind - I thought perfect graphics, photo-like experience and that's not what it should be about. Driving a car in this is so much fun that even though I'm extremely tired and have to wake up in 7 hours, I will probably manage another hour or two. Off to a dealership with 60,000 in the bank now. :lol:
Haha, I just tried to do the NASCAR circuit with the supercars, was doing well but every time we left the curved track onto a straight a Veyron just went flying past me until I caught it on the corner and then back to the straight it flew past me again. Fast feckers.

Did you play Prologue?

If not, wait until you can take a F1 2007 Ferrari around Daytona. Marchi helped me tune it the other day.
I'm falling in love with this game, a few exciting races on a wheel and it's so much different. Hopefully I will buy a sports car in the next hour.

Good stuff. Once you tame it, it's really good and I hope everyone goes that route because everyone should enjoy it that bit more
A Monza Red Corvette '69 has been parked in my garage. I'm going to have so much fun with it. :lol:
Well thats the A license all golded, I'll start the International ones tomorrow :D

I bronzed most of mine. Obviously I was aiming for Bronze like. No need to be a show off ;)
I brozed most of mine. Obviously I was aiming for Bronze like. No need to be a show off ;)

:lol: Well yeah I'm taking my time with them rather than rushing through them, only really had a couple of tests that tested my patience so far.
I didn't play that actually, this is my first GT since about GT3.

The problem with Prologue was that you couldn't use the bloody thing in any of the events, as it was always too powerful and didn't allow you to tune the engine, so it was just arcade mode, where you were up against another 15 of the feckers all going around the track like the clappers. I can get it around Daytona in around 39 seconds.
:lol: Well yeah I'm taking my time with them rather than rushing through them, only really had a couple of tests that tested my patience so far.

I'm rushing through them I gotta admit but more because I suck and am way off gold most times while thinking - maybe i'll suck less at the next one ;) I do love the licences though.
A Monza Red Corvette '69 has been parked in my garage. I'm going to have so much fun with it. :lol:

It handles like shit and cannot be really used outside of three races at the minute, so it won't pay for itself, but who cares, I'm getting golds in all World Classic Car series and then I'll try to buy a proper car when I'm at proper level.

Is there any point buying GT for PSP? Because I'm gone for a weekend and I could probably get some decent cars in there, though they will be standard cars and I'm trying to stay clear - won't stay entirely clear because I definitely want to drive A5 and Veyron.