Gaming Gran Turismo 5

Just bought a 1997 MX-5 Miata SR-Limited as my first car.

Anybody know if all the cars we get to choose from in the used car bit are the same? Or I'll have a car in there at a price some others won't?

I see it for 19,537
Is there any point buying Logitech Driving Force GT for this? I won't buy G25 or G27 because it's too expensive.
Loading times are a pain in the ass, I thought they'd be short once I've installed the game but no, they're a few minutes each. :mad:
i'm not finding the loading times that bad. i'm on a 40gig which i reformatted recently. As for the wheel, if you feel it will make it more fun then buy it and the gt is better supported (i think) then the others you mentioned. I mean it's just a controller but it's cool just to rest your arms on it during a straight. Personally speaking I think it's essential to get the most out of it.
I'm finding it increasingly enjoyable, the interior view is something that I definitely love. I hope I'll end up in a proper car soon enough. :lol: I'm buying a Mini Cooper now, it's not the exact same version I have in real world but it's close and should handle similarly.
My first car was Suzuki Swift '07, the only thing I could afford at under 20,000. It drove fine, I sold it - I shouldn't have really because it's only 25% the price, but I wanted C30 quicker.
Awww, thats my car you sold! Although mine was the '09 model.

Mine was the newer one, you say it's '09? I didn't really pay attention. I bought the more expensive one as I thought it'd be slightly better.

I've nearly done my first license, mostly bronze but I don't care as long as it gets me to level 5 where I may finally be able to race my Volvo against proper cars.
Mine is at home waiting, along with my new DFGT (wheelstand pro is on the way, might take a few more days though)...

Can't wait to get home now and give it a go, although some of the negative reviews have got me slightly apprehensive, luckily I wont have to wait long, got the missus to download the patch and install the game while I'm still at work so I don't have to mess when I get in!
Mine was the newer one, you say it's '09? I didn't really pay attention. I bought the more expensive one as I thought it'd be slightly better.

I've nearly done my first license, mostly bronze but I don't care as long as it gets me to level 5 where I may finally be able to race my Volvo against proper cars.

Do both the karting challenges on beginner and the nascar ones, you'll be level 5 in no time.
You can do it from level 4 under specials, I'm pissing myself haven't completed it yet keep getting disqualified when we all hit each other.

just tried it twice. I don't see myself getting gold anytime soon I have to admit. Talk about slow :)
in my first try i crashed into some tyres and as i was trying to reverse i just saw a row of them in the distance leaving me behind on the next strech :D It was kinda bizarre I have to admit.
The default one, you can see the back of the car. I am shocking at corners though, can't get the braking and accelerating right but that should come with some practise.

You really need to get used to a different camera I think. Personally I never liked insides, as I think the vision is too scoped, in racing games I usually take either the bumper view or the one where you just can see the track. I think I get a much better speed sensation and a better feel for how the car is behaving in terms of grip, etc. I'm positive you will improve a lot as soon as you get used to a different camera, you chose probably the worst of them all.
I caved in and got it :lol: Get the install and update done now ready for after the football.
It worked lads!!! At what point do we all say we were lying? :drool: Nah, you made a wise decision
I love reviews like this, because they're simply there to get noticed rather then tell the truth. By labeling it a 7, they've almost certainly pissed off alot of gamers, and most want to see it for themselves.

Could anybody ever call Gran Turismo graphics a 7.5? They may have a few jaggies but i'm yet to see a game look as good as Gran Turismo. Its not that it isn't possible, just that nobody has done it.

We've seen already that their opinion on AI is wrong, of course, it doesn't take an idiot to realize that on a racing circuit cars generally take the same line....

Sounds were as expected.

Again, I haven't played it so it's just from what I read. But in Prologue you had just premium cars, now you have them racing side by side with (sub)standard vehicles. From what I saw in some videos, the shadows are jagged, actually worse than they were in Prologue. The tracks don't appear by any means marvellous. Damage really is awfully irrealistic, that video comparing the standard and premium Honda's say it all about it.

Assuming all that is true, I think 7.5/10 is not at all unfair. These game reviews will always be subjective, and many games aren't compared with their alternative counterparts but with their expectations. This exact same game could have gotten much better reviews if it had been released 3 years ago.

Now this really doesn't trouble me too much as a fan, as to me this game is about depth of content and driving feeling, and on those matters the game certainly isn't worse, on the contrary. But that doesn't mean these gaming sites should be praising the game from the biased fan point of view. If we really want to know if this game is good enough for us we go for the fan sites where we know we'll get reviews that will value the same features we value. These gaming magazines are just evaluating the game from a wider and GT-lay audience point of view and on those terms I think it's only fair. Don't you think that a new generation gamer dude with no attachment whatsoever to the GT series will not feel a bit unimpressed by some of these factors on a game being talked about for 5 years and that attracted to much hype? It's at these people that the reviews are directed, we fans don't need these reviews for nothing.

I personally am as excited for the opportunity to play this as I was, it won't impact my experience in the slightest way. That doesn't mean it doesn't sadden me a bit that one of my favourite game series won't reach the pedestal from "outsiders" that I expected and desired for it.
Can someone give me a quick breakdown of how the GT mode works by the way because I'm relatively new to the GT series. I'm wondering how everything meshes together.

I take it the objective is to get better cars and do this by increasing money. You do this by completing special races and the like. I'm a bit confused at how A-Spec B-Spec and the licences interface with each other.

Tell me if this is wrong, but I imagine that A-Spec events are me racing others, and B-Spec events are a tag team sort of thing? Like I make another AI driver to be my team mate? Or an actual friend next to me takes that place and we do 2 team races IE 24 hour Le Mans? Is that right or completely wrong?

Also what are the licences actually for... just to be able to do different levels of the Events? I.e Beginner, Amateur etc you can't move on until you complete the licences?

What I'm struggling to understand is why I need to do it all to do something else, how it links in i.e do this so that you can do that. That's what I don't get yet.
My first car was Suzuki Swift '07, the only thing I could afford at under 20,000. It drove fine, I sold it - I shouldn't have really because it's only 25% the price, but I wanted C30 quicker.

You should never sell your first car!

When it's in your garage next to all your super cars, you really appreciate it :)

After waiting all day to recieve it, I just checked my preorder and it didn't work a month or two ago so I have just paid for express delivery, so tomorrow for me :D
Really enjoying it now, got a Nissan MMR type thing at level 5 and that's beating most of the tripe around at the moment. I've also switched to the view from the front bumper where you just have the track and it's much better, cheers Arruda.

Anyone about tonight for some races, should be a giggle.
I'm level 5 already, thinking about buying a wheel for this but still not sure if there's any point. I won't buy a seat for this so I will be forced to use a wheel from the couch which is kind of pointless when you think about it, really.
I'm level 5 already, thinking about buying a wheel for this but still not sure if there's any point. I won't buy a seat for this so I will be forced to use a wheel from the couch which is kind of pointless when you think about it, really.

I'm thinking the same. I'm at level 6 now just going through the challenges, on the special events.
Sarni, write a short review....

I've only had about ten races so far, so can't really comment. At first I was disappointed because I expected mind-blowing graphics etc., and it's not really that good - I mean it's Forza 3 level or slightly better and that's not what I expected. Most premium cars look very good both outside and inside, most standard cars look average to me. I'm liking the interior camera because unlike in most games, you can actually see a lot from in there. I literally can't wait until I finally drive something fast.

C30 drives about the same how it drives in real world, except it has a lot less power for some reason - it doesn't accelerate as well, it doesn't reach the speed it would in real world for some reason. Perhaps it's a different engine from the one that I've driven, it's my brother's, I shall check.
I'm thinking the same. I'm at level 6 now just going through the challenges, on the special events.

If I were very rich, I'd probably buy a proper seat for it and the best wheel available, but there again if I could afford to spend 1k on crap like that, I could probably buy a proper sports car and don't bother with Gran Turismo at all.