Gaming Gran Turismo 5

Test de Gran Turismo 5 sur Playstation 3

Graphics : 15/20
The game is fluid and overall good looking, but a lot of glitches, aliasing (on shapes, on shadows…) and graphical problems (pop ups, pixelisation of some texture…), the outside of tracks aren’t detailed, and weather is not as impressive as in trailers, visual damage is limited and disappointing…

Gameplay : 14/20
The most disappointing aspect of the game, outdated gameplay designed to gtfans only with no innovation and similar to other gt games. Can we still take turns backing on other cars or track fences ? yes we can. Can we still cheat and cut turns and drive out of asphalt without any punishment ? yes we can (except in online races). The AI is still following the exact same line no matter what you do bumping on you or ou bump on it ? yes its still like the old days…damage is very limited and only on premium cars… the outside camera view has very limited sense of speed (unlike the good sense of speed of cockpit), you cant see too much when racing at night which makes the night races frustrating and unplayable…and cars feel rigid like old gt days, and applying gt gameplay to karts is a bad idea…and rally as always not very good… the good thing with gameplay is that each car feels distinguishable...

Durée de vie (Lasting Appeal or content or durability of the game) : 17/20
A lot of content but little substance (why 1000 cars when we will only drive a hundred of them and a lot are variables of the same car with inconsistent quality premium 200 with very limited disappointing damage that needsto play suicide mission to get some effects and the other 800 are standard with no damage and no cockpit view), also not a lot of tracks, and weather/day night not on all tracks…the online is disappointing, very simplistic, not well designed (when you finish a race you return to the main menu…) and with a lot of connexion problems…

Sound : 15/20
Variable quality like the whole game, disappointing sound effects, inconsistent engine sounds (some are great and some horrible).

Overall score : 14/20
After 5 years of development time and waiting, GT is no more the real driving simulator, it is outdated compared to other racing games especially its gameplay, it is designed to gtfans only with very little innovation, but that’s not to say it’s a bad game, it’s still a simulation game that conserves a personality and captures the essence and variety of cars.

The translation isn't mine. A lot of it is a matter of perspective, I take it GT fans won't be very disappointed - the GT "feel" is there and it's all they want - but the average gamer, not particularly into the franchise already, might think it has too many shortcomings for all the hype that has been created.

I still need to play it myself mind, these are basically opinions I "borrowed" from the GT Planet forums.
I love reviews like this, because they're simply there to get noticed rather then tell the truth. By labeling it a 7, they've almost certainly pissed off alot of gamers, and most want to see it for themselves.

Could anybody ever call Gran Turismo graphics a 7.5? They may have a few jaggies but i'm yet to see a game look as good as Gran Turismo. Its not that it isn't possible, just that nobody has done it.

We've seen already that their opinion on AI is wrong, of course, it doesn't take an idiot to realize that on a racing circuit cars generally take the same line....

Sounds were as expected.
I like the way they say that some sounds are great and some are horrible. They were probably playing in stereo coming out of a shitty TV, and have surprisingly heard what every 1000 car sounds like in real life.
Going to get it in two or three hours finally, but the reviews from Polish gamers have been very underwhelming - apparently when you take a standard car on a standard track, it feels like a PS2 game graphically and you're bound to do that quite often. Premium cars on premium tracks apparently look similar to Forza 3, and there is pretty much the same amount of those cars and tracks as in Forza too. I for one hope it'll be an improvement on Forza, a vast one, given the amount of time they put into developing the game.
You know what it looks like when playing, or at least should do, there have been many direct screen grabs of it.


It looks like GT5 Prologue, were people expecting more from a game running in 1080p @ 60fps?

As for Forza 3, it runs @ 720p, has crap lighting, and a maximum of 8 cars racing at once. People need a little bit of perspective!
IGN gave it a 8.5

Its not getting the top marks I had hoped for. Think I will stick with Forza afterall
Which just goes to prove my point. It's quite idiotic.

Here's a "technical" comparison of Forza 3 vs GT5 Prologue from a year ago.

Despite these technical wins for Turn 10, GT5P emerges as the classier-looking game, the standard bearer in terms of graphical accomplishment - not just up against Forza, but compared to every console driving game. Arguments about whether the 360 can or will ever match what the PS3 is achieving here will rage on forever, but, as we stressed before, clearly there are a different set of developmental priorities and resources applicable to each developer.

But the bottom line is that Polyphony has set the technical standard that Turn 10 has to compete against, and it's fair to say that the Japanese developers' work in GT5 will have a huge bearing on whatever form Forza 4 will take.

Both Forza 3 and GT5P do have elements in common: you can take your pick of cars that are shared across both games (we opted for the Ferrari 599) and the Suzuka race course is also found in both releases. So here's how this combo looks in both games. The Polyphony game has clear advantages in terms of lighting (improved in Forza 3, but still some way off the sophistication in GT5P), and also in edge-aliasing reduction. It's the only racing game on either platform that we've played that employs 4x MSAA and hits 60FPS. That's in 720p mode. Switch to 1080p, and you get a 50 per cent resolution boost up to 1280x1080 (expanded outwards to full HD using bilinear scaling) but AA drops to 2x MSAA. That's a pretty good trade-off, to put it lightly, and that additional 50 per cent resolution via the 1080p support does make a difference. On top of that, GT also manages to process twice the number of cars as Forza, but the grid runs with a rolling start in order to space out the vehicles. Polyphony doesn't skimp on its transparencies either. Hit the sand at speed, and the screen quickly fills with a very impressive dust cloud.

Tech Evolution: Forza Motorsport 3 - Page 3 | DigitalFoundry |

Not from some arsehole game reviewer. Have things gone backwards?
meh, after reading a good bit about it it doesnt warrant full price. Cant believe after all this hype and waiting and it isnt a perfect driving game.
This is what the CVG review says about the visuals.

For a start - and hear us out here - this is the first GT game NOT to blow our trousers off in the visuals department. In fact, as you roll out of the pits for the first time, you'll look at the environment and hear a nagging voice in the back of your mind. That voice will be saying 'this isn't a very pretty game'.

No, we're not mad: there's no flair to GT5's graphics like in Codemasters' games, it's all cold, clinical precision. The problem is, if you slavishly attempt to replicate real life, like Polyphony has, it's all the more obvious when you can't quite get there. Blurry textures, angular scenery and barren landscapes are, if you'll excuse the pun, par for the course.

While the premium cars are undeniably gloriously detailed, they look entirely out of place in such drab environments, surrounded by cardboard cut-out trees. City tracks fare better, but only just.

Gran Turismo used to be the benchmark for visuals, but over the five years it's taken to put GT5 in a jewel case, the game's begun to look decidedly pedestrian. Overall - and we NEVER thought we'd say this - we reckon Forza III has the march on GT5 in overall aesthetics.
This is what the CVG review says about the visuals.

Which is clearly bullshit!

Should we have gone down to 30fps to make the game look like it does in replays? Arse, I'll take 60fps at any time of the day. As for the tree comment, you could see that coming from a mile off - how the feck do you even notice the trees when you are hurtling along @ 150mph? What did he do, park the car next to one to have a look at it?
In that review at the top where it bemoans the AI allowing you to essentially cheat and then says 'except for online', is that not just because they are at the early stages of the game? I thought the 'difficulty' levels increased as you progressed, and so the online settings will be more like the normal game once you get far enough?

Maybe the reviewer was just shit at it and didn't get far enough to see the progression? I also find it hard to believe anyone can have unlocked all the cars this quickly!
I'm curious to see how rational gamers rate gt5 against forza 3. I think everywhere you hear the same complains, crappy collision execution, incomplete online features and poor menus. I honestly love the menus so I'm not sure why they're having a moan about it. The other 2 are valid, but the thing that grates me about these big review sites, is that they rate the likes of NFS and FPSes higher than GT5, but really, at the end of the day more gamers will be enjoying their time on Gran Turismo 5. And that's what counts.
In that review at the top where it bemoans the AI allowing you to essentially cheat and then says 'except for online', is that not just because they are at the early stages of the game? I thought the 'difficulty' levels increased as you progressed, and so the online settings will be more like the normal game once you get far enough?

This is what I said would happen. These sites are all for the clicks - how you can even review such a game in such a short amount of time is quite baffling. Online doesn't even get turned on properly until today.

Maybe the reviewer was just shit at it and didn't get far enough to see the progression? I also find it hard to believe anyone can have unlocked all the cars this quickly!

The Gamespot "racing expert" guy raced with the chase camera and couldn't keep the car on the track. GT5P had better weather, GT5 doesn't have custom soundtracks (you have to unlock it), and it goes on.

The game is put on such a high pedestal that any flaw is, check minus 1, check minus 1, check minus 1. Some other games are treated like this, but as I said, it was to be expected.

EDGE magazine gave GT4 a 7 if I remember, so wait for that one. :lol:
Icrappy collision execution

I have some lovely videos and gifs of Forza 3 collisions. Damage and collisions are not what this game is supposed to be about in the first place, but I've seen a review trying to compare the GT5 collisions to Burnout Paradise and Hot Pursuit, no shit, even though the full damage model doesn't start to come into play until around level 20+, which I doubt any of these reviewers have managed to get to yet.

Here's a Forza 3 shot for you.


And so much for damage and collisions done well? WTF?

Graphics clearly outdo GT5.
meh, after reading a good bit about it it doesnt warrant full price. Cant believe after all this hype and waiting and it isnt a perfect driving game.

there is no such thing as perfection but that's not to say you won't like it. Thats the point. You will find, you disagree with many people in your lifetime.
Totally expected reviews really, the racing genre has changed alot since GT4. I think I will take my chances though :lol:
Totally expected reviews really, the racing genre has changed alot since GT4. I think I will take my chances though :lol:

Well look what CVG is posting up?

"Unless the later stages and the online sections (inoperable at the time of writing) can utterly override the problems - perhaps by loading an entirely new game I haven't seen yet - GT5 is going to be the monolithic headstone for a once-great series."

So the fecker hasn't even got anywhere into it. :wenger:

It's a total misunderstanding of how this game works, and how all GTs have worked.

It would be like reviewing an RPG after only playing it for an hour.
the racing genre has changed alot since GT4.

It has, but how many games in the genre have actually sold in high numbers since GT4? Many are even professing that the genre is dead. This is the key difference, GT5P (a glorified demo) outsold Forza 3 almost 2:1, and there is a reason for that. Gran Turismo is a tried and tested formula, people that like it don't want it any other way. It's not a car painting game. Even the existence of the once mighty Bizarre Creations is now hanging by a thread. All of this nonsense that nothing has changed is just that, nonsense. If you didn't like the GT formula, don't bother with it, there are plenty of us that do.
Well look what CVG is posting up?

"Unless the later stages and the online sections (inoperable at the time of writing) can utterly override the problems - perhaps by loading an entirely new game I haven't seen yet - GT5 is going to be the monolithic headstone for a once-great series."

So the fecker hasn't even got anywhere into it. :wenger:

It's a total misunderstanding of how this game works, and how all GTs have worked.

It would be like reviewing an RPG after only playing it for an hour.

That's staggering, how can they have the gall to publish a review of a game which by their own admission they haven't played properly?
I have to say, I'm now worried about the early impressions coming from websites and people who've played it but I can't help thinking that it's cool to say GT5 is shit.

I'll have to wait and see if my copy turns up today to try it and test it myself.
I have to say, I'm now worried about the early impressions coming from websites and people who've played it but I can't help thinking that it's cool to say GT5 is shit.

Do you like the previous GTs? If so, ignore the comments you are reading. It's not going to be perfect, nothing is, but perspective is required.

Polyphony Digital's Gran Turismo 5 is probably the biggest, most content-rich racing game ever made for console.

Gran Turismo 5: Installation Analysis - Page 1 | DigitalFoundry |

He shouldn't even have said "console" there, he should have left that word off.
Might get this instead of GT5. Have reviews suggested any difference between the Ps3 or xbox version?
Unfortunately, on a 5 years old hardware you can do so much. 200 gorgeous premium cars surrounded by low res can see where people are coming from.
I've always said surroundings (track side etc) are important as they add that bit of extra to a driving game.
200 gorgeous premium cars surrounded by low res crap...

Which is again nonsense. You've been looking at people zooming into 8MP photo mode pictures to show 720p sized images haven't you.

Look it makes no sense, but this is the internet after all.

Same car, GT4, and supposedly GT5.



You ask yourself what shenanigans are going on here?

Same car in blue.

Some of these reviews are embarrassing for the reviewers.

They always are. Lazy journalism by people who have never worked in the industry and therefore have no idea how a game is made.

I'm curious to see if Polyphony has photosourced the enviroment or textured it using highpoly bakes. If they've gone for photosourced then its extremely lazy and half arsed way of making ingame environments.
WeasteDevil said:
You ask yourself what shenanigans are going on here?

Isn't the first one in photo mode? And in that replay you can clearly see something similar to the second pic when the camera zooms in.
That 2nd shot can't be GT5. No developer would dare release graphics like that on premium hardware.

I think that it is from GT5, but from a very large 8mp photomode shot zoomed right in. Look at the resolution, it's 1280x853!

I would think that JPEG compression artefacts aside, it actually looks like this as part of a much larger image.


Oh, and a dog!


Let's photomode a dog that's part of the scenery and would look like a dot when racing. There's one of a pigeon hanging around somewhere.
"A-Spec's races aren't helped by the return of the series' now trademark zombie A.I. Any tweaks that have been made are hard to decipher as by and large your fellow racers will pay little attention to your on-track maneuvers, often braking at inexplicable moments and turning what should be a high-octane contest into a comic bout of very expensive bumper cars."


"Opponent AI feels like it has greatly improved since the last game. It appears that a lot of care went into realism this time around. I got the sense that I was in races with drivers of different types for the first time in the series. Some seemed aggressive and others careful. All seemed to put on the heat in the last leg of the last lap. This made for some tense finishes that felt closer to what you might experience in a race with real opponents. There were many times where I was fully immersed in competition and had to remind myself that I wasn't actually in a live race."

Two contrasting reviews...