Gaming Gran Turismo 5

He he he, there are a load of people that got the game early complaining that after the patch the game can hang for up to 10 minutes before it says "Connection to the server could not be established" or something along those lines. No shit Sherlock, the game isn't supposed to be released until tomorrow!
We'll be able to play it without the patch, right?

yes though you might have to turn internet off or just say no when it asks to install (after update)

Damn have to set up wheel. Can't turn yet but found horn. Sadly your unable to break barriers and run over the crowd :( Gotta get used to this wheel. Spazzed out just when i was doing slightly better then crap. Max speed 66mph down a short straight..up until the crash i was just flying
If you have a patch installed, yes. Until they get the servers sorted - which will be tomorrow. Prologue would ask you if you wanted to sign in to PSN if you were not. Believe it or not, lots of people are not interested in online gaming at all and don't even have their PS3s connected to the Internet.
I understand

But I dont want to be connected to the PSN when I turn the game on, for it to try and install a patch, then for me to sign out and on the basis of me being signed in previously trying to make me Login, if ya get me
Mine arrived. Gonna play it for a bit tonight and will spalsh out on a wheel if it's half decent.
I drive like a cnut. I just did rome best lap 6:24.814 :D nice views mind you streets narrow. Actually i beat that just 4:33 and i over took some before crashing....on purpose -sigh-

Getting better. Original circuit (high speed ring) - best lap 2:29:670 in a 500F '68. To be fair it's max is about 57 and you can drive comfortable in fourth gear. I definately recommend a wheel. It really adds to the game. The only frustrating part for me is when you crash/reversing because for whatever reason i've not gotten good at doing it properly.
While you swines are playing this, I'm stuck doing 1:35s on Suzuka in Prologue with the F1 2007. For some reason can't go any faster :lol: even though I have done it faster before.

you're going to have fun weaste. What wheel you got?
I'm kinda shocked. What i'd do is take the wheel out of her car (if she has one) and when she's sat in it looking confused, hand her a ps3 duelshock and let her mull over the error of her ways for a bit.
She basically says "you're not bringing more junk into this house"......

It's annoying, because I know that I could do around a 1:30 with a wheel. 1:35 is 7 seconds off the best time recorded online and gives you around 16,000th spot! :D I know that I'm nowhere skilled enough to get 1:28, or get into the top 1000, but 16,000th spot is bugging me!
My brothers ex was like that.....:(

Just buy a wheel (the gt because it's best for Gt5 apparently) and only use it on special occasions ie when she's sodded off. Well worth it. I don't know what you can get away with but honestly i'd fob her off. It's like being a kid again finding porn hehe. "How did that get there?" - "That isn't mine!" and if she finds it and has it in her hands, "I can't believe you bought me a wheel!That's it no ifs or buts we're going to dinner and i'm paying 1/2!" ;)

Twist it, get away with it and have fun weate. Why not?
If you have a patch installed, yes. Until they get the servers sorted - which will be tomorrow. Prologue would ask you if you wanted to sign in to PSN if you were not. Believe it or not, lots of people are not interested in online gaming at all and don't even have their PS3s connected to the Internet.

that's me. I have auto-sign in turned off.*

*Mostly because it was upsetting Spammy one time when my internet conecttion was wigging out, the big scouse girl's blouse.
I played this today, but because I don't have a clue about gaming, nor about cars my opinion isn't very helpful. And the last Gran Turismo game I played was the third one. So really I just wanted to say that I've played it.
Mine's been dispatched and should be here tomorrow!

A known and respected French gaming site already released it's review, according to GT Planet. 7/10
Thats fairly underwhelming

You will get results like that considering the short amount of time the reviewers have had available to actually play the game. And then you will also get the reviews that mark it low in order to go against the grain and get hits. Then the added bonus of those that don't quite get what Gran Turismo games are all about.

That not to say its not a 7/10 game though, who knows without playing it but I very much doubt I will be dissapointed by it.
Thats fairly underwhelming

Test de Gran Turismo 5 sur Playstation 3

Graphics : 15/20
The game is fluid and overall good looking, but a lot of glitches, aliasing (on shapes, on shadows…) and graphical problems (pop ups, pixelisation of some texture…), the outside of tracks aren’t detailed, and weather is not as impressive as in trailers, visual damage is limited and disappointing…

Gameplay : 14/20
The most disappointing aspect of the game, outdated gameplay designed to gtfans only with no innovation and similar to other gt games. Can we still take turns backing on other cars or track fences ? yes we can. Can we still cheat and cut turns and drive out of asphalt without any punishment ? yes we can (except in online races). The AI is still following the exact same line no matter what you do bumping on you or ou bump on it ? yes its still like the old days…damage is very limited and only on premium cars… the outside camera view has very limited sense of speed (unlike the good sense of speed of cockpit), you cant see too much when racing at night which makes the night races frustrating and unplayable…and cars feel rigid like old gt days, and applying gt gameplay to karts is a bad idea…and rally as always not very good… the good thing with gameplay is that each car feels distinguishable...

Durée de vie (Lasting Appeal or content or durability of the game) : 17/20
A lot of content but little substance (why 1000 cars when we will only drive a hundred of them and a lot are variables of the same car with inconsistent quality premium 200 with very limited disappointing damage that needsto play suicide mission to get some effects and the other 800 are standard with no damage and no cockpit view), also not a lot of tracks, and weather/day night not on all tracks…the online is disappointing, very simplistic, not well designed (when you finish a race you return to the main menu…) and with a lot of connexion problems…

Sound : 15/20
Variable quality like the whole game, disappointing sound effects, inconsistent engine sounds (some are great and some horrible).

Overall score : 14/20
After 5 years of development time and waiting, GT is no more the real driving simulator, it is outdated compared to other racing games especially its gameplay, it is designed to gtfans only with very little innovation, but that’s not to say it’s a bad game, it’s still a simulation game that conserves a personality and captures the essence and variety of cars.

The translation isn't mine. A lot of it is a matter of perspective, I take it GT fans won't be very disappointed - the GT "feel" is there and it's all they want - but the average gamer, not particularly into the franchise already, might think it has too many shortcomings for all the hype that has been created.

I still need to play it myself mind, these are basically opinions I "borrowed" from the GT Planet forums.
I love these comments:

why 1000 cars when we will only drive a hundred of them

This guy is seriously moaning about the amount of cars IN a game?

the outside camera view has very limited sense of speed

Duh, why are you racing with an outside view anyway.

you cant see too much when racing at night which makes the night races frustrating and unplayable

Too realistic for some then.

applying gt gameplay to karts is a bad idea…and rally as always not very good

Karts arn't a good idea boys oh and he can't control the rally cars.

Overall that reviewer has clearly jumped in expecting to be able to run before he can walk just in order to push a review out in time for the release.
Test de Gran Turismo 5 sur Playstation 3

The translation isn't mine. A lot of it is a matter of perspective, I take it GT fans won't be very disappointed - the GT "feel" is there and it's all they want - but the average gamer, not particularly into the franchise already, might think it has too many shortcomings for all the hype that has been created.

I still need to play it myself mind, these are basically opinions I "borrowed" from the GT Planet forums.

You shouldn't have done that....

Overall that reviewer has clearly jumped in expecting to be able to run before he can walk just in order to push a review out in time for the release.

Probably just like that Gamespot "racing expert" bloke yesterday that also played with the chase camera view and also found that he couldn't drift as he could in Need for Speed Hot Pursuit. Really?