Gaming Gran Turismo 5

Apparently you only unlock car damage after reaching a certain level. It'd be shocking if true, the fact that standard cars don't get it at all is bad enough.
Couldn't give a shit about damage. From the videos I saw so far it's pretty weird and unrealistic anyway... I'd rather no damage at all than some of the things I saw. Better finish a race with a shiny new car than one with a bumps that look like melted plastic. I have the impression even them would have preferred the game without it, but they had to implement it because somehow there's the notion around that all car games nowadays have to have damage.

Also some rumours of AI not being much smarter than GT4. I'm concerned much more about this than damage. To me GT was never a racing game (in the sense of a race against other cars). Just 6 cars on the track, the lousy AI and the anarchy of different cars allowed in almost every race meant it was basically a game of me, my car, and the track. And it did that damn well. I'm sure GT5 will do that even better, but it would be a nice addition if they made the single player races get more a feel of racing other drivers. So far I saw nothing pointing at this being the case, other than 6 more cars on the track.
Couldn't give a shit about damage. From the videos I saw so far it's pretty weird and unrealistic anyway... I'd rather no damage at all than some of the things I saw. Better finish a race with a shiny new car than one with a bumps that look like melted plastic. I have the impression even them would have preferred the game without it, but they had to implement it because somehow there's the notion around that all car games nowadays have to have damage.

Also some rumours of AI not being much smarter than GT4. I'm concerned much more about this than damage. To me GT was never a racing game (in the sense of a race against other cars). Just 6 cars on the track, the lousy AI and the anarchy of different cars allowed in almost every race meant it was basically a game of me, my car, and the track. And it did that damn well. I'm sure GT5 will do that even better, but it would be a nice addition if they made the single player races get more a feel of racing other drivers. So far I saw nothing pointing at this being the case, other than 6 more cars on the track.

Amateur and beginner AI is poor. But that's too be expected. I haven't tried racing against the higher difficulty ones yet. Slowly working my way up A-Spec.
Standard cars get damage, and whole point of unlocking is that drivers actually learn how to drive, and as you get better the damage gets worse and worse.

Yes. That's why, as a game, GT5 is fantastic. It's brilliant at what it does. The sheer joy I have just browsing through the menus, reading up on my new cars while the brilliant music at the background plays...

I'm Level 7 now, and my grouse is that the easy parts are a bit too stretched for my liking. I'm a mediocre sim racer, but it seems to me at the moment that the early parts of A-Spec races panders way too much to the lowest common denominator. This is great for unlocking cars, but it leaves you wanting a bit more of a challenge. Mind you, I'm still at amateur at the moment. Hopefully it picks up by the time I reach the latter parts.

As for the physics, I think the best way I can describe it is that it's a forgiving version of iRacing.

By the way, for those who've got the game, do tell what the first proper car you bought was. I got myself a Honda Integra Type R in championship white paint and bronze rims. Handles real easy too.
Standard cars get damage, and whole point of unlocking is that drivers actually learn how to drive, and as you get better the damage gets worse and worse.

Quite. I think that people forget that this is a game and is aimed at a mass audience, so it has levels. It's not actually a pure racing simulator straight out of the box. Even with Prologue, if you had enough credits, it wouldn't allow you to buy the F1 2007 until you had at least bronzed all C, B, A, and S events which also force you to buy certain cars along the way.

We'll see what happens when they unleash the online functionality, I'm quite sure there you'll be able to have setting for everything, including high end damage. I wonder how car selection is going to work in the online. Can each player only take the cars that they have bought into it? Can we, as in arcade mode, use our GTPSP and GT5 Prologue cars online? I hope so, because I'll be using the F1 2007 while Elvis is in his Suzuki Cappuccino, he he!






I really really want this but haven't got any money to get it just yet! Roll on pay day and hopefully I'll be able to find stock of it somewhere.
Have they included the 'over-steer' animation on cockpit view? Haven't noticed it in videos I've watched lately.
mine hasnt come today, not that i was expecting it to, hopefully it comes tomorrow, have the flat to myself tomorrow evening and thursday evening so i wont have to spend an hour or so listening to my flatmate talking shit like he normally does when he gets in from work
Minis, just for you!

Interior is practically identical to the real one. :eek: And it looks like it drives fine, I'll check it tomorrow definitely.

I'm going to check some stores today, if I can't get it, then I'll go tomorrow after a test that I'm taking at 9am - which will probably be no later than 10am, then I have two other subjects at school but I'll probably just skip them this time, go home and play. :lol:
Perfect scores across the board, no?

Not from the live stream Gamespot did yesterday, no! Their self proclaimed "racing expert" couldn't get the car around the track with all assists on. First chose a standard car. Was saying that Prologue had things in it that it didn't such as weather, and made a comment that if he could get a car to drift as he could in Need for Speed that he'd be happy - even though he made a comment that the Citroen rally car was not good for drifting - really! The majority of these reviewers are also playing exclusively with a game pad. They also don't seem to know how the game works - AI and damage being dumbed down at the start, etc.

Scores are going to be all over the show, and I bet one of the main recurring comments is "it's too hard". All of the online sites will be racing each other to get their reviews out as early as possible for the website hits after only playing the game for 5 hours - you watch! People have been playing this for well over a week now, and we are only just seeing certain stuff, technical glitches included.
for anyone who hasnt preordered

HMV - £4.99 if you trade in F1 2010. - £34.85 - £37.99
Best Buy - £29.99
Blockbuster Online - £32.99 - when pre-ordered with the coupon code 'XMASMEGADEAL'.
Amazon - £37.46
GameGears - £39.99
Game - £39.99
Gamestation - £39.99
Tesco - £35.90.
Regarding online, some comments.

- the car turns into a ghost (online if someone tries to go around the wrong way), so no problem with people going reverse
- if you try and take shortcuts you get time penalties, like 10 seconds
- there is damage online, by the end of the race my car was wrecked
- only played a few tracks but we did race on the highway track by night, and rain began falling after a few minutes
I just got everything but I have to update ps3 so expect next post to either be 'yay mofo' or 'shit, I bricked it'. I'll post some rambling thoughts later
Where do you live? I need to break into your house and play it. Dont worry, i wont nick anything. Im not a scouser :D I just want to get on this damn game. Been waiting like forever!

6 years since GT4 release isn't it, and I've actually brought it with me to work so my housemates cant play it haha
I really really want this but haven't got any money to get it just yet! Roll on pay day and hopefully I'll be able to find stock of it somewhere.

Change of plan, I've found some money and ordered from Best Buy for £29.99. Too good to pass up really.
Sony: The world still loves Gran Turismo PlayStation 3 News - Page 1 |

Has the gaming world left Gran Turismo behind? Is the simulation racer still relevant in today's fragmented, socially networked word? For Sony, the answer is, unequivocally, yes.

Not only that, but the gargantuan Gran Turismo 5 can do for PlayStation 3 what Gran Turismo 3 and 4 did for the PlayStation 2.

"I didn't know until I saw it," Sony UK boss Ray Maguire told Eurogamer.

"Like you I was thinking, well, the world has moved on a little bit, social gaming has emerged, people are accepting smaller, bite-sized bits of gaming at very low value.

"Then I saw it, I saw the detail of it, and it does take your breath away. You go, 'Oh my God, now I understand it.' "

Gran Turismo 5, created by Polyphony Digital's car-obsessed president Kazunori Yamauchi, releases at midnight tonight after half a decade of development.

It is the first pillar release in the Gran Turismo series since 2004's PlayStation 2 game Gran Turismo 4.

Maguire added: "We have to understand that the gaming landscape has changed and recognise that, but at the end of the day, I want it all. I don't just want Angry Birds and Doodle Jump, I want Gran Turismo as well.

"Consumers will decide what they want to entertain themselves with at a certain point in time. Some of it will be a deep experience, some of it will be a very casual experience, but they'll all fit together in a wider universe."

Looking back on the Gran Turismo series and its impact on the success of the PlayStation brand, Maguire said the sim has always pushed the limits of PlayStation hardware.

"Clearly one of the games which was very important for PS2 was Gran Turismo," he said. "It took the machine to the limits, and it continued to do that all the way through to the last iteration.

"What's interesting is that there's been nothing until now on GT. That's because the hardware that we have now allows for so much more freedom. The passion and the drive for excellence that Kazunori has is taking him all the way through to try and push the technology we have now."

The Gran Turismo series has sold a whopping 55 million units since it burst onto the scene in 1997. How many copies will Gran Turismo 5 sell?

This is what I felt yesterday when I played the game for the first time.
I've got mine here next to me at work, but i have a family meal straight after so i won't be playing until at least 9pm tonight. FML

Although i have got tomorrow off :)