Gaming Gran Turismo 5

Here we go, first real information/impressions.


I drive with G25.

Clutch users, rejoyce! Clutch works, same style as GT5:Prologue, no official support, you still have to press triangle before the race, but the beauty is here.

Physics are fantastic. In the line somewhere between cruelty of Academy TT Demo and Prologue. My first ride was Trial Mountain with F40, S1 tyres, all aids OFF (ABS on 1), Professional setting. I spun on lap 2, went into Pause Menu and found out about new addition in Quick Options - Interior View Angle.

Now we can adjust view angle to Standard, Narrow and Narrower.

Map Size can be adjusted, unfortunately, no option to turn-off the HUD yet.

Prior to the race start you can choose Depletion of Tyres/Fuel


People are having drama queen fits about screen tearing now. :lol:

To eliminate that you would have to triple buffer, and at 1080p there simply isn't enough memory to do that. It would also cause lag, which isn't clever in a 60fps game. Some people really should stick to PCs.


OK, all National B Licenses done (10 of them), all Golds.

Nothing particulary challenging, but it was fun to see some licenses from the times of the very first Gran Turismo in the new era All licenses are done with Premium cars as expected.

Notice that Skid Recovery is permanetly on and it can't be set to off for al I-B Licenses. Other assists can be turned off, but you have to do it manually for every new License. Some things never change in he World of Gran Turismo Also notice that quantity of OSD data during in-cockpit is noting short of fabulous Position, map, current time, prize times, best time, all gauges, split-times... My dear Lord. Polyphony sticks to the roots of 15 years ago

For all Bronzes in I-B you get legendary Demio Sport '03. For Silver and Gold you get (spoiler alert): OFC Concept '07 and ZZ-S '00.

Notice that winning all I-B with Gold will get you to Lv. 4 and unlock Kart, JG Nascar and Top Gear Special Races (ones with appropriate level).

Also, I-B 10 License hosts 16 cars on track, so that one question is also settled pretty much.

Will come back soon, I have to do further search into some options now.
I'm actually looking forward to doing the license's this time around.
I'm actually looking forward to doing the license's this time around.

This. I think i've started to appreciate their value to Gran Turismo. I use to hate them with a passion, but over the last couple of years its been one of my most anticipated things. I remember spending a god awful amount of time trying to get a Merc around the ring in GT4 and hitting that stupid fecking pace car more then a couple of times, but its memories that are so vivid that make the game fun. Now that i've been playing other games, i've finally learnt to drive with more appreciation of the cars. I use to buy it and then modify the shit out of it, to the point where any resemblance to the old car was just by the frame and it began to ruin the game but I won't this time.
I did all Golds in the first 4 licenses in GT4, was trying to get on the last one (for the Ford Model T), when I had to stop playing.

This time I'm going for all of them, no matter how long it takes. Aiming for Golds in licenses really improves our in-game driving, aiming for Bronze's doesn't do much really.
I have never used a wheel with a Gran Turismo game, I did briefly with the Academy thing but this will be the first full game and I expect my times to drop.
More impressions....

I have to say that I will go into actual career structure until I finish all Licenses, so my initial focus will be based around that segment.

I have just finished golding of National A Licenses - it was a bumpy ride

First, rally is awesome. Period. Will make deeper explorations of the physics tomorrow, but from what I've experienced today, physics in all aspects of the game is nothing but phenomenal. It is difficult to explain, but with every new corner and movement of the car you get the idea you've learned something new. Some tiny bit, some small idea about something, but important and meaningful. During process of golding N-A it was 1997 ll over again, with some familiar licenses in different setting, all up to One Lap Magic finale.

Golding N-A will rank you directly to Lv.7. Bronze prize car is mm-R Cup Car '01, while Silver and bronze are (spoiler alert): Atenza Concept '01 and 4200 R Concept '89.

Somebody asked about 16 races (as seen in both final One Lap Magic races in Licenses section so far) being mixture of Premium and Standard models. They are in fact, I took a moment to pay attention, but - you just don't see the difference during race. On my set - and I'm using an 50" plasma - all Standard cars look like a Prologue cars in-race. It is more-less visible in the replay, but overall I think PD did a very decent job in mixing the two breeds.

One thing was surprising to me since I race without Race BGM (without music during race) - when you pass the License and Bronze/Silver/Gold trophy appears - followed by crew scene (as in GT4) - there is no corresponding in-game music. In order to hear those special tunes (when obtaining the trophy, after race screen or fail-screen) you have to enable Race BGM. Bu then you have to listen to the music durng License test and that is just a no-go for my concentration Tomorrow I'll try to bypass it by recording an empty MP3 track and by enabling Custom soundtrack - and setting Custom track as Race BGM - but it is a strange workaround (if it will work).

There are 189 songs in total in Soundtrack Library of the game, including glorious selection of Classic music, but there is no "Moon Over the Castle" to be found anywhere. It will be a shame if it does not appear later (maybe after Ending Credits or something, only time will tell - since fan-editing of the intro-movie pretty strongly implied that it is edited for MOTC).

One tiny but beautiful spoiler here, regarding option previously introduced in Tourist Trophy game: you can change the number on the race cars, including 4 types of letters and numbering - from 1 to 99.

Another spoiler about acquiring cars and other items in the game: you can win different kinds of items, such as car-tickets, horn vouchers or Paint Items (probably some other types later). So, instead of winning an actual car, you get a "Ticket" for it. You can then decide to use the Ticket (or any other type of voucher) for yourself of gift it to the friend. Very nicely executed community/RPG/Pokemon feature

In Practice mode (Settings options for car are available if you have "settable" parts) you can run Free Run, Drift Trial or One Make Races which I find great. NOtice that game has it's own logic about Race Starts - on some tracks they're Standing, on others Rolling. I presume once the Online options become available we'll be able to choose desired option for Private Lobby races. But both Arcade and GT Life mode have predetermined ways of starting the races.

Also, Karts should be driven only with force feedback strengthen up to 10 Those babies are fun as hell while physics of the tires surprisingly shows it's manners on the best imaginable way. Online Karts will be great fun for clean drivers.

This will wrap-up my updates for today, will continue to update tomorrow, notice that RDK will probably unlock Lv.20 and Extreme level, so stay tuned to his thread in order to find out details - of course, if he decides to share them and spoil surprises

Thanx to all who stop by and read, good night ladies and gentleman drivers

MW2 thread here we come!

At this update I'll try to tackle some issues from yesterday, with focus on some questions I found interesting and some elaborations regarding various parts of the GT5.

With physics being most important in my book, I understand that some observation from tomorrow were somehow misleading. So, here are the further impressions.

I drive with G25, no assists except ABS (1), and no clutch (although it works as previously mentioned). I have no idea about limitations of sequential shifters on G27 (as witnessed in Prologue and TT demo), none of my friends have it and I can't try it at this point. I also have a Fanatec 911 GT3 RSV2 Clubsport waiting to be mounted, but until my new rig comes that baby will not start it's GT5 life.

As I mentioned yesterday, most important issue in physics is disappearance of STD/PRO distinction. Instead, GT5 introduces new driving-aid, Skid Recovery Force, which somewhat limits car lateral movement allowing for easier control. I presume it also applies some kind of steering buffer for controller users, but I haven't try the game with the pad so I can't elaborate further. As said before, all license test in N-B and N-A divisions comes with SRF enabled and I presume it can be disabled by progressing into higher tiers of Licenses - as logic of the licenses determines, since by advancing you can turn-off almost every assists (or the appropriate test turns it off as mandatory).

My physics impression comes from driving stock RX-7 (N2), stock M3 (S1) and racing Castrol Supra (R1) on dry surfaces. GT5 physics is the most advanced physics any any GT game to date, more complex than Prologue, demanding as Academy TT physics, but much more subtile and profound. Tire-snap is now logical, you can feel the surface, suspension and weight on tires and you can perfectly determine what is going on with the tire-grip. I'm impressed with modeling of suspensions - feel of the road is phenomenal and in every moment you know what your car is doing through the force feedback effect delivered on the wheel.

You have a constant idea what your car is doing and you just know when you did something wrong. It is very difficult to explain by words, but all variables that determines the feel of the car on particular part of the track are linked perfectly. You just know when you're going over the top, when the line you've taken will not be good or when you've applied the wrong steer. Also, greatest improvement is done in realms of racing cars, where Kazunori finally reached the levels of his only inspiration, Yu Suzuki's masterpiece F355 Challenge. Sense of speed through corners is now perfect. The insane level of grip and power of race cars has been finally toned down, and feeling of having an ultimate driving machine now comes from ability to steer perfectly, to have control of throttle and brakes, to feel the suspension and to have time to prepare for next maneuver. Refinement in this area is the most important to me, because in all previous GT games I had problems with insanity of race cars. Now everything is in place as it should be, and I love that aspect most.

Of course, in days to come, GT5's physics will be analyzed as no driving-game physics ever was. I expect many criticism, searching for flaws, comparisment with "this game" or "that game", but I have strong impression that physics in GT5 is the most refined physics ever introduced in virtual world - as long as "physics" is determined by the feel of actual driving, feel of tires, feel of suspension, weight transfer, engine momentum and actual feel of steering. Sense of speed, grip, weight and car-performance is just logical and natural - and that is what matters most.

I tried to drive without ABS on both stock cars mentioned above, but even G25 pedals are not up to that task Although overall effect of non-ABS braking is more refined than in Prologue, brakes needs to be approached with great attention. Actual tire-lock is easy to be done and I really have no idea how will users of DFGT/DFP drive without ABS if wanted . Watching braking without ABS in replays finally looks logical and natural and later afternoon I'll be doing much more research in that particular field. On the other side, driving a Castrol Supra on R1 without ABS was totally different from stock-cars, I could tackle braking more efficiently and I presume that mechanical setting (tire compound, suspension, brake power distribution) have lot to do with the overall immersion of the non-ABS braking.

One of the most common questions was one regarding the sounds. GT5 have drastically improved sounds over Prologue in every way. I started a Demo Drive for F430 and it sounds much better than in Prologue, as well as all cars I've driven. Notice that sound changes when driving in cockpit, as I mentioned yesterday best (loudest and clearest) sound is when driving from the roof-cam. However, it is logical to be as that, because the sound of the car from outside and from inside is not the same, as in real life. In the sound department I really love the way in which Doppler effect have been implemented during replays. It shines in surround setting and everybody who got any kind of surround system will enjoy probably the most realistic interpretation of audio-design in virtual racing from "spectator" point of view.

Speaking about replays, they're much more complicated in execution than in previous games, with much more option on disposal. You have 2 interior views focused solely on driver (not sure about that view being available for STD cars) and animation of the driver and interior lightning is just phenomenal.

More serious drivers will love the fact that fuel depletion is now inter-connected to the power of the engine, it's aspiration and way of driving. Although I didn't research it yet in any longer race, menu clearly says that driving more aggressively, with revving into red-area and such will consume more fuel. I hope I'll have time to tackle both tire-wear and fuel-depletion today and it is clear it will add whole another dimension for online racing. I have no idea about brake-fade and such but I'll share any insights as soon as I realize them.

Slipstream has finally been reduced to normal levels and I can't wait to go online and try it in real races. Insane slipstream does not exist anymore and it is noticeable from few licenses that includes slipstreaming. Slow drivers will not be happy, fast drivers will finally get a deserved on-track advantage for their skill outside the straight.

Shirakawa Akira made some interesting questions that deserves serious answer


- Can the car be stalled?
- Are bad shifts harmful or have they been correctly dealt with?
- Can the clutch be burned or otherwise damaged?
- Does the clutch slipping point change with modifications or wear?
- Is it possible to choose the amount of fuel in the tank before race start?
- Is it possible to know in detail tire temperature data with the data logger, meaning not only each tire as a whole, but in separated sections? (usually in PC sims outer, middle, inner portion)
- ...or better, what exactly can the data logger do/analyze?
- Can tire inflating pressure be changed and checked?
Answer to them is mainly negative or still unknown . GT series was always different from PC simulations and it is very clear that Kazunori's vision is different from one of hard-core PC simulations. I still have no idea about execution of mechanical damage and I presume that Extreme races (unlocked after Lv. 20) will offer more answers in this area. But it is safe to presume that some features such as clutch wear, separate sections for the tire-wear and tire-pressure will stay out of the GT world for time being. As for amount of fuel and functions of the logger, I have no idea yet. I'll take a notice when I tackle them.

I don't know anything about Qualifications process since I didn't go into A-Spec races yet.

PPT values are nowhere to be shown (maybe in A-Spec races?) and if they're still in, they could be part of the online portion of the game. As for yesterday, connecting to PSN haven't prompt any update or allow that menu for Community features becomes available. As I noticed yesterday, I am getting the same message as other members with the game about some functions "Not being available in this Version of the game". It is very safe to presume that players with connection to PSN will get some serious update as servers go up (on 24/11, as being announced on official web) that will unlock or make visible all community/online features.

Somebody asked about tuning and adjusting process being available in Practice mode - it is. You can take any car in Practice mode, tune it there, do Free Runs, Drift trials or do One Make Races. Unfortunately, legendary Test Track is nowhere to be found, together with 0-400, 0-1000 tests. Maybe I didn't search enough.

I didn't try all surfaces yet (rain, snow..), report on that comes later today. Many other advanced options as variable weather and such will probably be introduced in Endurance races (wherever and on whichever Lv. they are) and in settings for still unavailable online races (Private Lobby and races settings).

Also, I couldn't find an option to create a point-to-point track in Course Maker and it remains to be seen will it unlock on some point.

I have a PSEye and I'll be post impressions of headtracking later today.

In the end, I will conclude with overall impression of the Graphical User Interface. As always, GUI created by Polyphony Digital is the most beautiful in the genre and beyond. Everything is designed to insane level of logic and beauty and navigating through menus with great music in the background (lounge and jazz selection is perfect) is a treat of its own. Shortcuts are also welcomed again and although many new users will loose themselves in the beginning, it has to be noticed that complexity of the game structure is almost perfectly executed through GUI.

No tyre pressure adjustments will upset redlambs but the fact that driving styles affect fuel levels is very very exciting. Hopefully it affects tyre usage as well. My biggest grife with GT in the past was that the tyre's went away far too quick and it didn't matter how you drove, they'd always wear almost at the same rate. Only some slight adjustment to the camber would improve tyre life, but the loss of speed didn't make it worth while.
I think I'll be going hunting soon, well soonish - on Monday it could definitely be at least in some stores, maybe even Saturday if they're silly enough. I'm confident I'll get it at least one day ahead of its official release day.
I'd be amazed if GT5 can somehow meet the hype and expectations of the huge majority of gamers following all the rumours and news. It's being lofted to such heights, not just by little kids and their Call Of Duty games, but by grown-up men like most here.

That being said, this is going to be a day 1 purchase for me. Can't wait for next week!
51 feckin Skylines in the game someones having a laugh :lol:

You know that includes a variation of race cars and road cars. For me its beyond a bit pathetic that they've jammed so many of the same cars in it though. If it were me doing skylines i'd have.

R32. R32 GTR, R32 GTR V Spec II, R32 GTR Godzilla '600bhp Race Car'
R33. R33 GTR, R33 GTR V Spec II, R33 Nismo 400R
R34. R34 GTR, R34 GTR N1, R34 GTR Vspec 2 Nur, R34 Z Tune, R34 GTR Gran Turismo pace car.
On top of that a couple of R34 race cars.

Don't even get me fecking started on the amount of MX5's but its always been like that.
I'd be amazed if GT5 can somehow meet the hype and expectations of the huge majority of gamers following all the rumours and news. It's being lofted to such heights, not just by little kids and their Call Of Duty games, but by grown-up men like most here.

That being said, this is going to be a day 1 purchase for me. Can't wait for next week!

The thing is, its incredibly hard game to stuff up given all they have to do, is do what they've been doing for the past 15 years. For me, the pro's out weight the cons. The weather system, and the track creator are better then putting up with 800 "standard" cars. As somebody said, think of it as 200 cars + 800 bonus cars, not 1000 - 800. I don't think we'll see many more courses, but that isn't a big issue. I just want to have fun driving cars and GT lets me do that.
I was having this conversation with my mate at the gym last night; they have all those skylines and MX5's but then there's no new Focus RS, no mk6 Golf R etc, seems a bit silly.
I was having this conversation with my mate at the gym last night; they have all those skylines and MX5's but then there's no new Focus RS, no mk6 Golf R etc, seems a bit silly.

If you look, they've really only made 2 new standard cars in the R8 race cars, and Veyron. From 05 onwards 90% of the cars are premiums. I think the goal is to make every new car a premium car and they've simply not had enough time to get every car in the past 5 years up to premium levels. However it allows people to let their imagination go. It won't be hard for example for tuners to turn a DB9 in to a DBS with modifications and and if all of the road going premiums work with the race car conversion, you'll be able to create DB9 R's as well as F430 GT's and 599 GTO's.
The thing is, its incredibly hard game to stuff up given all they have to do, is do what they've been doing for the past 15 years.

I think we've got to be fair to PD because it's not as easy as you're making it out to be. It's like saying Manchester United will win the Premier League at least 5 times this coming decade.

KY's like the SAF of driving games. That enthusiasm, drive and hunger he has for his game and cars just amazes me.
The thing is, its incredibly hard game to stuff up given all they have to do, is do what they've been doing for the past 15 years. For me, the pro's out weight the cons. The weather system, and the track creator are better then putting up with 800 "standard" cars. As somebody said, think of it as 200 cars + 800 bonus cars, not 1000 - 800. I don't think we'll see many more courses, but that isn't a big issue. I just want to have fun driving cars and GT lets me do that.

We've seen more courses in trailers though - El Capitan being one example. That square in Sienna for the karts being another one not on the released list. Also, we'll go back to the argument I had with Lambs - when they showed of GT:HD in 2007 it was said that was all that they had done one the project, so it's not 5 years.
Anyone had enough with F1 2010 yet?

Best Gran Turismo 5 price so far: £4.99 at HMV with trade-in - *

Best Gran Turismo 5 price so far: £4.99 at HMV with trade-in

HMV is selling Gran Turismo 5 for the bargain price of just £4.99 - when you trade in a PS3 copy of Codemasters' F1 2010.

The deal will last for three days after the Sony game's launch next Wednesday (November 24).

Also... ads are going to start,

Theyve been getting music for it over the last few days, had an email from Sentric Music this morning getting people to submit by 6PM....theres me opening the email at 6.45 ....I hope to feck I havnt missed out :(


The requirements if anyone cares were "Instrumental, guitar led rock and roll which is fast and gritty."

I like to think that matches my music reasonably well.
How is that even a game? I've never seen such a real looking game in my life. Unreal.

It'll probably not be as good looking when it comes out, other videos don't even come close to that. It'll have great graphics but not that great.
So it's 19th, so stores should likely either have it today in their magazines or have it shipped to them today. I'll try to find it today but there's a slim chance of that I'd say, on Monday it'll be a realistic target but not today.

Cannot wait.
He's a nice chap that Amar bloke, just says it as it is, not over excitement, not disappointment.

OK, back to business. This update will tackle many small things and bits I've came across, as well as many questions made in this thread.

But first, I'd like to explain the issue encountered yesterday, when I realized that BGM sounds/music for winning a license-trophy (bronze, silver or gold) are being muted if you have Race BGM muted.

I presume it will not be an issue for 95% of future GT5 players, but all Legacy Players (respect ) and all other players that tend to race with Race BGM set to OFF (as everybody should, but hey - De gustibus non disputandum est ) will probably find it annoying. For solving of that problem you'll need an empty MP3 or VAW file (GT5 will only accept 48, 42 and 20.05 bitrate files) uploaded to your PS3 music Library, in separate folder. Once uploaded, you go to GT5 Options/Sound menu and then choose User BGM (for Race BGM). You then choose the empty file and make it play random in loop and then set the Race BGM to 100. Voila! License-winning music is there and our favorite Japan Guitar-Rock tunes will play happily in the rhythm of spinning awarded Trophy

After you're done with Licenses, you just turn off User BGM and disable Race BGM in order to save precious RAM streaming-bandwith. And trust me, GT5 needs it.

One of the most repeated questions is about changing rims on Standard cars. No, Standard cars can't have their rims changed. Period. Forever. Sorry guys, but there are more than 200 Premiums waiting to have their rims changed, and I guess it is lots of dirty hands to be washed after only that number. Imagine 1031, no hands can sustain so much degreaser and soap And no, really no, Standards do not have interiors too.

Another important issue - particularly to all members of GTP Registry League, as Sjaak asked me - is that save files are really copy-protected, period. You can't copy them to memory stick and that is it.

Interesting thing regarding save file is that it actually tracks Days of your GT Life career - which is nowhere else to be found in GT Life. Number of days spent in Career Mode - as one of the foundations of RPG-esque GT system of all previous games - is now gone from display. But, those interested in Old School Values will still be able to find it by pressing a triangle in XMB section of Game Save Data for GT5 save file.

Although I have PSEye camera and I went through set-up procedure in Options menu, I couldn't get it to work during my License/Arcade races sessions. I have no idea where is the problem, I'll try to mess with the options tomorrow. Interesting thing is noted in Online Manual (notice that paper manual that comes with the game is nothing but informational - everything you need to know about the Sea of Options is available in in-game Help Manual) regarding Headtracking - it will not be available in races with pit-stop enabled. And no, I still haven't race almost any race in GT Life career mode (only 1st Lv. of Kart Challenge) because I'm still golding Licenses.

Drift mode (in GT Life mode only to be found in Practice section at this moment) can be executed as Section or Full-Lap drift. I can't wait for first serious drift videos of all great drifters there, it will be a treat.

Unfortunately, I just didn't have time to make further exploration of the physics, except during License tests. But, everything I said in previous updates is still valid, rally is a real treat, while overall feel of racing on dry surfaces is great. I will just expand my thoughts regarding execution of the physics/vehicle characteristics/tire modeling, by saying that GT5 provides unprecedented variety of feels for different cars, as never before. Racing 512BB on Rome Track (and Rome track is great I must admit) is totally different experience than racing new Infinity. I know it is logical to say "it is totally different" - they're totally different cars in any mean after all - by it is also not easily explainable by words. Everything we know about feel of the cars from previous games has been rewritten, so to say - torque, weight, lateral movement, way of braking, accelerating - everything is so unique to each car, as never before. Exploring the whole universe of different types of cars will now have a whole new meaning.

At this point, no Network functions has been made available yet, so I still don't know anything related to online, multiplayer, community, GT Anywhere options, Museum (it is part of Network options, as stated in Online Manual section of the game), YouTube upload, Item Sharing or Car Exchange (and yes, we all have to wonder what "Car Exchange" will be ).

And in the end of impressions, I have to admit that graphics will occasionally slow down in large-field races, but it is nothing that can ruin anyones experience. Please, do not jump to this now, it is very rare, it lasts very short and it is just not so important with everything in scale Also, some shadow-cast could be strange, but with level of overall details and everything it is expected. After all, it is only 256 RAM of dedicated graphics CPU, our mobile phones probably have better graphic CPU these days So, nothing to be rally picky about in my book.

And now onto questions, I apologize to all whose questions will be left unanswered, I will try to anwser them in some future updates.

G25 wheel related
- clutch works (I presume it will work with G27 too, but I have no idea will the paddles work on G27)
- no steering lock in any option I have found so far
- I have no idea yet about Tuning-Menu allowing to adjust Steering Degree (as in QTS of Prologue)

JumpAce asked about all tire and compound types. There are Comfort (N), Sports (S) and Racing (R) tires, and with porchasing Racing tires you're given both Intermediate and Rain compounds. Additionaly, there are Dirt and Snow tires for rally races.

Quick rundown for various:
- Karts can be raced on any road track
- no new diesel cars found (except 120d and Pegueot LM)
- no Stunt Arenas yet (probably never in GT5 by my opinion, but you never know with Kaz )
- brand of the Mercedes SLS model is surprisingly - Mercedes-Benz

I found Jay Leno's name in Credits. Hm. Any thoughts?

Oh, and one very important thing for the very end - almost forgotten in lights of news - there is no Rewind Thank you Kazunori-san, ありがとうございました.

This concludes my fifth update, more updates tomorrow evening. Thank you for reading!

Sorry mate, golding all licenses prior to any racing is my current imperative.

Yesterday I finally finished golding I-C, so 3 more Tiers to go. I have also encountered the most difficult start-stop license EVER in GT history. After almost hour and half of pure frustration I had to give up and use the 3rd-person camera for the first time ever in my 13 years of GT series playtime in order to pass it. Some are pretty easy, some are not, but I presume that rea chalenge will begin now - I-B, I-A and S awaits for the weekend.

I am a 100% clear racer and I try to drive racing simulations as I would drive the car in RL. I also do not tend to exploit the physics and tracks (going crazy over kerbs, going off-track and over shortcuts, passing on impossible places and so on).

Said that, I was amazed with AI in GT5: Prologue because it was the most convincing AI that I ever witnessed in any video game. Of course, during Mission test you had to make few dirt moves in order to pass the tests (especially on One Lap Magic tests on Pro physics), but if you'd settled your own race with 20 laps and then try to race 100% clean - including taking no shortcuts and such - it was a breathtaking race experience.

I know many people didn't dig Prologue's AI, although I can't understand why.

I find AI of GT5 advanced over Prologue, especially in blocking procedures. Also, AI drivers make mistakes and they fight among themselves - which makes for some great moments. However, they will brake on time if you're in front of them (no more GT-GT4 bumping), when you pass they'll try to regain position on the very fair manner and so on.

In short - in my personal book, GT5 have the best AI routines I've ever seen in genre so far.
Data logger looks nice though.

This will probably go completely unnoticed by alot of gamers, but the level of data shown there is quite incredible. I heard rumblings about a good data logger and I believe that is only one page, but its quite incredible the level of data available to see. I can already pick up that he's slower then he should be. His wheel movements are far to aggressive and there are periods where he's not on the throttle or the brakes which is really a no no in motor racing. Putting it simply, its the reason why the top times in these games are a good 2/4 seconds faster then guys using a dpad.
This will probably go completely unnoticed by alot of gamers, but the level of data shown there is quite incredible. I heard rumblings about a good data logger and I believe that is only one page, but its quite incredible the level of data available to see. I can already pick up that he's slower then he should be. His wheel movements are far to aggressive and there are periods where he's not on the throttle or the brakes which is really a no no in motor racing. Putting it simply, its the reason why the top times in these games are a good 2/4 seconds faster then guys using a dpad.

Why would the dpad force you to be some periods without throttle or brakes? With my traditional layout (accelerate on X with the inter-falangic of my thumb and break with the tip of my thumb) that could indeed happen a lot of time, but it's been a while since I got used to accelerate on R2 and break on L2 I don't see a reason why it would have to be that way.

And you sir, get ready to provide a lot of driving tips on the next few months, you seem to know your way around this :D

Also, I need to know how to create that MP3 thing. I don't play with race BGM and I definitely want to listen to the licenses trophies music.