Gaming Gran Turismo 5

feck me, that's swift. What car is it again? my memory's sketchy thesedays. I reckon mine's just below 6sec.
feck me, that's swift. What car is it again? my memory's sketchy thesedays. I reckon mine's just below 6sec.

It's an M3. 3.0 straight 6. It does go like a rocket, but it's the torque that make it what it is >300 of them.

It's more impressive when I tell people I can pull away in third and get up to ~110mph in just that gear ;)
I have no idea why you're even bothering with car games. Honestly.

Because it's expensive to keep going track days, and it's only fun on our roads when it's pissing down and I don't have to worry about tyres :D

Funnily enough, I've never been done for speeding or anything in her, but then I don't take the piss generally. She has hit 140 in 4th gear though and was still pushing easily, so I'm going to get her unrestricted and one day get her to a track and see how far. I'm guessing mid to late 160's.
Because it's expensive to keep going track days, and it's only fun on our roads when it's pissing down and I don't have to worry about tyres :D

Funnily enough, I've never been done for speeding or anything in her, but then I don't take the piss generally. She has hit 140 in 4th gear though and was still pushing easily, so I'm going to get her unrestricted and one day get her to a track and see how far. I'm guessing mid to late 160's.

I tend to take it easy in mine, but let it rip once a week. And yeah touch wood I've never been done for speeding in mine. . .I think it's because you become more cautious.
It's best to be sensible, especially on roads where you could well affect other people. That's why my insurance isn't too bad (it's a group 20 car!), because they expect people who own one to actually beable to drive it.

Anyone who drives a go-kart like an evo or impreza would kill themselves in mine. I don't have to watch for speed though, my biggest thing is when I use my missus' focus 1.8. If I'm ragging it, I tend to take corners far too fast expecting the arse out, and believe me when you drive RWD fast it's a whole lot easier to get round bends than FWD! Understeer has nearly had me wreck her car on one or two occasions :lol:

It's interesting that they still haven't worked out how to leave rubber marks on the road surface. Memory issue maybe?

It's interesting that they still haven't worked out how to leave rubber marks on the road surface. Memory issue maybe?

Hmmm, that's a strange one! Maybe they are just using low-res textures in the game (because at speed, you won't notice) but have disabled them for promo-videos for that reason? I've known of that trick before.
If I remember correctly, Kazanori saying it was meaningless if not done properly. Games like Forza and such lay the marks, but don't simulate the advantages and disadvantages of a rubbered up circuit. Will be interesting, to see if they implement it in the full game, but as I said. If you don't do it properly, doing it for the hell of it is just pointless and time consuming.
That sounds like a lame excuse. Meaningless? You might as well not bother with such good graphics then, or people might as well stop tarting up games with effects.

While we are at it, drop car shadows, I mean they are pointless are they not? So is the skybox, hell so is the backdrops for that matter.

Just a track, a functional car and use all the rest of the power on physics. Perfect!

It might be something they add in at the end, we'll see.

They seem to be modelling what is going on with the tyres at any one point in time.

Advances in the physics and graphic rendering engines extend to special effects like smoke. Gran Turismo 5 also brings an evolution in tire smoke simulation. By re-evaluating tire structures at the simulation level, Gran Turismo 5’s advanced physics engine calculates and simulates the surface temperature of the tires. This is applied to the basic principle of how tires generate smoke, and allows for the production of accurate and realistic tire smoke in the game.

If they are evaluating the tyre temperature, it should also feed into things such as grip and breaking. Do they take it further, do they also take break temperature into account, tyre wear, etc.? We'll have to wait and see.
It might be something they add in at the end, we'll see.

They seem to be modelling what is going on with the tyres at any one point in time.

If they are evaluating the tyre temperature, it should also feed into things such as grip and breaking. Do they take it further, do they also take break temperature into account, tyre wear, etc.? We'll have to wait and see.

Well they are going to have to if they want to even compete with Forza, let alone top it.
That sounds like a lame excuse. Meaningless? You might as well not bother with such good graphics then, or people might as well stop tarting up games with effects.

While we are at it, drop car shadows, I mean they are pointless are they not? So is the skybox, hell so is the backdrops for that matter.

Just a track, a functional car and use all the rest of the power on physics. Perfect!


GT5 already offers a "rubbered" in racing line so if the rubber is not being laid down for something, whats the point? I don't doubt they could do it and they'd probably do it well, but its really not that big of a deal.
I don't think that Forza does brake temperature does it?

I don't believe brake temp, no. It does do tyre temp/wear/pressures really well though. For example, I always test my car out to see how much the pressure jumps when the tyres at maximum heat and how long it takes. That way I can make an educated guess at the track length and how long/many laps until the tyres will be up to heat and adjust my starting psi accordingly. Normally I aim for (at temp) 35-36, but sometimes will drop rear tyres a few psi if the track is a bit twisty (in a RWD of course).

I don't know if GT5 will go to that level, but it bloody well should!
I really can't wait to race on Trial Mountain in a Ferrari in 1080p HD. November 2nd can't come soon enough.

Never played Forza. When I had a 360 I played PGR4 but that was awful.
I suppose that brakes are far harder to do, they are not quite as generic as tyres.

I dunno, I'd have thought brake temperature wasn't as hard as accurately modeling tyres. There's more variables to the tyres and different makes of them, than brakes. I just don't think it would be as high up on the list to add brake temp, since there's not actually much you can do to stop them heating up that isn't already standard on most of these cars. With tyres, on the other hand, you have quality, pressure, camber, track surface, air temp, tyre temp, rebound amongst the things to measure and take into consideration.
Well, there are many different types of brakes, different materials and quality of materials used, and it changes on a car by car basis with some cars providing different cooling solutions to other cars and some not at all, even things like the wheel being used can change the cooling of the brakes.

As for tyres, if they are going to put dynamic weather in there, then they are going to have to simulate that. I think most people want weather in so they can see how pretty it looks driving in a downpour at dusk, probably even expecting rainbows to appear, but that's not really the point is it?
Well, there are many different types of brakes, different materials and quality of materials used, and it changes on a car by car basis with some cars providing different cooling solutions to other cars and some not at all, even things like the wheel being used can change the cooling of the brakes.

Yes, but like I say the standard braking systems on most of these cars would require little upgrading. Maybe ceramics to stop fading, or aerated on those without it, but there's little else actual changes you can make tuning-wise.

As for tyres, if they are going to put dynamic weather in there, then they are going to have to simulate that. I think most people want weather in so they can see how pretty it looks driving in a downpour at dusk, probably even expecting rainbows to appear, but that's not really the point is it?

Well no. Again we are going into realms we don't know. For example, are they actually trying to take on Forza's realism, or even the PC sims? If so, weather is a big boost but it's also a complicated one. Different humidity and downpours affect different types of road surface in varying ways, which affect the many different types of tyre. Not to mention spray affecting brake temp and fading.

It's a lot to think about and expect. Going by the other GT's I'd be surprised if they even went to Forza's level when it comes to tyres, let alone adding the full weather effect. Probably be more like a compromise which 99% of players won't notice anyway.
Yes, but like I say the standard braking systems on most of these cars would require little upgrading. Maybe ceramics to stop fading, or aerated on those without it, but there's little else actual changes you can make tuning-wise.

I wasn't really thinking about tuning, but rather how each car would react very differently to break heat depending on the brakes they are using. Some would get hotter faster than others etc. The tyres I suppose work the same on every car depending upon a few variables such as weight distribution and even the brakes. ;) An F1 car can probably come to a stop going 200mph in a shorter distance than a BMW M3 going at 120Mph. In F1 cars, they can even change the bias of the brakes from front to rear in realtime.
I wasn't really thinking about tuning, but rather how each car would react very differently to break heat depending on the brakes they are using. Some would get hotter faster than others etc. The tyres I suppose work the same on every car depending upon a few variables such as weight distribution and even the brakes. ;) An F1 car can probably come to a stop going 200mph in a shorter distance than a BMW M3 going at 120Mph. In F1 cars, they can even change the bias of the brakes from front to rear in realtime.

Real-time brake bias would be nice, but is way over the head of most people playing games :D
It has been ages since I tried anything prior to GT5:P but didn't the old series have some kind of data acquisition? I'd love that to be in GT5 even at a basic level, when I was into GTR2 heavy the motec stuff was essential for improving laptimes and setups.
Shall we take this with a pinch of salt?

PlayStation 3 News Articles: - Talking games with Shuhei Yoshida

What can we look forward to when Gran Turismo 5 releases on PlayStation 3?
Gran Turismo 5 will offer gamers an experience more rich, more in-depth and more exciting than they might expect - even from a series as closely identified with innovation and invention as Gran Turismo. Not only will Gran Turismo 5 deliver an even more comprehensive set of cars and courses than gamers saw with previous iterations, it will also feature new game-enhacing graphical effects such as damage, night racing and weather.

These innovations are twinned with the option to join millions of like-minded individuals globally within the Gran Turismo community and to find a driving experience to suit, whether that is taking on the Top Gear test track, chucking cars around stunt arenas, go-karting, creating and sharing your own track or intense head-to-head races. Who, where and what to drive is completely down to the individual.

This time around Gran Turismo is likely not just to be the definitive driving experience but a definitive gaming experience full stop.

Jokes were made when our inside man, amar212, first mentioned a track editor coming to GT5 more than a year ago. Today, he gets the last laugh, as president of Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios, Shuhei Yoshida, has confirmed “track creating and sharing”, “go-karting”, and a “weather system” is coming to the game in an interview posted directly on the official PlayStation UK website. Here’s the relevant portion of the article:

What can we look forward to when Gran Turismo 5 releases on PlayStation 3?
Gran Turismo 5 will offer gamers an experience more rich, more in-depth and more exciting than they might expect – even from a series as closely identified with innovation and invention as Gran Turismo. Not only will Gran Turismo 5 deliver an even more comprehensive set of cars and courses than gamers saw with previous iterations, it will also feature new game-enhacing graphical effects such as damage, night racing and weather.

These innovations are twinned with the option to join millions of like-minded individuals globally within the Gran Turismo community and to find a driving experience to suit, whether that is taking on the Top Gear test track, chucking cars around stunt arenas, go-karting, creating and sharing your own track or intense head-to-head races. Who, where and what to drive is completely down to the individual.

This time around Gran Turismo is likely not just to be the definitive driving experience but a definitive gaming experience full stop.

Thanks to owen.c93 for the tip!
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source: Gran Turismo 5 Weather, Track Editor Confirmed

weather system
track editor

I think the weather system could well open them up to negatives that Forza has.

I just can't see the damp/wet/slick track physics being that realistic, although I'd like to be proven wrong. In fact after 6 years of development, if weather was planned from the start (and the tyre system is >= Forza) then I should be wrong.
Previous GTs have had wet tracks, so that would have always been in their mind for the tyre simulation from the get-go I would suppose. What makes it more complicated is is this weather dynamic or not - it can stop and start on a random basis, or is it a selection option before you enter the race - dry, damp, wet, light rain, pissing down, snow? And then you are forced to select a specific set of tyres.