General Election 2017 | Cabinet reshuffle: Hunt re-appointed Health Secretary for record third time

How do you intend to vote in the 2017 General Election if eligible?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 80 14.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 322 58.4%
  • Lib Dems

    Votes: 57 10.3%
  • Green

    Votes: 20 3.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 13 2.4%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 29 5.3%
  • Independent

    Votes: 3 0.5%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 11 2.0%
  • Other (UUP, DUP, BNP, and anyone else I have forgotten)

    Votes: 14 2.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
We simply can't go into the negotiations with a minority goverment, May said it was so.
Does anyone else think the situation is completely fecked? If it wasn't so absurd, it would almost be funny.

We're meant to be negotiating Brexit starting next week. It's going to take 2-5 years. We have a ridiculously weak and wobbly conservative party gunning for a hard Brexit. They're planning to attach themselves to an even further right-wing, climate change denying, anti-abortion, anti-LGBT rights, eurosceptic party who just happen to, right now, actually want a soft Brexit.

The rest of the main parties; Labour, SNP, Lib Dems, Greens, Plaid Cymru, want varying degrees of soft Brexit or no Brexit. They all want access to the Single Market and aren't too bothered about freedom of movement.

There is little chance that Theresa May will last 2 years, let alone 5. There is only a slightly greater chance that the DUP-Tory coalition/Tory minority government will last either.

And therefore there is a non-small chance that mid-way through negotiating Brexit, what the UK wants could drastically change.

Millions of pounds wasted, years of uncertainty.

What a mess.
Does anyone else think the situation is completely fecked? If it wasn't so absurd, it would almost be funny.

We're meant to be negotiating Brexit starting next week. It's going to take 2-5 years. We have a ridiculously weak and wobbly conservative party gunning for a hard Brexit. They're planning to attach themselves to an even further right-wing, climate change denying, anti-abortion, anti-LGBT rights, eurosceptic party who just happen to, right now, actually want a soft Brexit.

The rest of the main parties; Labour, SNP, Lib Dems, Greens, Plaid Cymru, want varying degrees of soft Brexit or no Brexit. They all want access to the Single Market and aren't too bothered about freedom of movement.

There is little chance that Theresa May will last 2 years, let alone 5. There is only a slightly greater chance that the DUP-Tory coalition/Tory minority government will last either.

And therefore there is a non-small chance that mid-way through negotiating Brexit, what the UK wants could drastically change.

Millions of pounds wasted, years of uncertainty.

What a mess.
You're not DUPed then are you?
Does anyone else think the situation is completely fecked? If it wasn't so absurd, it would almost be funny.

We're meant to be negotiating Brexit starting next week. It's going to take 2-5 years. We have a ridiculously weak and wobbly conservative party gunning for a hard Brexit. They're planning to attach themselves to an even further right-wing, climate change denying, anti-abortion, anti-LGBT rights, eurosceptic party who just happen to, right now, actually want a soft Brexit.

The rest of the main parties; Labour, SNP, Lib Dems, Greens, Plaid Cymru, want varying degrees of soft Brexit or no Brexit. They all want access to the Single Market and aren't too bothered about freedom of movement.

There is little chance that Theresa May will last 2 years, let alone 5. There is only a slightly greater chance that the DUP-Tory coalition/Tory minority government will last either.

And therefore there is a non-small chance that mid-way through negotiating Brexit, what the UK wants could drastically change.

Millions of pounds wasted, years of uncertainty.

What a mess.

Does anyone else think the situation is completely fecked? If it wasn't so absurd, it would almost be funny.

We're meant to be negotiating Brexit starting next week. It's going to take 2-5 years. We have a ridiculously weak and wobbly conservative party gunning for a hard Brexit. They're planning to attach themselves to an even further right-wing, climate change denying, anti-abortion, anti-LGBT rights, eurosceptic party who just happen to, right now, actually want a soft Brexit.

The rest of the main parties; Labour, SNP, Lib Dems, Greens, Plaid Cymru, want varying degrees of soft Brexit or no Brexit. They all want access to the Single Market and aren't too bothered about freedom of movement.

There is little chance that Theresa May will last 2 years, let alone 5. There is only a slightly greater chance that the DUP-Tory coalition/Tory minority government will last either.

And therefore there is a non-small chance that mid-way through negotiating Brexit, what the UK wants could drastically change.

Millions of pounds wasted, years of uncertainty.

What a mess.

Aye, it's an utter clusterfeck. All on May, though. Her choice to call an election took time away from a period in which we could've been doing things related to Brexit; instead we've now got an incredibly tenuous government who are once again more concerned with their own inner squabbling than the fate of the country. fecking embarrassment of a political party.
We simply can't go into the negotiations with a minority goverment, May said it was so.

She's probably right, tbf. Particularly if the alliance you've tentatively entered into aren't on your side for this one.

Stopped clocks, eh?
What's the problem with you guys ?

The pound has merely adjusted 15% down, we're not about to leave the single market, immigration has ended, the NHS gets 350 million quid a week more, not a single Enterprise has left our shores, all Euro businees is destined to remain in the City, the EU is in disarray and we have all 27 of them by the balls, we have a clear and coherent plan, the unity, strength and stability of the government is exemplary and just look at the quality of May, Johnson, Rudd, Davis - our leaders, we have so many aces up our sleeve, we only need two weeks to sort out the whole kit and caboodle, the EU is in desperate need of the efficiency of our security forces.

Just remember how things will be even better after we actually leave, keep calm and carry on.
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What's the problem with you guys ?

The pound has merely adjusted 15% down, we're not about to leave the single market, immigration has ended, the NHS gets 350 million quid a week more, the EU is in disarray and we have all 27 of them by the balls, we have a clear and coherent plan, the unity, strength and stability of the government is exemplary, we have so many aces up our sleeve, we only need two weeks to sort out the whole kit and caboodle, the EU is in desperate need of the efficiency of our security forces.

Just remember how things will be even better after we actually leave, keep calm and carry on.

Does anyone else think the situation is completely fecked? If it wasn't so absurd, it would almost be funny.

We're meant to be negotiating Brexit starting next week. It's going to take 2-5 years. We have a ridiculously weak and wobbly conservative party gunning for a hard Brexit. They're planning to attach themselves to an even further right-wing, climate change denying, anti-abortion, anti-LGBT rights, eurosceptic party who just happen to, right now, actually want a soft Brexit.

The rest of the main parties; Labour, SNP, Lib Dems, Greens, Plaid Cymru, want varying degrees of soft Brexit or no Brexit. They all want access to the Single Market and aren't too bothered about freedom of movement.

There is little chance that Theresa May will last 2 years, let alone 5. There is only a slightly greater chance that the DUP-Tory coalition/Tory minority government will last either.

And therefore there is a non-small chance that mid-way through negotiating Brexit, what the UK wants could drastically change.

Millions of pounds wasted, years of uncertainty.

What a mess.

It's a spectacular disaster for the Uk. Which is why I find the glee among Corbynites a little strange. I mean, if Labour had actually won then, sure, we could maybe kid ourselves that there was a chance to get off the Tory-initiated road to hell but that's not what happened. Labour didn't win. And the UK just got screwed in the worst way. So... erm... happy days?
As much as Corbyn deserves credit for his campaigning, there's some serious mistaking of correlation for causation there.

Though I can imagine May was a bit of a put off for voters.
It's a spectacular disaster for the Uk. Which is why I find the glee among Corbynites a little strange. I mean, if Labour had actually won then, sure, we could maybe kid ourselves that there was a chance to get off the Tory-initiated road to hell but that's not what happened. Labour didn't win. And the UK just got screwed in the worst way. So... erm... happy days?
I am pleased to have voted for Corbyn and Labour. How do Tory voters feel now? We're both in the same boat, but I feel I was rowing in the right direction. If there's another election soon, bring it on!
It's a spectacular disaster for the Uk. Which is why I find the glee among Corbynites a little strange. I mean, if Labour had actually won then, sure, we could maybe kid ourselves that there was a chance to get off the Tory-initiated road to hell but that's not what happened. Labour didn't win. And the UK just got screwed in the worst way. So... erm... happy days?

Exactly my feelings. Everything got worse.
It's a spectacular disaster for the Uk. Which is why I find the glee among Corbynites a little strange. I mean, if Labour had actually won then, sure, we could maybe kid ourselves that there was a chance to get off the Tory-initiated road to hell but that's not what happened. Labour didn't win. And the UK just got screwed in the worst way. So... erm... happy days?

Labour was not expected to win the election called by the Torries. The glee is about Labour being on the way back.
It's a spectacular disaster for the Uk. Which is why I find the glee among Corbynites a little strange. I mean, if Labour had actually won then, sure, we could maybe kid ourselves that there was a chance to get off the Tory-initiated road to hell but that's not what happened. Labour didn't win. And the UK just got screwed in the worst way. So... erm... happy days?
If the UK is in a worse state then the blame lies solely with Theresa May and her party. They called for an election purely for tactical and selfish reasons when there wasn't any need for it.
You get the same swings in similar areas that he didn't visit. The UKIP vote disappeared everywhere so the Labour vote was up everywhere.
I was talking to people around the south-west on my delivery rounds and, while it's not anything like scientific, I just know there is a "Corbyn effect". If I was a candidate or an activist campaigning in a marginal, being intentionally starved of funds by Labour HQ, I would be OK with a visit to my area from May and absolutely delighted if Corbyn held a rally in or near my constituency. I would like to see some facts and figures on this though - beyond that Huff-post article.

Edit: I also know from Twitter that Labour struggled for votes in many areas where Corbyn was left off leaflets and Progress was in charge of campaigning. People were told on doorsteps that they would be voting for Corbyn and Labour in spite of their candidate being anti-Corbyn.
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See @rcoobc 's post above. Getting giddy about Labour potentially winning the next election is kind of hollow. The damage will be done by then.

I'm not giddy. But certainly happy that the party I knew years ago decided to come back to its roots.

As much as I dislike the Torries I hope they go into these negotiations thinking about the people not about the next elections.
But if this election is how they conduct deals, I hold little hope.

EDIT: Never underestimate the will of people to come back.

Brexit is not The end.
I'm not giddy. But certainly happy that the party I knew years ago decided to come back to its roots.

As much as I dislike the Torries I hope they go into these negotiations thinking about the people not about the next elections.
But if this election is how they conduct deals, I hold little hope.

EDIT: Never underestimate the will of people to come back.

Brexit is not The end.

:lol: :lol:
It's a spectacular disaster for the Uk. Which is why I find the glee among Corbynites a little strange. I mean, if Labour had actually won then, sure, we could maybe kid ourselves that there was a chance to get off the Tory-initiated road to hell but that's not what happened. Labour didn't win. And the UK just got screwed in the worst way. So... erm... happy days?
Gary Young in The Guardian sums it up perfectly -
It's a spectacular disaster for the Uk. Which is why I find the glee among Corbynites a little strange. I mean, if Labour had actually won then, sure, we could maybe kid ourselves that there was a chance to get off the Tory-initiated road to hell but that's not what happened. Labour didn't win. And the UK just got screwed in the worst way. So... erm... happy days?

I feel confident that the Tory party is going to tear itself apart from the inside out over the next couple of months and while that's not an ideal situation for the EU in the short term, in reality I don't think it makes a blind bit of difference to our negotiations with the UK. We're on a hiding to nothing whatever happens. I do however think that the chaos is going to lead to another election. I think Labour will cruise to a majority in that election and I think that will be a much better situation than we've been in for a good while.

Just needs a tune behind it. Something upbeat, catchy and full of hope for the future.

I know I'm being cynical here but I think people are getting far too giddy and giving far too much credit to Corbyn. The nation (especially the young) were reeling from Brexit and years of austerity. They were desperate to make a point and May's dreadful campaign (and complete lack of nous or charisma as a PM) created an open goal, if a credible opposition was up against them.

Labour used to win elections. By large majorities. Getting beaten by Theresa fecking May just doesn't seem all that impressive, in that contexg. For all that Corbyn gets called unelectable, it's been evident for ages that she's even less impressive as a leader. Yet she still won more seats than he did.
I really, really, really hope this Corbyn movement isn't a false dawn and the foolish voters amongst us are finally waking up to the power of change and socialist policies.

The momentum will inevitably die down following the election but Corbyn needs to maintain his appearances in public environments. Continue his rallies, social and all media engagements and maintain the campaign for the many, not the few.
I really, really, really hope this Corbyn movement isn't a false dawn and the foolish voters amongst us are finally waking up to the power of change and socialist policies.

The momentum will inevitably die down following the election but Corbyn needs to maintain his appearances in public environments. Continue his rallies, social and all media engagements and maintain the campaign for the many, not the few.
I fear that the British people have the shortest memories ever.