General Election 2017 | Cabinet reshuffle: Hunt re-appointed Health Secretary for record third time

How do you intend to vote in the 2017 General Election if eligible?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 80 14.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 322 58.4%
  • Lib Dems

    Votes: 57 10.3%
  • Green

    Votes: 20 3.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 13 2.4%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 29 5.3%
  • Independent

    Votes: 3 0.5%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 11 2.0%
  • Other (UUP, DUP, BNP, and anyone else I have forgotten)

    Votes: 14 2.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Regardless of what happens from hereon in, this election has seen young people really take notice of politics and due to the tories really tory'ing this up, including this desperate clinging to power it should effectively turn a whole generation (or two) off them for good!

Thanks May!

Regardless of the whippersnappers chipping in this time around, to blow a 24 point lead in the polls within 7 weeks, it takes a special talent to be that poor at campaigning.

Fiona Hill reckons

It’s been a pleasure to serve in government, and a pleasure to work with such an excellent Prime Minister. I have no doubt at all that Theresa May will continue to serve and work hard as Prime Minister – and do it brilliantly
Robert Peston ITV:

The prime minister has sent a team of officials, led by her chief whip, Gavin Williamson, to Belfast to negotiate the details of an alliance with the DUP.

“A coalition would be much better than a looser alliance”, one senior minister said. “We don’t want the DUP demanding money for this or that project they fancy every time we need them to support us in a vote. That would be deeply unstable”.

:lol: its like they have never heard of the DUP. A party that set fire literally to millions and millions of pounds.
Great. It isn't like we have anything important to do.
In fairness..." no deal is better than a bad deal" - it's clear to me our feckwit pm is going to Brussels to get fecked 6 ways from sunday anyway.

If....IF she gave a shit about anything other than herself she would be attempting to delay talks. Instead it now seems she wants a coalition with the DUP not just a 'understanding' and a minority government. That decision is going to blow up in her face sooner or later, lets just hope somebody can limit the damage this will cause long term.
In fairness..." no deal is better than a bad deal" - it's clear to me our feckwit pm is going to Brussels to get fecked 6 ways from sunday anyway.

If....IF she gave a shit about anything other than herself she would be attempting to delay talks. Instead it now seems she wants a coalition with the DUP not just a 'understanding' and a minority government. That decision is going to blow up in her face sooner or later, lets just hope somebody can limit the damage this will cause long term.

It is a better approach than

'We won't leave without a deal'

'Great, here's the deal'

'But this is a terrible deal for us'

'Take it or leave it'

Big shout out to the journalists, pollsters and political experts continuing to tell the demographic who told them to feck off, what they should be doing. Couldn't do it without you.
Best of all are the 'experts' and commentators who now say "We were told x,y z about Corbyn but...".

No mention at all that it was them who did the telling :D
Regardless of the hilarously poor election campaign and result, I'm not sure how she can stay in power as a "leader" of any kind, after what's come out since the election.

She has no credibility on any level. She lost votes, she couldn't stand up to her own advisors, she couldn't stand up to her own MP's when they called her out on it. Whatever direction she takes, the people she finds there have no choice but to view her as a joke.

This is someone who needs to be able to hold their own with the likes of Trump and the entire EU. At this point I wouldn't trust her to be left in a room to negotiate with a six year old girl, and not come out stating her new policy is to turn everything into a Unicorn.
Not sure what you are getting at.
The whole pretence of calling a General Election was based on a mandate to get the best possible brexit deal. Which was closely followed by mays "no deal is better than a bad deal" face saving exit strategy.

The EU nations don't want us to leave, so why would they compromise without us paying a huge exit bill? Which may won't pay probably due to whoring herself out to Northern Ireland.

So what i am getting at is we are getting no deal at all from europe and may knows this.
She'll resign when she realises Brexit is destined to go tits. Her backbenchers won't accept a deal that involves us paying anything, and I don't think she will get on going support from DUP if a hard border is reintroduced in NI. She's fecked either way.
The whole pretence of calling a General Election was based on a mandate to get the best possible brexit deal. Which was closely followed by mays "no deal is better than a bad deal" face saving exit strategy.

The EU nations don't want us to leave, so why would they compromise without us paying a huge exit bill? Which may won't pay probably due to whoring herself out to Northern Ireland.

So what i am getting at is we are getting no deal at all from europe and may knows this.

No deal is significant harm for both sides, more so for the UK but very much an undesirable outcome for both.
There'll be a deal, it just won't be very good.
No deal is the worst deal

'No deal is better than a bad deal' is simply rhetoric before negotiations start. Going in with and saying that you will essentially leave with any deal they want to give you is the height of stupidity.

I'm not getting into Brexit with you here anyway. I spent enough time in the Brexit fallout thread for one lifetime.

What harm does it do the EU to give no deal other than the financial settlement?

I'm not sure what you are getting at still.

The bill will be paid one way or another.

I'm not getting into Brexit here though, sick of talking and hearing about it.
'No deal is better than a bad deal' is simply rhetoric before negotiations start. Going in with and saying that you will essentially leave with any deal they want to give you is the height of stupidity.

I'm not getting into Brexit with you here anyway. I spent enough time in the Brexit fallout thread for one lifetime.

I'm not sure what you are getting at still.

The bill will be paid one way or another.

I'm not getting into Brexit here though, sick of talking and hearing about it.
But you brought it up. By saying "it's not like we have anything important to do"

Anyway, fair enough we will move on.
The EU will not give us a good deal either way ffs, they can't and everyone knows that. Just like everyone knows no matter what slogans our politician's use we won't leave without a deal. Its always take it or leave it.

You're basically saying we should walk in with a gun against our heads in case they don't fancy cleaning up the mess.
Great article from YouGov on their model for those that like that kind of thing -

Most interesting thing for me - Tories were only ahead 9 points pre-manifesto, after which their lead dropped to 4 and didn't change much across the rest of the campaign. Manchester bombing had an impact but only a point or so, which wasn't permanent as it settled back down at 4 points.