General Election 2017 | Cabinet reshuffle: Hunt re-appointed Health Secretary for record third time

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  • Conservatives

    Votes: 80 14.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 322 58.4%
  • Lib Dems

    Votes: 57 10.3%
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    Votes: 20 3.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 13 2.4%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 29 5.3%
  • Independent

    Votes: 3 0.5%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 11 2.0%
  • Other (UUP, DUP, BNP, and anyone else I have forgotten)

    Votes: 14 2.5%

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Ubik News: Nick Timothy resigns.
SteveJ reporting that sources are saying Nick Timothy, Theresa May's political advisory has resigned.
Timing of the next election is important for sure but I don't see labour gaining anything by getting rid of Corbyn unless there's a scandal of some sort.

No indeed. It bums me out though that both him and Sanders are getting towards retirement age.
I've heard from a poster who knows a poster who knows a poster that Dick Plymouthy has declined.
Just looked up his age, wow 68! Looks pretty good for his age. But yeah 68 is pretty damn old. Not exactly one to be around for the long haul. May is 60 so even she may not want 2 terms and debatable if she would be given that by the Conservatives anyway.

Geez oldies coming out in force lol. Even Cameron is only 50 now. Blair is younger than Corbyn at 64.

Churchill was PM until the age of 81. Corbyn looks in good nick for his age
Fine I'll post the tweet you lazy fecks

Wonder who the stalking horse is going to be.
Classic May, so weak she sent Amber Rudd who's dad had died 3 days earlier to do a TV debate, now she let's her advisers take the hit for her shit judgement
Like how they're sacking the advisors to try and pass the blame.
Tbf, they're leading twats in their field; the types who think swearing a lot & 'radical ideas' like "What if...we rent unicycles to penguins on benefits?" constitute great advice.
"Oi! Gerroff moi land!"
"I'm very clear about getting off your land."
They had to go. The manifesto was appalling.
Nigel Evans (Tory MP) was on Sky not long ago and said they alienated their core support so much with the manifesto that the only policy missing from it was euthanasia for over 70s. Then went on to say that despite the costing issues in the Labour manifesto, the Tories couldn't attack it as much as they'd have liked because they were trying to put out fires that they had created themselves with their own manifesto. Was a disaster for them. Oh well.
A 2/3's majority? So if 65% of the country had wanted to leave then you'd have let the minority dictate to the majority? Face it, the country voted leave.
52%. We had a divided country then and still do, but many people would accept a decision based on a higher majority whichever way it went. And your 65/35 scenario would have been far more acceptable than what we had. Virtually half and half needed to be ruled out at least.
Like how they're sacking the advisors to try and pass the blame.
As far as I understand it, May doesn't wipe her arse without Hill and Timothy passing her the loo roll. I don't see her lasting the summer without them.
Not surprised Fiona Hill and Nick Timothy have resigned.

They had way too much influence at Downing street and were heavily involved in the disastrous campaign and manifesto. Even before this campaign, people in the Tory party were worried with the influence they had.
Paper in Blackpool before the election

Sky reporter saying senior Tories want David Davis as deputy PM.

Would be a good decision if it happened.
Regardless of what happens from hereon in, this election has seen young people really take notice of politics and due to the tories really tory'ing this up, including this desperate clinging to power it should effectively turn a whole generation (or two) off them for good!

Thanks May!
Norman Smith BBC: 'Senior Tories say Nick Timothy & Fiona Hill must be sacked this weekend, or leadership challenge on Monday'.

...and Boris has just phoned 10 Downing Street to ask which removals firm Mrs May seems to favour.
So before the election one common criticism I saw of Labour was the members had too much influence on who the leader is, while the Tories MPs just got on with it.