General Election 2017 | Cabinet reshuffle: Hunt re-appointed Health Secretary for record third time

How do you intend to vote in the 2017 General Election if eligible?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 80 14.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 322 58.4%
  • Lib Dems

    Votes: 57 10.3%
  • Green

    Votes: 20 3.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 13 2.4%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 29 5.3%
  • Independent

    Votes: 3 0.5%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 11 2.0%
  • Other (UUP, DUP, BNP, and anyone else I have forgotten)

    Votes: 14 2.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Interesting that the Tories played the "he talked to terroists so must be a terrorist" card pretty heavily dueling this campaign. And then aligned with a party where one of their MP was directly endorsed by 3 (count them) Protestant paramilitary organisations at this election.
The winner is the party who give the Queen's speech and are in Government. Man City winning the league on goal difference will never be remembered as "nobody winning".
Then why are they not happy?
Answer that and I think you will have your own answer.
It's not the football league were finishing first means you won.
The winner is the party who give the Queen's speech and are in Government. Man City winning the league on goal difference will never be remembered as "nobody winning".
She hasn't yet.

Obviously it looks extremely likely that they will with the DUP help. But should they fail to get the queens speech over the line which is still a possibility no matter how slim then i hope that you and every other gloating Tory that has been so vocal today have the good grace to apologise or at least wind you necks in.
I don't think it's true that the future is full of joy & delight for Labour going forward <--- Brexit still has plenty of chaos on offer & they have work to do re-uniting around Corbyn who is now secure in a safe as houses way you would think. Also, they might just be better off without the responsible of fecking up Brexit for the time being. But none of that is guaranteed. And nothing says that the massive new support has a concrete base.

Bayern Munich (:lol:) on the other hand are a total & absolute shambles - but they should get a Government formed & a new leader must be imminent - just the exact timing to sort out. Theresa won't actually be negotiating this Brexit deal will she? How does she do that from a position that is completely untenable? Not much can happen for them to make things any better either, so much shit can get thrown their way now - and from their own side too, it's a shame, it really is.

Then we start on Brexit & almost anything could happen - that's a complete free for all again now, in UK political terms. Is there a genuine House of Commons support of 'the will of the people'. At times I think most of them don't actually care one way or the other but a minority care very much indeed & will operate outside of the control of their parties from this point forward. This will affect the Conservatives as the supposed Government a lot more than it will Labour (theoretically).

How can Brexit proceed to us actually leaving now without another Referendum and/or Election occurring?
Interesting that the Tories played the "he talked to terroists so must be a terrorist" card pretty heavily dueling this campaign. And then aligned with a party where one of their MP was directly endorsed by 3 (count them) Protestant paramilitary organisations at this election.

It's like going back in time. Feck me. It's really the worst possible outcome of the election. It's like going back to the 80s.
Except I'm hoping it will be make the Tories look even more despicable and when there is another election that they get punished for aligning with the DUP.
[QUOTE="Classical Mechanic, post: 210330labour-s-proposed-income-tax-rises-for-high-income-individualseither-manifesto-being-honest-public-says-ifs[/QUOTE]
I see, those articles seem to be somewhat skewing what the IFS actually said if I'm reading correctly.

These two articles direct from source seem to say more along the lines of 'they could raise that much, but they also might not':

Please do correct me though, if I've found the wrong IFS articles.
[QUOTE="Classical Mechanic, post: 210330labour-s-proposed-income-tax-rises-for-high-income-individualseither-manifesto-being-honest-public-says-ifs
I see, those articles seem to be somewhat skewing what the IFS actually said if I'm reading correctly.

These two articles direct from source seem to say more along the lines of 'they could raise that much, but they also might not':

Please do correct me though, if I've found the wrong IFS articles.



In light of the above this becomes crucial

Since the Brexit vote, foreign investors have continued to open headquarters in the country. On October 27, 2016, Nissan confirmed that it will build new models at its Sunderland plant, following unspecified “support and assurances” from the British government.

Brexit, which Corbyn's Labour back, in a profoundly stupid way I might add, makes ideas like this even more stupid

It all makes Labour's manifesto the stuff of stupidity or fantasy or simply empty promises to win votes.

If you want to chose to believe that Labour's manifesto was legit because it is your team then that is your prerogative.
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From BBC Live page...

Theresa May spread out the map of Northern Ireland on the cabinet table. 'So let me see if I’ve got this right,' she said to Nickanfi, her double-headed chief adviser. 'The green bits are held by Sinn Fein?'

Nickanfi nodded and hissed a little. 'And the reddish areas belong to our new friends and allies, the DUP, on whom our stronganstable leadership depends?' Another nod.

Then Mrs May saw a large blue area on the map. 'Aha,' she said. 'And I suppose this is where all the Conservative MPs are to be found?' Nickanfi cleared their throats. 'Not quite, prime minister,' they said. 'That’s Lough Neagh.' It had been a long and difficult night for Mrs May.

Patrick Kidd
She hasn't yet.

Obviously it looks extremely likely that they will with the DUP help. But should they fail to get the queens speech over the line which is still a possibility no matter how slim then i hope that you and every other gloating Tory that has been so vocal today have the good grace to apologise or at least wind you necks in.

Gloating Tory... Both parties were and are an absolute abomination.
Labour were supposed to be done for as a party 6 weeks ago, now Corbyn has them in a position to win the next general election, that's why it's a win whilst being a loss. In many ways I'd argue this is a better scenario for many in the Labour Party at large (if they show some tact) because Corbyn can continue to work the youth vote whilst May fumbles with Brexit and NI potentially destabilizes. Depending on when the next election is (doesn't feel like another one this year but who knows), potentially Corbyn wouldn't be running (murmurs of him stepping down may have influenced this GE being called IIRC) and he could well have setup an extremely easily tap-in for whoever is in next.
The tories have managed to feck up this country twice in 12 odd months. First we didn't need a referendum regarding Europe and we didn't need this Election since they had a majority anyway. Party politics Versus what is best for the Country.

I sometimes believe people go into politics because they are crap at doing anything else....this last year hasn't done anything but make me think it even more.....
Explain man!

They're claiming it was 39.9%, my bet was for over 40% and they then sent me a wikipedia page which actually showed me to be right :lol: Still claiming that, but they've given me a free bet to make up for it. Seems contentious. They made me go full Excel on it :D

I'm still claiming my correct double prediction anyway :cool:
Labour were supposed to be done for as a party 6 weeks ago, now Corbyn has them in a position to win the next general election, that's why it's a win whilst being a loss. In many ways I'd argue this is a better scenario for many in the Labour Party at large (if they show some tact) because Corbyn can continue to work the youth vote whilst May fumbles with Brexit and NI potentially destabilizes. Depending on when the next election is (doesn't feel like another one this year but who knows), potentially Corbyn wouldn't be running (murmurs of him stepping down may have influenced this GE being called IIRC) and he could well have setup an extremely easily tap-in for whoever is in next.

The next leader of the Labour Party won't make such fairy tail promises that he can't deliver.

If someone like Umunna is given the leadership he will present a much more realistic view of what is possible and when it's two parties presenting that unfortunately the choice isn't between a socialist utopia where everything is free or living under the auspices of evil right wing jackbooted nazis who want to kill all the poor and cripples, but rather a world where two parties are presenting the reality which is, you have to work if you can, University isn't for everyone, we have to let some of the other coloured people in whether you like it or not, you have to save to pay for some of your care when you get old and if you are really ill we will try and fix you, but ther isn't the money to pay for everyone to have a 2 week stay in hospital when they get the flu.

When there is someone actually saying it like it as the helm of the Labour Party, then they might have a chance of getting in.

On the switch side, if the conservatives softened up a bit, and accepted that they don't need to present such a bleak view of the world as they do, then they would have romped home.
From BBC Live page...

Theresa May spread out the map of Northern Ireland on the cabinet table. 'So let me see if I’ve got this right,' she said to Nickanfi, her double-headed chief adviser. 'The green bits are held by Sinn Fein?'

Nickanfi nodded and hissed a little. 'And the reddish areas belong to our new friends and allies, the DUP, on whom our stronganstable leadership depends?' Another nod.

Then Mrs May saw a large blue area on the map. 'Aha,' she said. 'And I suppose this is where all the Conservative MPs are to be found?' Nickanfi cleared their throats. 'Not quite, prime minister,' they said. 'That’s Lough Neagh.' It had been a long and difficult night for Mrs May.

Patrick Kidd

These both seem like #fakenews, surely?
From BBC Live page...

Theresa May spread out the map of Northern Ireland on the cabinet table. 'So let me see if I’ve got this right,' she said to Nickanfi, her double-headed chief adviser. 'The green bits are held by Sinn Fein?'

Nickanfi nodded and hissed a little. 'And the reddish areas belong to our new friends and allies, the DUP, on whom our stronganstable leadership depends?' Another nod.

Then Mrs May saw a large blue area on the map. 'Aha,' she said. 'And I suppose this is where all the Conservative MPs are to be found?' Nickanfi cleared their throats. 'Not quite, prime minister,' they said. 'That’s Lough Neagh.' It had been a long and difficult night for Mrs May.

Patrick Kidd
If anyone fancies some electoral light relief...

The Book of Jeremy

And it came to pass, in the land of Britain, that the High Priestess went unto the people and said, Behold, I bring ye tidings of great joy. For on the eighth day of the sixth month there shall be a general election.

And the people said, Not another one.

And they waxed wroth against the High Priestess and said, Didst thou not sware, even unto seven times, that thou wouldst not call a snap election?

And the High Priestess said, I know, I know. But Brexit is come upon us, and I must go into battle against the tribes of France, Germany, and sundry other holiday destinations. And I must put on the armor of a strong majority in the people’s house. Therefore go ye out and vote.

And there came from the temple pollsters, who said, Surely this woman will flourish. For her enemy is as grass; she cutteth him down. He is as straw in the wind, and he will blow away. And the trumpet of her triumph shall sound in all the land.

And the High Priestess said, Piece of cake.

And there came from the same country a prophet, whose name was Jeremy. His beard was as the pelt of beasts, and his raiments were not of the finest. And he cried aloud in the wilderness and said, Behold, I bring you hope.

And suddenly there was with him a host of young people. And he said unto them, Ye shall study and grow wise in all things, and I shall not ask ye for gold. And the sick shall be made well, and they also will heal freely. And he promised unto them all manner of goodly things.

And the young people said unto him, How shall these things be rendered, seeing that thou hast no money in thy purse?

And he spake unto them in a voice of sounding brass and said, Soak the rich. And again, Pull down the mighty from their seats.

And the young people went absolutely nuts.

And they hearkened unto the word of Jeremy, and believed. For they said unto themselves, Lo, he bringeth unto us the desire of our hearts. He cometh by bicycle, with a helmet upon his head. And he eateth neither flesh nor fowl, according to the Scriptures. For man cannot live by bread alone, but hummus is quite another matter.

And the High Priestess saw all these things and was sore. And she gathered unto her the chief scribes and the Pharisees and said unto them, What the hell is going on?

And they said unto her, It is a blip, as if it were a rough place upon the road.

But they said unto themselves, When the government was upon her shoulders, this woman was mighty. But now that she has gone abroad unto every corner of the land, she stumbleth. For surely it is written that ruling and campaigning are as oil and water, and there shall be no concord betwixt them.

And the chief scribes wrote upon tablets, saying, Jeremy is false of tongue. He hideth wickedness in his heart. And his sums do not add up.

And nobody paid any attention.

And the elders rose up and said to the young people, If ye choose Jeremy, he will bring distress in your toils and wailing upon your streets. Do ye not remember the nineteen-seventies?

And the young people said, The what?

And the elders spake again, and said to the young people, Beware, for he gave succor in days of yore to the I.R.A.

And the young people said, The what?

And the young people said, Jeremy shall bring peace unto all nations, for he hateth the engines of war that take wing across the heavens. And he showeth respect for all peoples, even unto the transgender community.

And the elders said, The what?

And it came to pass that the heathen of this land came among the people, with fire and sword, and slew many among the faithful. And great was the lamentation.

And the High Priestess waxed exceeding wroth and said to the people, Fear not. For I shall bind your wounds and give ye shelter from the heathen, and shall take up the sword against them.

And there came again pollsters from the temple, who said, Will the people not vote for her in this hour of need?

And nobody paid any attention.

And it came to the vote.

And the elders went up to vote, and the young people. And the young people were as a multitude. And in the hours of darkness there was much counting. And the young people watched by night, and the elders went to bed.

And there came in the morning news that the High Priestess had vanquished the prophet Jeremy. But the triumph of the High Priestess was as the width of a nail. And she was vexed.

And the elders and the chief scribes and the Pharisees spoke among themselves, yea, even in the corners of their houses.

And there was great rejoicing amidst the multitude of the young. And they took strong wine, and did feast among themselves. And there were twelve baskets left over.

And of the pollsters there was no sign.

And the people saw Jeremy and said, Surely this man has won? Doth he not skip in gladness like a young hart upon the hills?

And there was great murmuring among the elders. And they said unto themselves, Weep not. For the High Priestess doth but prepare the way. Cometh there not one who is greater than she?

And they said, Behold, for the hour of the redeemer is upon us. And his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Prince of Peace. And they cried in one voice, Boris.

And the young people said, Oh, shit.

And the people gave tongue, and made supplication unto the Lord, saying, Lord, let our cry come unto thee.

And the Lord thought the whole thing was absolutely hilarious.

And then the people said, Lord, what shall we do regarding Brexit? For henceforth the High Priestess shall be as weak as a newborn lamb. How shall we hope for continued access to the single market?

And the Lord said, The what?
Labour were supposed to be done for as a party 6 weeks ago, now Corbyn has them in a position to win the next general election, that's why it's a win whilst being a loss. In many ways I'd argue this is a better scenario for many in the Labour Party at large (if they show some tact) because Corbyn can continue to work the youth vote whilst May fumbles with Brexit and NI potentially destabilizes. Depending on when the next election is (doesn't feel like another one this year but who knows), potentially Corbyn wouldn't be running (murmurs of him stepping down may have influenced this GE being called IIRC) and he could well have setup an extremely easily tap-in for whoever is in next.

If Corbyn isn't leader at the point of the next general election, Labour wont win.
The next leader of the Labour Party won't make such fairy tail promises that he can't deliver.

If someone like Umunna is given the leadership he will present a much more realistic view of what is possible and when it's two parties presenting that unfortunately the choice isn't between a socialist utopia where everything is free or living under the auspices of evil right wing jackbooted nazis who want to kill all the poor and cripples, but rather a world where two parties are presenting the reality which is, you have to work if you can, University isn't for everyone, we have to let some of the other coloured people in whether you like it or not, you have to save to pay for some of your care when you get old and if you are really ill we will try and fix you, but ther isn't the money to pay for everyone to have a 2 week stay in hospital when they get the flu.

When there is someone actually saying it like it as the helm of the Labour Party, then they might have a chance of getting in.

On the switch side, if the conservatives softened up a bit, and accepted that they don't need to present such a bleak view of the world as they do, then they would have romped home.

Yeah that has nothing to do with anything I said at all. Whatever the next Labour leader wants to say he can pick the youth vote relatively easily.
If Corbyn isn't leader at the point of the next general election, Labour wont win.

Depends how the next leader comes about, if he steps aside of his volition I don't see the youth vote shrinking dramatically. Also depends when the next election is.
If Corbyn isn't leader at the point of the next general election, Labour wont win.
If the next election is in the next twelve months, he should be the leader, but if this is a full five year term, he'll turn 73 during the campaign. Surely that's too old?
Depends how the next leader comes about, if he steps aside of his volition I don't see the youth vote shrinking dramatically. Also depends when the next election is.

Why would he step aside? He just had a genuinely great election and solidified his position as an electable leader. The one main line of attack his opponents had against him has been destroyed. Barring unforeseen events, there's simply no reason for him not to contest the next election (which will likely be very soon).
Why would he step aside? He just had a genuinely great election and solidified his position as an electable leader. The one main line of attack his opponents had against him has been destroyed. Barring unforeseen events, there's simply no reason for him not to contest the next election (which will likely be very soon).

What was said above really. Depends when the next election is, a full 5 year term and I think he will step aside due to age. I remember murmurs of him potentially stepping aside in 2020 (or something) being part of the reason why May called this snap election as she felt he'd be the easiest opposition to get a majority against. It is moot, he might be galvanised by this and decide to see it all out. But a full 5 year term, winning the election and serving until he's 78 seems super unlikely.
Do you think David Cameron is kicking himself for not putting a marker on the Brexit referendum? And what were his advisors thinking. Stipulating a 2/3 majority, or even 1/3 would have prevented all this. It was stupid not to avoid a situation where the country would be divided by a near 50-50 result, and remain divided. 52/48 is as near as dammit to 50/50
Depends how the next leader comes about, if he steps aside of his volition I don't see the youth vote shrinking dramatically. Also depends when the next election is.

If the next election is in the next twelve months, he should be the leader, but if this is a full five year term, he'll turn 73 during the campaign. Surely that's too old?

Timing of the next election is important for sure but I don't see labour gaining anything by getting rid of Corbyn unless there's a scandal of some sort.
Do you think David Cameron is kicking himself for not putting a marker on the Brexit referendum? And what were his advisors thinking. Stipulating a 2/3 majority, or even 1/3 would have prevented all this. It was stupid not to avoid a situation where the country would be divided by a near 50-50 result, and remain divided. 52/48 is as near as dammit to 50/50
He's probably just relieved his successor is making him look better by comparison.

Not a care in the world about the election...