General Election 2017 | Cabinet reshuffle: Hunt re-appointed Health Secretary for record third time

How do you intend to vote in the 2017 General Election if eligible?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 80 14.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 322 58.4%
  • Lib Dems

    Votes: 57 10.3%
  • Green

    Votes: 20 3.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 13 2.4%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 29 5.3%
  • Independent

    Votes: 3 0.5%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 11 2.0%
  • Other (UUP, DUP, BNP, and anyone else I have forgotten)

    Votes: 14 2.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
After running a smear campaign about Labour forming an alliance in the past 2 elections Tories look set to form their second alliance in the space of 7 years.
Go figure.
So do Tory now get first dibs at making a coalition? Or will that not be strong enough?
What will stick with me is Cameron berating Corbyn at Prime Minister Questions "For gods sake man just go"
Haha love to see the conservative media turn their knives on their own children: "Knives out for Theresa MayPressure grows on Prime Minister to step down amid shock Tory losses" "MAY REFUSES TO QUIT: PM defies Corbyn's call to resign and vows to stay on for 'stability' after public punishes her for calling unnecessary election and a shocking campaign. UK heading for HUNG Parliament and chaos over Brexit" "Hung, drawn and slaughtered"
What will stick with me is Cameron berating Corbyn at Prime Minister Questions "For gods sake man just go"
David Cameron: the James Corden of politics.
Morning all

Theresa May :lol:
How the feck did Amber Rudd keep her seat? :wenger:

Also interesting times in North Dorset, Labour over doubled their number of votes in in traditional Con/LD area and came second despite a decent result for our new young LD candidate
what an fecking cock up this election is, this has just mad a bad situation even worse.
How can May carry on after this?

Even if they can muddle together a Con-DUP coalition, she's on borrowed time. And UKIP or some successor party will also return to the political scene, as a struggle to see how this outcome doesn't leave some voters feeling ill-used.
Or the Tories could have produced a more balanced manifesto (with some eye-catching infrastructure spending), and targeted Labour's bullsh*t economics.

Or the Lib Dems might not have been so Brexit focused, and shown Corbyn up on his failure to reverse Osborne's benefits cuts.
Target labour, target labour, target labour...

How about the Tories start looking out for the ones being squeezed at the bottom and stop encouraging a widening of the gap between the classes.
Target labour, target labour, target labour...

How about the Tories start looking out for the ones being squeezed at the bottom and stop encouraging a widening of the gap between the classes.
Not quite sure you know who the Tories are.
What will stick with me is Cameron berating Corbyn at Prime Minister Questions "For gods sake man just go"
And he still should. Being 4-0 at half time and finishing the game 4-2 is barely an acheivement.
Target labour, target labour, target labour...

How about the Tories start looking out for the ones being squeezed at the bottom and stop encouraging a widening of the gap between the classes.

Were you happy that Corbyn favoured middle-class media students over the needy?
If Con-DUP happens, then today was a victory for anti-May supporters only. The aforementioned coalition with David Davis in charge will inevitably lead to a very "hard" brexit so i dont understand the euphoria. Corbyn will still be in charge of the opposition and not in power..?
What impact does that have then? Does that mean they will have problems putting through legislation?

It means that they might be able to form a government but will be in an incredibly weak position when it comes to legislation.
What seats are left to declare? How likely is it that they'll go to the Tories?

Practically speaking I mean. I don't really care about your moral victory. I don't see Corbyn's Labour being able to fight another day as anything to get happy about. For me it will only be a victory if this Brexit nonsense can be sorted so the next few days are key.