General Election 2017 | Cabinet reshuffle: Hunt re-appointed Health Secretary for record third time

How do you intend to vote in the 2017 General Election if eligible?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 80 14.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 322 58.4%
  • Lib Dems

    Votes: 57 10.3%
  • Green

    Votes: 20 3.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 13 2.4%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 29 5.3%
  • Independent

    Votes: 3 0.5%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 11 2.0%
  • Other (UUP, DUP, BNP, and anyone else I have forgotten)

    Votes: 14 2.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Guardian: Avocado crisis reaches Islington. Oh, and:
David Davis, the Brexit secretary, seemed to admit that the government could lose its mandate to take the UK out of the single market and the customs union.
Good morning, so happy I went to sleep early last night, will get to see May resign :D

I made sure to turn everything off by 10PM so I couldn't get myself excited although that tweet last night by the IPSOS Mori pollster about a 'surprise' tested my resolve.
Feck me! Us Northern Irish sound horrific on TV. Especially those from Belfast. :lol:
I'm also done. But glad I stayed up to experience a historic night for labour and a bloody nose for the Tories.
Have a feeling BrExit is still very far from being a certainty.
Uk is screwed in meantime, but that's OK in short term so long as we finally get to the right answer which is to remain in Europe.
Good night all. Tomorrow is gon a be bloody and crazy and nuts!
So who will form the government then? Sorry I'm actually too fecked to even follow.

The conservatives will, with the DUP.

The Tories will give the DUP what ever they want, and they will form the government of Great Britain along with the conservatives.

The Tories will boot May in a couple of months, appoint a more charismatic leader, and ride it out will the next election.

Corbyn will be 73, and if he is still alive and clinging on will face a bigger challenge.

Don't forget, labour have a massive advantage with the way constituencies are formed, they don't have to get anywhere near the percentage of votes to seats as the Tories do, and Corbyn is still a million miles away from winning the election despite an overwhelming increase in votes for him.
BBC explaining that they've reached out to most of the notable Tory MP's and had next to no engagement toward interviews. Suggests they know what's up and May is doomed.
Alaister campbell, despite being a disgusting human being is actually right here, the public has voted, and they don't want either of you.

May has lost, and Corbyn hasn't won.
I know the country is already divided, but after this result and the potential effect it will have on Brexit - will it reach unprecedented levels? I mean all the people who voted to leave will be fecking fuming now etc. It's just going to get out of control isn't it?
Alaister campbell, despite being a disgusting human being is actually right here, the public has voted, and they don't want either of you.

May has lost, and Corbyn hasn't won.

Not sure about that.
I know the country is already divided, but after this result and the potential effect it will have on Brexit - will it reach unprecedented levels? I mean all the people who voted to leave will be fecking fuming now etc. It's just going to get out of control isn't it?
That's why leadership is needed. They're all headless chickens right now.
The conservatives will, with the DUP.

The Tories will give the DUP what ever they want, and they will form the government of Great Britain along with the conservatives.

The Tories will boot May in a couple of months, appoint a more charismatic leader, and ride it out will the next election.

Corbyn will be 73, and if he is still alive and clinging on will face a bigger challenge.

Don't forget, labour have a massive advantage with the way constituencies are formed, they don't have to get anywhere near the percentage of votes to seats as the Tories do, and Corbyn is still a million miles away from winning the election despite an overwhelming increase in votes for him.

So basically May will keep her mandate?
I know the country is already divided, but after this result and the potential effect it will have on Brexit - will it reach unprecedented levels? I mean all the people who voted to leave will be fecking fuming now etc. It's just going to get out of control isn't it?
Looks like huge swaths of leave voters voted Labour though, don't see how they can be fuming really.

I'm no expert, but I don't think anything close to 75% of the leave voters wanted the hard brexit May has been threatening. I think she took a huge gamble in assuming that all leave voters were hard UKIPers. She ran her campaign as if she were a UKIP candidate at times...

Then again I might be entirely wrong and social issues just outweighed brexit considerations for them.
So basically May will keep her mandate?
One last post. No chance. She doesn't have a mandate and a coalition with the DUP is ill fated for a lot of reasons.

A new Tory leader means no mandate at all, especially with an increase in Labour's share. It'll have to go to an election relatively soon, which is why I think Ducklegs has it wrong. The Tories won't be able to manage a minuscule coalition majority with any deal of faith from the country. They can't pretend they're holding out for good of the country when their reasoning for this election was to obtain a mandate for Brexit negotiations which has not been delivered to them. They've shot themselves in the foot with typical opportunistic Tory rhetoric.

Election to be called for the new year is my bet.
Looks like huge swaths of leave voters voted Labour though, don't see how they can be fuming really.

I'm no expert, but I don't think anything close to 75% of the leave voters wanted the hard brexit May has been threatening. I think she took a huge gamble in assuming that all leave voters were hard UKIPers. She ran her campaign as if she were a UKIP at times...

Then again I might be entirely wrong and social issues just outweighed brexit considerations for them.

To be honest I haven't a fecking clue mate, hence asking dim questions. But I figured it's better to find out and look stupid on an internet forum rather than be stupid full stop. :lol:

Anyway. I'm switching off here as I'm busted.

It has been a good night folks, enjoy your work.
One last post. No chance. She doesn't have a mandate and a coalition with the DUP is ill fated for a lot of reasons.

A new Tory leader means no mandate at all, especially with an increase in Labour's share. It'll have to go to an election relatively soon, which is why I think Ducklegs has it wrong. The Tories won't be able to manage a minuscule coalition majority with any deal of faith from the country. They can't pretend they're holding out for good of the country when their reasoning for this election was to obtain a mandate for Brexit negotiations which has not been delivered to them. They've shot themselves in the foot with typical opportunistic Tory rhetoric.

Election to be called for the new year is my bet.

Very good to know mate. Thanks for all the knowledge for a simpleton like me! :)
So does that mean another election?

Sorry for all the questions, I am quite useless tbh.
Very possibly, the math doesn't work out great on this. DUP + Tories is a majority of 6, that's not workable. No progressive alliance has enough. Mad.
Very possibly, the math doesn't work out great on this. DUP + Tories is a majority of 6, that's not workable. No progressive alliance has enough. Mad.
Wow! So if there is another election will it be the same rules? First passed the post? What if it is hung again?
Alaister campbell, despite being a disgusting human being is actually right here, the public has voted, and they don't want either of you.

May has lost, and Corbyn hasn't won.
I'd call this a Corbyn win. This whole election was set for a Tory landslide.

Despite the papers, tv and even his own party being against him, hes managed to narrow the gap in a snap election.

Take out the paper smears and Corbyn would have taken this.