General Election 2017 | Cabinet reshuffle: Hunt re-appointed Health Secretary for record third time

How do you intend to vote in the 2017 General Election if eligible?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 80 14.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 322 58.4%
  • Lib Dems

    Votes: 57 10.3%
  • Green

    Votes: 20 3.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 13 2.4%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 29 5.3%
  • Independent

    Votes: 3 0.5%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 11 2.0%
  • Other (UUP, DUP, BNP, and anyone else I have forgotten)

    Votes: 14 2.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
We're going to give you a lot a fecking Tory government aren't we?:lol:
I've just realised I can make predictions on facebook with privacy settings for myself, and then on the morning I turn the correct ones public to look really smart.
What Sky News have theorised, is that voters considered Brexit to be done and dusted, and went to the polls with other things in mind. So an already weak Tory offering, lacked even the shield of Brexit.
I always thought this. A brilliant Brexit negotiation is 103 vs a rubbish Brexit negotiation is 97. ie it wasn't that huge a deal and certainly not big enough for an election.
I'm very confused by the Scottish vote? anyone want to shed some light for me?

My relatives their are voting tory, becuase the don't want a second reffrendum? is that the same accross the board or is somthing else going on?

I voted Yes in the referendum, however I think the notion of a second referendum is absurd. Their inability to accept a democratic result has ostracised a lot of their casual supports (the hardcore support still remains). The way I look at it is, if we have voted Yes, the SNP would lose their minds at the prospect of a second referendum to remain.
Rape clause Ruth who did nothing else but speak about Indy herself. fecking idiots.
Swinson beats Nicholson. New Lib Dem leader I reckon.
The SNP have whinged about the Tories to get their indyref2 and now it'll put the Tories in power. The damn irony...