Gary Neville

Ridiculous isn’t it, he’s saying everything that’s being said on this forum, minus the words Ole Out. Not sure if people are too thick to pick up on it or just being pedantic and looking for another scapegoat.

Tbf, he's saying Ole should get until the end of the season. That in itself is ridiculous and worthy of criticism.
This fecking rhetoric he keeps peddling about how we’ve went down the LVG and Mourinho route so won’t make a change now is getting very tiring, mainly because it’s a load of shite.
He’s an idiot. The mental gymnastics he does when it comes to United has turned his brain into a pretzel.
So Neville says we’re not good enough to win the league or the champs.
We’re out of the league cup
He would trust ole

but says he needs to win a trophy this year.

nailed on for FA cup I take it

Exactly. I have a feeling Neville's ego matters more to him than smart decision-making.
Ridiculous isn’t it, he’s saying everything that’s being said on this forum, minus the words Ole Out. Not sure if people are too thick to pick up on it or just being pedantic and looking for another scapegoat.
Yeah exactly and it’s not like he’s being a hypocrite he never directly calls for managers to be sacked. I really don’t get why you guys care so much about it and why he would now be dead to you or whatever.
On another note where was Keane today? He’d be blockbuster :lol:
My issue was when Gary said "end of season".

It's one thing to back your friend, but for end of season? That's overplaying, and completely accepting failure of entire season and time.
Neville talking a load of bollocks.

Basically implied he wasn't good enough but we should wait until the end of the season to sack him. Why write off this season? Why? Get rid now and give a new manager time to assess the squad and build a style of play before a transfer window. Just get rid.
My issue was when Gary said "end of season".

It's one thing to back your friend, but for end of season? That's overplaying, and completely accepting failure of entire season and time.

he said he expects the club to give him until the end of the season, nothing to do with him being his friend.
Absolutely bizarre. What is he talking about?!
Chelsea change manager last season and win the champs league and he says that’s not the model we want?
What is the benefit in the club waiting until the season is a lost cause before sacking Ole? He seems to see that as a badge of honour?
Mourinho was a busted flush and Van Gaal was too old and weird, why is he comparing them to hiring a manager who can rival Klopp Pep and Tuchel?
Literally three other pundits and the presenter looking at him thinking “you’ve not got a clue”
Literally, he just went on a rant about the structure of the team. Not sure what people want?

The answer to your question is a simple problem-solving common sense one. When managers are sacked typically, it is the effect that follows the cause of poor structure of a team and all the other things he ‘went on a rant’ about. Identifying what is wrong is one thing, coming up with a ‘and therefore what?’ answer to these problems are two very different things. He and Carragher are in total agreement about what is wrong with the football team, the difference is Carragher is the only one who has forwarded a feasible, commonly used solution to such problems. Neville is just talking, as he loves to do.
He’s saying the club will give him until the end of the season, the wording is very different.

But then he went on to mention how he sacked a manager last season for Salford and regrets it and wishes he'd given it to the end of the season so to me it sounds like he was implying that giving Ole until the end of the season would be the move.
He's a bit defensive isn't he. Saying we shouldn't bring in a manager who doesn't fit the narrow description of a United coach and using LvG as an example. I don't get it at all.
That's not what he's saying.

He's saying that we shouldn't bring in any old manager without a clear succession plan, and without planning to ensure that the next coach is a good fit for the squad. LvG was poor with Moyes' squad, and Mourinho was poor with LvG's squad. Both wasted huge amounts of money to remould the team and left it in tatters after they left.

Ole's built a talented squad but isn't good enough to get the best out of it. His replacement needs to be somebody who easily fits the existing philosophy without needing to spend hundreds of millions to rebuild from scratch.
I know Mourinho ultimately didn’t work out here but why is he talking about it like ole has worked out. Mourinho actually won trophies. Surely he’s not one of these absolute idiots who thinks Ole has done a better job than Mourinho? Ignoring things like “toxicity” and “feel good factor” …
He's never called for a managers sacking and he's not going to start today. Always the players fault with Neville.
He is talking as if we are few games away from the end of the season. This season is still salvageable under new management!
Exactly, really good point. It only becomes unsalvageable if the same mistakes keep being made. It'd be a monumental error to write off this season.

Last year, Chelsea refused to throw in the towel, they instead threw out Lampard and they didn't just save their season, they made it one of their most successful seasons ever.
he said he expects the club to give him until the end of the season, nothing to do with him being his friend.

Gary isn;t the club. So it's a case where Gary wants the club to give Ole the entire season.

The idea that Ole represents the "Man Utd way", is so strange and silly. Ole doesn't deserve any time for such ideas
That's not what he's saying.

He's saying we shouldn't bring in any old manager without a clear succession plan, and without planning to ensure that the next coach is a good fit for the squad. LvG was poor with Moyes' squad, and Mourinho was poor with LvG's squad.

Ole's built a talented squad but isn't good enough to get the best out of it. His replacement needs to be somebody who easily fits the existing philosophy without needing to spend hundreds of millions to rebuild from scratch.

Ah that makes sense. He did mention that we shouldn't be looking to bring in a manager for only two years and gave Conte as an example, which I agree with tbh.

This isn't an easy fix is it? The board really needs to figure it out.
He's almost acting like it's some sort of exclusive boys club. The United way, if he's not got an affiliation with the club then he can't manage the team. Just crazy.
But then he went on to mention how he sacked a manager last season for Salford and regrets it and wishes he'd given it to the end of the season so to me it sounds like he was implying that giving Ole until the end of the season would be the move.

he’s always said he would never push for a manager to be sacked, so he’s not going to contradict himself by now saying Ole should be sacked.

His point was what he expects the club to do based on recent history. He’s been very critical of him today, further than I’ve heard him go previously.
Gary isn;t the club. So it's a case where Gary wants the club to give Ole the entire season.

The idea that Ole represents the "Man Utd way", is so strange and silly. Ole doesn't deserve any time for such ideas

I don’t understand what you’re saying, Neville said he expects the club to give him until the end of the season, whether that’s right or wrong is a different debate, but that was his wording, nothing to do with your point about mates.
He failed to address the reason we actually lost today even once - the referee.
He is like a prosecutor making an excellent case for a guilty verdict but then concluding with, despite my excellent argument, please find him not guilty. It's bizarre.
This club and all of these ex class of 92 guys need to keep their mouths shut. Still stuck in the romanticism of 99, which was arguably one of the best nights in the history of the club, but here we are in 2021 and they are still living in that era when we also had a one of a kind manager that doesn’t exist anymore. No other club would put up with failure like we have with Ole. Not one. His level was Cardiff, yet he landed this job because of his legacy as a player. How much longer will this joke run on for, as the rest of our rivals are lapping up every second of it.
This club and all of these ex class of 92 guys need to keep their mouths shut. Still stuck in the romanticism of 99, which was arguably one of the best nights in the history of the club, but here we are in 2021 and they are still living in that era when we also had a one of a kind manager that doesn’t exist anymore. No other club would put up with failure like we have with Ole. Not one. His level was Cardiff, yet he landed this job because of his legacy as a player. How much longer will this joke run on for, as the rest of our rivals are lapping up every second of it.
His level isn't Cardiff either because he got them relegated and then went on to lose in the Championship again before getting the sack. His level is the Norwegian league, and I'm not even sure about that because the last time he won anything there was 10 years ago.
Gary's all but asked for Ole's head.
No he did not! He said give him the season.

Neville sets the mood music and this is disgracefully letting the club down. We're going to piss the season away on stupid sentiments like that.
Absolutely bizarre. What is he talking about?!
Chelsea change manager last season and win the champs league and he says that’s not the model we want?
What is the benefit in the club waiting until the season is a lost cause before sacking Ole? He seems to see that as a badge of honour?
Mourinho was a busted flush and Van Gaal was too old and weird, why is he comparing them to hiring a manager who can rival Klopp Pep and Tuchel?
Literally three other pundits and the presenter looking at him thinking “you’ve not got a clue”

He's essentially a replica of the top reds on here only he has a genuine voice that could make all the difference if he grew a spine. I'm sick to death of seeing the club dragged through the mud because of these horrendous delusions that we're somehow better because we stick by vastly inexperienced managers and coaches. We're better than Chelsea because we allowed ourselves to be embarrassed 0-5 at home to.our bitter rivals :wenger:
No he did not! He said give him the season.

Neville sets the mood music and this is disgracefully letting the club down. We're going to piss the season away on stupid sentiments like that.

Yes but that's because he doesn't like calling for a manager's head. He knows we need a change.
Ridiculous isn’t it, he’s saying everything that’s being said on this forum, minus the words Ole Out. Not sure if people are too thick to pick up on it or just being pedantic and looking for another scapegoat.
It is not that he is not saying 'Ole Out'. More that he is screaming 'Ole In', and finding excuses (like we tried with LVG and Mourinho and it did not work). However, today Carragher was waiting for him to say it, and then made him immediately look like a total idiot.
No, he wouldn't. He's literally never called for a manager to be sacked.

Yeah fair cop, he doesn't call for managers' heads. I do think he's been more overtly critical of managers of other teams, Arteta being a good example where as well as calling the board and the players out for (deserved) stick he seems to call out what he thinks is baffling management regarding how they set up earlier in the season. I was also struck that he actively blamed Nuno for setting Spurs up wrong at Arsenal, saying they were too deep and not following the model Poch set when he was hot at Spurs.

I fully accept I'm biased and should probably go for a long walk but I think Gaz is more likely to other call managers out by name than Ole. To be fair he's going in hard on the tactics just now but the way Souness and Carragher are saying 'Ole is not good enough and should go/the coaches aren't good enough and Ole needs help' and Gaz can't bring himself to quite match that language.
That's not what he's saying.

He's saying that we shouldn't bring in any old manager without a clear succession plan, and without planning to ensure that the next coach is a good fit for the squad. LvG was poor with Moyes' squad, and Mourinho was poor with LvG's squad. Both wasted huge amounts of money to remould the team and left it in tatters after they left.

Ole's built a talented squad but isn't good enough to get the best out of it. His replacement needs to be somebody who easily fits the existing philosophy without needing to spend hundreds of millions to rebuild from scratch.
Which is a diabolical opinion to have. Hire a good manager to save the season, if you don't think that he is not the right one long-term (long-term is 3-5 years), think about who is, and get him in the summer. No problem, it is what proper clubs do.

Sabotaging another season is idiotic, especially after all the money we spent. Just for the fear of it could get worse. How on Earth can it get worse than 0-5 against Liverpool?
He doesn't believe that a manager should be sacked after a bad result. United did that with Mourinho and it didn't worked well however he did sacked the manager after 6 matches. On the other hand that was a mistake.

Someone should ask him if signing Ole as manager was a mistake because he was the one we replaced Mou with.
He’s an embarrassment, and has been for a while in all honesty.
On the one hand has no problems with saying we should be relegated because of the super league fiasco then on the other won't say the obvious thing.
Neville knows Ole has to go IMO, and you can bet your last dollar if Conte got the job he wouldn't complain that OGS should have stayed and been given time. He'll be all aboard the Conte train
Dunno about that mate. More like 2 months litanny of 'Ole should' ve got more time'.