Gareth Bale | Mourinho: "Game over. Now everyone knows he's going to stay."

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Great player but his injury record has to be a concern. He's 28, and spent most of last season out injured (at least it seemed that way).
He turned 28 just under two weeks ago, by the way.

Nice sneaky edit, Mr. Goodman.
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Great player but his injury record has to be a concern. He's 28, and spent most of last season out injured (at least it seemed that way).

Who cares. He had one injury hit season. He hasn't been injury pro since early Spurs days. Buy him at all costs if available
Id have Bale here in a heartbeat but this isn't happening. Madrid don't need to sell and if they really really need to sell someone then selling Benzema makes more sense. Im sure they could sell some more of their squad players considering they made over 100 million already from Morata/Danilo and whatever dodgy way Bayern are paying for James.

Arsenal/ManUtd/Chelsea - The teams that would have wanted/needed Benzema and the ones that would give Madrid a good payday, have just bought strikers. I wonder where else he could go to?
Arsenal/ManUtd/Chelsea - The teams that would have wanted/needed Benzema and the ones that would give Madrid a good payday, have just bought strikers. I wonder where else he could go to?

Don't Milan still need a striker?
Who cares. He had one injury hit season. He hasn't been injury pro since early Spurs days. Buy him at all costs if available
If we can get him, I'm not going to be against it, or say no. He'd be the best player in the league. But you do worry about a player who spends one of his first "prime" years out injured most of the season. He also seems happy at Madrid, and if he were to leave, it would be because he was forced out, not because he wanted to come back to the PL.
Mourinho just said there's no chance. Why is this still be discussed?
Id have Bale here in a heartbeat but this isn't happening. Madrid don't need to sell and if they really really need to sell someone then selling Benzema makes more sense. Im sure they could sell some more of their squad players considering they made over 100 million already from Morata/Danilo and whatever dodgy way Bayern are paying for James.

Seems a bit pointless selling Benzema though. Considering he can play as a 9 or a 10, and they have just sold Morata and James, their options would be limited more by selling Benzema.

Bale is the one that makes the most sense of the two. He would fetch a bigger fee, save RM more in wages and free up the position Mbappe actually favors.
Seems a bit pointless selling Benzema though. Considering he can play as a 9 or a 10, and they have just sold Morata and James, their options would be limited more by selling Benzema.

Bale is the one that makes the most sense of the two. He would fetch a bigger fee, save RM more in wages and free up the position Mbappe actually favors.
So use Mbappe as a right sided forward/winger until Benzema starts to decline and then play him through the middle when he hits his early 20s. Does Mbappe favour out wide? Not doubting you just never heard that.
Seems a bit pointless selling Benzema though. Considering he can play as a 9 or a 10, and they have just sold Morata and James, their options would be limited more by selling Benzema.

Bale is the one that makes the most sense of the two. He would fetch a bigger fee, save RM more in wages and free up the position Mbappe actually favors.
Imo, Benzema will outlast both Bale and Ronaldo at Madrid. He's underappreciated by a lot of people(But not by the people making the big decisions)
If you read the cafe as a collective there's basically no player that anyone wants. We may as well sign no one

Perisic? No way, 50m? He's average at best
Matic? Chelsea reject? He's almost 30
Bale? Sick note with bad hair?
Dier? Lost his place to that other guy!
Mbappe? He's only had one good season, what if he breaks a leg?

Weirdly the only player everyone seems to agree on, Fabinho, Jose doesn't want

Bring on September

Hahahaha, great post. Summed it up beautifully.

I wonder, are all forums, non United ones, so negative towards their team?

Ps, Bale would be a brilliant signing.
If he's available it's a no brainer. He would instantly transform our attack into the best in the league. It won't happen because he's happy at Madrid and we seem intent on spunking north of 50m on Peresic.

How would this work out? Suppose Real Madrid brief that Bale is for sale. Continental teams aside, Chelsea, City and Arsenal (well almost) would be interested, at which point Florentino would deal with anyone but United.

Highly hypothetical, but Real would sell to us if Bale himself pushed to come to United and United alone. Bale doesn't seem to have an affinity for the club, after all he already snubbed us twice.

No brainer. Match winner, World class. Yes he had a few injuries the past couple of seasons, but who doesnt in their career. Would instantly upgrade us. The type of signing we should be targeting
Injuries or not, when he's fit and available to play, he's a fantastic player and a level above any other player in his position in this league.

If there is something genuinely in this, we all have to have faith that Jose's track record with injuries and managing player fitness, recovery times and general conditioning works wonders on Bale's matured state.
Seems a bit pointless selling Benzema though. Considering he can play as a 9 or a 10, and they have just sold Morata and James, their options would be limited more by selling Benzema.

Bale is the one that makes the most sense of the two. He would fetch a bigger fee, save RM more in wages and free up the position Mbappe actually favors.

Fair point. No doubting Bale would command a much bigger fee than Benzema as well.
If he's available it's a no brainer. He would instantly transform our attack into the best in the league. It won't happen because he's happy at Madrid and we seem intent on spunking north of 50m on Peresic.

I think the logic goes that Madrid need to see someone to afford Mbappe and Bale is the most likely sale and we are the most likely purchasers. Feck knows if that is anywhere near the truth.
The caf has already made many predictions about Bale and him replacing Ronaldo/becoming the best player in the world etc, all of which didn't happen.

He's overrated on here and I'm surprised by how easily his injury record is overlooked. I guarantee the same people will kick off if we sign him but have another bad season with him sat at home injured. "Why did we sign a player with a proven injury record" etc.
Are you actually Phil Jones?

An injury prone player usually remains injury prone. Especially at his age.

I dont think so. Guy still made 27 appearances last year not counting the Euro's for his country. Actually looking at his stats he made more than 30 the season before. So not sure how he can be identified as injury prone

Also I guarantee there is not another British player who would get anywhere near playing for Real Madrid and at the time commanding the world record transfer fee. People who on here who are saying he is overrated are delusional. The guy is top drawer no doubt about that.
If this was the same Bale at Spurs in this market, he is a 140m / elite level player - everyone would be doing everything they could to get him..

Now though, Madrid have had him through his prime years and are selling at 28 - which is generally the pinnacle of most players careers. Yes you would expect to get 2 excellent years out of him, but we would be buying a player who will be in decline. A player who relies on his pace (which may leave him), who has a terrible injury record, who you would get no resale value and who is on massive wages. We gave Rooney his ridiculous contract at about this age and look what happened to him. Bale has a considerably worse injury record too!

I honestly think that when you go BIG in the market, it should be to secure a relatively proven player with their prime years ahead of them. Not when they have already reached it.

Great player but its a big no from me. Terrible investment. Id take Dembele any day of the week (granted he is still a risk as he is not fully 'proven' but he looks to have a massive future).
hes in for a wide player and if 50M for perisic is flouted 60M for bale could be good business.

And it seems that Real might be looking to cash in... Its a bit of a watch this space with Bale and Real
hes in for a wide player and if 50M for perisic is flouted 60M for bale could be good business.

And it seems that Real might be looking to cash in... Its a bit of a watch this space with Bale and Real

I'm looking for white text, 60mil, you are joking right? Will be well over that.
Real Madrid will not sell him this summer. They just sold a lot of players, including James and Morata. Granted, they are not starters, but I highly doubt they'd want to lose another attacker, certainly not Bale.

It's a strange transfer window, this. Usually we are linked with loads of players, but right now we are only linked with Perisic and pretty much nobody else.
His injury record might just prove to be a big factor for them. I read that with his problems he will always have problems and will miss games. So I can see why he says he's happy at Madrid because of the hot climate and a shit load of money!
I'm looking for white text, 60mil, you are joking right? Will be well over that.
why would he be, nobody in for him and we have a sub 50M option. Its all on the premis they need to sell which is why this has legs. He does not want to go.

If they say higher you walk and sign the other guy.
No way we should sign bale.

I don't think the injures will be a big problem, and we'll have Martial as a cover anyway. He's going to excel with and will have a very positive effect on Martial off the pitch too.

It won't happen, just saying.
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