Television Game of Thrones (TV) • The watch has ended

Fair enough. I’ll be more specific next time.

The writing of this episode was shit.

The cinematography was amazing.
Haha it's all cool. I won't tell you to like anything - or not. Just I like discussion and hard to do so when you say all is shit rather than what specifically you hated or why...
You think Euron is coming back? To do what?
Don't think he is
But the fcker was just there sitting, hound like from previous season. Imagine he turns up next episode randomly and Yara stabs him randomly to waste five minutes
Ugh I hope not, thankfully this was penultimate ep so he can f off
Easily the best episode this season. However, I still don’t get why she went full insane queen. It’s one thing to kill Lannisters, she’s never been the type to kill innocents. I just think it’s really lazy writing.

Thank feck Euron is done with. Pointless character.

Hopefully Arya has one last kill left...
Can we all agree once and for all that, first scene aside, Euron was a fecking terribly written character right up until his last words?

We sure can. In a "worst characters in GOT" list I guess he'd only be behind the Sand Snakes?

I actually laughed at his last words in a "this son of a bitch just won't quit being shit" kinda way. Like his commitment to being shit nearly earned my respect.

However, I have one minor qualm, actually, it's not a qualm, more of a nit-pick, but I felt the music in this episode was a let down. Had they nailed it, would have been an even better episode than Episode 3.

I thought this too actually. Given how excellent the music was in the Winterfell episode and prior episodes like Winds of Winter I thought it was rather unremarkable today. Though deciding not to go so heavy on it was probably a deliberate choice.
Just want to add qyburn :lol:
Can we all agree once and for all that, first scene aside, Euron was a fecking terribly written character right up until his last words?
I saw his first scene from season 6. He even looked a bit different with different hair style. It all went downhill from there.
Positives - Crsei and Jaime was heart wrenching stuff. Dany heel turn - and the one sidedness of the battle was great but Rhaegals death seems so unrealistic in hindsight.
Looking forward to Stark v Dany


Arya fecking useless - didn’t help with Mountain or Cersei
Too much time spent showing destruction - the director pacing of series has been piss poor
Euron - biggest waste of time ever and wtf was that battle with Jaime
Clegane bowl failed to live up to the hype
I thought this too actually. Given how excellent the music was in the Winterfell episode and prior episodes like Winds of Winter I thought it was rather unremarkable today. Though deciding not to go so heavy on it was probably a deliberate choice.
Probably. They mostly played Light of the Seven in some of the crucial junctures, but it was heavily subdued. I guess, like you said they wanted to let the visuals overpower the moment, since we know how the music is going to end.
But after years of wonderful scores, I honestly shouldn't complain.
Easily the best episode this season. However, I still don’t get why she went full insane queen. It’s one thing to kill Lannisters, she’s never been the type to kill innocents. I just think it’s really lazy writing.

Thank feck Euron is done with. Pointless character.

Hopefully Arya has one last kill left...
She lost two of her kids, two of her closest friends in Jorah and Missandei, found out the man she is in love with is her nephew and he holds a better claim to the throne than her and then he subsequently rejects her, actively plotted against by Varys.
Was it just me, or did the Mountain look like a zombie-steroid induced version of Varys?!

Qyburn’s ending was :lol:
Let's not forget, she was clearly on the edge all along, and is an inbred Targ who have a history of it.

Of all the shocking things we've had in this show, that heel turn certainly wasn't one of them.
Yeah, true. But since it has long been predicted she would go crazy at some point, I guess some people were hoping for a twist.
Easily the best episode this season. However, I still don’t get why she went full insane queen. It’s one thing to kill Lannisters, she’s never been the type to kill innocents. I just think it’s really lazy writing.

Thank feck Euron is done with. Pointless character.

Hopefully Arya has one last kill left...

In fairness, since way back in season 1 they've been making a big point of the fact that half the people in her family tend to go insane at some point. So it was always something that could happen just because, then the shit she's been through stresses her the feck out to breaking point.....

In other words it's not like there has to be a firm, logical reason. You just have buy that she's from the psycho half of the family they keep telling us about. It ain't like she hasn't shown signs of megalomania in previous seasons either.
Let's not forget, she was clearly on the edge all along, and is an inbred Targ who have a history of it.

Of all the shocking things we've had in this show, that heel turn certainly wasn't one of them.
The heel turn would have been fine if the season was longer and they were able to build it up but it's all so rushed. Basically suddenly she stopped wearing make up, went a bit emo then killed everyone.
I thought this too actually. Given how excellent the music was in the Winterfell episode and prior episodes like Winds of Winter I thought it was rather unremarkable today. Though deciding not to go so heavy on it was probably a deliberate choice.
The music has been the strongest part of the show for a while now.

The ‘Rains of Castamere’ riff this episode was a great touch.
I’ve never seen The Mountain and helmetless Darth Vader from Return of the Jedi in the same room, just saying.
The heel turn would have been fine if the season was longer and they were able to build it up but it's all so rushed. Basically suddenly she stopped wearing make up, went a bit emo then killed everyone.

It's not like the heel turn started this season though. Tyrion and Varys were explicitly having doubts about her back when she was burning Tarlys alive. This has been building for a while.
Yeah, true. But since it has long been predicted she would go crazy at some point, I guess some people were hoping for a twist.
Although given many long predicted Jon would kill the NK and it wasnt, Many were pissed with the twist
Well yea
I usually never post on this thread. But that nonsense is forcing me to say it was nonsense.

I really only hope RedLambs is right. His theories are better than the show writers
In fairness, since way back in season 1 they've been making a big point of the fact that half the people in her family tend to go insane at some point. So it was always something that could happen just because, then the shit she's been through stresses her the feck out to breaking point.....

In other words it's not like there has to be a firm, logical reason. You just have buy that she's from the psycho half of the family they keep telling us about. It ain't like she hasn't shown signs of megalomania in previous seasons either.

Point taken about having insane genes & showing that she’s capable of something like this is previous seasons (burning Sam’s dad/bro)... I just don’t think her character, after everything she’s done & the time she took to get to KL, would kill innocent civilians. She’s gained nothing by doing it & she always came across as someone who understood the consequences of her actions. It just seems so rushed & out of character imo
Loved the idea of showing the city from a civilian point of view. They pretty much breezed over any hand to hand combat.

Daenerys character has been completely butchered. Do we really think she would have burned the entire city like that? Cmon, that's against every fibre of her character arc. Burning down the Red Keep would have been fair IMO. Burning down the entire city feels way too exaggerated. Guarantee that was done to allow the Arya walks through the city while it's burning arc. Rather than a specific reason for Daenerys character development. Doesn't sit right with me, I also feel somewhat annoyed that they tried to make us feel sympathy for Cersei. A character who fecked the entire of Westeros over by not fighting the dead. Yeah, ok.
The music has been the strongest part of the show for a while now.

The ‘Rains of Castamere’ riff this episode was a great touch.
Agree with this . Really liked how it played out. Thought the music was a bit more subtle this episode and it worked well with the destruction
Point taken about having insane genes & showing that she’s capable of something like this is previous seasons (burning Sam’s dad/bro)... I just don’t think her character, after everything she’s done & the time she took to get to KL, would kill innocent civilians. She’s gained nothing by doing it & she always came across as someone who understood the consequences of her actions. It just seems so rushed & out of character imo

There's a big difference of burning military commanders who won't surrender to burning in an entire population of a city.
Loved the idea of showing the city from a civilian point of view. They pretty much breezed over any hand to hand combat.

Daenerys character has been completely butchered. Do we really think she would have burned the entire city like that? Cmon, that's against every fibre of her character arc. Burning down the Red Keep would have been fair IMO. Burning down the entire city feels way too exaggerated. Guarantee that was done to allow the Arya walks through the city while it's burning arc. Rather than a specific reason for Daenerys character development. Doesn't sit right with me, I also feel somewhat annoyed that they tried to make us feel sympathy for Cersei. A character who fecked the entire of Westeros over by not fighting the dead. Yeah, ok.
They tried to make us feel sympathy for cersei when she did the walk of atonement after all her previous evil deeds. I don't mind that they show different sides of a character

Wrt jaime, he's always been like this. In s6 he threatened edmure that he would boot his baby into water or something just to get the castle and get back to cersei. And he's said a few times to her nothing else matters. I quite liked their death. Better than Jaime killing her imo
Gotta say that this was far more Games of Thronesy and fitting of an episode in a way than the Battle for Winterfell was..imho of course.

Jonny could ve saved a lotta people by doing his aunt one more time though .
Loved the idea of showing the city from a civilian point of view. They pretty much breezed over any hand to hand combat.

Daenerys character has been completely butchered. Do we really think she would have burned the entire city like that? Cmon, that's against every fibre of her character arc. Burning down the Red Keep would have been fair IMO. Burning down the entire city feels way too exaggerated. Guarantee that was done to allow the Arya walks through the city while it's burning arc. Rather than a specific reason for Daenerys character development. Doesn't sit right with me, I also feel somewhat annoyed that they tried to make us feel sympathy for Cersei. A character who fecked the entire of Westeros over by not fighting the dead. Yeah, ok.
I think the biggest issue is how rushed her transformation has been. They needed to give it more time to turn her crazy like that. The paranoia was there with Jon being more popular but she’s gone full on psycho in the last two episodes.

She was trying to joke around with Sansa in episode two and now she’s burning women and children alive.
Point taken about having insane genes & showing that she’s capable of something like this is previous seasons (burning Sam’s dad/bro)... I just don’t think her character, after everything she’s done & the time she took to get to KL, would kill innocent civilians. She’s gained nothing by doing it & she always came across as someone who understood the consequences of her actions. It just seems so rushed & out of character imo

When people talk about Targaryens going mad I assume they literally mean insane though? As opposed to bond villain insane. In which case I'm not sure "acting out of character" really holds at that point.

Back in season 1 they said this about her father: "Aerys Targaryen. Of all the thousand thousand maladies the Gods visit on us, madness is the worst. He was a good man. Such a charmer. To watch him melt away before my eyes, consumed by dreams of fire and blood."

It's pretty much the same thing. Megalomania, paranoia, burning people alive. The full jazz quartet of crazy.
I usually never post on this thread. But that nonsense is forcing me to say it was nonsense.

I really only hope RedLambs is right. His theories are better than the show writers
What did he have for breakfast?