Television Game of Thrones (TV) • The watch has ended

Jon, Tyrion, Dany, Cersei, Arya.

Tyrion, Cersei, Jon, Daenerys, Sansa

Tough one!

Theon and Cersei have to be in there? Jon, Dany and Sansa I'd wager too. Tempted to say Arya, but it seems like she was out of a few. Shit, Jaimeahh feck knows :lol:


Cheesy you cheater.

65 Episodes Tyrion Lannister
61 Episodes Cersei Lannister
60 Episodes Jon Snow & Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea,Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons
58 Episodes Sansa Stark
57 Episodes Arya Stark
53 Episodes Jaime Lannister
52 Episodes Jorah Mormont
47 Episodes Samwell Tarly & Theon Greyjoy
I don't think it was. Sansa made a point to say a dragon and a chunk of the army is already out. That far from implies Dany will suddenly take Cersei out quick, or that she had the means to given the Dragons aren't the trump card she thought.

Jaime is not going back to hold hands with cersei, he's going to end the root of everything that makes him a bad person. I thought that was made extremely clear at the scene with Brienne. Unless I'm shit at interpreting it of course :lol:

Edit - I just checked the writers do claim that he's gone because he's addicted to Cersei. That has to be one of the shoodiest pieces of writing ever but I'm less than surprised given their standards.

I still think he would be the one to kill Cersei like many have already predicted. Jamie , right now, may not have the plans to kill, but once he reaches KL he comes to realisation that he has to kill cersei. For sure, the writers cannot just have Jamie be a side character, he has to have major impact otherwise his whole character would become meaningless.
Cheesy you cheater.

65 Episodes Tyrion Lannister
61 Episodes Cersei Lannister
60 Episodes Jon Snow & Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea,Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons
58 Episodes Sansa Stark
57 Episodes Arya Stark
53 Episodes Jaime Lannister
52 Episodes Jorah Mormont
47 Episodes Samwell Tarly & Theon Greyjoy
Thought there must have been a surprise name left off so went jaime instead of Dany.
Dany surely is the big bad? She's turning into the mad queen. :(

I suspect Varys will be killed off the minute Dany learns of his plan.
Seems to be heading that way. Cersei/Euron maybe defeated in episode 5, with Dany taking the throne & episode 6 plays the Jon/Dany tension/mad queen & Aegon Targaryen angle?

She probably kills Varys, maybe even Tyrion (unless he’s the one who outs Varys to Dany), & that convinces Jon/Jaime/Arya to end it for her?

I think it’s way too late for any other baddie or any other twist eg. WW twists etc.

I’m more interested in who ends up on the throne and what happens to everyone else who doesn’t die
The reddit memers are working triple shifts, fantastic stuff: :lol:






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Cheesy you cheater.

65 Episodes Tyrion Lannister
61 Episodes Cersei Lannister
60 Episodes Jon Snow & Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea,Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons
58 Episodes Sansa Stark
57 Episodes Arya Stark
53 Episodes Jaime Lannister
52 Episodes Jorah Mormont
47 Episodes Samwell Tarly & Theon Greyjoy
Jorah being that high surprises me.
Come to think of it, why has there been no repercussions for Cersei for blowing up the Sept, along with a very popular Queen, a fanatically followed religious movement and hundreds, if not thousands of common folk?

Also, I was watching scenes from the older seasons and it's jarring how different the way the characters spoke back then. Their dialogue back then seemed more "medieval", as compared to how they speak now.

Such a shame.

This must be a troll right? People riding dragons ffs

In fairness, it does make a certain amount of sense to me that there would be fewer difficulties in doing some stuff with a totally CG dragon than a real life dog that's been scaled up. You've got more control over the former plus interactions with actors are easier in terms of scale.
Varys is a giant hypocrite. He moves from one ruler to another, sparking off wars that cost the lives of thousands of civilians. Yet he's trying to 'protect the people'. Ahuh.

Do we actually know what Varys' original plan was? The Baratheons went to war because Cersei's children were Lannisters, the North went to war, because Joffrey decided to execute Ned. It's not like he created those conflicts.
In fairness, it does make a certain amount of sense to me that there would be fewer difficulties in doing some stuff with a totally CG dragon than a real life dog that's been scaled up. You've got more control over the former plus interactions with actors are easier in terms of scale.
Which kinda makes ya wonder why they didn't just cgi the dog all together. Even in the last episode he didn't blend in so to speak when you saw them lined up in front of WF. The lighting was off... Like it seems it's been the entire time with those dogs... To the point where it reminded me of much older productions.
In fairness, it does make a certain amount of sense to me that there would be fewer difficulties in doing some stuff with a totally CG dragon than a real life dog that's been scaled up. You've got more control over the former plus interactions with actors are easier in terms of scale.

I'm gonna pretend 3:42 wasthe goodbye

The first four seasons were brilliant because of the structure in place. While the show has legs to go on, because of its incompleteness no ending to the series is going to be totally satisfactory.

It does feel rushed but I don't think D&D intended for this to go past eight seasons, let alone six.

I was expecting a bit of a mess but it's been pretty bad.

Brushing aside the thing the whole story has been building up to for 8 seasons in one episode was pretty unforgivable. Especially when all they have to follow it up with is the same bickering that was supposed to have been rendered irrelevant by the said thing they were building up to...but this episode in itself was just a mess. Half hour of people eating food, then oh suddenly it's 6 months later or something. Euron for a third time can just magically make his entire fleet appear out of thin air in any location he likes, and also magically knows exactly where and when everyone else will's basically openly mocking the audience to do this three times with no explanation. Random gaps in time to allow people to just crop up where they want. How can half an episode be based over the course of a single boring dinner where nothing happens, then the other half be spread over the course of about 6 months presumably where a whole massive load of stuff happens and several characters just completely change their motivations or actual characters for no apparent reason. How is Cersei no more pregnant looking than she was before all of this? It gets quite hard to care about what's going on when it's just jumping randomly around so much than none of it makes any sense anymore.

THe problem is when most of the fan theories or fantasy scripts are easily better and better thought out that then actual script of the show. They really suffered when they caught up with the books as until then it was fantastic, and it would certainly have been near impossible to maintain that without any source material, but I still think they've made a pretty poor job of it. Last season was poor and a bit all over the place but had it's moments and bailed itself out by just piling on the action/drama. I'm not sure where this one can go now without a major and pretty ingenius twist of some kind. It's gotten to the point where I just don't really care who kills who.
The direwolves never needed to be CGI in the first place. Just use big huskies or trained wolves for film. Cheaper and it looks better.

Do we actually know what Varys' original plan was? The Baratheons went to war because Cersei's children were Lannisters, the North went to war, because Joffrey decided to execute Ned. It's not like he created those conflicts.

He secretly supported Daenerys while ruling for the Baratheons and then Joffers. He's now considering switching to Jon from Daenerys.
I thought he was trying to kill her under Robert?

Way, way back in Season 1 he had a meeting with Illyrio in secret under Kings Landing. Illyrio is the guy that gave Daenerys the dragon eggs and was also responsible for her marrying Drogo.

I think he was meant to be basically a double agent, obeying the Rulers wishes while secretly undermining them and keeping tabs of Daenerys progress awaiting the time to join her side. Tyrion and Varys both explained this.
I thought he was trying to kill her under Robert?
He was trying to get her dickhead brother anointed. Assassinating Dany (if Varys even assisted...?) might’ve drug the Dothraki into the war on the west side via dickhead and put a non-insane Targ back on the throne. Apparently the guy with the eggs didn’t tell Varys how much of a dickhead dickhead was, and eventually Varys changed his strategy.

I’m disappointed though, as one of my pet theories is trashed...
that Varys was a secret Targ, and he shaves his head because the platinum blonde hair would be a dead giveaway...
He secretly supported Daenerys while ruling for the Baratheons and then Joffers. He's now considering switching to Jon from Daenerys.

Being the spymaster he must've been aware that Joffrey wasn't Robert's son and that this fact would sooner or later cause a war. In that sense Dany was just supposed to be a preferable outcome to a war that was already coming regardless of Varys' support for the Targs.

And at the present point they don't have the ressources for an internal war to dispose of Dany. If this is going to happen it will be through schemeing, not fighting.

This must be a troll right? People riding dragons ffs

What a load of bullshit, its the most expensive show in history with a budget that rivals blockbuster movies and they couldn't manage a 5-10 interaction with a CGI wolf.

Why were these wolves even in the show?

They've played virtually no part in the story.
What a load of bullshit, its the most expensive show in history with a budget that rivals blockbuster movies and they couldn't manage a 5-10 interaction with a CGI wolf.

Why were these wolves even in the show?

They've played virtually no part in the story.
They're good dogs, Steve.
Is making an actual dog a bit bigger really much harder than making a fecking dragon appear on the screen?

Of course not.

Nor is it harder than making a fecking pointless zombie polar bear, but they made sure they spunked a load of last seasons budget on that shite too.

But you know, no room in the budget for a CGI character which has been around since S1 and has actual emotional importance to Jon. Only for zombie fecking bears.
Varys is an odd character. He claims he hates magic and that he gets all his information from his 'little birds' but I don't buy that for one second. I think he was being fed information by the old three eyed raven. The moment he died Varys conveniently stopped being relevant. All of a sudden there were no 'little birds' to feed him information.

Also I think the voice Varys was hearing while his private parts were thrown into the fire was Bran. So let's assume he also has a connection with the latest three eyed raven. And now that the night king is gone, Varys is getting back to his sly best with the raven feeding him with information. So what do we reckon is the connection between the night king, Varys and the three eyed raven?
Varys is an odd character. He claims he hates magic and that he gets all his information from his 'little birds' but I don't buy that for one second. I think he was being fed information by the old three eyed raven. The moment he died Varys conveniently stopped being relevant. All of a sudden there were no 'little birds' to feed him information.

Also I think the voice Varys was hearing while his private parts were thrown into the fire was Bran. So let's assume he also has a connection with the latest three eyed raven. And now that the night king is gone, Varys is getting back to his sly best with the raven feeding him with information. So what do we reckon is the connection between the night king, Varys and the three eyed raven?
Good questions and I'm guessing you may not be far off the truth on some of those things. Im also theorizing that the reason why Cersei didn't fire at Dany is bc she didn't wanna kill Varys... Or maybe I'm just hoping there is a legitimate reason for why she didn't. I don't buy the honor thing with Cersei.
Of course not.

Nor is it harder than making a fecking pointless zombie polar bear, but they made sure they spunked a load of last seasons budget on that shite too.

But you know, no room in the budget for a CGI character which has been around since S1 and has actual emotional importance to Jon. Only for zombie fecking bears.
I forgot the damn bear. Poor Ghost he's as forgettable as a fleet of ships to them.

Has Nymeria ever been acknowledged since the disappearance or is she just gone completely? I don't recall any mention at all.
Is making an actual dog a bit bigger really much harder than making a fecking dragon appear on the screen?

In some ways, obviously. You're dealing with a real animal as opposed to something you control entirely. Which is exactly what the rest of the quotes in that article suggest:

"The direwolves are tough because you don’t want to get them wrong, so we end up always shooting real wolves and doing a scaling trick with them, but the real wolves only behave in certain ways".

In further quotes he said they were "limited" in what they could do with the animals. So I have zero problem believing that scaling them up and having the actors interact with them in a believable way carries difficulties that simply having a CG dragon appear does not. Or at least common sense would suggest that is the case.

Edit: Further quotes:

"One reason we haven't seen the direwolves more often is that the producers set a high bar for visual realism on the series and ultra-large wolves are difficult to render convincingly. A naturalistic furry animal takes more time and resources to create using computer effects than a fantastical scaly dragon"

"It's also an incredibly time-consuming and expensive character to bring to life."
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It’s funny because the dire wolves were supposedly a bigger deal in the books and they even implied they would be here directly from the start in the pilot, but it wasn’t worth continuing because reasons.

Originally, it was the giants that took too much of the CGI budget instead of zombie bears.

This must be a troll right? People riding dragons ffs

They could’ve just not had the dragon sitting in the background in plain sight for the ballistas during the final scene.

There you go, two things fixed at once at probably no cost to them. I should write for them.