Television Game of Thrones (TV) • The watch has ended

It's been a while now, over a decade, that HBO has been fecking up great shows with lame shitty last seasons.

I remember there were some screenwriters strike and the quality went downhill after that.

Boardwalk Empire being the biggest example... such a great show, destroyed in the end.

the Wire and Sopranos are probably the last time they get it right with the endings.
Googled what? :lol:

Dude, your little chihuahua act was amusing at first but now it's boring. If you want to think I'm calling them stupid useless hacks for saying the situation is dumb, then fine. But for the fourth and last time, lets stop as there's absolutely nothing new coming from this.
Didn’t want to reply to the earlier post?

I want to see how you explain away the delicious, delicious irony. It’s no surprise you don’t want to continue.

In all seriousness I was pretty clear in the point I was making, and, as I’ve demonstrated in the quotes, you’ve been categorically disagreeing with it. I was saying he didn’t mean it literally, and you said he was. And then you parrot what I said to you and expect me not to notice it? And now this has elevated into someone far beyond a simple discussion. Why did you carry it on?
@Redlambs he said several times he enjoys trolling in here. I wouldn't even bother.

In fairness though I’ve said he didn’t mean it literally. Lambs has been arguing with me saying that he did for half a day (just look at the posts) and at the end of it, when he didn’t want to talk any further, he parrots exactly what I said to him to another poster straight away. I don’t think I’m the troll in this instance. :lol:
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so why didn’t she just circle around behind them and light them up?

Also why don’t they carry jars of wildfire and just drop them like bombs?
Sorry dude, I’ve just realised I’ve made a bit of a fool of myself, and instead of admitting what I’ve been arguing with you about for half a day was incorrect, accused you of not reading what I write, and that I actually agree with the point you were making, I’m going to pretend none of that happened and take the moral high grand.
That’s OK dude. Shame really, up until then I’d enjoyed chatting with you.

In fairness though I’ve said he didn’t mean it literally. Lambs has been arguing with me saying that he did for half a day (just look at the posts) and at the end of it, when he didn’t want to talk any further, he parrots exactly what I said to him. I don’t think I’m the troll in this instance. :lol:

In fairness it is my fault for dropping the comments in there about getting wound up. That was a bit cheaty in a troll battle :lol:

My bad!

D&D are hacks though, my Sandra could have wrote that better.
Ghost is missing an ear, bloodied and hurt and you can't even give him a little pet goodbye?

Ride south and die, aunt fecker.

Agreed. He can fecking die the cnut, Ghost even let out a little weep. :(
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Sorry, another moan...

Why did Brienne get all uptight and embarrassed about being a virgin? The show has spent years drumming it home that this is a society where women are expected to be virgins until they're wed, and that pre-marital sex is a massive taboo and no-no which brings huge shame on women. Yet because they needed herself and Jaime to hook up to some reason, she's there blushing as if she's getting ripped by a couple of giggling frat-boys at a college party.
In fairness it is my fault for dropping the comments in there about getting wound up. That was a bit cheaty in a troll battle :lol:

My bad!

D&D are hacks though, my Sandra could have wrote that better.

I like it. Written like a true pupil from the D&D school of making shit up. Not literally mind ;)
It’s all good fun. For what it’s worth, I’m not even defending the direction of it, and thought it could have been done better. Its just not as illogical as it all sounds.
Sorry, another moan...

Why did Brienne get all uptight and embarrassed about being a virgin? The show has spent years drumming it home that this is a society where women are expected to be virgins until they're wed, and that pre-marital sex is a massive taboo and no-no which brings huge shame on women. Yet because they needed herself and Jaime to hook up to some reason, she's there blushing as if she's getting ripped by a couple of giggling frat-boys at a college party.

Maybe she forgot she was a virgin, so when Tyrion fired that arrow to her heart it reminded her?

But yeah, that was just a modern take on it I guess. A cheap way for Jaime to get her into pity sex.
The episode was decent. People are expecting a detailed explanation of every damn thing that happens. How did the fleet get there? We want 4 hours of them loading and stocking, a detailed explanation as to the route they took, and an explanation, with blue prints, as to how they crafted the Ballista. It's not as if a fleet has never ambushed another in history. I thought they directed it poorly, and should have shown a delay in the bulk of the fleet appearing from the cover of the islands, but despite the desperation of making out a fleet can obscure itself from another, it's perfectly possible.

It's a silly to expect them to detail everything in every episode. It's a fantasy TV programme with zombies, dragons and magical powers, and you have a problem with them creating a ballista that can kill a dragon? Particularly after we've had several scenes devoted to it in the previous season?

Yeah the fans might expect something more than 'uhhh she forgot' as an explanation. Funny that.

I don't need to see the fleet going there. Fleets have never been ambushed in history when said fleet has aerial support which can see across the sea and it's a clear day. How exactly do you miss a massive fleet with giant crossbows mounted on top approaching you? It's dumb. Then you get the laser guided crossbow shots, all of which somehow hit a moving target but then become useless 2 seconds later. It's all plot convenience bullshit which makes zero sense.

You then have characters like Tyrion (who are established as intelligent thinkers) striding up to the gates to once again plead to a clear psychopath who has already shown multiple times she will not back down. He now expects her to do so when she's killed a dragon and is in a far stronger position than when she wouldn't back down beforehand. It's absolutely moronic, Tyrion 'learns from his mistakes' does he? Nope, no he doesn't. He continues to be a complete idiot.

And yeah, I think others have covered the absolutely nonsense argument that because it's a fantasy tv show you can do away with any logic whatsoever. It's the most stupid line that has been rolled out so many times. I don't have an issue with a weapon being created to kill a dragon, I have an issue with how ridiculously powerful they've become when it suits the plot. When they didn't want a dragon to die they were inaccurate and couldn't pierce the skills, now they're ripping straight through from incredible distances with lethal accuracy .. until they don't want it to hit Drogon and then hey presto, back to being super inaccurate.

It's lazy as feck. And people just wanna shrug and go 'it's just a fantasy series' as if you can't have some consistency and solid writing because of that.
It’s all good fun. For what it’s worth, I’m not even defending the direction of it, and thought it could have been done better. Its just not as illogical as it all sounds.

For all the fun, we can agree it was a bit of a stupid sentance to say. I can only inagine what those freaks on reddit are saying about it all :lol:
For all the fun, we can agree it was a bit of a stupid sentance to say. I can only inagine what those freaks on reddit are saying about it all :lol:
Oh yeah it was, horrific in the current state of play!
@SquishyMcSquish urgh, sorry man I can’t go through it again just yet. My views on it are on the previous two pages!
Sorry, another moan...

Why did Brienne get all uptight and embarrassed about being a virgin? The show has spent years drumming it home that this is a society where women are expected to be virgins until they're wed, and that pre-marital sex is a massive taboo and no-no which brings huge shame on women. Yet because they needed herself and Jaime to hook up to some reason, she's there blushing as if she's getting ripped by a couple of giggling frat-boys at a college party.

Because the show constantly like to mix up modern world values with the societal values previously established in the show. Especially in later seasons. Hence why Tyrion and Varys suddenly give a feck about poor people peasants all of a sudden.
nightwatch? They’re all dead apart from Sam and Jon. The wall is fecked. There’s no more white walkers. The wildlings are now allies. So, no need for the nightwatch anymore
Why would they need a Nights Watch without the Night King and being on good terms with the Free Folk?
I think there's a twist coming with the WW's.
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Because the show constantly like to mix up modern world values with the societal values previously established in the show. Especially in later seasons. Hence why Tyrion and Varys suddenly give a feck about poor people peasants all of a sudden.

Yup. It's this stuff which really annoys me, given how well they managed to build up this world and its cultures in the earlier seasons. They're so willing to just throw all that out the window for the cheap scenarios.
so why didn’t she just circle around behind them and light them up?

Also why don’t they carry jars of wildfire and just drop them like bombs?

Wildfire is extremely volatile. Doubt it's the kind of thing you'd just carry about all over the place.

As circling round. Yup. feck knows. That entire scene was total shite just so they could conveniently get rid of a dragon and hand them a key prisoner. I'm not even someone that complains about the show, but that bit was shit.
I think there's a twist coming with the WW's.[/Spoiler

In what time would they be able to do that?

2 eps left and we can be sure enough the next one is a helluva battle again.
Quiz time.

Name the five characters with the most episode appearances in the correct order.
I know it was always going to be hard to not screw up the last season but they are doing a good job of it none the less.

It's like they got a 10 year old to write the script. It's all over the place.

The pacing is the most baffling. Two whole episodes where literally nothing happened, then crammed the entire White Walker story into one episode. Then this one which felt rushed and seemed to have pieces missing all the way through, yet still found time at the start for an entire 30 minutes of people just sitting round eating their dinner.
In what time would they be able to do that?

2 eps left and we can be sure enough the next one is a helluva battle again.
I think it'll be some kind of cliff hanger. TBH I'm still disappointed with how they resolved the White Walker's considering the first scene of the first episode of the first season was a White Walker killing people.
I know it was always going to be hard to not screw up the last season but they are doing a good job of it none the less.

It's like they got a 10 year old to write the script. It's all over the place.

The pacing is the most baffling. Two whole episodes where literally nothing happened, then crammed the entire White Walker story into one episode. Then this one which felt rushed and seemed to have pieces missing all the way through, yet still found time at the start for an entire 30 minutes of people just sitting round eating their dinner.

Them all getting pissed and stuffing their faces is the most believable bit!

Unless you count an entire army forgetting the enemy have a huge naval fleet and giant ballistas. Because the Queen was upset, or the time of the month, or whatever the excuse is.
I know it was always going to be hard to not screw up the last season but they are doing a good job of it none the less.

It's like they got a 10 year old to write the script. It's all over the place.

The pacing is the most baffling. Two whole episodes where literally nothing happened, then crammed the entire White Walker story into one episode. Then this one which felt rushed and seemed to have pieces missing all the way through, yet still found time at the start for an entire 30 minutes of people just sitting round eating their dinner.
The first four seasons were brilliant because of the structure in place. While the show has legs to go on, because of its incompleteness no ending to the series is going to be totally satisfactory.

It does feel rushed but I don't think D&D intended for this to go past eight seasons, let alone six.
I reckon they’ll spin a big wheel and they’ll get off the island but the fat guy will have to stay behind with Jaime
Yup. It's this stuff which really annoys me, given how well they managed to build up this world and its cultures in the earlier seasons. They're so willing to just throw all that out the window for the cheap scenarios.

The world as a whole around them has just been completely ignored in the last few seasons in a way which like you say undermines everything set up before - about 20 people now seem to exist across the entire continent.

Daenerys making Gendry lord of Storm's End was kind of a reflection of that. No problem with it happening, and it makes sense a bastard can rise above his station in a war that's annihilated his family,, what's happened to Storm's End in the meantime? Who controls it? If nobody does, why not? If it's vacant...taking it is a great chance to seize power and improve your standing. If Westeros were one small kingdom then it'd be understandable, but it's been established it's an entire continent that's meant to take months to traverse. And when the very basis of your show is centred on holding political power, it undermines the logic of your show when suddenly that's ignored when it's convenient. Similar for Dorne. There's a new prince, but...who is it? We don't need an extended scene, but a conversation would suffice. We didn't need to see Dorne in the first few seasons to know it was a kingdom in the show and one that therefore held political power. Characters in the show almost don't seem to exist the moment they leave the room they're standing in.

If the end conflict were the WW's, it'd be kinda understandable: thin down the human conflicts for the final threat that rises above all the petty rivalries and conflicts. But that's not even ended up being the case. The writers killed off most of the peripheral characters to focus on the WW conflict...but then goes back to politics at the end.