Television Game of Thrones (TV) • The watch has ended

According to Benioff; Rhaegal died because Dany "kind of forgot about Euron's fleet". The writer of the fecking script actually said that was the reason why that shit happened.

I've defending them before, especially last week, but D&D are fecking morons. Great at adapting work, but as good as I am when it comes to creating an original piece of work.
According to Benioff; Rhaegal died because Dany "kind of forgot about Euron's fleet". The writer of the fecking script actually said that was the reason why that shit happened.
I think I posted that one or two pages back; an absolute gem of writing :lol:
According to Benioff; Rhaegal died because Dany "kind of forgot about Euron's fleet". The writer of the fecking script actually said that was the reason why that shit happened.

I've defending them before, especially last week, but D&D are fecking morons. Great at adapting work, but as good as I am when it comes to creating an original piece of work.
Wait, what ? Seriously ?
According to Benioff; Rhaegal died because Dany "kind of forgot about Euron's fleet". The writer of the fecking script actually said that was the reason why that shit happened.

I've defending them before, especially last week, but D&D are fecking morons. Great at adapting work, but as good as I am when it comes to creating an original piece of work.

Ffs :lol:
No no no, the writers only had a month and aren't really shit just rushed.

Or something along those lines.

But hey, I'd forget about a giant naval force and big fecking arrows too in that situation, then risk the entire war on watching my translator die after being the reason she was caught in the first place. Entirely plausible.
For all the criticism of the show's writers. At least they wrote something. Not sure what George is up to.
Tywin, Cersei, Jaime, Tyrion (oddly all Lannisters...) are usually pointed as the best actors but yep, Theon is probably my favourite.

According to Benioff; Rhaegal died because Dany "kind of forgot about Euron's fleet". The writer of the fecking script actually said that was the reason why that shit happened.

I've defending them before, especially last week, but D&D are fecking morons. Great at adapting work, but as good as I am when it comes to creating an original piece of work.
Don't be ridiculous. They have crafted some terrific original scenes. The Arya/Tywin stuff, Shireen/Stannis "You are my daughter" was a beautiful scene, Cat/Talisa was Michelle Fairley's best scene, Tyrion meeting Dany was very good. I'm sure there are others too.

They look like they're not going to stick the landing but a lot of their previous original work shouldn't be dismissed because of it.
That's what he says in the inside the episode video. It's on youtube.
I'm not sure why I'm surprised, if those morons managed to ruin and rush the conclusion of the great war, there is no way they won't ruin the last war too.
The dragons are honestly, glorified means of transportation this season, they have no other purpose. This has been a major let down this season
Judging by the release of Fire & Blood and various other prequel books like Dunk & Egg stories, GRRM is filling in the deep lore for people to adapt stuff off of for the 4-5 prequel shows in the works.

Probably giving his created universe the best chance it can get to be interesting and successful beyond the ASOIAF saga being done and dusted, and before he passes away.

I have a feeling Winds won’t be too far away, as he’ll probably want to release it while GoT is still relatively hot after it ended.
For all the criticism of the show's writers. At least they wrote something. Not sure what George is up to.

I still think he signed a contract meaning he isn't allowed to publish any more books until the show is finished. That's my wild speculation anyway, I seriously struggle to think he wouldn't have had the book ready for the start of this season given the huge amount of hype. Probably also the reason why he's kept quiet about it because he probably signed an nda. Just my theory.
Don't feel bad. My boss has been calling the Lannisters the Lancasters for years now.

Considering the whole book series is inspired by the War of the Roses where York=Stark and Lannister=Lancaster... then your boss isn't a mile off.
I was about to write a massive rant about how awful that was, but I honestly can't be bothered.

That was shit. Like I've not liked parts of this season but I've still enjoyed episodes, that one was genuinely painful and a chore to sit through.

They've royally fecked this up. Just trashing characters arcs all over the shop while bringing in nonsensical shite like aimbot scorpions and the greyjoys have apparently developed some sort of high tech ship camo.

Seriously, I honestly think the last episode actually does look like a masterpiece compared to this :lol:.

edit: Oh and apparently Tyrion has learnt nothing and is still a complete and utter feckwit. Yeah, try appealing to Cersei's nice side because that worked before didn't it? Learns from his mistakes does he? If the show was even remotely consistent she would have killed him there and then and it would be fully deserved.
According to Benioff; Rhaegal died because Dany "kind of forgot about Euron's fleet". The writer of the fecking script actually said that was the reason why that shit happened.

I've defending them before, especially last week, but D&D are fecking morons. Great at adapting work, but as good as I am when it comes to creating an original piece of work.
Thats the equivalent of Cersei forgetting Dany has dragons :lol:
I was about to write a massive rant about how awful that was, but I honestly can't be bothered.

That was shit. Like I've not liked parts of this season but I've still enjoyed episodes, that one was genuinely painful and a chore to sit through.

They've royally fecked this up. Just trashing characters arcs all over the shop while bringing in nonsensical shite like aimbot scorpions and the greyjoys have apparently developed some sort of high tech ship camo.

Seriously, I honestly think the last episode actually does look like a masterpiece compared to this :lol:.

edit: Oh and apparently Tyrion has learnt nothing and is still a complete and utter feckwit. Yeah, try appealing to Cersei's nice side because that worked before didn't it? Learns from his mistakes does he? If the show was even remotely consistent she would have killed him there and then and it would be fully deserved.

Tell us what you really think
Thats the equivalent of Cersei forgetting Dany has dragons :lol:

In fairness the fleet was zero threat to the dragons previously.

Nobody could have predicted the Greyjoys taking a leap forward and merging crossbows with laser technology.
Now this was a proper speech.

Theon was probably the most underrated character and actor of the series. Him dying last episode was the only real sad moment for me, he had a fantastic story arc, great scene.
Also why did Jon just stroll past a pet that's been by his side for all of his adult life and has been incredibly loyal to the point of defending his dead body to the death.

Like, what? Oh yeah you can have the dog, nope I don't fancy a goodbye because we definitely didn't have a connection in earlier seasons.
And surely Euron now knows the baby isn't his. How else would Tyrion know about it? She hasn't spoken to him since her and Euron banged.
Euron taking out the fleet and the dragon was just the icing on the cake of horrendous writing and rushing in this episode. His stealth ships really are the new "Ramsey and his 20 good men", I can't believe they went again with that after the laughable attack last season.

I wonder who's decision it was to make it 7 seasons, was it financial reasons? Did the actors become to expansive? Because clearly no one is up to the task to finish it off smoothly. This show was all about subtlety and logical character development.
Sansa telling Jons secret would've earlier been a thing building up over one or two seasons, now she waited basically 5 minutes before running her mouth to Tyrion. Bet she crossed fingers behind the back when saying the oath.
I'm fully behind Danaerys getting mad (and tbf with so many ungrateful wankers around her, who wouldn't) but it's basically been packed in a couple of episodes, I guess she'll tragically die now. At least she had a last good acting performance in this one, I'll giver her that. Kit Harrington on the other hand, ouch.
They spent 2 years putting this shite together? Half the episode was a fecking party:lol:

And is it just me but both dragons got taken out so easily? Dissappointing.
That same weapon had already shot down the dragon she was riding on...

He fired a few shots and missed, eventually got one which barely impacted the dragon at all. He also took ages to reload.

They then made a big deal out of how ineffective the scorpion had been, and then this season the castle and the fleet got fully kitted out with Qyburn's Scorpions 2000.

No medieval artillery is that accurate firing at a flying target. They fired a few shots and basically all of them took the dragon to pieces in a few seconds. Game of Thrones' answer to MAC cannons.
One thing I don’t get.... how can a show as huge and successful as GoT have problems with a bloody CGI budget?
Thought the midget was gonna die from a rain of arrows. Disappointed cause he deserved it.
According to Benioff; Rhaegal died because Dany "kind of forgot about Euron's fleet". The writer of the fecking script actually said that was the reason why that shit happened.

I've defending them before, especially last week, but D&D are fecking morons. Great at adapting work, but as good as I am when it comes to creating an original piece of work.
How come it's taken them all this time to realise Emilia Clarke is a bit mental? She's not really acting any different than she always did. Talk loud and posh, then burn stuff. "Ooohh she's going to burn Kings Landing. She's a mentalist. Help! Help! She's a mentalist." Nothing about her character has ever suggested she wouldn't turn dragons on it if they pissed her off enough. It's kind of her thing. Before she was painted as bad ass, but now she's mental. It's weird.