Television Game of Thrones (TV) • The watch has ended

That was my favourite of the season but Jamie leaving and Brienne in tears begging him to stay felt super weird and out of character for the both of them.
I think it comes from the mysteries of the show, people like to come up with theories and predict what will happen and get heavily invested. If you watch early GoT (youtube is useful) the writing and dialogue are very different to how it is now. I think it's purely down to how fast the show is running right now, they're teleporting people at great speed to push the story along. I seem to recall when Daenerys finally got her fleet a few seasons back in Winds of Winter people were concerned there was too much too do in too few episodes. Ultimately imo they were proved right.

I hope it will end completely differently. But who the feck knows anymore. His heart doesn't seem to be in it anyway, he's plugging his other show.

There were so many different characters and locations that it's impossible to not have it seem rushed. It would have taken 15 seasons and lost so much momentum to stick with the same pacing as the endgame played out.
Bar the whole "getting ambushed by a fleet" thing, this was the best episode so far with some really good tension and plotting going on. How does one fleet get "ambushed" by another fleet within visible distance off the shore of Dragonstone? No spotters?
Also why tf did they decide to skip Jon revealing his true ancestry to Sansa and Arya? Could have been a brilliant scene that
How would whoever want to support Jon's claim to the Iron Throne prove that is the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna? Just because Sam and Brann says so doesn't mean that they can offer proof and Rhaegar kidnapped and raped Lyanna in the official story i'm not sure everyone would suddenly believe otherwise.
Because Sam probably has proof. Remember him being granted a pardon by Dany, and his only crime admitted was stealing some books?
I've enjoyed this season but that was crap. Sansa is proper annoying now, she's hungry for power, Dany has lost the plot, I don't know what they're with Varys and the pacing was really off. It's not nitpicking, the characters actions don't have the right reasoning anymore, just make it up as they go.
There were so many different characters and locations that it's impossible to not have it seem rushed. It would have taken 15 seasons and lost so much momentum to stick with the same pacing as the endgame played out.

It's probably Georges fault or at least the writers fault for not speeding up Daenerys timeline a bit to get her over to Westeros a bit sooner. From the 8 seasons we've got, only 2 will result with Daenerys being in Westeros and those were streamlined Seasons. This is probably the point when converting book to tv/film doesn't work that well. They could also have killed off more of the cast at any point, with two episodes to go the majority of the cast is still intact.

They've made Cersei heavily over powered now so the only way to resolve her storyline is for her to be assassinated.
I've enjoyed this season but that was crap. Sansa is proper annoying now, she's hungry for power, Dany has lost the plot, I don't know what they're with Varys and the pacing was really off. It's not nitpicking, the characters actions don't have the right reasoning anymore, just make it up as they go.
Sansa is not hungry for power, she simply doesn't trust Dany and will do whatever she can to protect her family, Winterfell and the North. She thinks threy're better off with Jon on the throne so it made perfect sense for her to tell it to Tyrion. She knows he's a sensible man.

Varys was great as well, it's always been known his allegiance lies with the people of Westeros and he'll support the person who he thinks would be the best ruler. Again, makes perfect sense for him to want to switch to Jon now Dany seems to be going mad.
There were so many different characters and locations that it's impossible to not have it seem rushed. It would have taken 15 seasons and lost so much momentum to stick with the same pacing as the endgame played out.
Season 13 episode 5: Danerys stops at a hillside orchard so that her dragons can feed. Farmer gets angry.

Bronn encounters a brothel-cum-inn near High Heart on his month-long journey back to Kings Landing. Stays 2 nights.
Everyone wondered where the feck he was. Maybe not in the show, but us viewers did.

Answer me this: if we are to accept that they'd allow all those dothraki's to charge and die just because of how great it looked, and it did, what's the reasoning for having to accept Cersei wouldn't have just wiped the floor with that pitiful display at the end? Visuals? Storyline? What?

Why, exactly, are we to suspend belief in one way, only for the exact fecking opposite to happen next episode and ask that of us again?
With everyone I meant the characters on the show.. Apologies if I didn't make that clear.

Sure the Dothraki charging thing was dumb (but yes I believe it was for the visuals and more importantly the sheer terror of seeing all the lights just go out. For that it was certainly effective) but so was Stannis sailing into a funnel like tiny bay right at the base of the most fortified part of King's landing and I heard very few people complain about that. And that was supposedly one of the great tactical minds on the show. If things not making sense is what you re gonna hang your hat on you may wish to rewatch the entire series.
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Sansa is not hungry for power, she simply doesn't trust Dany and will do whatever she can to protect her family, Winterfell and the North. She thinks threy're better off with Jon on the throne so it made perfect sense for her to tell it to Tyrion. She knows he's a sensible man.

Varys was great as well, it's always been known his allegiance lies with the people of Westeros and he'll support the person who he thinks would be the best ruler. Again, makes perfect sense for him to want to switch to Jon now Dany seems to be going mad.

Sansa is the new Cersei, she's out there playing games to gain power, it will be more obvious by the end of the season, doesn't really care what happens with Jon. Her hostility towards Dany has no sense behind it from the start, Dany dropped everything and lost half of her army to help them.

As for Varys, instead of trying to help Dany and do his job he's out there trying to take down another person in power. How about doing some of his spy work and do some homework before heading off to Kings Landing? No, no, lets put everything on Dany and blame her.
It's probably Georges fault or at least the writers fault for not speeding up Daenerys timeline a bit to get her over to Westeros a bit sooner. From the 8 seasons we've got, only 2 will result with Daenerys being in Westeros and those were streamlined Seasons. This is probably the point when converting book to tv/film doesn't work that well. They could also have killed off more of the cast at any point, with two episodes to go the majority of the cast is still intact.

They've made Cersei heavily over powered now so the only way to resolve her storyline is for her to be assassinated.

Have they? An opportune rampage from her dragon when the weapons are down (or those minding the weapons distracted by soldiers) would completely annihilate what Cersei has left.

I think the writers have given one dragon to the NK, one dragon to the spears. The final dragon will cause serious damage before bowing out, after which odds would probably switch completely. I think Missandei saying "drakharis" is a hint that will happen in the next episode. Innocent shall die as the dragon goes wild. Cersei would have underestimated Dany's will to go that far and Dany will likely get bumped by someone from within as a result.
Have they? An opportune rampage from her dragon when the weapons are down (or those minding the weapons distracted by soldiers) would completely annihilate what Cersei has left.

I think the writers have given one dragon to the NK, one dragon to the spears. The final dragon will cause serious damage before bowing out, after which odds would probably switch completely. I think Missandei saying "drakharis" is a hint that will happen in the next episode. Innocent shall die as the dragon goes wild. Cersei would have underestimated Dany's will to go that far and Dany will likely get bumped by someone from within as a result.

Mate, if we are to accept that one Dragon can get sniped with a few ballista then given the sheer quantity of ballista in Kings Landing it seems extremely far fetched for us to believe that Drogon can now avoid them all and burn Kings Landing down. These are weapons that should now be feared, Daenerys shouldn't be going anywhere near Kings Landing with all of those ballista. These are the conditions that the show has now made.

Naturally as you say, Drogon will burn down Kings Landing but it shouldn't happen under the conditions we've just been shown unless we now want to assume only pirates can shoot ballista properly.
Even Bronn’s scene was shit, I almost forgot it even happened

Bronn is such a pointless character as this stage. He was interesting to a point but now he's just shoe-horned in. Should have died or just been written out of the show (he fcuks off to some castle somewhere).
Mate, if we are to accept that one Dragon can get sniped with a few ballista then given the sheer quantity of ballista in Kings Landing it seems extremely far fetched for us to believe that Drogon can now avoid them all and burn Kings Landing down. These are weapons that should now be feared, Daenerys shouldn't be going anywhere near Kings Landing with all of those ballista. These are the conditions that the show has now made.

Naturally as you say, Drogon will burn down Kings Landing but it shouldn't happen under the conditions we've just been shown unless we now want to assume only pirates can shoot ballista properly.

The ballista won't be manned when he strikes. There will be a surprise attack undoubtedly. Yara I think will play some part with her facing off against Euron. His troops will be distracted of something will happen that will cause an opportunity to attack.

Drogon just needs one fly over to take out a solid 1/3rd of her entire army.
This, what the hell were they thinking.
I'm guessing because they are trying to keep under wraps what exactly Bran said and how the girls responded to keep us guessing about what the next steps will be for all of them. With regards to Sansa it seems pretty clear at the moment.. But Arya is anyone s guess. Seems they ve used that tactic many times before on the show.
The character of Euron Greyjoy has been utterly butchered.

There’s definitely not enough episodes so pacing has been hit.
I've enjoyed this season but that was crap. Sansa is proper annoying now, she's hungry for power, Dany has lost the plot, I don't know what they're with Varys and the pacing was really off. It's not nitpicking, the characters actions don't have the right reasoning anymore, just make it up as they go.

She isn't. Sansa is protecting her family and the North and I think she's right to do it at any cost. Sure she needed Danny's army but let's be honest here, Danny and her army would have had to fight the Night King anyway, it just happened sooner cause she chose to go to Winterfell with Jon. Sansa, having lived at the capital and seeing what the Iron Throne does to rulers, is basically protecting her home from tyrants. The only way Sansa would acknowledge a Southern ruler again is if Job sits there...and that isn't going to happen.
I'm not entirely sure if D&D intended this, but am I alone in feeling sympathy for the one character being portrayed as "going mad"?

They've written almost all her unsullied out.
They've written two of her closest advisers out.
They've written two of her dragons (her kids) out.
They've written vulnerability in her character who acts in a completely emotional, but understandable way in light of accumulated loss.
They've written seven seasons of her as a freer of slaves and able to learn from other cultures.
They've written antagonism towards her from Sansa who doesn't have any meaningful reason to dislike her (up until Jon's revelation).

My impression is that I like Sansa, and to a degree, Arya, less for their narrow-mindedness in not accepting or being happy for Jon in his love for Dany or giving Dany a chance to be a Queen. I find myself gravitating towards Tyrion's point that Sansa isn't giving Dany the fair chance.
The ballista won't be manned when he strikes. There will be a surprise attack undoubtedly. Yara I think will play some part with her facing off against Euron. His troops will be distracted of something will happen that will cause an opportunity to attack.

Drogon just needs one fly over to take out a solid 1/3rd of her entire army.

The problem with a Dragon is they're in the sky. That means every Ballista pointing up will have a line of sight of it. Even if you think they can get over Kings Landings initial wall (which will be very difficult given they outnumber the North and have siege equipment). Then there's still a large number of them across the city. We've been show with the Sea Battle that these Ballista have excellent range too. But they aren't just anti air, they can be turned down to take on troops.

Did anyone listen to the battleplan btw? How many troops do they actually have, I kept hearing half? So does that mean half the Dothraki and Unsullied survived?!
Did anyone notice that when Tyrion was giving his speech to Cersei, he mentioned her baby - surely at that point Euron needs to question how Tyrion knows she's pregnant?!

Also, I don't get Sansa's hate for Daenerys... she's sacrificed most of her forces to help the north but Sansa hates her.
The problem with a Dragon is they're in the sky. That means every Ballista pointing up will have a line of sight of it. Even if you think they can get over Kings Landings initial wall (which will be very difficult given they outnumber the North and have siege equipment). Then there's still a large number of them across the city. We've been show with the Sea Battle that these Ballista have excellent range too. But they aren't just anti air, they can be turned down to take on troops.

Did anyone listen to the battleplan btw? How many troops do they actually have, I kept hearing half? So does that mean half the Dothraki and Unsullied survived?!
Seemed like it.
More importantly, from what I understood, due to having the dragons and not knowing about the ballistas, they believed themselves to be somewhat equal in military force. It might have been mentioned without only armies taken into consideration.

I've said it for some time, it'll just be one mad queen against another. I hope Varys kills Dany so Jon can rule alone.
Did anyone notice that when Tyrion was giving his speech to Cersei, he mentioned her baby - surely at that point Euron needs to question how Tyrion knows she's pregnant?!

Also, I don't get Sansa's hate for Daenerys... she's sacrificed most of her forces to help the north but Sansa hates her.

Sansa doesn't really hate her, she hate what she represents. I think Sansa living in the capital for some time knows a tyrant when she sees one. And Danny would have had to fight the Night King anyway, it just happened sooner.
Did anyone notice that when Tyrion was giving his speech to Cersei, he mentioned her baby - surely at that point Euron needs to question how Tyrion knows she's pregnant?!

Also, I don't get Sansa's hate for Daenerys... she's sacrificed most of her forces to help the north but Sansa hates her.

I don't understand this either. She was given no reason to hate her other than being foreign. Perhaps linked to the Mad King killing her Grandfather and Uncle? But given she'd never known them it seems pretty far fetched she'd be so strong against Daenerys. We didn't see any scenes early on with Ned/Cat talking about the Mad King. I guess we have to assume its linked to the family deaths and she was told about them at an early age and told that all Targs are monsters.
Same here. Why did he go there if he knew he wasn't going to kill them?

I like how he just waltzed into the castle as well. What exactly was stopping Cersei from sending a random guard up North to just walk up to Tyrion/Jaime and stab them in the neck.

They're clearly incredibly easy to get access to.
Seemed like it.
More importantly, from what I understood, due to having the dragons and not knowing about the ballistas, they believed themselves to be somewhat equal in military force. It might have been mentioned without only armies taken into consideration.

I've said it for some time, it'll just be one mad queen against another. I hope Varys kills Dany so Jon can rule alone.

Surely Jamie would have known about the ballistas. So he kept quiet about them on purpose? He was in the war room right?
Great episode but the Bronn scene is just terrible. He should have been written off ages ago, it's clear they have nothing for him.

I've seen the left over Starbucks cup too....somebody is getting a slap for that this morning.