Television Game of Thrones (TV) • The watch has ended

Yeah that was season 4. That season they killed off Joffrey, Oberyn, Tywin, the Hound (we thought), Shae and Ygritte that I can remember. They’ve been really reluctant to do anything so ballsy since.

I will never forgive them for that.
Thought it was a decent opening .Just glad to see it back ,what were some expecting?.
I didn't mind it as a season opener. It's early setting things up. Did people just expect to be plunged straight into a huge battle?

That said the whole Jon riding a dragon segment was fecking awful.

I just think if there's going to be a whole episode of just people talking, at least make it so it's not all the boring characters.

I know Jon Snow and Dragon Lady are the two main characters, but if we're honest, they're both boring as feck. The whole episode was either them two talking or people talking about them two talking, or someone talking to one of them about the other one.

Anyone know where Arya picked up the valarian dagger that she shows to Gendry?

I might be misremembering but is it not the dagger the assassin Jamie hired to kill Bran used and Bran gave it to Arya? Can’t remember why Bran still had it though.

It is. Was given to Bran by Littlefinger. Bran had no use for it, so he gave it to Arya.
Also, why isn’t the whole of fecking Winterfell huddled around Bran quizzing him on this, that and the other? They know he can see into the past, read the present and tell the future yet they completely ignore him like he’s a piece of street furniture, and when he does come out with a stunning revelation, the person he’s confiding in just stands there and nods, completely foregoing any opportunity to delve into the mystery further.

Also, why isn’t the whole of fecking Winterfell huddled around Bran quizzing him on this, that and the other? They know he can see into the past, read the present and tell the future yet they completely ignore him like he’s a piece of street furniture, and when he does come out with a stunning revelation, the person he’s confiding in just stand there and nod, completely foregoing any opportunity to delve into the mystery further.


Because...and I think this is a general problem with the show now and not just Bran, all the characters feel like caricatures of themselves.
The lack of reaction on Bran announcing that there's a dragon on their side too was totally astonishing :lol:
Yeah that was season 4. That season they killed off Joffrey, Oberyn, Tywin, the Hound (we thought), Shae and Ygritte that I can remember. They’ve been really reluctant to do anything so ballsy since.
I'm not so sure really. Of course, they want to save the more major deaths for closer to the finale, but just last season we lost the Freys, the Sandsnakes, Olenna Tyrell, Dickon and Randyll Tarly, Thoros, Benjen Stark, and LittleFinger. Not to mention Viserion dying and then being taken by the Night King.
Not sure I understand all the furore about spoilers. Why don't people just not open the thread until they are up to date? You know, like folks do with everything else.
Not sure I understand all the furore about spoilers. Why don't people just not open the thread until they are up to date? You know, like folks do with everything else.

Can't believe noone made this suggestion yesterday tbh.
glad to hear the mandatory spoiler tags will be relaxed next week. i just skipped over 10 pages, can't be arsed clicking all that.

if people are stupid enough to go into a thread about GOT after the show has aired and then complain about being spoiled. well, that's on them.

i didn't mind the episode. yeah, the dragon flying was a little lame but it will be significant im sure. pretty sure jon's dragon will switch alliegience down the track. also, dany won't be bending the knee - i can see this being the beginning of the end for their love affair.
What's the issue with just putting something in spoilers?

Because it's a pain in the arse coming in here to discuss the episode and having to keep clicking on spoiler buttons to see what people are saying.

It makes no sense to even be in here if you haven't seen it really does it?
The lack of reaction on Bran announcing that there's a dragon on their side too was totally astonishing :lol:

This didn't actually occur to me at the time, I think because we've (the viewers) already been aware of that for 2 years. But yeh, looking back the lack of reaction was absolutely crazy, particularly from Dany who would have surely been heartbroken that her dead dragon had been risen from the dead.

I also wonder how much of this "the dragons don't like the north" so aren't eating very much will come into play. An excuse just to get Jon and Dany to the dragons so they could have their ride or are we going to see them get weaker as the season goes on?
Ughhhh so in a discussion forum if people didn’t enjoy something they should just sit on their opinion so others can sit an echo chamber?

What people are saying is that it wasn’t set up properly. The dialogue was pretty patchy, it all felt very rushed and moments that should have been big things didn’t get the time and importance they deserved.
Constant moaning while forgetting that everyone else has a different taste. I'm sure a lot of people enjoyed the dragon flying scene/romantic part as it will be an even bigger drama if they turn against each other... so just relax and enjoy the show! It was the first episode, so it is also clear that you have to set it up properly
Constant moaning while forgetting that everyone else has a different taste. I'm sure a lot of people enjoyed the dragon flying scene/romantic part as it will be an even bigger drama if they turn against each other... so just relax and enjoy the show! It was the first episode, so it is also clear that you have to set it up properly

What a ridiculous post. I'm know some people who enjoyed Suicide Squad - Their taste doesn't mean it shouldn't be ridiculed for the garbage it was.
Constant moaning while forgetting that everyone else has a different taste. I'm sure a lot of people enjoyed the dragon flying scene/romantic part as it will be an even bigger drama if they turn against each other... so just relax and enjoy the show! It was the first episode, so it is also clear that you have to set it up properly

So positive reactions only?
The lack of reaction on Bran announcing that there's a dragon on their side too was totally astonishing :lol:

Agreed... it got brushed over way too easily :lol:
So Bran tells them that the WW have raised the dragon and destroyed the wall.

Cut to the next scene they are all sitting in a main hall discussing what to do next.

Lord Ned Umber where are your men.
Still at Last Hearth we need horses and wagons.
We’ll give you what we have go a fetch them.
No one says don’t be stupid Last Hearth is right by the wall and the WW are through the wall.

Does anybody else think that Ned Umber was introduced just so we would know who was nailed to the door?
What's the issue with just putting something in spoilers?
Because there’s also future talk in spoilers and then all the spoilers get mixed together and you end up afraid to open any incase it is an actual spoiler of the future or an aired episode.

Anyway, hopefully the spoilering is over now for aired episodes.

As for the first episode, I enjoyed it, it was needed to tie everything together and to set things up for a fall. People seem so hard to please these days. At the end of the day it’s just an hours worth of tv for some light entertainment. It did that well for me.
Why do people get so defensive when other people think something was a bit shit? Exactly the same in the Walking Dead thread.

At the end of the day it’s just an hours worth of tv for some light entertainment.

Well tbf I think most of the criticism can come under the blanket of "we didn't find it very entertaining".
Because it's a pain in the arse coming in here to discuss the episode and having to keep clicking on spoiler buttons to see what people are saying.

It makes no sense to even be in here if you haven't seen it really does it?
I love how this is almost always met with silence. Like they don't even understand it themselves.
Why do people get so defensive when other people think something was a bit shit? Exactly the same in the Walking Dead thread.

Well tbf I think most of the criticism can come under the blanket of "we didn't find it very entertaining".

Fair enough if people didn’t find it entertaining.

I think the defensiveness comes from the opposite side having such strong opinions it’s shit this or shit that they actually believe they’d do a better job directing or producing this serious when in reality they’re clueless to how a show even gets made and what’s involved.

I prefer to just enjoy what’s put in front of me instead of constantly judging and saying they should have done this they should have done that.

Each to their own I suppose
The lack of reaction on Bran announcing that there's a dragon on their side too was totally astonishing :lol:
They all knew. Ravens had been sent out to that effect. There was even a scene when Qyburn tells Cersei.
I liked it for the most part, was a good reintroduction to the world...

- I feel sorry for Jon... all his siblings are mega cnuts.
- The acting still isn't great... which is unfortunate, but I guess that is the risk when you hire young actors.
- Danerys is a proper weird person... she wants people to love her, but also likes it when her dragons scares the shit out of people... she's concerned that her Dragons aren't eating, but is happy to work up their appetite more by taking them on a random joy ride... to a place where there's no food.
- I'm glad they brought back the fact that she killed Tarley's dad and brother - I did think that was a dick move from her at the time.
- More screen time needed for Onion man.
- Samwell Tarley is the greatest, I've always loved him... ever since I found out he was a United fan.
- I keep getting confused between Podrick and Gendry.
- I wonder how much Brianne got paid to stand in the background in one scene... i bet it was alot.
- Great that Tormund is still alive (I recall he was meant to be dead or something? or presumed dead) thought that scene was the best of the show.
- Theon's rescue was also cool, mainly 'cos of Mac from IASIP
Yeah that was season 4. That season they killed off Joffrey, Oberyn, Tywin, the Hound (we thought), Shae and Ygritte that I can remember. They’ve been really reluctant to do anything so ballsy since.

urgh, Ygritte was the worst
Was a decent episode. I don't think it should cop too much criticism, though the big reveal about Jon being a Targaryen seemed sort of rushed and contrived. The Umber kid's death also appeared to be a half-hearted effort just thrown in anyhow for shock/comedic effect.

Jaime-Bran stare was quite funny though. Bran was like, "Cnut, I am in a wheelchair because of you and your incest.":lol:

The series had started to lose steam when they made the White Walkers the main enemy and Jon as the main protagonist IMO. The ice zombies are too generic as villains, Jon is the typical savior like Harry Potter or Frodo with no evil in him, etc. It shifted the focus away from the brilliant politics of the first 3 seasons where no one person was truly good and everyone had shades of grey. However, it is still fantastic entertainment overall and there are some fascinating loose ends to be tied up, like the fate of Tyrion, Cersei, Daenerys etc.
- The acting still isn't great... which is unfortunate, but I guess that is the risk when you hire young actors.

Do you think that's entirely the fault of the actors or also the writers? I reckon 50/50. Sample dialogue from this episode...

"We can stay here for years and no one can find us."

"We'd be pretty old. It's cold up here for a southern girl."

"So keep your queen warm.

I don't like snow. It's all cold and irritating and gets everywhere."

Bran is especially awful though and can't even seem to stare in silence without it coming across as wooden.

- Theon's rescue was also cool, mainly 'cos of Mac from IASIP

I thought that was shit as well both in terms of how the hell did he sneak into the middle of that fleet and what was the point in capturing her in the first place then?
Do you think that's entirely the fault of the actors or also the writers? I reckon 50/50. Sample dialogue from this episode...

"We can stay here for years and no one can find us."

"We'd be pretty old. It's cold up here for a southern girl."

"So keep your queen warm.

I don't like snow. It's all cold and irritating and gets everywhere."

Bran is especially awful though and can't even seem to stare in silence without it coming across as wooden.


Could be 50/50 I guess, though as you say, the acting is poor at times when they don't really have to do a lot... and whatever Maisie Williams was trying to achieve in this episode just did not work.

I thought that was shit as well both in terms of how the hell did he sneak into the middle of that fleet and what was the point in capturing her in the first place then?

Erm, her Uncle needed someone to like... talk to and shit? Because there was no one to talk too in his mega fleet... (and despite the fact that he literally left the boat straight after... to go talk to Cersei)

Anyway who cares, Mac from It's Alwasy Sunny!
I thought that was shit as well both in terms of how the hell did he sneak into the middle of that fleet and what was the point in capturing her in the first place then?

TBF that's easily enough explained. They're docked at Kings Landing and the vast majority are probably in the City - Probably a small crew left on board.

Theon, Book Theon at least, has history for infiltration at Winterfell.