Television Game of Thrones (TV) • The watch has ended

ffs got a stream and it was in Spanish

managed to find a quick English one thankfully before any action went down.
Holy fck, it happened. So suddenly, so quickly.

I loved the music during the first act as well.
The music was beautiful, my God though what a start, losing a really excellent actor in the HS, I didn't think she'd go through with it. Killed off a lot of the KL characters, in fact that's essentially all of them gone.
The piano music seemed out of place tbh

I kinda disagree lol. I thought it was excellent. But I like that sort of music so yeah...

But still "I choose Violence"... well... Yeah lol
I hate the fact Margaery went out like that, but by god Cersei Lannister what a charaecter.
This is the only time i havent been annoyed by Dorne or the sandsnakes (although it was Olenna that stole that scene)