French Elections 2017

Never in any doubt that Macron would win. What with this and the result in the Netherlands a few months ago the majority of people clearly do not want to leave the EU like a lot of people in this country were making out.
Good for you! I was a teenyweeny bit concerned that MLP would be more successful to motivate her base to show up at the voting booth as compared to Macron, that too many neither wanted her nor him, and finally that France had a long weekend and to my knowledge no absentee voting in place. Low voter turnout could have helped her more than him.

I'm getting a teenyweeny bit concerned now again that Stanley hasn't replied to you yet that of course the majority of people want to leave the EU. I hope he's doing okay. :)
Never in any doubt that Macron would win. What with this and the result in the Netherlands a few months ago the majority of people clearly do not want to leave the EU like a lot of people in this country were making out.

It doesn't stop there, the FN are apparently not that anti-EU or Euro anymore according to a handful of their leaders.
I keep my fingers crossed for you that you'll get it rather sooner than later and can make an additional impact on France via elections! :)

The reason why I'm interested in reactions to Macron's speeches is because what's considered adequate or good does not only vary across voters but even more across countries; they have so very different standards / traditions that it's best to get a feel from those who are familiar with them. Again, TIA.

Regarding his speech , similar opinion to JPR about uniting everyone and keeping his promises etc - clearly he's not going to be able to please everyone or achieve things he wants to do without a great deal of effort but he gives an aura of determination, intelligence and dare I say honesty for politician.

He's going to be under tremendous pressure to achieve his goals but he offers hope.
I am impressed by his apparent strength of character and intelligence.

Some people say that it wasn't that decisive a victory because Le Pen got 34% (which in fact was far less than predicted) but he has come from nowhere in a short time, fought against the old establishment and overcome all obstacles, it is some achievement already. I hope he gets the control he needs in the Legislatives.




Putin called Macron and warmly congratulated him. We have been duped!:nervous:
If we wasn't obsessed with them, he wouldn't be ordering his intelligence services to spoonfeed Assange with information that undermines a particular candidate in a particular country. Bulgaria, Montenegro, Moldova, the U.S., France, Germany etc suggest otherwise.
Putin called Macron and warmly congratulated him. We have been duped!:nervous:
:lol: Yes, that's exactly what the Vlad wants people to believe. Honest, open and altruistic Vlad just wants to play. :angel:
Regarding his speech , similar opinion to JPR about uniting everyone and keeping his promises etc - clearly he's not going to be able to please everyone or achieve things he wants to do without a great deal of effort but he gives an aura of determination, intelligence and dare I say honesty for politician.

He's going to be under tremendous pressure to achieve his goals but he offers hope.
I am impressed by his apparent strength of character and intelligence.

Some people say that it wasn't that decisive a victory because Le Pen got 34% (which in fact was far less than predicted) but he has come from nowhere in a short time, fought against the old establishment and overcome all obstacles, it is some achievement already. I hope he gets the control he needs in the Legislatives.
Thanks. Hope he gets enough 'electible' politicians for 'En marche' to get as many votes as possible in the parliament and then manages to find enough sensible polticians from other parties to get things done.

When do you expect Macron to announce who he picks as PM?
If this is accurate then I'm flabbergasted.
It's - unfortunately - in line with some intermediate poll results from a couple of weeks ago which I had posted here. What I'd be interested to know if the main motivation is unemployment / perception of lack of chances or the actual conviction that nationalism & racism are the solution to a country's problems.
This is different to the results that Ipsos got, for balance (p6) -

Same result in both though is that the oldest voters were the most anti-FN, no doubt related to having felt the effects themselves of actual fascism.

That's fairly different. The first paints a picture where the FN could have won - under a different name, or a different leadership.

This paints a picture that the FN lose the youth vote 2-1.
Yeah, it's a pretty huge discrepancy and I'm more inclined to believe the Ipsos one, mainly because the trend is more believable.
I said yesterday that I thought Macron for all intents and purposes is an EU 'plant'

Humm....It seems the French National Anthem is no longer appropriate or quite good enough these days for the President of France

Reasons, anyone ??
I said yesterday that I thought Macron for all intents and purposes is an EU 'plant'

Humm....It seems the French National Anthem is no longer appropriate or quite good enough these days for the President of France

Reasons, anyone ??

Can't see the video at work, but does it also mention the French National Anthem was played shortly after?

Just a point to prove I think, that he's all in regarding the EU.
I said yesterday that I thought Macron for all intents and purposes is an EU 'plant'

Humm....It seems the French National Anthem is no longer appropriate or quite good enough these days for the President of France

Reasons, anyone ??

Here he is singing La Marseillaise if you're that desperate to see it

Can't see the video at work, but does it also mention the French National Anthem was played shortly after?

Just a point to prove I think, that he's all in regarding the EU.

I hope I'm wrong, but I have this horrible feeling that he really is ' all in ' regarding the EU and that he will take far more interest in helping to stabilise the EU post BREXIT and further federalising the EU than he will in sorting out our own problems down here - of which there are more than enough to worry about when 30%+ of the electorate feel the need to actually vote FN.
Unions protests against Macron's plans of labor law reform less than 24 hours after he got elected. :D
I said yesterday that I thought Macron for all intents and purposes is an EU 'plant'

Humm....It seems the French National Anthem is no longer appropriate or quite good enough these days for the President of France

Reasons, anyone ??

it might be an alien concept for some but it's entirely possible to have two identies that complement each other: A national and a European one. These are not mutually exclusive. Nicola Sturgeon is very open about it to name just one example.
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The best thing about Macron is that he met his wife when he was 15 and she was teaching him. Very French.
Thanks. Hope he gets enough 'electible' politicians for 'En marche' to get as many votes as possible in the parliament and then manages to find enough sensible polticians from other parties to get things done.

When do you expect Macron to announce who he picks as PM?

Possibly by next weekend.
What I find odd is people questioning people voting Le Pen, other than the racist element, there is the ignorant element who believed her rubbish about retirement at 60 , free money and so on.. Many more than that voted Brexit without understanding what they were voting for with a massive emphasis on "foreigners", plus the abstentions were higher in the Brexit vote than this vote. The hypocrisy is hilarious.
it might be an alien concept for some but it's entirely possible to have two identies that compliment each other: A national and a European one. These are not mutually exclusive. Nicola Sturgeon is very open about it to name just one example.

Heck we are expected to be of two nations, English and British in my case, I can handle a 3rf
Unions protests against Macron's plans of labor law reform less than 24 hours after he got elected. :D

The Unions there are France' downfall. Way too powerful, way to unwilling to cooperate.

We have unions here too, they are considered pretty powerful, but they are also known to cooperate when needed. To be honest, post-2009 economic downturn measures where pretty much mutually agreed upon by unions and employeers and benefitted both.

How can the French unions, after seeing for more than 20 years that their concepts don't work and just result in increasing uncompetetiveness and loss of job, still defend said concepts? Especially when Macron's plans are hardly anything that proposes any hardships on the people. Still, the unions act like he wants to introduce slavery. Reminds me of Britain and how the unions helped killing the car manufacturers.
The Unions there are France' downfall. Way too powerful, way to unwilling to cooperate.

We have unions here too, they are considered pretty powerful, but they are also known to cooperate when needed. To be honest, post-2009 economic downturn measures where pretty much mutually agreed upon by unions and employeers and benefitted both.

How can the French unions, after seeing for more than 20 years that their concepts don't work and just result in increasing uncompetetiveness and loss of job, still defend said concepts? Especially when Macron's plans are hardly anything that proposes any hardships on the people. Still, the unions act like he wants to introduce slavery. Reminds me of Britain and how the unions helped killing the car manufacturers.

Exactly.....And Macron is exactly NOT the man to persuade them to change.....
If we wasn't obsessed with them, he wouldn't be ordering his intelligence services to spoonfeed Assange with information that undermines a particular candidate in a particular country. Bulgaria, Montenegro, Moldova, the U.S., France, Germany etc suggest otherwise.
But the phone call! Duped I say!
And Le Pen would?

Absolutely not....Nobody can....Even Melenchon wouldn't have been able to....

And Le Pen would by catering to them even more? :lol:
I mean, her program literally meant bringing back France to socialist fantasy land.

If Macron isn't the one to do it, who is in your opinion?

I really have no idea, which, I hope, says far more about what's wrong with the unons than is wrong with me.