French Elections 2017

Strasbourg 81% Nice 60% , Marseille not yet
I didn't mean to get you look it up for me, I really didn't! Very kind of you though. Happy for Strasbourg, not so happy for Nice. Have spent some weeks there on a language course and liked it a lot, people were very open and welcoming.
@JPRouve @Paul the Wolf and anybody else being French, are on the brink of being French (when will you get your passport, Paul?) or being married to a French person:

How did you perceive EM's speeches, the one in the studio and the one at the Louvre? Was it political BS, did he say anything that surprised you (negatively or positively), was he specific enough, was he inclusive enough, did he come across as trustworthy? Any thoughts are welcome, TIA.

I would say political BS about reuniting the country, giving everything for everyone especially the numerous people that vote for his program or voted for Le Pen and bringing hope back in France.
I didn't mean to get you look it up for me, I really didn't! Very kind of you though. Happy for Strasbourg, not so happy for Nice. Have spent some weeks there on a language course and liked it a lot, people were very open and welcoming.

I'm looking them all up anyway and just happened to be on those when you said. Toulouse and Lille big for Macron as well
I didn't mean to get you look it up for me, I really didn't! Very kind of you though. Happy for Strasbourg, not so happy for Nice. Have spent some weeks there on a language course and liked it a lot, people were very open and welcoming.

Montpellier 77% for Macron and Toulouse 83% for Macron.
I'm looking them all up anyway and just happened to be on those when you said. Toulouse and Lille big for Macron as well
Got a linky for these results, Paul? Much obliged, only getting regional breakdowns on my links.
I've sent my application off but it could take up to a year to get it - I'll announce it with great joy if and when I do.
I haven't seen much on TV as my wife wanted to watch a film :nono: :lol: so I'll catch up with it a bit later and let you know tomorrow
I keep my fingers crossed for you that you'll get it rather sooner than later and can make an additional impact on France via elections! :)

The reason why I'm interested in reactions to Macron's speeches is because what's considered adequate or good does not only vary across voters but even more across countries; they have so very different standards / traditions that it's best to get a feel from those who are familiar with them. Again, TIA.
Well done, France. The Daily Fail has been put in its place with the stupid EU disintegration predictions.
Montpellier 77% for Macron and Toulouse 83% for Macron.
:) Very nice.

I would say political BS about reuniting the country, giving everything for everyone especially the numerous people that vote for his program or voted for Le Pen and bringing hope back in France.
So nothing positive about his speeches in your opinion? :D
How come the results are out so quick for French elections? For elections over here, most of the results for each region tend to be from 2-6am the next day.
So nothing positive about his speeches in your opinion? :D

Maybe I lack enthusiasm but I don't really expect anything positive, it's in the line of what he said earlier. At this point it's a simple protocol.

How come the results are out so quick for French elections? For elections over here, most of the results for each region tend to be from 2-6am the next day.

It's french efficiency, we don't work much but we are efficient.;)
How come the results are out so quick for French elections? For elections over here, most of the results for each region tend to be from 2-6am the next day.
Aside from our polling stations closing later, usually we also have local elections taking place on the same day. This means nearly twice as many votes have to be verified before counting can even begin (for this reason, results should actually start coming in a bit quicker for us in June).
Thanks all.

Aside from our polling stations closing later, usually we also have local elections taking place on the same day. This means nearly twice as many votes have to be verified before counting can even begin (for this reason, results should actually start coming in a bit quicker for us in June).

Good point.
Calling Macron gay is probably a bit off. Guy was getting with MILF's in his early 20s.
That Russian article is absolutely batshit, or at least the google translate version is. Also has some casual racism and accusations of paedophilia towards Macron's wife :lol:

That's glorious :lol: Also reminds me that I need to cash my winning bet :drool:
That's glorious :lol: Also reminds me that I need to cash my winning bet :drool:

When'd you put it on? Could've probably got some decent odds before the Fillon scandal.
When'd you put it on? Could've probably got some decent odds before the Fillon scandal.
Was just after, early March so only about evens to win overall and 9/4 for the first round. It's only got me about £35 so I wish I'd been a bit bolder now :lol: Should've had the courage of my convictions last year.
God bless France. I didn't expect to enjoy Macron winning this much. The reaction from some has been particularly hilarious after a year that obviously left far-right a**holes with the idea that they are in the majority.

Interesting trend to this graph

I'm glad to see the younger voters oppose Le Pen as I heard an unusually high number of young French people backed FN.
Final result: 66.06% Macron, 33.94% racist bi*ch. :drool:

Marseille: 64.42% Macron, 35.58% racist bi*ch. Slightly better than Nice. Didn't see that coming.
Sky News working really hard to elevate MLP's success and cast doubts over Macron. Bitter losers. :lol:
Never in any doubt that Macron would win. What with this and the result in the Netherlands a few months ago the majority of people clearly do not want to leave the EU like a lot of people in this country were making out.