French Elections 2017

He's Farage's mate, he was due to be Le Pen's prime minister if she had got elected
Thanks, I hadn't paid attention to him before tonight. I don't know who this guy was on France 2 who spoke for him but it was as ridiculous as MLP. Rambled about what a great platform of patriots they are, they'll be a political force and all that nationalist BS.
You can tell he's had 2 weeks to process that he'll be president; he was much more emotional after the 1st round.
But you're implying the government is doing something about it. Can you give me even a little snippet of what the government are doing because if you can't then it's even more clearer that we don't know what their trying to do.

They imposed a state of emergency, which has reduced civil liberties. It is the kind of response you would appreciate, I'm sure :)
Why is Macron 'marching' alone in the dark to meet his supporters? They say it's to resemble Mitterand but why did Mitterand do something like this?

He (EM) didn't look happy during the walk. More as if he realizes what a shit job in terms of expectations awaits him.
Who would give a vote for the national fecking front is beyond my comprehension. This election has mainly been about the lesser of two evils but even then Le Pen comes out on top and it's scary to see that a large number (in context of what the national front stand for) voted for her.
They imposed a state of emergency, which has reduced civil liberties. It is the kind of response you would appreciate, I'm sure :)
I sounded like a total dick in that response I know, sorry if I came across like that but I was genuinely curious as to the measures the government was taking cause I still don't feel it's enough.
Why is Macron 'marching' alone in the dark to meet his supporters? They say it's to resemble Mitterand but why did Mitterand do something like this?

He (EM) didn't look happy during the walk. More as if he realizes what a shit job in terms of expectations awaits him.
On the other hand, the pyramid looming behind him is as Mitterand as it gets :lol:
It often is but overall Macron got 57% in rural areas. I'd need to check some of the communities I remember tomorrow when all results get reported but I don't get how people vote against the EU when they benefit from getting a job across the border but can still live in their home country.

The % of these people is very low.

That's one of the mysteries to me. Why is FN so strong in communities close to the borders to Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Italy? So many French people commute to Germany for work and yet these communities vote so strongly for FN.


'Near Belgium' - Northern France has to be considered as one of the poorest areas in France: deindustrualisation, high unemployment rate..
Near Germany - Eastern, deindustrualisation
Near Italy- Southern France is the core of the development of the FN: more racism, issues with a part of the French people coming from Northern-Africa
Near Switzerland - Macron won easily
He (EM) didn't look happy during the walk. More as if he realizes what a shit job in terms of expectations awaits him.

It's theatre:

1. He knows he won easily essentially because the voters didn't want Le Pen
2. Put in another way, he wants to send the signal 'The situation is critical'

He sets the scene: he will take take some decisions (like destroying the Labour code) by reasoned order without 'Democratic Dialogue'.
The % of these people is very low.
I guess that's dependent on the individual community. I have some communities in mind which were portrayed in German media where I need to re-check the numbers but was smitten by the outcome of the 1st round.
That's one of the mysteries to me. Why is FN so strong in communities close to the borders to Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Italy? So many French people commute to Germany for work and yet these communities vote so strongly for FN.


In the north you have former mining areas with a lot of people that didn't managed to upgrade or modify their competences and in the south east, you have a lot of Algeria colons descendants who are quite bitter when it comes to north africans.
What a surpise, Leave.EU wants a racist president in France

I almost feel kind of sorry for them, presuming they still thought Le Pen was going to win.:lol:
I like that they've been so open about it though. Now got solid backing to call them and Farage out for the wannabe blackshirts that they are.
Or, you know, they could want the anti EU candidate, considering they are an organization that lobbies against the EU.
The main campaign for Outers in the UK, Vote Leave, were backing Macron. Because they aren't fascist sympathisers.
On the other hand, the pyramid looming behind him is as Mitterand as it gets :lol:
It did! I was almost expecting an image of Mitterand to be blended into the scene. :lol:

It's theatre:

1. He knows he won easily essentially because the voters didn't want Le Pen
2. Put in another way, he wants to send the signal 'The situation is critical'

He sets the scene: he will take take some decisions (like destroying the Labour code) by reasoned order without 'Democratic Dialogue'.
Are you a fortune teller? And what has walking in the dark like Mitterand has to do with making France more competitive or knowing he won easily?
Another way to present how voters from now eliminated candidates voted today.

Macron took obviously 90% in Paris. Wow. I bow to you, Paris!
Interesting trend to this graph

Am I seeing things or did some Le Pen voters switch to Macron?

EDIT some went the other way 2-probably duped by the hacking thing
It's clearer in this image with the tabular format: 2% of 1st-round MLP voters voted now for EM, and 1% of previous EM voters now for MLP.


Bordeaux 84%+ and Nantes 86%+
Fantastic results too. I need to check out more tomorrow, e.g. Strasbourg, Nice and of course Marseille.
Guess the people who actually live in Paris have no problem with how much the government is doing regarding terrorism :lol:

The truth is that people abroad are seemingly more traumatized by terrorism than french themselves, it's not really part of our day to day life.
The truth is that people abroad are seemingly more traumatized by terrorism than french themselves, it's not really part of our day to day life.
Yes, it's a confusing truth that applies to the country itself, with rural areas seemingly more worried about it.
@JPRouve @Paul the Wolf and anybody else being French, are on the brink of being French (when will you get your passport, Paul?) or being married to a French person:

How did you perceive EM's speeches, the one in the studio and the one at the Louvre? Was it political BS, did he say anything that surprised you (negatively or positively), was he specific enough, was he inclusive enough, did he come across as trustworthy? Any thoughts are welcome, TIA.
@JPRouve @Paul the Wolf and anybody else being French, are on the brink of being French (when will you get your passport, Paul?) or being married to a French person:

How did you perceive EM's speeches, the one in the studio and the one at the Louvre? Was it political BS, did he say anything that surprised you (negatively or positively), was he specific enough, was he inclusive enough, did he come across as trustworthy? Any thoughts are welcome, TIA.

I've sent my application off but it could take up to a year to get it - I'll announce it with great joy if and when I do.
I haven't seen much on TV as my wife wanted to watch a film :nono: :lol: so I'll catch up with it a bit later and let you know tomorrow