French Elections 2017

Finally some sanity! Well done France.
But... but the leaks? Come on, guys, didn't we all agree to be alternative and start wearing our underpants on our heads? You're not doing it right, Netherlands and France.
Thankfully the French aren't as stupid as the rest of us it seems.
Guess the French do have more sense than Brits and Americans
Is it true Machelon wanted 100% tax on people earning over 400k a year?
Merci beaucoup, France! Merci, @JPRouve , merci to your wife, @Paul the Wolf, and everyone you know who didn't vote for this fecking lying greedy fake blonde bi*ch.

I've seen more American tweeting support for Le Pen than French. It's bizarre.

Think May's congrats to Macron are hilarious. Finest brown-nosing. :lol:

Some on Sky News seem to be quite disappointed. Another possible anti-EU ally lost. :D
Is it Possible that Trump made it more difficult for Le Pen to win. Many thought it made a win for her ore likely.
Is it Possible that Trump made it more difficult for Le Pen to win. Many thought it made a win for her ore likely.
He will claim that this was his thinking.
I've seen more American tweeting support for Le Pen than French. It's bizarre.

A bulk of those American accounts are fake, but there definitely has been a campaign from the alt-right to spread as much Russian propaganda as possible especially in the past few days.
Is it Possible that Trump made it more difficult for Le Pen to win. Many thought it made a win for her ore likely.

I reckon he thinks he masterminded the victory himself and that any candidate he gives his backing will ride to victory on the shitty populism or whatever it is he's utlising. Unfortunately for them, not all voters are morons obsessed with shitty memes, and many actually find him repulsive.
Is it Possible that Trump made it more difficult for Le Pen to win. Many thought it made a win for her ore likely.

Yep, Trump's victory stunned everyone especially in Europe and its resulted in people not underestimating the populist/right wing parties and enough people getting out to vote against them.
Only 35 percent of the French electorate wants a racist president.

It's depressing that we're actually relieved by this.
I hope he can implement some beneficial policies for the voters and communities that his predecessors overlooked. Otherwise it's just five more years of the same old.

Think May's congrats to Macron are hilarious. Finest brown-nosing. :lol:

Just wait till Macron meets Merkel, then you'll see some worship. ;)
Le Pen is trying to reinvent herself once again. And now hoping to unite the far left and right as anti establishment