French Elections 2017

They're reporting on how many people feel like they're choosing between the lesser of two evils on Sky right now as if it's a major talking point - but I'm not really sure if that's something rare in French elections, is it? Considering the final run-off, it seems like more what would always happen given that's how the system works.
Apparently Le Pen said during one of the recent debates that the world would soon find out that "Macron has a bank account in the Bahamas or somewhere" Today we find out he has one in the Cayman Islands.

That can't be a coinkydink can it?

I believe she made that statement after there was another fabricated leak which was released a few days ago.
They're reporting on how many people feel like they're choosing between the lesser of two evils on Sky right now as if it's a major talking point - but I'm not really sure if that's something rare in French elections, is it? Considering the final run-off, it seems like more what would always happen given that's how the system works.

It's always the case, it would be the same feeling I'd have if I was voting in the UK, choose between May or Corbyn, what a choice
They're reporting on how many people feel like they're choosing between the lesser of two evils on Sky right now as if it's a major talking point - but I'm not really sure if that's something rare in French elections, is it? Considering the final run-off, it seems like more what would always happen given that's how the system works.
I think it's more the abstentions, polling's showing that only about 40% of Melenchon's voters are intending to vote Macron, for instance. Contrast with 2002, the last time a far right candidate got to the final round, and there were 3 million more votes cast than the first round to ensure he was stopped.
It's always the case, it would be the same feeling I'd have if I was voting in the UK, choose between May or Corbyn, what a choice

Aye, just the way it's being reported. Made it feel as if this was some unique example, when I'd imagine it's been the norm for those who typically haven't voted for either of the two main parties in previous elections.
I think it's more the abstentions, polling's showing that only about 40% of Melenchon's voters are intending to vote Macron, for instance. Contrast with 2002, the last time a far right candidate got to the final round, and there were 3 million more votes cast than the first round to ensure he was stopped.

Ah right, that's fair enough then. Still think the abstainers are being a bit silly...ultimately their candidate wasn't able to get through despite having a decent crack at it, and one of the two in the final rounds going to end up in charge. Might as well vote for one.
Aye, just the way it's being reported. Made it feel as if this was some unique example, when I'd imagine it's been the norm for those who typically haven't voted for either of the two main parties in previous elections.

Mélenchon's voters don't really want to vote for Macron because he's so pro EU but don't want to vote for a racist. Mélenchon says they can vote for who they like but in no circumstances for Le Pen. He says he's going to vote tomorrow, I wonder who for.
Ah right, that's fair enough then. Still think the abstainers are being a bit silly...ultimately their candidate wasn't able to get through despite having a decent crack at it, and one of the two in the final rounds going to end up in charge. Might as well vote for one.
As I posted a little up-thread, a guy they interviewed on Newsnight last night was unsure what to do because the choice was between "a banker and a racist". How people can actually phrase the choice like that and still be undecided, I'm not sure. Then you've get bellend pseudo-intellectuals like Zizek saying they're the same... Varoufakis had it spot on - anyone who ever wants to call themselves an antifascist first has to vote against the actual fascist when they have the chance.
@Paul the Wolf If you are interested I found this.

I'm sorry for the posters not speaking french but it's way to long for a translation and to be fair there is nothing interesting.

Ok thanks I'll have a read through.
Can't believe the bad timing of this as most french people won't even be aware of this, obviously the Russians and their American friends didn't know how the system works

Edit: read through it, nothing there
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I believe she made that statement after there was another fabricated leak which was released a few days ago.

Ahh, ok, thanks. It's certainly seeming that yet again Russia is involved in at the very least minor hacking and internet manipulation. WikiLeaks is ever-present yet again too. It really does seem this is the future for the Western World regarding elections and Russian interference. I just wonder how long it is going to go on for before there is a retaliation?
Ahh, ok, thanks. It's certainly seeming that yet again Russia is involved in at the very least minor hacking and internet manipulation. WikiLeaks is ever-present yet again too. It really does seem this is the future for the Western World regarding elections and Russian interference. I just wonder how long it is going to go on for before there is a retaliation?

In a system like the Russian, there's no way to retaliate. Also, the Russians really don't care about corruption and stuff. They know Putin is corrupt, they just don't care.

To when it's going to stop, I think it's going to stop when right wing candidates continue to get crushed in european elections. They will lose France, they will heavily lose in Germany. This isn't America, we have values here. The US has obviously ceased to be part of the western world with the last election.
In a system like the Russian, there's no way to retaliate. Also, the Russians really don't care about corruption and stuff. They know Putin is corrupt, they just don't care.

To when it's going to stop, I think it's going to stop when right wing candidates continue to get crushed in european elections. They will lose France, they will heavily lose in Germany. This isn't America, we have values here. The US has obviously ceased to be part of the western world with the last election.

Ouch! :lol: Feck me that's harsh, but I can't really argue with it either. Would you say the UK is the same as well though? I mean we did vote to leave the EU. It still upsets me whenever I think about it, and to be honest I don't think I will ever get over it.

I agree completely about the Russians not caring and about their attitude to it all and especially towards Putin himself. I just hope you are right about the rest of it, but again I agree that France and Germany will undoubtedly vote against the right wing candidates.
I doubt that these are the same hackers as in previous elections. They (Russia) published their stuff via wikileaks. This time the first messages emerged from 4chan and the data was just randomly dumped. Additionally Russia would have probably leaked this stuff 1-2 weeks ago. It is fortunately way too late now to influence enough voters. French media isn’t even allowed to discuss it. There is more than one group of hackers out there and we already learned that many of these campaigns use piss-poor security protocols.
I doubt that these are the same hackers as in previous elections. They (Russia) published their stuff via wikileaks. This time the first messages emerged from 4chan and the data was just randomly dumped. Additionally Russia would have probably leaked this stuff 1-2 weeks ago. It is fortunately way too late now to influence enough voters. French media isn’t even allowed to discuss it. There is more than one group of hackers out there and we already learned that many of these campaigns use piss-poor security protocols.
What I want to know is, why is it the progressives parties' emails being leaked?
Telling me Trump, MLP, Wilders and the other cnuts don't have any dirt.
Ouch! :lol: Feck me that's harsh, but I can't really argue with it either. Would you say the UK is the same as well though? I mean we did vote to leave the EU. It still upsets me whenever I think about it, and to be honest I don't think I will ever get over it.

I agree completely about the Russians not caring and about their attitude to it all and especially towards Putin himself. I just hope you are right about the rest of it, but again I agree that France and Germany will undoubtedly vote against the right wing candidates.

Leaving the EU is different. Dumb decision no doubt, but you didn't have an army of antisemitic trolls voting a concealed fascist into office. The thing about the US is, we often fool ourselves by thinking everything will be okay again when the Dems get back the white house when in reality, even the democrats would be considered a pretty right wing party everywhere in western Europe.
What I want to know is, why is it the progressives parties' emails being leaked?
Telling me Trump, MLP, Wilders and the other cnuts don't have any dirt.

I spent a bit of time on the Macronleaks and they all have in common the excessive use of the word globalist, ironically they are all seemingly extremely buddy with their foreign equivalent which is reminiscent of the Comintern and there is nothing more globalist than that.
I spent a bit of time on the Macronleaks and they all have in common the excessive use of the word globalist, ironically they are all seemingly extremely buddy with their foreign equivalent which is reminiscent of the Comintern and there is nothing more globalist than that.
Noticed that word in a lot of the tweets.
Leaving the EU is different. Dumb decision no doubt, but you didn't have an army of antisemitic trolls voting a concealed fascist into office. The thing about the US is, we often fool ourselves by thinking everything will be okay again when the Dems get back the white house when in reality, even the democrats would be considered a pretty right wing party everywhere in western Europe.

I think dumb decision is an understatement to be honest, but agree with the sentiment.

You are spot on about the US and the Dems though. I think it's sometimes really difficult to relate at times because especially when discussing things like abortion or healthcare, they are literally taken for granted now, no party would ever, ever try to campaign on removing them, and I doubt they could even if they wanted to. I sincerely believe a decent percentage of people voted for Brexit purely based on the lies told about the extra £350 million a week to the NHS, or however much it was. I think that definitely played a part in many of the undecided voters decision. It's refreshing to see the French not falling for the same propaganda and bullshit and are not allowing the angry sentiment or recent terror attacks cloud their judgement.
What I want to know is, why is it the progressives parties' emails being leaked?
Telling me Trump, MLP, Wilders and the other cnuts don't have any dirt.

Of course they have dirt. I have little doubt that Russia played a major part in past election hacks and they clearly have an agenda against centrist politicians. Yet they are not the only ones. You can look at almost any discussion platform, comment section, forum or non-mainstream news side and you’ll see that mainstream politicians are disliked by many internet savvy people. I am always skeptical of opinion polls, but the latest “Generation what?” findings came to the conclusion that roughly about 50% of people between the age of 18-34 would support a revolution against the current status quo in Europe. Take it with a gigantic pinch of salt, but it highlights the sentiment of this generation.

These kinds of hacks are the modern form of revolution. You need to be fairly committed to ideological extremes to do that. High risk, no personal benefits. It is hardly something any normal person would or could do. You have to have the technical expertise and the ideological commitment. Normal people just vote or join a party. Yet you are probably not a Macron voter, when you read 4chan.
Noticed that word in a lot of the tweets.

It has been used by the politicians you mentioned too, so I think that beyond the bots a lot of people are just parroting. Basically the logic is to blame foreigners, the US and bankers, as long as you do that you are a patriot otherwise you are a globalist.
I think it's more the abstentions, polling's showing that only about 40% of Melenchon's voters are intending to vote Macron, for instance. Contrast with 2002, the last time a far right candidate got to the final round, and there were 3 million more votes cast than the first round to ensure he was stopped.

I remember reading in an article recently that Chirac made it clear that he would not count votes for him as endorsements but as votes against Le Pen. Macron hasn't done the same, in fact he has said he only wants votes of those committed to his agenda.
Edit: I can't find the source after looking, but I'm 90% sure I didn't imagine it.
But many (credible) people put these things around their own name. What am I missing? I guess I am getting old.

I think the idea was for so many people to do it that the classification becomes meaningless and the anti-semites have a tougher time finding what they want. Or maybe solidarity, I don't know.

They usually put it around individual Jewish names, around words like globalists, bankers, and sometimes the old classics like Bolsheviks/Communists/Leninists and of course Trotsky.

She avoided the main door because of a hostile crowd, but there were enough at the back too :)