French Elections 2017

Kinell. This would be something. Sceptical though.

10 mins in, and same old shit being flung by both sides in this debate. Giving up and watching Monaco vs Juve over this.
Anyone watching the debate? I turned off after 5 minutes, just couldn't put myself through it. All politicians are snakes, all of them, the populist ones, the establishment ones, all of them. Crazy that the FN might be in power soon. What really worries me with all these far-right movements going into power is what they will do when all their promises are not kept. They might be willing to do anything and blame anyone to stay in power.
I had choir practice tonight :angel: so missed most of the debate , saw the last few minutes. Will force myself to watch it tomorrow.
The last part was supposed to sum up what they propose for the country but Le Pen as usual spent the time criticising everybody because she has no plan.
Bile hatred and division, sounds somewhat familiar but no plan of what to do.
Man! The Marine was bad, real bad, real bad.
I thought I knew her but I was wrong, she is an absolute idiot. Watch it just for the laugh.

OK she was absolutely awful in the few minutes I watched but I will watch it just for the laughs even though I am tempted to do damage to the screen.
Idiots are getting more easy to spot over the past year or two.
Abstainers in this election are... odd.
Man! The Marine was bad, real bad, real bad.

Had to watch it in two parts. It was hard going
You are being rather generous to her in your ratings.
She was absolutely atrocious, she has nothing to offer whatsoever.

How she manages to get 1% of the vote let alone around 40% but we know where those votes come from when you look at the UK referendum
Had to watch it in two parts. It was hard going
You are being rather generous to her in your ratings.
She was absolutely atrocious, she has nothing to offer whatsoever.

How she manages to get 1% of the vote let alone around 40% but we know where those votes come from when you look at the UK referendum

I have been guilty of not really listening to her in the past and for the first time I did, she is no better than the likes of Cheminade who are widely considered to be borderline crazy. The moment she tried to explain that she would lead Germany to the Deutsche Mark or the fact that she has no clue about what a "fiche S" is, was laughable particularly for the latter since she is always lauded for her security knowledge.
I have been guilty of not really listening to her in the past and for the first time I did, she is no better than the likes of Cheminade who are widely considered to be borderline crazy. The moment she tried to explain that she would lead Germany to the Deutsche Mark or the fact that she has no clue about what a "fiche S" is, was laughable particularly for the latter since she is always lauded for her security knowledge.

She doesn't seem to understand very much at all about anything, it is seriously frightening that such a person could come this close to becoming president of a major country. She makes Trump and Brexit seem rational.
She doesn't seem to understand very much at all about anything, it is seriously frightening that such a person could come this close to becoming president of a major country. She makes Trump and Brexit seem rational.

It's not that surprising a large part of her electorate is made of people barely able to speak french, they complain about french culture being whipped out when they are the first culprit. So when you listen to Le Pen, you understand the appeal, she talks like them but uses big words that they barely understand.

And she intends to finance her spendings by completely eliminating tax fraud.:lol:
How's Barry thought of in France?

It's not that surprising a large part of her electorate is made of people barely able to speak french, they complain about french culture being whipped out when they are the first culprit. So when you listen to Le Pen, you understand the appeal, she talks like them but uses big words that they barely understand.

And she intends to finance her spendings by completely eliminating tax fraud.:lol:

It's a similar narrative of all the populist parties, they know their followers have no idea about reality , they don't know how the system works so all she does is attack the other side.

Parts of it were quite funny when it was clear that she had no idea what she was talking about, Macron must have been loving it.
When she had big pile of papers and she was frantically trying to find the reference while Macron was sitting there with all the knowledge in his head.

Le Monde found 19 mistakes/lies/errors in her session and two of Macron
Popular over there and has had good approval ratings in France.

Going to be fun seeing the vocal Trump supporters foaming in the mouth over this.
Trump has been talking about the French elect for weeks. Even tweeted about it.
Trump has been talking about the French elect for weeks. Even tweeted about it.

Wonder whether he will admit his election win is a reason Le Pen will lose. The people in Europe have fought back against the far right since what happened on Nov 9. Happened in Austria, in Holland and will happen in France.

His election win has woken enough people up to see what happens when you get elect these clueless fringe "populists", who should be nowhere near governing a country and having access to nuclear weapons.
Trudged through the whole debate; pointing this out is getting old, but all she did was blame others and lie. It's a farce and I barely remember how politics worked before, were all the lies this transparent?
Trudged through the whole debate; pointing this out is getting old, but all she did was blame others and lie. It's a farce and I barely remember how politics worked before, were all the lies this transparent?

There were always lies but at least politicians said I will do X and the reason I can do X is by doing this, this and this. Whether they did it or not is something else. She didn't even bother with that , just totally empty narrative.

Trump and Brexit were examples of people believing just anything they're told, in a few years of experiencing the outcome of those events reality might actually dawn on people, we can always hope.
There were always lies but at least politicians said I will do X and the reason I can do X is by doing this, this and this. Whether they did it or not is something else. She didn't even bother with that , just totally empty narrative.

Trump and Brexit were examples of people believing just anything they're told, in a few years of experiencing the outcome of those events reality might actually dawn on people, we can always hope.
It's not only the empty promises though, the straight up lies about the British economy post-Brexit and especially about the Euro being fielded to companies since the early 90s are really, really mind-boggling.

Here's a list of all the lies from yesterday (Macron had 2 fibs, of negligible importance):
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I'm cautiously impressed by Macron, he more or less managed to not lose his temper and refused to bring himself to her level. My hope is that he works out well for the country, and that it triggers a so-called 'centrist' movement throughout the continent.
I'm cautiously impressed by Macron, he more or less managed to not lose his temper and refused to bring himself to her level. My hope is that he works out well for the country, and that it triggers a centrist movement throughout the continent.

Notably Yanis Varoufakis, the leftie former Greek Minister of Finance, has spoken very highly of Macron in his newly released political memoirs, despite being a lot more critical of other EU figures at times. Supposedly Macron was a lot more helpful to Greece than a lot of other figures, and it perhaps bodes well that while Macron is the epitome of a neo-liberal centrist politician, he's perhaps willing to listen to others and take their concerns into account.
Notably Yanis Varoufakis, the leftie former Greek Minister of Finance, has spoken very highly of Macron in his newly released political memoirs, despite being a lot more critical of other EU figures at times. Supposedly Macron was a lot more helpful to Greece than a lot of other figures, and it perhaps bodes well that while Macron is the epitome of a neo-liberal centrist politician, he's perhaps willing to listen to others and take their concerns into account.
Quite like Varoufakis, didn't realise he had a book out, will try find it tomorrow.

Guardian headline about the book is predictable :lol::
One of the greatest political memoirs ever?
It's not only the empty promises though, the straight up lies about the British economy post-Brexit and especially about the Euro being fielded to companies since the early 90s are really, really mind-boggling.

Here's a list of all the lies from yesterday (Macron had 2 fibs, of negligible importance):

Well yes, she will say or do anything to try to get elected hoping that people won't notice or be too stupid not to realise it's a lie.
It's not that surprising a large part of her electorate is made of people barely able to speak french, they complain about french culture being whipped out when they are the first culprit. So when you listen to Le Pen, you understand the appeal, she talks like them but uses big words that they barely understand.

And she intends to finance her spendings by completely eliminating tax fraud.:lol:

She might be able to make a start with Macron.....
Do you want to know where those offshore claims come from? Some trolls from 4chan posting a fake document of Macron having a shell company on Nevis. It then went to r/the_donald and they spammed it to FN officials on twitter. Those tools don't even fecking get how they are being used.
Do you want to know where those offshore claims come from? Some trolls from 4chan posting a fake document of Macron having a shell company on Nevis. It then went to r/the_donald and they spammed it to FN officials on twitter. Those tools don't even fecking get how they are being used.

No doubt it was someone on the Kremlin's payroll who created that document. Its been obvious for a few weeks now they've been focusing on the French election with their disinformation campaign.
It's also brilliantly done: there's nothing actually pointing to tax evasion in those, but they increase doubts people might already had. Also, they are released at a point where it's still able to gain traction, while there's too little time to actually disprove them convincingly. People on t_d raising doubts because the signature doesn't match got told "who cares, if it will win Le Pen the election". Talk about double standards.