French Elections 2017

Do you want to know where those offshore claims come from? Some trolls from 4chan posting a fake document of Macron having a shell company on Nevis. It then went to r/the_donald and they spammed it to FN officials on twitter. Those tools don't even fecking get how they are being used.

You sure it's fake ?

Proof ?

He's an ex-Merchant Banker - anything involving off-shore money, tax avoidance, etc, is considered quite normal for his sort....
You sure it's fake ?

Proof ?

He's an ex-Merchant Banker - anything involving off-shore money, tax avoidance, etc, is considered quite normal for his sort....

Signature doesn't even match and some parts look baaaadly fotoshopped: different shades of brightness with clear cut borders and shit.
Here they are. Have a good look at the signature: they don't even remotely match.
Next, look at the fourth "scan": the lines of text don't align, they are in an angle to each other. Ever seen a text program doing this?

Your "proof" is exactly the shit t_d is doing: No, I do not need a definitiv proof for this to be fake. I can't provide one: it concerns some fake companies in Nevis, a place known not to be open about its businesses. Likely why they went for it.

It looks fake, it comes from an extremely unreliable source. Don't ask me for proof, ask the people promoting this shit for proof. Because this is how this works and how it has worked for centuries.
It looks fake, it comes from an extremely unreliable source. Don't ask me for proof, ask the people promoting this shit for proof. Because this is how this works and how it has worked for centuries.

Pretty much. If you're going to make a bold claim about someone/something, you need to be providing some solid, concrete evidence to prove your case. Not the other way round.
Pretty much. If you're going to make a bold claim about someone/something, you need to be providing some solid, concrete evidence to prove your case. Not the other way round.

No - I'm not claiming anything, either way....Just saying that I wouldn't be surprised if it's genuine....
Pretty much. If you're going to make a bold claim about someone/something, you need to be providing some solid, concrete evidence to prove your case. Not the other way round.

She said this morning on the radio that she had no proof. She could have accused him of anything but to people who never check the facts as is the history of the past year or two, the gullible will believe anything they want to hear.
4chan is just too good at trolling people.
Why would anyone who genuinely wants to leak information do it via their platform? If you don’t trust mainstream media outlets, you do it via wikileaks; they have a credible history of publishing things without censorship.
I can't prove it's real anymore than anyone else on here can prove it isn't real....

We can all suppose it isn't real, and probably it isn't real, but proof one way or the other ?

Can't be done....
But it doesn't matter as much if you can't disprove it-the burden of proof is on the side suggesting it's real/bringing it into the discourse to prove it, otherwise it should have minimal impact (I know a lot of people will believe it but that's due to it being what they want to hear or a lack of intelligence on their part)
I can't prove it's real anymore than anyone else on here can prove it isn't real....

We can all suppose it isn't real, and probably it isn't real, but proof one way or the other ?

Can't be done....

You can't prove something and your response is "but you can't prove it didn't happen"?

You'd have been better not saying anything at all.
You can't prove something and your response is "but you can't prove it didn't happen"?

You'd have been better not saying anything at all.

Religious goons have been pulling that trick for centuries!

Attempting to debate with people like this, is dividing by zero. You go nowhere - an infinite loop of nonsense. Check out the brexit thread if you really want to witness ignorance and stupidity in all its glory.
Religious goons have been pulling that trick for centuries!

Attempting to debate with people like this, is dividing by zero. You go nowhere - an infinite loop of nonsense. Check out the brexit thread if you really want to witness ignorance and stupidity in all its glory.

That's why I don't debate and just call things stupid. Aside from having better things to do, you'd have to be equally stupid to think you can try to tackle such nonsensical arguments in a meaningful way. Better to just call a spade a spade.
How do you think Macron will turn things around for France?

I like a lot of what he says, whether he can do anything is to be seen, I don't know how the Legislative elections will turn out and how much he will be helped by the other parties but he has to break through the old guard. Hopefully he's a breath of fresh air.
France needs reforms to the system and he has to be the best hope because we would have carried on with the same with the other candidates and Le Pen would be a serious disaster for this country.
There is hope and pray that things go in the right direction over the coming 5 years, important to make people who feel forgotten feel worthy again, he has a big job. Don't want to be back in the position where Le Pen could come so close to winning again.
Here they go again. Can they make it any less obvious they're a front for the Kremlin.

If this doesn't show that Wikileaks is little more than an arm of Russian intelligence then nothing will.
Here they go again. Can they make it any less obvious they're a front for the Kremlin.

It would be nice, if they could help french police regarding documents "lost" by the FN.
Just heard on Newsnight, "the choice between a banker and a racist, I'm not sure whether to vote". Prick.
That one is badly made, clearly not by a french.

You see a pattern emerging in the kind of users spreading the documents and links aggressively.

Apparently Le Pen said during one of the recent debates that the world would soon find out that "Macron has a bank account in the Bahamas or somewhere" Today we find out he has one in the Cayman Islands.

That can't be a coinkydink can it?
There is a media blackout of the leaks. Good work France.
Leave it to Putin's twitter bots to spread the news.
Apparently Le Pen said during one of the recent debates that the world would soon find out that "Macron has a bank account in the Bahamas or somewhere" Today we find out he has one in the Cayman Islands.

That can't be a coinkydink can it?
Le Trump
There is a media blackout of the leaks. Good work France.
Leave it to Putin's twitter bots to spread the news.

It's worth mentioning that it's not a media blackout of the leaks. In France medias and politicians can't comment on the elections 48h before the elections.