French Elections 2017

Yeah, it was a nice afterthought from macron. Upstaged is the word the Guardian used.

Wrong again, it was Le Pen Who changed her plans, cancelled her appointments to get there and spout another load offre bowlocks about how she would save all their jobs, if Le Pen opens her mouth, you know she is lying
If you are not wumming, it's even more sad.
What did Macron and the evil EU do, killed a puppy of yours?
There's an interesting article from a French political scientist in the guardian, you might want to read it, its called 'the lesser of 2 evils'.

Macron is not the second coming, if you don't think he was upstaged then that's ok. just keep your insults to yourself.
There's an interesting article from a French political scientist in the guardian, you might want to read it, its called 'the lesser of 2 evils'.

Macron is not the second coming, if you don't think he was upstaged then that's ok. just keep your insults to yourself.
It would help if you didn't come into the thread repeating the propaganda of the fascist. Your hatred of the EU is messing with you a bit.
Fascist = anyone the caf doesn't like

She scored a point, its in the news I didn't invent it. You could have written that mac dropped a bollock but you didn't, you only look at one side.

Explain to me how he will fund the dole money for anyone that quits their job or refuses a job offer
Stanley Road said:
Fascist = anyone the caf doesn't like

From the Guardian article you recommended above:

"Le Pen, no less neoliberal than her opponent (she has a similar socio-economic platform to Donald Trump’s), proposes an authoritarian regime in which the old obsessions of French fascism could thrive: bashing Muslims, anti-immigration, as well as curbing civil liberties...

...This is indeed a dilemma, but it is a choice between two evils, and the left should not hesitate to choose the lesser. First, defeat emphatically the fascist candidate by using the only means at its disposal – a Macron vote."
From the Guardian article you recommended above:

"Le Pen, no less neoliberal than her opponent (she has a similar socio-economic platform to Donald Trump’s), proposes an authoritarian regime in which the old obsessions of French fascism could thrive: bashing Muslims, anti-immigration, as well as curbing civil liberties...

...This is indeed a dilemma, but it is a choice between two evils, and the left should not hesitate to choose the lesser. First, defeat emphatically the fascist candidate by using the only means at its disposal – a Macron vote."
Yes it also paints a shitty picture of Macron, you read that too?
Fascist = anyone the caf doesn't like

She scored a point, its in the news I didn't invent it. You could have written that mac dropped a bollock but you didn't, you only look at one side.

Explain to me how he will fund the dole money for anyone that quits their job or refuses a job offer

It would be a lot cheaper than if she subsidises by the state every single company in France that goes bankrupt , on top of which adds 3% to all imports, adds 35% to all imports from French companies that move their production abroad, build 40000 more prison places, employ 15000 more police officers plus shut all the borders and thus employ thousands more border personnel, customs officials, never mind the civil servants for the VAT duties and so on. Then change back to the franc , reduce retirement age , limit immigration to 10000 per year and tons of other nonsensical economic disasters. She hasn't said how she's going to fund any of this.
Reminds me of the nonsense that the Brexit crew came up with, just waiting for the bus now, hopefully we only have another 10 days of this rubbish
Yes it also paints a shitty picture of Macron, you read that too?

I have no views on Macron, just responding to the implication that the Cafe's view of Le Pen as a fascist isn't to be taken seriously.


She went there, spouted some bullshit she will never be able to actually acomplish while Macron actually did the right thing, faced people opposing him and tried to use arguments and facts to get his message across.
You don't have to agree to said message to see who did the right thing here, and who didn't.
People like you sicken me.
feck facts, feck politics, just give me some easy solution right?
It would be a lot cheaper than if she subsidises by the state every single company in France that goes bankrupt , on top of which adds 3% to all imports, adds 35% to all imports from French companies that move their production abroad, build 40000 more prison places, employ 15000 more police officers plus shut all the borders and thus employ thousands more border personnel, customs officials, never mind the civil servants for the VAT duties and so on. Then change back to the franc , reduce retirement age , limit immigration to 10000 per year and tons of other nonsensical economic disasters. She hasn't said how she's going to fund any of this.
Reminds me of the nonsense that the Brexit crew came up with, just waiting for the bus now, hopefully we only have another 10 days of this rubbish
Well free dole money is not the way forward, even here they have reformed that generous freebee. Are whirlpool going bankrupt or moving operations to eastern Europe? I know how this ends.

More companies move there, more jobs are created, more demand for employees, high employment rates and rising salaries. Then move on to the next cheap country.

Macron wants a good deal for the redundant workers, I have been made redundant, even with a years salary its a crap deal. Having said that, free dole money should keep the fear of no job at bay.
Well free dole money is not the way forward, even here they have reformed that generous freebee. Are whirlpool going bankrupt or moving operations to eastern Europe? I know how this ends.

More companies move there, more jobs are created, more demand for employees, high employment rates and rising salaries. Then move on to the next cheap country.

Macron wants a good deal for the redundant workers, I have been made redundant, even with a years salary its a crap deal. Having said that, free dole money should keep the fear of no job at bay.

Once again you talk about something you don't know, he doesn't propose free dole. His idea is to allow people to quite their job after 5 years in order to either study or find a different job, during that time you will be covered by the unemployment assurance but you have to do an evaluation within 15 days and you can't refuse a decent job more than twice, otherwise you lose the unemployment assurance.
Charming, you quite literally are Macron, he likes to insult people too.

Snowflaking now?

Sorry, I must have missed your amazing policy discussions and propositions between all that "The EU is the root of all evil!"-bullshit.

Let's start here: apart from all your hate for everything EU and Macron, what do you think causes the non-competetiveness of the french economy and how would you fix it?
Well free dole money is not the way forward, even here they have reformed that generous freebee. Are whirlpool going bankrupt or moving operations to eastern Europe? I know how this ends.

More companies move there, more jobs are created, more demand for employees, high employment rates and rising salaries. Then move on to the next cheap country.

Macron wants a good deal for the redundant workers, I have been made redundant, even with a years salary its a crap deal. Having said that, free dole money should keep the fear of no job at bay.

I do agree with the dole money for the self-employed and farmers etc . The french system needs to change to help people setting up their own businesses and self-employed people - because the charges are so high people can't cope and many small companies go out of business very quickly - France have to encourage new business much more, this is their biggest downfall at the moment.

Le Pen is trying to go backwards, her plans will not help anybody. Even forgetting the xenophobia and racism she would be a bigger disaster for France than Brexit
I do agree with the dole money for the self-employed and farmers etc . The french system needs to change to help people setting up their own businesses and self-employed people - because the charges are so high people can't cope and many small companies go out of business very quickly - France have to encourage new business much more, this is their biggest downfall at the moment.

Le Pen is trying to go backwards, her plans will not help anybody. Even forgetting the xenophobia and racism she would be a bigger disaster for France than Brexit

And in the case of Whirlpool, the hypocrisy is incredible. We are talking about a foreign company who moved to France because it was a way to diminish production costs by reducing the transport costs, now they have found cheaper and move. No one was complaining when Whirlpool went to France, someone lost his job when it happened.

I have a bigger problem with Renault producing some of their cars in Morocco because they have greatly benefited from France since their creation.
And in the case of Whirlpool, the hypocrisy is incredible. We are talking about a foreign company who moved to France because it was a way to diminish production costs by reducing the transport costs, now they have found cheaper and move. No one was complaining when Whirlpool went to France, someone lost his job when it happened.

I have a bigger problem with Renault producing some of their cars in Morocco because they have greatly benefited from France since their creation.

But there's something inherently wrong in France then as well. Because as other countries in Europe show, car companies especially will stay if they can.
But there's something inherently wrong in France then as well. Because as other countries in Europe show, car companies especially will stay if they can.

Obviously there is something inherently wrong in France, first we produce shite cars at the price of good ones, so we don't sell.
And in the case of Whirlpool, the hypocrisy is incredible. We are talking about a foreign company who moved to France because it was a way to diminish production costs by reducing the transport costs, now they have found cheaper and move. No one was complaining when Whirlpool went to France, someone lost his job when it happened.

I have a bigger problem with Renault producing some of their cars in Morocco because they have greatly benefited from France since their creation.

Well yes, for Renault, most car companies have operations in other countries, even BMW makes cars in the USA and has assembly lines in Asia.

I was thinking of Dacia in Romania as well which are the cheap cars the less well off can buy, would Le Pen want to introduce her 35% tax on these cars as it is owned by Renault which would make them unaffordable
Well yes, for Renault, most car companies have operations in other countries, even BMW makes cars in the USA and has assembly lines in Asia.

I was thinking of Dacia in Romania as well which are the cheap cars the less well off can buy, would Le Pen want to introduce her 35% tax on these cars as it is owned by Renault which would make them unaffordable

You are right about Dacia but Morocco still works because we are talking about a french company who decided to close production lines in France, if Le Pen was honest it would be her first target since they have been financially helped numerous times.
As for your second point, I have gone a little bit deeper and thought about raw material, France don't have much of them we import most of them, are we going to put that 35% tax on them too?

Edit: And I understand why companies delocalize, I would probably do the same if I'm honest.
Well yes, for Renault, most car companies have operations in other countries, even BMW makes cars in the USA and has assembly lines in Asia.

I was thinking of Dacia in Romania as well which are the cheap cars the less well off can buy, would Le Pen want to introduce her 35% tax on these cars as it is owned by Renault which would make them unaffordable

All German car makers do, but those are mostly there to supply the respective foreign markets. European market is still largely done by European, mostly German, plants.
And that's with the extremely high wages we have. So it's not impossible.
And here Morocco really is an example of how it souldn't be: Renault left France for a country just nearby to produce cheaper for the home market, no to get access to a new market.
All German car makers do, but those are mostly there to supply the respective foreign markets. European market is still largely done by European, mostly German, plants.
And that's with the extremely high wages we have. So it's not impossible.
And here Morocco really is an example of how it souldn't be: Renault left France for a country just nearby to produce cheaper for the home market, no to get access to a new market.

But the models produced in Morocco are Dacia, ie the cheap models for worldwide sales which couldn't be produced in France due to the production cost
You are right about Dacia but Morocco still works because we are talking about a french company who decided to close production lines in France, if Le Pen was honest it would be her first target since they have been financially helped numerous times.
As for your second point, I have gone a little bit deeper and thought about raw material, France don't have much of them we import most of them, are we going to put that 35% tax on them too?

Edit: And I understand why companies delocalize, I would probably do the same if I'm honest.

The 35% tax should only apply to french companies that move their production abroad and then sell back into France.

The Uk are trying to protect the car industry that is currently there but almost none of it is British owned.
I think France has done well to keep being able to maintain their own brands even with a lot of help.
But the models produced in Morocco are Dacia, ie the cheap models for worldwide sales which couldn't be produced in France due to the production cost

No, no, no they started with the Kangoo in 99. They only turned to Dacia in 2009 and even then most of the production is destined to be sold within the EU, France included.
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The 35% tax should only apply to french companies that move their production abroad and then sell back into France.

The Uk are trying to protect the car industry that is currently there but almost none of it is British owned.
I think France has done well to keep being able to maintain their own brands even with a lot of help.

I agree with that, 35% is a bit much but the idea is good.
I expect a positive post from Stan after Macron's last visit.:drool:
I expect a positive post from Stan after Macron's last visit.:drool:
I'm sure Le Pen will be along soon to convince people that she's for all of France.