French Elections 2017

Nothing is certain these days, Melenchon is gaining fairly rapidly as well and L Pen's support is stubborn.

Interestingly Melenchon polling quite well against Le Pen.
No. It is very hard to predict how this is going to turn out. Le Pen might get crushed in the second round, but she has also a shot at winning. A lot of people still havn’t decided how they are going to vote yet. That could be bad news. Melenchon surging is also bad. He is a radical himself and who knows how his voters are going to vote in the second round. If anyone but Macron gets in the second round against Le Pen, she’d be favorite.

Macron’s big advantage (and probably his only positive attribute) is that he is a very solid second choice for anyone who isn’t already completely alienated from politics. It is hard to hate the guy; fairly little baggage with a moderate program, that could appeal to both sides of the political spectrum. He is the candidate, that can make a very convincing case, that he is the lesser of two evil, which should be enough considering his competition. That said, he fails to inspire people so he relies on his opponents being off-putting enough to bring people into his fold. That could back-fire. I can envision a realistic case, where both center-left/center-right are not really motivated to turn up in numbers for him.

Isn't Macron a former minister of economy in Hollande's cabinet and hasn't Hollande's rating been in a toilet for a while now?
Isn't Macron a former minister of economy in Hollande's cabinet and hasn't Hollande's rating been in a toilet for a while now?

That is correct. Still by French standards of politics he somewhat of a newcomer. I don’t think that people associate him closely with the government of Hollande. He has a fairly different profile and message as well. Not being deeply entrenched (by French standards) in one of the political blocks is both advantage and risk.
That is correct. Still by French standards of politics he somewhat of a newcomer. I don’t think that people associate him closely with the government of Hollande. He has a fairly different profile and message as well. Not being deeply entrenched (by French standards) in one of the political blocks is both advantage and risk.

Why by french standards?
Because usually people who worked for 5 years in government as (deputy) secretary-general and minister are not perceived to be political newcomer/outsider.

So the fact that it's their only 4 years in politics doesn't count? To compare who is currently considered a newcomer in your country?

Edit: I'm not arguing with you or anything, just trying to see the potential cultural differences.
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Something about French police not rounding up thousands of them to be killed by Nazis, so past presidents had nothing to apologise for.

She was saying that the police rounded them up under the instructions of the Vichy government who themselves were under instructions from the Nazis whereas she considers the real french government was with de Gaulle in London and thus not responsible for what happened. Some presidents have apologised, some have not.
Le Pen losing ground in the polls down to 22 or 22.5%, Fillon and Mélenchon closing up, Macron in the lead. Le Pen to lose against all 3 in the second round, if she even gets there...
Polls... remember Hillary's blue wall? :nervous:
Polls... remember Hillary's blue wall? :nervous:

Everything being so close worries me.

Polls haven't done too well, but the first round is so close that it's possible that any two of the top four could make the final round with the margin for error.

But in the second round Le Pen should be easily beaten by all of the other three with a big margin for error.

Only concern I have is if there are too many abstentions
Polls haven't done too well, but the first round is so close that it's possible that any two of the top four could make the final round with the margin for error.

But in the second round Le Pen should be easily beaten by all of the other three with a big margin for error.

Only concern I have is if there are too many abstentions

Le Pen should lose fine but some polls do have it getting very close between her and Fillon.

How's Melenchon regarded, out of interest? Is he just a Corbyn-style socialist type politician, or is he much more hard left?
Le Pen should lose fine but some polls do have it getting very close between her and Fillon.

How's Melenchon regarded, out of interest? Is he just a Corbyn-style socialist type politician, or is he much more hard left?

Still quite heavy in Fillon's favour.
Mélenchon is much harder left , more Stalin than Corbyn
Hamon looks far preferable to Melenchon, but any candidate for the PS this time round was doomed and Melenchon has the firebrand style perfected. Fillon's continued support is fascinating.
Hamon looks far preferable to Melenchon, but any candidate for the PS this time round was doomed and Melenchon has the firebrand style perfected. Fillon's continued support is fascinating.

Hamon is an idiot and his program is inexistant. There is nothing preferable about him.
Hamon is an idiot and his program is inexistant. There is nothing preferable about him.
Melenchon would attempt to lead France out of the EU, so Hamon's already far preferable.
Melenchon would attempt to lead France out of the EU, so Hamon's already far preferable.

Melenchon wouldn't do anything since he "plans" to not be president. His plan is to invoke a Constituent assembly, leave the office and let them create the VI republic, Melenchon has no serious program because he doesn't intend to do anything.
Hamon looks far preferable to Melenchon, but any candidate for the PS this time round was doomed and Melenchon has the firebrand style perfected. Fillon's continued support is fascinating.

Could partly just be that there's a solid base of conservative types who are ultimately going to vote for his party no matter what. He's only beating Le Pen in the run-offs (and even his support there has declined) so it could just be that base support standing sort of strong in the primaries.
I just get the weirdest feeling that he'll somehow get to the second round. Only one poll but just out today

More than possible that Macron will underperform his polling due to general lack of organisational strength and that there are shy Fillon voters.
I just get the weirdest feeling that he'll somehow get to the second round. Only one poll but just out today

More than possible that Macron will underperform his polling due to general lack of organisational strength and that there are shy Fillon voters.

Poll from ifop half an hour ago:
Macron 23% (+0.5)
Le Pen 22.5% (-0.5)
Fillon 19.5% (+0.5)
Mélenchon 19.5% (+0.5)

Going to be close.
This time next week we'll know the final 2
Poll from ifop half an hour ago:
Macron 23% (+0.5)
Le Pen 22.5% (-0.5)
Fillon 19.5% (+0.5)
Mélenchon 19.5% (+0.5)

Going to be close.
This time next week we'll know the final 2
And then Putin's real fun begins :nervous:
with the controversy that Fillon's had to deal with I'm surprised he's still in double digits.
I'd be worried if he made it through as he could be too easy to knock off, ala HRC, thereby opening it up for a radical.
Well if Nigel Farage and Donald Trump said it, then it must be true..
It's more to do extremist political movements, both far right and far left, on the rise across significant member states. It seems like a matter of time.
John Oliver's take on it...
You in France love nothing more than acting like you are better than Britain and America," Oliver told French voters. "Now is your chance to prove that
Come on France, don't blow it like we did.
John Oliver's take on it...

Come on France, don't blow it like we did.

Where that idea comes from? We are among the most pessimistic people on earth and we tend to think that the grass is always greener abroad.
Where that idea comes from? We are among the most pessimistic people on earth and we tend to think that the grass is always greener abroad.
A lot of it here is from folks who have never left the states. I'd say the Brits idea comes from centuries of rivalry.

I loved France the few times I've visited.