French Elections 2017

I'm not so sure how being openly pro-Russia is going to work out for her. Personally think it's a bit of a weird move.
It's not a weird move as she's been open about it for ages. It certainly hasn't damaged her so far and I doubt it.
Attacking Hollande for his criticisms of Russia and visiting Putin a month before the primaries are very different things though. She's been asked about the "risky" nature of the move in the media today, so we'll see how it goes. To be honest, the people who were already going to vote for her probably won't bat an eyelid, I just don't see how it'll bring her more voters.

She wants to abandon the Euro and introduce the rouble to France
Can only mean good things for the Russian escorts in the 8eme :smirk:
What is the political or economic benefit of breaking from the EU to form closer ties with Russia? The Russian economy is shite.

You are thinking in terms of someone who actually is trying to work for France.

Russian money has funded the Le Pen political run since her dad was trying to gain control in Marseilles, she does as she is told.

Fillon said he wanted better relations with Russia. He has little hope of being elected now though.

Le Pen is being used by Putin.

Last night watching a programme on TV, they estimated what Le Pen promised to the electorate in reforms and benefits would cost €150bn and as yet has not mentioned a word of how she would finance this.

Same empty promises of Brexit appealing to ignorant people
Fillon said he wanted better relations with Russia. He has little hope of being elected now though.

Le Pen is being used by Putin.

Last night watching a programme on TV, they estimated what Le Pen promised to the electorate in reforms and benefits would cost €150bn and as yet has not mentioned a word of how she would finance this.

Same empty promises of Brexit appealing to ignorant people

Do tell us why those of us who support BREXIT are ignorant ?

It's a bit like me saying that all those who believe that the UK should stay in the EU are stupid people who shit themselves at the thought that without the UK's money and market for EU exporters, the EU will graually implode.

No proof, yet, that 'LEAVERS' are ignorant and 'REMAINERS' are stupid, but if you insist....
Do tell us why those of us who support BREXIT are ignorant ?

It's a bit like me saying that all those who believe that the UK should stay in the EU are stupid people who shit themselves at the thought that without the UK's money and market for EU exporters, the EU will graually implode.

No proof, yet, that 'LEAVERS' are ignorant and 'REMAINERS' are stupid, but if you insist....

There were several reasons why people supported Brexit. The ignorant ones are the ones who believe all the spiel about how the EU works, how all those EU laws are destroying their lives, how immigrants take away their jobs and how much the Uk will save by leaving the EU, etc , just blindly accepting whatever Farage, Gove , Johnson and co lied to them about.

Now we have Le Pen promising all kinds without saying anything about how this will be funded, it's purely a divisive destructive intent.

Gradually the reasons will become apparent
And Cameron, Osborne, Corbyn, Farron and all the others weren't lying about an emergency budget, massive tax rises, house prices collapsing, unemployment increasing immediately, you'll need a visa to go on holiday to Spain, you won't be able to afford French wine, Danish bacon and Dutch cheese anymore, plague and pestilence will descend on the UK within weeks of a LEAVE vote, etc,?

And those who voted to REMAIN because of Project Fear's lies weren't equally as ignorant to have believed them ?

C'mon....Everyone was lying - the non-ignorant just ignored them all, both sides, and voted what they felt was best for the UK for future generations.

As you say - the reasons for anyone to stay or to leave the EU will gradually become apparent, over the next ten years or so, when we know how well the UK can or cannot manage outside the EU, and how well the EU can or cannot manage without the UK as a member. It's a close call, either way.

But LePen - quite agree she's a one trick pony and unfit to be President although you know and I know it just won't happen.
And Cameron, Osborne, Corbyn, Farron and all the others weren't lying about an emergency budget, massive tax rises, house prices collapsing, unemployment increasing immediately, you'll need a visa to go on holiday to Spain, you won't be able to afford French wine, Danish bacon and Dutch cheese anymore, plague and pestilence will descend on the UK within weeks of a LEAVE vote, etc,?

And those who voted to REMAIN because of Project Fear's lies weren't equally as ignorant to have believed them ?

C'mon....Everyone was lying - the non-ignorant just ignored them all, both sides, and voted what they felt was best for the UK for future generations.

As you say - the reasons for anyone to stay or to leave the EU will gradually become apparent, over the next ten years or so, when we know how well the UK can or cannot manage outside the EU, and how well the EU can or cannot manage without the UK as a member. It's a close call, either way.

But LePen - quite agree she's a one trick pony and unfit to be President although you know and I know it just won't happen.

People on both sides lied for sure, it's a question of being able to discern when someone is obviously telling lies and not blindly accepting what someone tells you because that's what you want to hear. Those that believed the extremes such as plague pestilence etc were equally daft.

Having said that if you change you would want change for something better and nothing to me suggests that anything better will come from it.

Le Pen would be a hopeless president and no I don't believe it could possibly happen.
About Le Pen - I agree. My loathing of the EU is miniscule compared to my loathing of racism, and Le Pen is racist !

About the EU lies - It's strange that about the only two things of importance that have really happened so far as a result of the BREXIT vote are the £ FX rate falling and the SNP wanting another independence referendum. Neither bunch of politicians actually mentioned those two as likely to happen amidst all their lies, and I wonder if the result would have been different if they had....
About Le Pen - I agree. My loathing of the EU is miniscule compared to my loathing of racism, and Le Pen is racist !

About the EU lies - It's strange that about the only two things of importance that have really happened so far as a result of the BREXIT vote are the £ FX rate falling and the SNP wanting another independence referendum. Neither bunch of politicians actually mentioned those two as likely to happen amidst all their lies, and I wonder if the result would have been different if they had....

Le Pen is certainly a racist as were certain members of the Brexit campaign.

The forex rate of Sterling was the first thing I said would happen and it would not be at the level it is now if not for Brexit, I also think it will fall a lot more if the outcome of the negotiations is a "Hard Brexit". With Scotland having mainly voted for Remain that the SNP is asking for another referendum doesn't surprise me either.
About Le Pen - I agree. My loathing of the EU is miniscule compared to my loathing of racism, and Le Pen is racist !

About the EU lies - It's strange that about the only two things of importance that have really happened so far as a result of the BREXIT vote are the £ FX rate falling and the SNP wanting another independence referendum. Neither bunch of politicians actually mentioned those two as likely to happen amidst all their lies, and I wonder if the result would have been different if they had....
The job losses will come as companies move operations over to the continent. Like Paul, I'm struggling to see any positives- politically, economically or socially.
And Cameron, Osborne, Corbyn, Farron and all the others weren't lying about an emergency budget, massive tax rises, house prices collapsing, unemployment increasing immediately, you'll need a visa to go on holiday to Spain, you won't be able to afford French wine, Danish bacon and Dutch cheese anymore, plague and pestilence will descend on the UK within weeks of a LEAVE vote, etc,?

And those who voted to REMAIN because of Project Fear's lies weren't equally as ignorant to have believed them ?

C'mon....Everyone was lying - the non-ignorant just ignored them all, both sides, and voted what they felt was best for the UK for future generations.

As you say - the reasons for anyone to stay or to leave the EU will gradually become apparent, over the next ten years or so, when we know how well the UK can or cannot manage outside the EU, and how well the EU can or cannot manage without the UK as a member. It's a close call, either way.

I think you are missing the point. People voted for Exit for 2 major reasons iirc, curtail immigration and reduce spending. Both turned out to be false claims almost immediately after the results were out. NHS is not getting more money displayed in the big bus...maybe Immigration will drop only because equal jobs will be moving out of UK. This imo is the biggest lie of all as it undermines the entire purpose of the move.

I think you are writing off "Project Fear" too soon. Brexit hasn't happened yet. Once the details get known you find out what the real impact is...and it may well prove Project Fear true. Not saying doomsday is guaranteed, but that the fear of unknown consequences still makes sense. It's just too early as everyone is waiting to see how the actual exit goes.
I think you are missing the point. People voted for Exit for 2 major reasons iirc, curtail immigration and reduce spending. Both turned out to be false claims almost immediately after the results were out. NHS is not getting more money displayed in the big bus...maybe Immigration will drop only because equal jobs will be moving out of UK. This imo is the biggest lie of all as it undermines the entire purpose of the move.

I think you are writing off "Project Fear" too soon. Brexit hasn't happened yet. Once the details get at known you find out what the real impact is...and it may well prove Project Fear true. Not saying doomsday is guaranteed, but that the fear of unknown consequences still makes sense. It's just too early as everyone is waiting to see how the actual exit goes.

Agreed that some people voted to 'LEAVE' because of immigration levels and some voted to 'LEAVE' to reduce UK's spending. Others for both reasons.

But there were plenty of others who, like I would have, voted to 'LEAVE' because they see the EU as an unecessary, protectionist and expensive way for the UK to trade with the rest of the world. Add the lack of democracy and unaccountability in the way the EU operates, and for some 'LEAVE' was the better option because they think that the potential advantages to the UK outside the EU far outweigh the certain disadvantages of staying inside the EU.

And even in the UK, money doesn't grow on money trees - when the UK finally stops sending millions every day to the EU, maybe there actually will be some left over for the NHS. Maybe it will be spent on something else. Who knows, today, but let's wait and see before we know exactly how much the UK will have to spend on itself rather than paying to build uneeded and as yet unused airports in Spain, for example, or for the EU to give money to Ford to transfer Transit van production from Southampton to Turkey, as another example.
Nah that's one of the other communists, Melenchon is the one wearing a coat.
Watched the last hour or so, was as bearable as the United game.

I watched 5 minutes and decided that they all looked and sounded crazy. I hope some Aliens watched it and are now planning on abducting them.
So I guess it's safe to say Macron is a sure winner come May 7, right? From what I've read he and Le Pen will make it into the secound round, but after that it's a big win for Macron.
So I guess it's safe to say Macron is a sure winner come May 7, right? From what I've read he and Le Pen will make it into the secound round, but after that it's a big win for Macron.
Nothing is certain these days, Melenchon is gaining fairly rapidly as well and L Pen's support is stubborn.
So I guess it's safe to say Macron is a sure winner come May 7, right? From what I've read he and Le Pen will make it into the secound round, but after that it's a big win for Macron.

No. It is very hard to predict how this is going to turn out. Le Pen might get crushed in the second round, but she has also a shot at winning. A lot of people still havn’t decided how they are going to vote yet. That could be bad news. Melenchon surging is also bad. He is a radical himself and who knows how his voters are going to vote in the second round. If anyone but Macron gets in the second round against Le Pen, she’d be favorite.

Macron’s big advantage (and probably his only positive attribute) is that he is a very solid second choice for anyone who isn’t already completely alienated from politics. It is hard to hate the guy; fairly little baggage with a moderate program, that could appeal to both sides of the political spectrum. He is the candidate, that can make a very convincing case, that he is the lesser of two evil, which should be enough considering his competition. That said, he fails to inspire people so he relies on his opponents being off-putting enough to bring people into his fold. That could back-fire. I can envision a realistic case, where both center-left/center-right are not really motivated to turn up in numbers for him.