Football sticky threads

even a small one adds a considerable amount of time and until you actually run it it's impossible to explain the complexities to the Admins
I'm sorry but this level of entitlement perfectly encapsulates what I see on a daily basis from people who don't know how much work admins actually put into anything IT related.
I'm sorry but this level of entitlement perfectly encapsulates what I see on a daily basis from people who don't know how much work admins actually put into anything IT related.
I think he was referring to @moses
As someone who enjoys playing the prediction games (well, not all of them, since it is too much work to even try to participate in all of them so I cannot imagine how much work it must be running them..) maybe I can add something.

First of all massive thanks to @Paul the Wolf for doing this. It is great fun and your immense work is much appreciated!
Then, I can say that for me, it is not problem to bundle those sticky threads in one sticky games thread. I know where to find them, I am alerted when someone posts in them, and since people are adding predictions regularly the threads are regularly bumbed.
Obviously I cannot know how much more difficult Paul's task of working on them becomes by the change (although I would assume it should be possible to adjust?).
But I would really hope that, once the initial anger clears, @Paul the Wolf you can find it in yourself to keep going. For me, the change is not a problem and I would very much love to continue to be able to play. And I am sure most if not all posters participating feel the same.
I've explained it in messages as well and all I get is some sarcastic remark.
I cannot operate the competitions like this. There's only one way.
Unless they realise how much time and effort goes into it, it's impossible.

Anyway I've had enough with the attitude.

The idea that there is only one way to do anything amazes me :lol:

I suspect old Paul isn't very adaptable.
Strange how nobody knew about this before you did...hmm.....
i very much enjoyed leaning over and whispering “and they’ve unsticked the football forum threads” before watching the life drain from her eyes
This actually reminds me of a neighbour we had who used to work on his car at the end of our road. Nobody else could park there but he was happy because he got to spend his time under the hood ripping things out, making a mess, building something. Until the council turned it into a through road to alleviate traffic congestion for everyone else. He then got furious and replied in the same way; "it was fine the way it was."

Unexpectedly serious stuff this.

Is this not viable then?
Not really. It sounds good in some ways, I actually suggested this as a solution, but there are all sorts of games that make it non-trivial to do. The 7 in the football forum, werewolf games, numerous Drafts and things like the Celebrity death pool. To justify making a single game forum or sub-forum viable all games would need to go into it, and after extensive discussion it was apparent that the advantages of this were outweighed by the disadvantages.
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Was hoping woke would at least let us have our stickies but alas. They come for everything and anything these days.
Great fun for a Friday afternoon, well done all involved.
Try and find a solution. You put in a lot of work on this and can see why you're frustrated. Surely the mods can come to realise that it makes your task so much harder.
But it doesn't. Or if it does Paul refuses to explain why. He mainly seems to be in a huff that he, neither a mod or admin, wasn't consulted about such a minor change.
Did he delete all the threads now?

oh well, that escalated quickly and senselessly..
if he didn’t really know the difference between 4 and 6 o’clock, how do we know he was scoring the threads correctly anyway?
Something indicating that in the stickied links thread would be an idea surely? Unless I'm looking right through such.
Well if he doesn’t change his mind we will have to remove the links in the stickied thread with the links
I really like Wolfman! Hope he doesn’t leave us for good. Always good for cutting through @Maticmaker’s waffle (sorry @Maticmaker).
But seriously, since most of the original stickies are now deleted can we re-sticky the 3 threads still running?
This is not to garner support

I needed it changed quickly

To run these competitions takes hours of work and rechecking and rechecking and the way it is now set up is impossible to have them as they are.

So therefore if it will not be changed back to the way it was I have no choice but to stop doing the competitions.

I will delete them and leave the caf for good.This evening is the deadline.Being absolutely furious is an understatement.
:lol: fecking hell
Hi @Paul the Wolf, I don’t know if this is the right time to bring this up, but all of those spreadsheets are actually the intellectual property of RedCafe and we’re going to need those back. Ideally by 6pm.
Nobody understands - bye
Because you either can't or won't explain. Your complaint seems to be utterly trivial or simply huffing because nobody asked your permission. If you can't explain clearly why the former isn't true then we will have to assume that the later is.
Hi @Paul the Wolf, I don’t know if this is the right time to bring this up, but all of those spreadsheets are actually the intellectual property of RedCafe and we’re going to need those back. Ideally by 6pm.
I'm not sure if we should thread ban you for stirring or if you win the internet for the day. I suspect the later :cool: