Basically, the overall structure of the team is the most important thing, even if it means sacrificing the odd players skills, for instance if a DM has high dribbling they still should not make forward runs.
Speaking of DMs, in my opnion, you always, always need one. I've experimented with lots of tactics and I've had to put a DM in every one almost in order to concede less goals. A MC who never makes forward runs and play defensively is good (ala Fletcher) but I highly recommend a pure DM (ala Hargreaves).
Also, you need to make sure that your 2 strikers, or your striker and AM or whatever combo you have, have the right balance between them. Generally one should always be in a more reserved role than the other, and play further back, basically acting as the connection between the midfield and the frontline, and be able to hold up the ball.
The best thing the guide does is split players into 3 groups, defensive, support and attack. DCs will always be defensive, that is never make forward runs, cross rarely, no long shots, no run with ball etc. In my opinion, you always need one midfield who plays defensive (the DM) and one who plays as support (a CM). A support player is, as you probly guessed a mixture of attack and defense, they make a few forward runs but they're not too creative and they'll still track back and defend. You should always have one of your strikers as support (the 'connector'). Your other striker should then always be attack (lots of forward runs, through balls, creativity etc).
On the wing is where things vary, if you want to play atacking, set your wingers and full backs to attack minded, if you want to play standard/conservative, set full backs to support, and if you want to play really defensive, set full backs to defensive (for overboard defense you could set wingers to support, but your attack would be numbed)
Anyway, that's just the jist of what I learned, there's feckloads in the pdf, it took me a long, long time to read.
Sounds like you got pretty much the same out of it as me. And I definitely agree on the DM thing. It's nearly impossible to have a proper tactic without a good DM. That is, it doesn't need to play in the DM position (it can play in CM as well), but it needs to have the skills of a DM, and the individual instructions of a DM (no forward runs, low creativity, no running with the ball, etc).
I'd say that the three things ("always have a DM!", offensive/"defensive" striker and Full backs as the main changing element between tactics) are among the three biggest things I got out of that guide. The entire guide is very good. It really took me from a situation where I had some quite common misconceptions about FM tactics and several big gaps in my knowledge, to where I can reasonably set up my own tactics and see where they go wrong. If you want to be a proper FM-geek, you've got to read it