
I agree.

It did get a little bit more interesting when the blonde they are holding started giving Fiennes the verbal run around.

As a side note - i bought Joseph Fiennes' car from him back in July. I didn’t get to meet him though as a dealer was handling the sale for him.

Good side note - what was the car?
Im just beginning to get bored of this show, ill give it some more time but its starting to annoy me. I dont get my people are so worried about the flash forwards as if they are destined to happen. If that was so it would mean you are invincible up to the time of the flashforward.
last night's was the best one so far. As long as they stay away from his wife's storyline it's all good. Too bad that that guy looks like he'll become a central character later on.
Im just beginning to get bored of this show, ill give it some more time but its starting to annoy me. I dont get my people are so worried about the flash forwards as if they are destined to happen. If that was so it would mean you are invincible up to the time of the flashforward.

Yes, there's major suspension of disbelief required. All it would take to disprove the "it's going to happen" belief is for someone to shot someone they know is alive in the future. Or commit suicide. Surely someone would?
Just watched it.

The poor acting is really bugging me, and I don't usually pay attention to stuff like that.

Also, some of the scenes in the last episode were just ridiculous.
The poor acting is really bugging me, and I don't usually pay attention to stuff like that.

Also, some of the scenes in the last episode were just ridiculous.

The acting is nearly as bad as Heroes. This is quickly losing my interest. I still think the set up is interesting, but the execution so far has been poor.
The characters aren't as interesting as either Lost or Heroes. I can't even remember who most of them are.

Which one is Lloyd?
Appalling episode the last one (5 I think)

Awful acting, completely bizarre and irrelevant plotting, dull and pointless storyline, terrible character portrayal including an atrocious hollywood cliched idea of a Lesbian couple, a certifiably mental fire fight at the end ...This is most likely the episode where I point out where it all went wrong 6 months from now.
Thought it was actually much better tonight, probably the best episode imo. Moved the story along and we're starting to see more character depth. Although the lesbian couple was a little... cliche (but they were hot so feck it!).
Appalling episode the last one (5 I think)

Awful acting, completely bizarre and irrelevant plotting, dull and pointless storyline, terrible character portrayal including an atrocious hollywood cliched idea of a Lesbian couple, a certifiably mental fire fight at the end ...This is most likely the episode where I point out where it all went wrong 6 months from now.

It was poor, but it also addressed (albeit crappily) a lot of my problems with their investigation, so I was happy enough with it up until the firefight.


All slow motion shooting, calm strolling and the look between Courtney Vance and Joseph Fiennes? What the feck was that about? They were ambushed by guys with automatic weapons and some sort of rpg, but still won without a single injury? All while looking cool and buddy like? feck off.

Oh and the lesbian couple were shit, although I'm vaguely interested if knowing her flash-forward-future made her change it by not having a second date with the other lesbian (leading to her getting shot and potentially dying).
The end was the best bit...Reminds me of a Lost filler episode (all be it with much worse acting) where they bung in a major twist at the end to placate fans for having to sit through an hour of filler crap...I just thought the cliche'd characters in general were awful, including Judge Judy
Yeah this show has become a chore. Like Heroes.

I just don't enjoy watching it, but now I'm intrigued as to what will happen.

Lost producers are wankers, they're like TV crack dealers.
Appalling episode the last one (5 I think)

Awful acting, completely bizarre and irrelevant plotting, dull and pointless storyline, terrible character portrayal including an atrocious hollywood cliched idea of a Lesbian couple, a certifiably mental fire fight at the end ...This is most likely the episode where I point out where it all went wrong 6 months from now.

Think you have covered it there Mockney. It was a shocker.

From out of nowhere, we find out that Stanford (Director of the Los Angeles Field Office of the FBI - otherwise known as the black bloke who’s name and title I had to look up), is mates with the president!!! How random.

Then he goes and trys to bribe him. Bribing the President seems less believable than the the whole world passing out of 2mins 17 seconds and seeing the future.

It has been on a downward slope since the first episode.
This episode has been fecking shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttttttttttt
From out of nowhere, we find out that Stanford (Director of the Los Angeles Field Office of the FBI - otherwise known as the black bloke who’s name and title I had to look up), is mates with the president!!! How random.

Then he goes and trys to bribe him. Bribing the President seems less believable than the the whole world passing out of 2mins 17 seconds and seeing the future.

It has been on a downward slope since the first episode.

Wasn't it also flipping back and forth between scenes with him and the president?.. so I was never quite sure when any of it was taking place....so he was playing basketball with him....then he was in a press conference, then he was playing basketball again???

it was just shocking all round really.
I always find it a bit strange that American shows have different directors for different episodes - maybe that has something to do with the consistency of episodes.
Appalling episode the last one (5 I think)

Awful acting, completely bizarre and irrelevant plotting, dull and pointless storyline, terrible character portrayal including an atrocious hollywood cliched idea of a Lesbian couple, a certifiably mental fire fight at the end ...This is most likely the episode where I point out where it all went wrong 6 months from now.

It was ridiculous, like lesbian couples can be that attractive??
Episode ended quite well.

Im just annoyed that they picked a main character that can't act. He has the same facial expression for every emotion...
the newest one is actually quite good...they've still put some odd music over scenes that don't require it, and the whole reminding the viewer about the flashforwards cos we all have the attention span of a dish cloth is getting tiresome...but much better this week. Still can't see it keeping me hooked though
I always find it a bit strange that American shows have different directors for different episodes - maybe that has something to do with the consistency of episodes.

In fairness, I believe the Sopranos did, or at least different writers
Dylan's dad is Lloyd Simcoe.

Who is Gibbons? Olivia said that he was "a bad man" but have we seen him yet? I don't find the characters particularly memorable tbh.
Dylan's dad is Lloyd Simcoe.

Who is Gibbons? Olivia said that he was "a bad man" but have we seen him yet? I don't find the characters particularly memorable tbh.


You remembered more than me Liv!

They need to do something about the crap acting in this to make it a better show.
Dylan's dad is Lloyd Simcoe.

Who is Gibbons? Olivia said that he was "a bad man" but have we seen him yet? I don't find the characters particularly memorable tbh.

I reckon Gibbons is the guy that Simon is strangling during Simons Flashforward
In fairness, I believe the Sopranos did, or at least different writers

A lot of shows do, especially if they have 22 episodes a season. Generally the producers will give the writers the lay out of an episode and they'll write it according to that.
Much better, the storyline is finally starting to kick in (about time).

I don't find the acting too bad tbh, its just the characters that are a bit unbelievable. I also find the whole situation a bit baffling.
Just seeing the first episode, looks really interesting, and reminds me something of 28 days later (the soundtracks are similar)

I like these type of series "end of the word" and similar
So these flash forwards then - a lot of them seem to be on the way to self-fulfilling prophecies.

I don't think they're written in stone. I think that they are some kind of alternative future, but that because they've been seen, people are believing they will happen, and in fact will make them happen by their own actions. Likewise, if they cotton on to the fact that they might not happen, they will be able to create a different future.

If that makes sense.