They need to do something about the crap acting in this to make it a better show.
They'd have to kill off the main character then. One of the worst actors I've seen in a while.
They need to do something about the crap acting in this to make it a better show.
The first few episodes of Lost were a million miles ahead of this.
The first few episodes of Lost were a million miles ahead of this.
The first few episodes of Lost were a million miles ahead of this.
Yep easily.
This show is gona make lost look sensible, its so poorly done at times I find it hilarious. Yet I still wanna know what the feck went on though.
Despite being drunk, they still had enough wits about them to escape from a car crash/rocket assault with barely a scratch and then participate in a successful firefight despite being outgunned.
Good effort!
I am still going to watch the next few episodes though as I am interested to see where the story goes.
Why the hell does that guy not ask his daughter why she was going on about D Gibbons? Idiot.
So you change what you saw, hmmm show over.....
Isn't it something to do with the law of attraction. If you keep thinking that something will happen, it will most likely happen. In the case of Olivier and that other bloke, they would have got together in the end because they had seen it.
Now that idea is true, because somebody has broken it, meaning that everyone else is just attracted to this one image they've seen. They managed to change the world in 2 minutes by showing everyone some sort of random image of where they would be in 6 months.
She doesn't know why he is bad, all she knows is that he is bad.
You've already seen her flashforward, it was of Dylan in the kitchen.
If they wanted to change the future, why did the guy kill himself?
Surely the Nazi from earlier on was the better choice to die??
lost 500,000 viewers this week, Im not getting my hopes up on finding out anything now.
Not surprised the show is shit cant believe I am still watching, I enjoyed the V pilot although I feel that will end up being shit as well
Yeah, its like well I invested 6 or whatever hours surely there arent gonna be much more than 6 more, a shame too the show had a brilliant premise but talk about awful acting and writing
All to do with ethics, you can't just kill anyone. He killed himself because he thought it was the only way of stopping himself from killing the mother with the kids
What mother and kids??
I need to pay more attention.
The one's in his flashforward, the ones featured at the start and end of this weeks episode (last Thursday stateside, tomorrow in the UK). It was certainly a twist to the normal episode of Flashforward, where everything went according to plan, however with the viewing figures dropping faster than all the crows, we will probably never find out the true cause and reason of the blackout, as ABC will black out the show for good.
you lot need to learn to use spoiler tags
Good ep today I thought,