
I'm afraid that you will just have to wait for a repeat Mehro. We can't be seen to be encouraging downloading files.

On an entirely different matter I have just sent you a PM.
It's the plot of the book...but since there's only one character from the book (Jack Davenport) and none of his details match I think it's unlikely...especially since the book was written before they turned the HDC on and it was a massive meh, and the TV show was written after

There's a paradox at the center of this show...If they are seeing flashforwards of the future, a future where the flashbacks have happened, and have to have happened to explain the Mosaic and other similar flashforward relevant things, then they would be aware of the exact time and date of the flashforwards..in fact, it would be a huge globally significant event. Yet none of them seem aware that they're doing all these things which they must have seen themselves doing before....For example. Joseph Fiennes would, logically, make his mosaic board much clearer so his flashback self could see it, rather than just obsqure clues...Or he could just write down everything thats happened in 6 months on a piece of paper and just look at it for 2 minutes. A clearer example of what I'm trying to say is the lady fed who's pregnant...in her flash she says she wants to know the sex of her baby, but future her already knows, having already seen it in her flash in the past....How are they going to work around this?...You can try and play the whole 'destiny' thing I suppose, but that seems illogical to me...it's things like this that will see it unravel, heroes-esque, eventually in my view...though that's not saying it's not good...I'm quite enjoying it

This is a good point. It also begs the question, what caused the start of the mosaic investigation in the flashforward,and how did they get their leads?
This is a good point. It also begs the question, what caused the start of the mosaic investigation in the flashforward,and how did they get their leads?

It might turn out to be some groundhog day scenario, wher the same 6 months are played over and over.....or maybe not.

That's why I like programs like these so much, you could come up with hundreds or theories but they'll all inevitably be wrong!
Where the feck is Doc Brown when you need him, he could it.
Well that was an episode that seemed to drag along and BAM hits you with a mind feck at the very end. Obviousally someone tried an early test in Somalia
So is this worth a watch? I love Lost if that helps?
pretty slow episode

edit: but nice to see the new character
I thought it was a bit slow. I don't like the guy from lost, I didn't like him in that either, not that I ever saw much of it. I hope it picks up speed soon. You're almost watching the clock waiting for the last 60 seconds for this weeks cliff hanger.
Maybe said pregnant woman would ask the sex of the baby to confirm her flash forward?

It may occur like deja vu, in the sense that you wouldn't realise or recollect what you were doing in the flash forward. However after it happens, you would be like 'oh, I've seen this before'. So maybe after she asks, for example, she remembers what her flash forward was. Everyone in the flash forwards did not seem to remember that it was the 20th of April (or whatever the date was), they just seemed to be getting on with their life.
If Lost is 10/10, how does this compare? Might start watching this
The main character annoys me, there's something about his facial expressions which irks me.

I also can't take Harold seriously.
I'm just waiting on Neil Patrick Harris to turn up at this rate.
So is it worth getting into yet? The first episode didn't impress me much, any improvement?
anyone think theres someone else invovled, i had pretty much guessed that lloyd was involved somewhere (and was probably the guy at the baseball stadium) and that charlie from lost was the guy in the warehouse, but last night lloyd told the doctor he had a flashforward which means he couldnt have been walking around the stadium, so there has to be someone else involved in it all surely?
I thought the opening sequence was brilliant....the rest was a little dull though. It's clear they're going for the lost tactic regarding 'flash forwards'...i.e, we can introduce a character, have the majority of the episode based around what he or she saw (in this case the retarded brother from Wedding Crashers) and only deal with the major plot points sporadically...not all in all a bad thing if done well, but as with Lost...this thing needs an end date for it to continue to be good
I thought the opening sequence was brilliant....the rest was a little dull though. It's clear they're going for the lost tactic regarding 'flash forwards'...i.e, we can introduce a character, have the majority of the episode based around what he or she saw (in this case the retarded brother from Wedding Crashers) and only deal with the major plot points sporadically...not all in all a bad thing if done well, but as with Lost...this thing needs an end date for it to continue to be good

The problem is it's not as well made as Lost (whether ye be a fan of Lost or not), there is a fairly large divide (for me at least) between the quality in casting, acting, cinematography and direction between the two. Flash Forward at the moment is limping from last minute cliff hanger to last minute cliff hanger, while Joesph Fiennes looks intense and brooding without ever actually acting, and Harald wonders where White Castle is (and tries to look intense and brooding). Much of the supporting cast are good, and there are a lot of interesting angles they could take with the overall storyline, but currently they're failing to really either address the interesting philosophical aspects, or keep up the pace and tension.

So currently, I'll watch it, but I'm being underwhelmed - and would probably get as much from the show by watching the first and last 5 minutes of each show.
Yeah definitely...There's certainly no edge of the seat, God I need to watch this next week!! business going on for me...I'm wouldn't be bothered if I missed a few episodes...

But comparing it to Lost (although even the producers are trying to play up that) is a little unfair...Along with 24, Lost pioneered that kind of big cast, epic must watch hour long drama mystery thing. It'll never have as much impact. In its own right though it's a good, enjoyable, watchable show...

i like John Cho though (Harold)...but whether thats because he's acting well, or I just like him personally I've no idea.
Yeah definitely...There's certainly no edge of the seat, God I need to watch this next week!! business going on for me...I'm wouldn't be bothered if I missed a few episodes...

i like John Cho though (Harold)...but whether thats because he's acting well, or I just like him personally I've no idea.

Funny, because I like him (generally) but not hugely sold on him in this yet... to be fair it's only a few episodes in and I should give his character time to develop etc. My main problem with it now (I think) is just how little empathy I have with (or belief in) Joseph Fiennes character.
There is a certain je ne sais quoi missing...but like I said before..Post Lost & 24, this type of shtick is never going to be as impressive or original. We've become a bit blase about it...If it were released 10 years ago it'd me massive I reckon. But I agree, there's nothing that'll keep me glued for 6 + seasons so far
There is a certain je ne sais quoi missing...but like I said before..Post Lost & 24, this type of shtick is never going to be as impressive or original. We've become a bit blase about it...If it were released 10 years ago it'd me massive I reckon. But I agree, there's nothing that'll keep me glued for 6 + seasons so far

So i carry on awaiting the remake of V.
The problem is it's not as well made as Lost (whether ye be a fan of Lost or not), there is a fairly large divide (for me at least) between the quality in casting, acting, cinematography and direction between the two. Flash Forward at the moment is limping from last minute cliff hanger to last minute cliff hanger, while Joesph Fiennes looks intense and brooding without ever actually acting, and Harald wonders where White Castle is (and tries to look intense and brooding). Much of the supporting cast are good, and there are a lot of interesting angles they could take with the overall storyline, but currently they're failing to really either address the interesting philosophical aspects, or keep up the pace and tension.

So currently, I'll watch it, but I'm being underwhelmed - and would probably get as much from the show by watching the first and last 5 minutes of each show.

I agree.

It did get a little bit more interesting when the blonde they are holding started giving Fiennes the verbal run around.

As a side note - i bought Joseph Fiennes' car from him back in July. I didn’t get to meet him though as a dealer was handling the sale for him.

You sure this wasn't written by Garth Marenghi?

Yes but a remake by him would be superb.
Shes turning into broccoli. It’s very contagious, she must be boiled.
I agree with most of you here, it isn't as well made as other series, it is at the point it could turn good or shite, and it's taken off slowly. But I think it could turn good or above decent enough to watch.