
It's on channel 5 which isn't a good start.

That's irrelevant really, normally the tv stations wait until they see how a show is doing in the US before picking it up and that it doesn't get cancelled early.

It is very rare for a terrestial channel to screen a brand new US drama the week after it airs in the US. For example, Lost was only picked up after the first season was pretty much finished in the US.
That was interesting and pretty good, Im tuning in again.
For example, here is a list of shows that use OA:

* Executive Decision: Oceanic Flight 343 from Athens to Washington, DC was skyjacked by Islamic terrorists.
* For Love Of The Game: An Oceanic flight is announced over the PA system in the airport lounge near the end of the movie.
* Nowhere to Land: A Boeing 747-200 from Sydney to LAX flying with a bomb programmed to detonate one hour prior to landing at LAX.
* Code 11-14: an FBI agent searches for a murderer aboard Oceanic Flight 816, a Boeing 747SP, bound for Los Angeles from Sydney.
* Lost: The show explores the aftermath of the crash of Oceanic Flight 815 from Sydney to Los Angeles. The producers of Lost also created a website for the fictional airline, including clues and references to the show's plot. In flashforwards, a group of the characters that survive the crash are nicknamed the "Oceanic Six" (Hurley, Kate, Jack, Sayid, Sun, and Aaron).
* Alias: Oceanic's flight to Sydney is briefly mentioned in an announcement when the show's lead character Sydney Bristow is at Los Angeles International Airport. Alias and Lost were both created by J. J. Abrams.
* LAX: 01.13 "Senator's Daughter" (first aired 16 April 2006): Advertisements and computers in airport terminals in LAX read "Oceanic Airlines".
* Pushing Daisies: 01.01 "Pie-lette" (02 October 2007): An Oceanic Airlines advertisement is displayed in the travel agency.
* Chuck: 01.02 "Chuck versus the Helicopter" (01 October 2007): Chuck is viewing a series of photographs when one prompts him to recall the secret information to which he had been exposed by Bryce Larkin. He begins revealing apparently unconnected secrets, including, "Oceanic Flight 815 was shot down by a surface-to-air..."
* Fringe: 01.09 "The Dreamscape" (25 November 2008): When the FBI was checking the apartment of a murdered Massive Dynamic employee, Agent Olivia Dunham found an airline ticket from Oceanic Airlines. The flight destination printed on the ticket was Omaha, Nebraska, and the date of the flight, 22 December.
* Alex: Bankers Alex Masterley and Clive Reed appear as the only survivors of an Oceanic Airlines aircrash in the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil.
* FlashForward: When the two policemen are staking out taking photos of a woman, a billboard with the Oceanic Airlines logo can be seen. The tagline states "Perfect Safety Record."

quoted for the new page
It was very interesting..Choc a block full of Brits as well which always makes me nice and smug in these type of shows. It depends though, the opening episode is easy to make interesting, it's keeping the continuity and interest alive for a whole season and longer which is the acid test...It needs to go the way of Lost rather than the way of Heroes, but it has Goyer as it's writer, and it's based on a book, so will have a definative ending...so the signs are good

Oh..and for the Lost fans

It was average until the last scene...which made it very interesting indeed.
I thought it was pretty decent, without being outstanding, will give it a few weeks.

I found it a bit cheesy that some mid level FBI guy just decides to start an investigation without speaking to his bosses, just assuming that nobody else will bother...
I thought it was pretty decent, without being outstanding, will give it a few weeks.

I found it a bit cheesy that some mid level FBI guy just decides to start an investigation without speaking to his bosses, just assuming that nobody else will bother...

That was a bit strange - especially as its the weirdest thing every to happen.
For example, here is a list of shows that use OA:

* Executive Decision: Oceanic Flight 343 from Athens to Washington, DC was skyjacked by Islamic terrorists.
* For Love Of The Game: An Oceanic flight is announced over the PA system in the airport lounge near the end of the movie.
* Nowhere to Land: A Boeing 747-200 from Sydney to LAX flying with a bomb programmed to detonate one hour prior to landing at LAX.
* Code 11-14: an FBI agent searches for a murderer aboard Oceanic Flight 816, a Boeing 747SP, bound for Los Angeles from Sydney.
* Lost: The show explores the aftermath of the crash of Oceanic Flight 815 from Sydney to Los Angeles. The producers of Lost also created a website for the fictional airline, including clues and references to the show's plot. In flashforwards, a group of the characters that survive the crash are nicknamed the "Oceanic Six" (Hurley, Kate, Jack, Sayid, Sun, and Aaron).
* Alias: Oceanic's flight to Sydney is briefly mentioned in an announcement when the show's lead character Sydney Bristow is at Los Angeles International Airport. Alias and Lost were both created by J. J. Abrams.
* LAX: 01.13 "Senator's Daughter" (first aired 16 April 2006): Advertisements and computers in airport terminals in LAX read "Oceanic Airlines".
* Pushing Daisies: 01.01 "Pie-lette" (02 October 2007): An Oceanic Airlines advertisement is displayed in the travel agency.
* Chuck: 01.02 "Chuck versus the Helicopter" (01 October 2007): Chuck is viewing a series of photographs when one prompts him to recall the secret information to which he had been exposed by Bryce Larkin. He begins revealing apparently unconnected secrets, including, "Oceanic Flight 815 was shot down by a surface-to-air..."
* Fringe: 01.09 "The Dreamscape" (25 November 2008): When the FBI was checking the apartment of a murdered Massive Dynamic employee, Agent Olivia Dunham found an airline ticket from Oceanic Airlines. The flight destination printed on the ticket was Omaha, Nebraska, and the date of the flight, 22 December.
* Alex: Bankers Alex Masterley and Clive Reed appear as the only survivors of an Oceanic Airlines aircrash in the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil.
* FlashForward: When the two policemen are staking out taking photos of a woman, a billboard with the Oceanic Airlines logo can be seen. The tagline states "Perfect Safety Record."

I guess that the Lost creators must have noticed that it has been used in a few different films - a bit like Acme Corp.

The post Lost references to Oceanic must be related to Lost - they call them Easter eggs don’t they? Things put into TV shows to get the fans excited.
Anyone got any theory’s to what caused the blackout?

It has to be something to do with this RedPanda group.

Not sure, didnt one of the people in the black van escape, so maybe he was another person that didnt black out.

And who was Redpanda group?
I thought it was a very solid opening. I'd agree with you Gloryhunter, I'm pretty sure the FBI don't behave like that. Surely there are procedures in place that prevent a FBI agent to just start up a random investigation and drop the terrorist investigation they were conducting? Pretty loose writing there...

I think the children play an interesting role in this. They seem to have some more underlying understanding of whats going on. How did that kid know Pennys (the female doctor) name? When Pennys flash forward had just that fella from Pirates of the Carribean/Coupling. Also the daughter seemed to be more aware of what was going on having "strange nightmares".

The ending of the episode was strong though. So i'll give it 4-5 episodes before I really judge whether or not its worth watching.
Not sure, didnt one of the people in the black van escape, so maybe he was another person that didnt black out.

And who was Redpanda group?

I noticed there was a RedPanda advert was on the side of a bus after the blackout/crash.

I noticed it and said to my missus that i bet that has something to do with things.

Then in the main guys flashforward, there was a RedPanda logo on the board.

Just a quick google and you find Red Panda Resources
This show also seems to take a similar theme to lost; Predetermination versus free will
How did that kid know Pennys (the female doctor) name? When Pennys flash forward had just that fella from Pirates of the Carribean/Coupling.
The kid's father is that guy (Lloyd), so I assume they are somewhat of a family in the flashforward.

Actually, now I see where you're coming from. From what we know they all saw the exact same moment, and Olivia (her name in this show) and Lloyd saw each other but the kid wasn't there. Raises a good question.

Also, the kangaroo was an interesting touch. Obviously out of place, and you wouldn't think they'd go down the 'escaped from a zoo' route, so it must have some meaning. Possibly the bird flying into the window in the flashforward also.
Oh..and for the Lost fans

As ive already pointed out, its nothing to do with Lost, other shows and films used Oceanic way before Lost, its just a fictional Airline used in shows
I guess that the Lost creators must have noticed that it has been used in a few different films - a bit like Acme Corp.

The post Lost references to Oceanic must be related to Lost - they call them Easter eggs don’t they? Things put into TV shows to get the fans excited.

Yes, it was used in Lost because it is a fictional airline used in shows. Lost however has used them much more than any show which is why people see it as a Lost thing, afterall they have made a website for it aswell which is part of the easter eggs you speak of but I can guarantee you what we saw in FF has nothing to do with Lost.
The kid's father is that guy (Lloyd), so I assume they are somewhat of a family in the flashforward.

Actually, now I see where you're coming from. From what we know they all saw the exact same moment, and Olivia (her name in this show) and Lloyd saw each other but the kid wasn't there. Raises a good question.

Also, the kangaroo was an interesting touch. Obviously out of place, and you wouldn't think they'd go down the 'escaped from a zoo' route, so it must have some meaning. Possibly the bird flying into the window in the flashforward also.

Good point.

The blackout was for 2mins 17 secs. So maybe we have not seen all of Olivia's (i want to call her Penny) flashforward.

Though she doesn’t remember the boy, or she hasnt said so, so i dont know. Maybe he saw a picture of her - dont know.

Or maybe he sees her from his room in the house and he hears that her dad calls her Olivia.

Interesting one.
As ive already pointed out, its nothing to do with Lost, other shows and films used Oceanic way before Lost, its just a fictional Airline used in shows

Yes, it was used in Lost because it is a fictional airline used in shows. Lost however has used them much more than any show which is why people see it as a Lost thing, afterall they have made a website for it aswell which is part of the easter eggs you speak of but I can guarantee you what we saw in FF has nothing to do with Lost.

The poster defiantly relates to Lost.

They have put it there to get the Lost fans into FlashForward, like they did in Fringe. FlashForward is on ABC in America, like Lost.

There will probably be some more of these links, but i doubt the story will cross in any way.
Good ep tonight. The opening is kind of freaky. Started fleshing out some of the conspiracies and storylines, while putting up what will probably be the main storyline for the season. Episode plot spoilers below.

The whole show is based around finding D. Gibbons. Olivia meets the man in her vision. The agency sorts out that D. Gibbons has something to do with the man at the stadium in Detroit. Agent Noh finds out about his future towards the end of the episode. Charlie reveals that her vision is of D. Gibbons as well. She also knows who Dylan is.

As for Dylan (kid in the hospital) knowing Olivia, the theory is thrown out there that the father Lloyd might not know Olivia because he never looked at her or turned around in her vision. So maybe he didn't have the same one.
Yeah I watched it was pretty good, interesting to see where they go for some reason I think x will make it past 3/15/2010
I think we're going to need a FlashForward with Spoilers thread. This is also why I hate watching shows on TV now ... I can't wait for the next week. I love going through a whole season on DVD in a day or so.
We don't need a special spoiler thread. That is what the spoilers function is for.

If you are debating key points of the plot then use the spoiler function even if it is an episode or two ago just as you would if you were discussing the future of the program.

If people are really polite they could even briefly describe the contents of their spoilers.
so when is it shown? I watched it on 5 on monday, is it released earlier or is this a torrent?

The kid's father is that guy (Lloyd), so I assume they are somewhat of a family in the flashforward.

Actually, now I see where you're coming from. From what we know they all saw the exact same moment, and Olivia (her name in this show) and Lloyd saw each other but the kid wasn't there. Raises a good question.

Also, the kangaroo was an interesting touch. Obviously out of place, and you wouldn't think they'd go down the 'escaped from a zoo' route, so it must have some meaning. Possibly the bird flying into the window in the flashforward also.

Yeah thats what I'm getting at, someone said something about a photograph, sure the kid would then recognise her as Olivia, but how would her know her name? It doesn't make any sense and immediatly caught my attention as being "out of place". Hence why I think children will end up being pretty important somehow.

The animals was also very odd. Certainly the bird flying into a window is far too random for it NOT to be important. Interesting show, eagerly awaiting Episode 2.
My parents are downstairs watching the pilot of this, and I watched the first fifteen minutes of it with them and... I thought it was quite poor.

Then again, perhaps I can't really make a judgement on something in fifteen minutes, but the vibe it was screaming out at us the audience was "Lost 2.0". In fact, it could probably only be more like Lost if it had flashforwards, Oceanic Airlines, mysterious strangers and, I dunno, a whole load of actors from Lost? Wait...

But, yeh, since I hate Lost I don't think I'll be watching this show. Gave it a small chance because of the hype, but I know it for what it is now! Still, I'm sure it'll do well - I'm in the minority with my views on Lost (nearly everyone else I know feckin' loves it), so I suspect this, as Lost's younger brother, will go down a storm too.
My parents are downstairs watching the pilot of this, and I watched the first fifteen minutes of it with them and... I thought it was quite poor.

Then again, perhaps I can't really make a judgement on something in fifteen minutes, but the vibe it was screaming out at us the audience was "Lost 2.0". In fact, it could probably only be more like Lost if it had flashforwards, Oceanic Airlines, mysterious strangers and, I dunno, a whole load of actors from Lost? Wait...

But, yeh, since I hate Lost I don't think I'll be watching this show. Gave it a small chance because of the hype, but I know it for what it is now! Still, I'm sure it'll do well - I'm in the minority with my views on Lost (nearly everyone else I know feckin' loves it), so I suspect this, as Lost's younger brother, will go down a storm too.

It is nothing like lost!

The opening scene in the pilot was simmilar but that is it.

The flashforwards are in no way simmilar to the flashbacks or flashforwards seen in Lost, Oceanic Airlines is not A Lost thing as has been explained, mysterious strangers? What? You dont know them yet because its the first ep, like in every tv show. and a whole load of actors from Lost? realy? the number you are looking for is 2.

The way people are comparing it with Lost is stupid, it is a completely different show and if you are judging this show on the basis of your judgement of Lost then you are an idiot.
It is nothing like lost!

The opening scene in the pilot was simmilar but that is it.

The flashforwards are in no way simmilar to the flashbacks or flashforwards seen in Lost, Oceanic Airlines is not A Lost thing as has been explained, mysterious strangers? What? You dont know them yet because its the first ep, like in every tv show. and a whole load of actors from Lost? realy? the number you are looking for is 2.

The way people are comparing it with Lost is stupid, it is a completely different show and if you are judging this show on the basis of your judgement of Lost then you are an idiot.

The fact that a quick Google search comes back with legions of results with people saying that this is the new Lost kind of disagrees. Or just look at its IMDB page. Obviously it's not tied in directly with Lost, but it's going for exactly the same market. The network want it to replace Lost when that finally ends its run in a few months.
The fact that a quick Google search comes back with legions of results with people saying that this is the new Lost kind of disagrees. Or just look at its IMDB page. Obviously it's not tied in directly with Lost, but it's going for exactly the same market. The network want it to replace Lost when that finally ends its run in a few months.

Yes people are claiming it to replace Lost, it is obvious that it will. But that does not mean it will be the same, anyone with eyes can see it is a very different show, if this was a Lost spin off you would have a fair case but its not.

In short you cant judge a show because you think it will be like a show you dislike.
The fact that a quick Google search comes back with legions of results with people saying that this is the new Lost kind of disagrees. Or just look at its IMDB page. Obviously it's not tied in directly with Lost, but it's going for exactly the same market. The network want it to replace Lost when that finally ends its run in a few months.

Since when is "going for the same market" the same as "the new"? People saw or heard about the way the pilot began, and that there were flashforwards involved (surprise, surprise), and immediately thought "ah, it's the new Lost!". It's basically a load of bollocks.

Here's a difference for you. In Lost, the Brit actors play Brits. In FlashForward, the Brit actors play Americans. Actually, the main character and his wife are both Brits (and the wife also has a role in Lost, incidentally).

I thought it had a promising first couple of episodes. I hope they don't ruin it the way they almost did to Lost, but then Lost took a turn for the better and is actually a fairly excellent show coming into its last season.
We don't need a special spoiler thread. That is what the spoilers function is for.

If you are debating key points of the plot then use the spoiler function even if it is an episode or two ago just as you would if you were discussing the future of the program.

If people are really polite they could even briefly describe the contents of their spoilers.

The Flying Potato said:
:wenger: Spoiler tags.

I know what the spoiler tags are for. :rolleyes: I've even managed to use them a few times here and there. Gold stars for me. I was suggesting a thread where theories could be debated/discussed without having to click on every spoiler button to see what was said. It gets to be a pain in the ass to click on every one when there are quite a few in a single thread. Maybe that's just me though.
Since when is "going for the same market" the same as "the new"? People saw or heard about the way the pilot began, and that there were flashforwards involved (surprise, surprise), and immediately thought "ah, it's the new Lost!". It's basically a load of bollocks.

Here's a difference for you. In Lost, the Brit actors play Brits. In FlashForward, the Brit actors play Americans. Actually, the main character and his wife are both Brits (and the wife also has a role in Lost, incidentally).

I thought it had a promising first couple of episodes. I hope they don't ruin it the way they almost did to Lost, but then Lost took a turn for the better and is actually a fairly excellent show coming into its last season.

Whilst everyone is entitled to their opinion (including myself!) trying to disprove the similarities theory by pointing out a difference that couldn't be more superficial isn't generally the best way to do it.

Of course it's not exactly the same as Lost because that would be a feckin' awful show. But it's got a very, very similar "vibe", and it's clearly going to attract the same sort of fan. Someone who is into the whole brooding mystery with a hint of time travel thang.

I don't think it's unreasonable to assume and notice that the sort of people the network are trying to hook are those that enjoy and watch Lost. Not because the two shows are exactly the same, but because they're similar enough in "feel" that if you like one you'll generally like the other.

Or, in my case, if you dislike one you'll generally dislike the other.
I know what the spoiler tags are for. :rolleyes: I've even managed to use them a few times here and there. Gold stars for me. I was suggesting a thread where theories could be debated/discussed without having to click on every spoiler button to see what was said. It gets to be a pain in the ass to click on every one when there are quite a few in a single thread. Maybe that's just me though.

:lol: You cant be botherd to click a simple little button
Whilst everyone is entitled to their opinion (including myself!) trying to disprove the similarities theory by pointing out a difference that couldn't be more superficial isn't generally the best way to do it.

Of course it's not exactly the same as Lost because that would be a feckin' awful show. But it's got a very, very similar "vibe", and it's clearly going to attract the same sort of fan. Someone who is into the whole brooding mystery with a hint of time travel thang.

I don't think it's unreasonable to assume and notice that the sort of people the network are trying to hook are those that enjoy and watch Lost. Not because the two shows are exactly the same, but because they're similar enough in "feel" that if you like one you'll generally like the other.

Or, in my case, if you dislike one you'll generally dislike the other.

im just not gonna bother answering this