
As ive already pointed out, its nothing to do with Lost, other shows and films used Oceanic way before Lost, its just a fictional Airline used in shows...

Lost however has used them much more than any show which is why people see it as a Lost thing, afterall they have made a website for it aswell which is part of the easter eggs you speak of but I can guarantee you what we saw in FF has nothing to do with Lost.

You may well have pointed it out before, but that just makes you wrong twice...yes Oceanic is a generic film & TV Brand, but not with the same logo it isn't..that Logo is specifically the Lost version of Oceanic Airlines. It was never used before and was created by the Lost people and depicts (wouldn't ya know!) an Island ...so...er...yeah. And as Count has pointed out, the fact that they are promoting it so heavily as 'from the Network who brought you Lost' and it contains several prominent actors from Lost, means it would be a fairly massive coincidence if it happened by accident without anyone involved in the show picking up on such a large and obvious Lost connection...but then again your views on Derren Browns lottery stunt implies you have a prediliction for believing the least likely scenario

Not that I agree completely with Counts Lost 2.0 theory...but this particular thing was clearly a nod to it, I mean, really clearly...It seems a bit odd that your so intent on convincing people it wasn't
How in feck does it remind you of Jericho, it reminds me of neither to be honest.
I found it a bit cheesy that some mid level FBI guy just decides to start an investigation without speaking to his bosses, just assuming that nobody else will bother...

yeah true....and the LA branch at that..as opposed to say, Washington... "we could set up a website!"... oh thank god the LA FBI are on it, it's all good!
They couldnt have filmed it in LA had it been otherwise, idiots this isn't madness, this is fecking Hollywood
I know what the spoiler tags are for. :rolleyes: I've even managed to use them a few times here and there. Gold stars for me. I was suggesting a thread where theories could be debated/discussed without having to click on every spoiler button to see what was said. It gets to be a pain in the ass to click on every one when there are quite a few in a single thread. Maybe that's just me though.

I was just saying that the spoiler tags were introduced to avoid having to have 2 threads per subject. Not that you didn't know how to use them.
I couldn't get into lost but I have enjoyed this show so far. I might try to watch episode 2 later.
I couldn't get into lost but I have enjoyed this show so far. I might try to watch episode 2 later.

I Couldn't get into Lost either. I liked the first ep fo FF, but it seemed that it was too crammed for 1 hour. Maybe it should have been 2 hours long. But the second ep more than made up for it, and I'm hooked now.
is d gibbons the father of dylan? he went out for a phone call ?

i knew he was connected somehow
Yeah, it's definitely been influenced by Lost. An unravelling storyline, which will no doubt become convoluted. . .and flashforward sequences. Just like Lost, there's no doubt every episode will focus around one person and their flashforward. I reckon it'll be decent enough for a season. . .and then get silly.
is d gibbons the father of dylan? he went out for a phone call ?

I don't think so because somehow he'd have to get from L.A. to Utah when all flights are grounded. At first I thought the father was the guy at the stadium in Detroit, but there's no way he could show up in L.A. the same day as the blackout.

And we've delved into her back catalogue to discover a rather raunchy past in the TV and movie industry.

Journalism at its best. And not only that but the video they claim is from one of her "film roles" is actually from a tv series called tell me you love me which was shit.

Liking flashforward so far, it is obviously aiming at a similar demographic as lost and i'm not sure how people could argue it isn't.
I watched the first 2 episodes yesterday and I think it will be good for a season, but don't know how it can go further than that.
So how good is this show? In comparison to some of the top TV shows out there (imo obviously) like Dexter and Lost?

The cause of the Flash Forward is the.....

.... Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland.

Little clue on tonights show. Demetri, the FBI agent, said that D Gibbons had tried to hack into the Mosaic website and into CERN

The cause of the Flash Forward is the.....

.... Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland.

Little clue on tonights show. Demetri, the FBI agent, said that D Gibbons had tried to hack into the Mosaic website and into CERN

by spoiler do you actually mean you having a wild stab in the dark?
by spoiler do you actually mean you having a wild stab in the dark?

It's the plot of the book...but since there's only one character from the book (Jack Davenport) and none of his details match I think it's unlikely...especially since the book was written before they turned the HDC on and it was a massive meh, and the TV show was written after

There's a paradox at the center of this show...If they are seeing flashforwards of the future, a future where the flashbacks have happened, and have to have happened to explain the Mosaic and other similar flashforward relevant things, then they would be aware of the exact time and date of the flashforwards..in fact, it would be a huge globally significant event. Yet none of them seem aware that they're doing all these things which they must have seen themselves doing before....For example. Joseph Fiennes would, logically, make his mosaic board much clearer so his flashback self could see it, rather than just obsqure clues...Or he could just write down everything thats happened in 6 months on a piece of paper and just look at it for 2 minutes. A clearer example of what I'm trying to say is the lady fed who's pregnant...in her flash she says she wants to know the sex of her baby, but future her already knows, having already seen it in her flash in the past....How are they going to work around this?...You can try and play the whole 'destiny' thing I suppose, but that seems illogical to me...it's things like this that will see it unravel, heroes-esque, eventually in my view...though that's not saying it's not good...I'm quite enjoying it
People need to specify what their spoilers contains, whether it's stuff about the recent episode or future-spoilers from the book.
Good episode, expected a little more, but loved the whole factory bit.

So D Gibbons has blatently kidnapped the two children (Dylan and Charlie). Thats why Charlie was petrified of her flashforward. It also makes sense why the marriage broke up, as Olivia will blaim Mark for Charlie being kidnapped, which will push Mark over the edge and start drinking again. Also why Lloyd and Olivia make the connection and start living together because they have the kidnapped children in common.
Good episode, expected a little more, but loved the whole factory bit.

So D Gibbons has blatently kidnapped the two children (Dylan and Charlie). Thats why Charlie was petrified of her flashforward. It also makes sense why the marriage broke up, as Olivia will blaim Mark for Charlie being kidnapped, which will push Mark over the edge and start drinking again. Also why Lloyd and Olivia make the connection and start living together because they have the kidnapped children in common.

Yep - i thought i may be something like that. Though i also though that.....

Lloyd may somehow be involved in no good. Hes just got that look about him - no other reason.
What annoys me is that they keep flashing to back to things that have been said in the first episode. Its almost like its been made so thick people can follow it.
What annoys me is that they keep flashing to back to things that have been said in the first episode. Its almost like its been made so thick people can follow it.

I think they did that purely to remind people of what happened last episode. It's a pretty new show, so they do have to spoon feed people to begin with, but yeah I found it a bit frustrating.

As for Lloyd, he's English so yeah he does have that bad guy vibe. Espically as he tried to kill Captain Jack Sparrow the git!
forgive my ignorance but I did not know both the main characters were actually British actors! Both putting on American accents!
Well it's written by David S Goyer, who wrote the 2 new Batmans with the Nolans and he has quite a strong predeliction for Brit Actors..what with the new Batmans being basically British Movies....Joseph Fiennes is Ralph's brother...did you never see Shakespeare in Love?
I've just seen the first two episodes and really enjoyed them, I just want to see more of it now. It has that same addictiveness Lost had - whether it stays that way remains to be seen.

Mockneys point about knowing already knowing what happens on April 29th and it being a hugely significant day is a good one, and the only way I can see around that if is there's a further incident that erases memories somehow or something, definitely another incident though. If not that then it will be interesting to see how the story is brought together at that point.

Can't wait to see next weeks now, one thing that's wearing a bit think though is Joseph Fiennes overly serious look in every single scene. He looks too serious at times.

If anybody has missed this then theres an 'on demand' website that channel 5 run that allows you to watch previously played shows.
I suppose they could all black out again at the point when the first flash takes place...but then that would mean they'd have to be in a zombified state compelling them to act as they did and that'd be a bit far fetched...But then again that's not necessarily a bad thing, Lost got progressively more ridiculous and the way the story's told made it continue to be interesting. So as long as it keeps me wanting to find out how they explain it, it's working.