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As ive already pointed out, its nothing to do with Lost, other shows and films used Oceanic way before Lost, its just a fictional Airline used in shows...
Lost however has used them much more than any show which is why people see it as a Lost thing, afterall they have made a website for it aswell which is part of the easter eggs you speak of but I can guarantee you what we saw in FF has nothing to do with Lost.
You may well have pointed it out before, but that just makes you wrong twice...yes Oceanic is a generic film & TV Brand, but not with the same logo it isn't..that Logo is specifically the Lost version of Oceanic Airlines. It was never used before and was created by the Lost people and depicts (wouldn't ya know!) an Island And as Count has pointed out, the fact that they are promoting it so heavily as 'from the Network who brought you Lost' and it contains several prominent actors from Lost, means it would be a fairly massive coincidence if it happened by accident without anyone involved in the show picking up on such a large and obvious Lost connection...but then again your views on Derren Browns lottery stunt implies you have a prediliction for believing the least likely scenario
Not that I agree completely with Counts Lost 2.0 theory...but this particular thing was clearly a nod to it, I mean, really clearly...It seems a bit odd that your so intent on convincing people it wasn't